Added info: More earthquakes/Can you read the signs?/What people will be like in the last days/Israel and Iran again/Famines/Rev. 6:6/Jan. 15, 2010



Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

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Next show this Friday Jan. 15,2010 at 6PM EST

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Prophecy Sign: Now that the world has been watching the disaster the 7.0 earthquake has inflicted on Haiti more people seem to be paying attention to earthquakes news.   People should pay attention to this sign because Jesus told us to look for them in the last days.  Matthew 24:7 says we will see many earthquakes, and Luke 21:11 also informs us great earthquakes would be a sign. In my earthquake up-dates I only cited the big quakes which hit at least a 5.0 or above.  As you can see from the news so far today there have been six good size quakes. 

MAP  5.6   2010/01/15 18:00:49    10.421    -63.495  11.7   SUCRE, VENEZUELA
MAP  5.3   2010/01/15 15:44:48    43.617    146.661  35.1   KURIL ISLANDS
MAP  5.3   2010/01/15 11:08:37    26.728    126.395  127.0   RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2010/01/15 10:38:26   -31.902   -175.740  10.0   KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.4   2010/01/15 10:14:03   -31.945   -177.371  10.0   KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.3   2010/01/15 00:06:47    7.182    126.000  28.2   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES

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Yesterday I quoted Mark 13:8 where Christ warned we would see the signs of earthquakes and troubles.  These troubles are getting worse in Haiti right now and as you will read, people are freaking out, and I don’t blame them.  “Despair among the Haitian people clamoring for food, water and medical care is turning into simmering anger as relief workers struggle to reach earthquake victims. The Haitian people, as well as the thousands of foreign missionaries and aid workers trapped in the country's capital, are entering day three without food or water. Supply pallets have piled up by the tons in the Port-au-Prince airport with no way to reach the hardest hit communities. Adding to the tension is growing unrest among Haitian citizens that the search and rescue efforts have largely been focused on Americans and other foreigners. Stores have also been cleaned out by desperate Haitians, but the U.N. World Food Program denied a report that its warehouse in Port-au-Prince had been looted. There are still no official death toll estimates, though most estimate tens of thousands were killed. Haitian President Rene Preval said that 7,000 bodies have already been buried in a mass grave, and decomposing bodies are filling the streets with a sickening stench.”

Please do what you can to send money to aid the people in need of everything right now in Haiti.  There are many ways to send money. I have two links below where you can send money to help.  I wouldn’t ask you to do anything that I haven’t already done.


Prophecy Sign: II Timothy 3:1-5,7 "But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.  For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god; holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."  We see men’s real characteristics as soon as a disaster happens as did in Haiti.  I quote, ” Gangs of men armed with machetes were seen looting parts of Port-au-Prince, Haiti on Jan. 14, 2010.”  Some may say, “look at what they are going through”.  Everyone in Haiti is going through the same thing right now so why do you see some praying in the streets, while others go out to kill and steal what they can.  This is the time when you really can witness who the real Christians are.  Take a good look at what is going on in Haiti and magnify that times 1000 and you will get a small sample of what the tribulation is going to look like.  If you don’t like what you see, and nor can you handle what you see, I suggest you give your life over to Christ today to make sure you aren’t around when the tribulation begins.

Another section of the report stated, “What made the situation that much more tense was sightings of gangs of young men with machetes. On Wednesday they were seen getting into stores and taking all the supplies they could carry. The armed men were seen marching up and down the streets with machetes raised and the competition among the gangs turned quite fierce.” In the King James Bible in verse 3 of this same scripture it says men will be “fierce”.  Connect the dots for yourself!

A desperate citizenry combined with an absence of police forces has led to increased looting in Port-au-Prince in the wake of a massive earthquake that is estimated to have killed tens of thousands.


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Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38-39 is the prophecy about one of the next wars against Israel.  In chapter 38 we are told Iran will be one of the nations joining with Russia when Russia invades Israel.  I have been giving you the signs leading up to this war.  Many believe as I do that the this war could begin when Israel strikes at Iran’s nuclear weapons sites.  Time is running out for Iran to halt their program and today we got another signal from Israel that this attack will come if things don’t change.  “Former Soviet dissident and Israeli politician Natan Sharansky tells Newsmax that a military strike by Israel on Iran’s nuclear facilities is inevitable if a diplomatic solution cannot be found.  Sharansky spent 10 years in Soviet prisons for his political activism, and after his release in 1986 he went on to serve in numerous positions in the Israeli government. Former President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2006.In an exclusive Newsmax interview, he held out hope that an Iranian regime change from within could end the threat that would be posed by a nuclear-armed Islamic Republic. To that end, he said he would like to see “support of the free world for Iranian democratic dissidents. Some of them I know personally very well. I still believe that there is a chance that there will be regime change.”  Remember what Iran’s President said on Dec. 2, 2009 in reference to halting his nuclear program?  I quote, “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said there isn't a "damn thing" Israel can do to stop its nuclear program”.  I am telling you Israel will not have a choice in the matter because Ahmadinejad is not going to cave in so you should be prepared to soon see this war in the news.  When you see it take place you will know you are about to either get raptured or be left behind, that is if we haven’t already gotten removed from this world.,2933,578712,00.html

