More Diseases-More Earthquakes-Peace and Safety signs-Ezekiel signs / EU signs-Signs of Noah’s generation- Kingdom against Kingdom signs-April 24, 2009




Today someone sent me a picture of his grandson with a book in his hand. Of all the books he could have picked to read look at which one he has in his hand. I guess it is never to young to find out what is going on. I think the colors of the book may have helped.

Special note: I will keep this note up for one week for those of you who come to the site.  A few days ago I wrote to all my viewers who I had their emails. I told everyone I was no longer going to send out daily reminders that I just put up a new post. For the past few days I have been contacted by people telling me they liked to be contacted when a new post went up. As a result I am asking you all now, if you are one of those people who do want me to send them a prophecy update notice, let me know and I will make a new list and send you the notices.  Thank you and God bless.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Frank's Internation radio show on The Edge program which is based out of London is now airing my third show. This is part two of my two part series dealing with the coming attack against Israel.  You can see my show by  linking to the edge link below.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 we read the warnings to watch for diseases in the last days.  Anyone who has read my book knows I have page after page of reports proving this prophecy is coming to pass.  I said coming because as the world enters into the 7 year tribulation diseases are going to sweep throughout the world and kill millions.  What we are witnessing now is only the beginning of these birth pains.  However, I want to keep you up to speed as to what is currently being reported.  “Nigeria recorded its biggest meningitis epidemic in 2009 with a casualty of 40,000, including 1,900 deaths, the European Commission said in Abuja. The Regional Information Officer in Dakar, Senegal, Ms Claire Barrault, who disclosed this at a news briefing, said: "This figure represents the biggest in five years. "Twenty three states including 346 local government areas have reported at least one case of meningitis since the beginning of 2009. "The epidemic reached the peak at a national level on week 12 when 7,000 cases were reported per week."  In my book I explain why so many of the uncommon diseases are now starting to be reported in areas they normally don’t show up.  What is the reason?  The CDC awhile back hit the nail on the head.  The answer is travel.  The people on Earth are so connected now that as they travel around the globe, they are carrying diseases to places that used to be free from them.

Here is a case in point. In today’s news we read “Canadians who have recently returned from Mexico should be on alert for flu-like symptoms that could be connected to a severe respiratory illness, federal health officials said Thursday in issuing a travel advisory. A severe respiratory illness appears to have infected 137 people in south and central areas of Mexico, with cases concentrated in Mexico City and three other areas, including 20 deaths, the Public Health Agency of Canada said.

Also in the news Reuters) reports, “Seven people have been diagnosed with a new kind of swine flu in California and Texas, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Thursday. All seven people have recovered but the virus itself is a never-before-seen mixture of viruses typical among pigs, birds and humans, the CDC said. "We are likely to find more cases," the CDC's Dr. Anne Schuchat told a telephone briefing. "We don't think this is time for major concern around the country." Canadian officials have asked doctors to keep an eye out for cases of respiratory illness among travelers from Mexico. "Symptoms from those seriously ill in Mexico include high fever, headache, eye pain, shortness of breath and extreme fatigue with rapid progression of symptoms to severe respiratory distress in about five days," the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control said in a statement.”

There was another strange disease reported by Fox News today. The headline to their report read, “Never-Before-Seen Mixture of Bird, Swine, Human Flu Sickens 7 in Calif., Texas”.  I quote, “ATLANTA — Health officials are investigating a never-before-seen form of the flu that combines pig, bird and human viruses and which has infected seven people in California and Texas. All the victims recovered, but the cases are a growing medical mystery because it's unclear how they caught the virus. None of the seven people were in contact with pigs, which is how people usually catch swine flu. And only a few were in contact with each other, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”  Once you read my book you will discover that one of the fears doctors have about all these types of diseases is that, once they jump for animal to human they will become that much more dangerous when these diseases then jump from human to human.  For example, the biggest fear the health community is keeping their eyes on is the Bird Flu.  Once this flu starts jumping form human to human they say millions will be affected.  So far that hasn’t happened but, I can see this type of disease spreading like wildfire during the tribulation.  In any case you won’t want to be around to find out if I was right or not.,2933,517640,00.html

“A deadly strain of swine flu never seen before has broken out in Mexico, killing at least 16 people and raising fears it is spreading across North America. The World Health Organization said it was concerned about what it called 800 "influenza-like" cases in Mexico, and also about a confirmed outbreak of a new strain of swine flu in the United States. Mexico canceled classes for millions of children in its sprawling capital city and surrounding areas on Friday after authorities noticed a higher number of deaths involving flu-like illness than normal in recent weeks. "It is a virus that mutated from pigs and then at some point was transmitted to humans," Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova told the Televisa network.”  Remember what I said about diseases jumping for animal to human?

Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:11 he also list great earthquakes as one of the signs to watch for. Matthew 24:7 says there will be earthquakes in many places.  I try to keep you up to speed concerning this sign but, the last time I reported about this was 7 days ago. I checked the data and in 7 days there were 23 earthquakes that were all over 5.1. Listed in the data were a 6.6, 6.1, 6.0, 5.8, two 5.7’s, and a 5.6 and, as I said, all the rest hit at least a 5.1.  Things are moving around and you will keep hearing about them.

Prophecy Sign: 1st Thessalonians 5:3: “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”  Anyone following the news and knows about this prophecy knows very well that the first part of this prophecy has already been fulfilled.  If you are new here you may be asking what first part?  The part about them calling for peace and safety.  At the present time there has been a lot of focus on the Middle East and how to bring in some type of peace there.  One of the things nations are currently looking at is to bring in troops from the North Alantic Treaty Organization to maintain the peace between the PLO and Israel.  I quote for today’s news out of Israel. “Almost two-thirds of Israeli Jews support sending NATO troops to the West Bank in a peacekeeping capacity, according to a poll conducted by Jerusalem-based KEEVOON Research and set to be released on Wednesday. Israeli Jews supported the presence of NATO peacekeepers in Palestinian areas by 62 percent to 34%, the study found. But that support was not shared among Israeli Arabs, who opposed the idea by 44% to 24% – though a third said they did not know or refused to answer the question. "We are seeing a change in the readiness for third-party intervention in the conflict," according to Dr. Lars Hansel, head of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung office in Jerusalem, which commissioned the study. "Three or four years back, there was no readiness for international involvement, but I think this changed because of the EU monitoring mission in Rafah, which was seen positively, and the German marines deployed on the Lebanese coast, who are seen [by Israelis] as a welcome development. We are clearly sensing a shift in discourse in Israel about this," Hansel said.”  Wheather Israel is forced into some kind of peace treaty or not we know the outcome from what Paul warned us.  At the time they are calling for peace and safety is when an attack will come.  The attack is going to take place soon because the Muslims won’t stop until they march in and try to take over Jerusalem.  Ever since 1977 when Israel and the Arabs began to talk about peace in the region the main stumbling block has been who gets to keep the Holy City of Jerusalem?  God showed us in Zech. Chapter 12 that in the last days Jerusalem would become the major problem and it is.


Here is a short report the will reinforce what I am saying about the city of Jerusalem. "The world's Muslims should go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem to demonstrate that it is a Muslim city and the future capital of a Palestinian state, an Egyptian parliamentarian was quoted as saying Thursday. "Just as Muslims go on pilgrimage… to Mecca, they should also go to Jerusalem and to the Al-Aksa Mosque by the hundreds of thousands every year," Minister of Religious Endowments Mohammed Hamdi Zaqzuq was quoted by the Al-Masri Al-Youm newspaper as saying.


Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 and chapter 7 warned us the Old Roman Empire would be come back to life in the last days. The European Union is almost a exact copy of the Old Roman Empire.  Most of the nations in the EU are the exact same nations that were in the first Roman Empire.  In today’s news we see that two of the leaders from the EU are again making life for Turkey very difficult.  Turkey has wanted to join the EU for some time but they just can’t seem to get it done.  Let me quote what happened today. “French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who are known for their staunch opposition to Turkey's membership in the European Union, have started to cause trouble for Ankara in NATO, too. The two are now opposing the possible appointment of a Turkish representative as a deputy secretary-general of the alliance on the basis that they were not consulted about the appointment beforehand.”  Many people may ask why can’t Turkey seem to enter the EU?  I think I may have that answer.  When you read Ezekiel chapter 38 which deal with the last days attack against Israel you see Turkey is one of the nations that are joined with Russia in that attack.  This may give us a clue as to why Turkey doesn’t enter into the EU.  This is my opinion and only time will tell but, I think Turkey will get tired of trying to become a EU member and turn to Russia for an even deeper friendship. If you read chapter 10 of my book you will see Russia and Turkey have been forging new alliances with each other.



Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel chapter 38 and Zech. Chapter 12. What I find very interesting is how President Obama is helping the PLO get arms via Turkey.  As you now know Turkey was listed to attack Israel with the Russian alliance. Two things are going on here. First we see the shift away from Israel by the U.S. and second we see the footsteps for Turkey’s involvement in the coming attack against Israel. DEBKAfile quotes senior Israeli military circles as staggered by the discovery that US president Barack Obama had approved a large Turkish arms sale to the Lebanese army, half of whose manpower are Shiites loyal to Hizballah. This was taken as further proof that the US president is deaf to Israel's immediate security concerns.”


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:37 we read Jesus’ warning that the last generation will become like Noah’s generation. As I said two days ago one of the things taking place during Noah’s time was that the people were involved in homosexuality.  This is one of the reasons why God sent the flood that wiped out all life except those on the Ark.  On April 22, 2009 I made this statement concerning a new bill that was going before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. “Here is the problem, which the laws they are trying to pass. These new laws may force anyone who believes in the Word of God to be silent on the issue of homosexuality.  Somewhere down the line people will pick on a pastors and say they are hateful because he is preaching against homosexuals.  It will happen.”  Today anyone who preaches God’s Word probably feels like our worse nightmare is about to begin. I quote, “Members of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee today rejected an opportunity to protect Christian pastors who preach the biblical condemnation of homosexuality and approved on a 15-12 vote a "hate crimes" bill that supporters admit could be used to bring charges against religious leaders. The bill, H.R. 1913, now will be considered by the full House of Representatives. The committee rejected a number of amendments offered by several members seeking to protect religious liberty, to protect the unborn, to protect against violence by illegal aliens, and to clarify the bill's meanings of "gender identity" and "sexual orientation." One of the rejected proposals was offered by Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, who sought to ensure ministers could not be prosecuted for abetting a "hate crime" simply because they preach from the Bible or another religious book. When a nearly identical plan was developed in the last Congress, Rep. Artur Davis, D-Ala., admitted during a hearing on the bill it could be used to prosecute pastors merely for preaching under the premise that they could be "inducing" violence in someone”.  I can assure you of one thing it won’t just be pastors who will be affected but down the line they will be going after anyone who quotes from the Bible on this issue.  This is one of the birth pains Jesus warned us about. Another section of the report stated, "The federal hate crimes bill is bad news for everyone," said Brad Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute, who testified in Congress against the bill two years ago. "Instead of treating all crime victims equally, it creates a caste system where select groups, such as gays and lesbians, are given greater priority in the criminal justice system. This is not progress; it is political correctness. In other nations and states, the adoption of hate crimes legislation has been the first step toward widespread suppression of speech and ideas critical of homosexuality," he said. “

If you are a Christian do not let you down.  You have to understand these things have to come upon this world to fulfill Christ’s Words.  Do you know what this shows us?  We are very close to the rapture of the Church.

The process of going after people who take a stand on Same Sex marriage marriage has already begun in the State of Iowa. I quote, “Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller is warning the county recorders' offices in his state that workers must process "marriage" licenses for same-sex duos or face possible charges in a court of law. "If necessary, we will explore legal actions to enforce and implement the court's ruling, working with the Iowa Dept. of Public Health and county attorneys," he warned on his website. But an announcement today from a statewide pro-family organization and a public interest law firm with a reach that goes around the world means the issue of same-sex weddings eventually could end up back in court. The statements from Miller relate to the state Supreme Court's decision that Iowa must provide same-sex couples access to the state's marriage processes.”  There is no question, these are the last days.”

Prophecy Sign: Do you remember the warning I gave you a few months ago about the civil unrest that is going to come?  If you go back to my previous posts you will see many articles where I report on the rioting going on in 15 nations because of  the global economic crisis. Take any prophecy sign you want and remember Jesus told you it was going to take place as a woman with birth pains.  The rioting has stopped for the time being but as you can see from today’s news they expect more of the same. I quote, “A clutch of political and labour leaders in Germany have raised the spectre of civil unrest after the country's leading institutes forecast a 6pc contraction of gross domestic product this year, a slump reminiscent of 1931 and bad enough to drive unemployment to 4.7m by 2010. Michael Sommer, leader of the DGB trade union federation, called the latest wave of sackings a "declaration of war" against Germany's workers. "Social unrest can no longer be ruled out," he said. Gesine Swann, presidential candidate for the Social Democrats, said "the mood could turn explosive" over the next three months unless the government takes drastic action”. It won’t be just Germany who will be in the news as the global economy gets worse you will see other nations begin to riot again.


f you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again. 

Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe  and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change their the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studing the Word of God. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.

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