Speaking about wars and rumors of war. Famines, and higher food prices there is a news report that shows us all of these last days signs.  Concerning N. Korea, in 2005 we  read, “Despite the best harvest in 10 years, economic reforms in North Korea have led to skyrocketing food prices leaving most families unable to get enough food to eat, according to a new UN report, writes Hridyesh Pandey.”  Five years later N. Korea is in the same boat and is still looking for aid.  I quote, “North Korea is threatening to cut off all dialogue with South Korea over an alleged Seoul contingency plan for the fall of the communist government.  The threat came even as Pyongyang said it accepts South Korea's long-standing offer of food aid.  A statement issued Friday by the North's powerful National Defense Commission is demanding South Korea apologize over unconfirmed news reports about the contingency plan.  The NDC vows to wage a "holy war" against those who conceived the plan, including the Blue House, the headquarters of the South Korean president.”

Prophecy Sign: One of the last days signs is the sign of famines.  You will read about this in Matthew 24:7, Mark 13,8 and in Luke 21:10.  Haiti has seen its share of famine brought on by the massavie hurricanes that sweap across their nation.  The flood waters not only displaced hundreds of thousands of people, but the flood waters wiped out most of their crops.  This 7.0 earthquake has brought on another type of famine and the people in Haiti have no water, food.  Nations around the world are trying to bring in supplies but it very slow.  Meanwhile all these people have been without food or water for three days now.  In Luke 21:25 Jesus tells us “and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity”.  If you have watched any of the news footage on this disaster you can see how complex this problem has become.

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Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6  Jesus shows us that the price of food is going to skyrocket in the last days, so much so that a person will be working all day long for a hand full of wheat or barley.  We know that famines are coming and we now know what will brings on these famines.  Floods, droughts, pestilences, quakes, strange weather, and war among other things.  Our generation is living in a time when we are now starting to see our food supplies declining while the population of the world is increasing, and this has started to drive up the prices of food.  Tack on the natural disaster that kills off the crops and the prices climb even higher and faster.  Months ago I warned you to watch how many crops are destroyed in the near future.  Take Florida for example. “TAMPA – Thirty percent of Florida's crops may have been lost in the cold snap, Florida's agriculture commission says, but for now it appears that the Bay area's strawberries avoided catastrophe.  Overall, certain crops in Florida were whacked hard by the sub-freezing temperatures, while others lucked out. Still, Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles Bronson said the crop losses probably run into the hundreds of millions of dollars.”  Florida isn’t the only State that has a huge lose in crops.

“Chicago (Reuters) – As much as 100 million bushels of U.S. corn could be lost after heavy snowstorms in recents days likely delayed until spring the final stages of an already historically slow harvest, analysts and meteorologists said on Monday.”This report told us “Heavy snowstorms also plagued other states where the corn harvest was far form done: Illinois, Michigan, Nebraska and Wisconsin.”  “We see the total corn crop down 100 million bushels from the current USDA estimate because of a combination of problems from the late harvest and the winter storms,” said Terry Reilly, analyst for Citigroup.”  Each year the price of food is getting higher and higher.  If you do the supping you has seen the price increases.  I am sure we are going to hear plenty of news this New Year about the amount of crops being wiped out for one reason or another.  We are on the road to fulfilling Revelation 6:6.

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I can’t give you every detail on every nation as to how or what is affecting the foof prices to go up but here is another example of how the weird weather has helped push the prices up. I quote, “Fruit and vegetable prices were up 15 percent on the month with lettuce more than twice last month’s price and tomato prices up by two-thirds. However, all other subgroups increased as well. Grocery food was up 1.1 percent, and meat, poultry and fish was up 2.1 percent.”  One other way the price of food can climb sky higher and fast is if a nations currency would collapse.  When the money is worthless everything you will try to buy will be ten times the amount or even much higher.  Right now we have many nations on the brink of seeing their currency lose its valve.  The following is a look at one nation who  currency has caused my in Zimbabwe go hungry.   Forget the glitzy restaurants of New York and London: only in Zimbabwe would a hamburger actually cost millions of dollars.The central bank of the southern African country has a issued a 10million Zimbabwe dollar note. The move increases the denomination of the nation's highest bank note more than tenfold. Even so, a hamburger in an ordinary cafe in Zimbabwe costs 15 million Zimbabwe dollars”.  Let’s take this one step futher, we know the Antichrist is going to take over the world’s economcy system.  When there is a global depression and the money around the world is devalued it could cause food and everything else to go through the roof.  This could also be one of the reasons why food is so much in the tribulation.  In any case you don’t want to be around to find out.–wont-buy-hamburger-Harare.html



Here is yet another current report when us what to expect in 2010.  “While many world leaders have been wringing their hands about global warming, the truth is that the global deep freeze now ravaging North America, Europe and Asia is the biggest problem for agriculture right now.  In fact, many analysts are now predicting that agricultural losses due to the unusually cold winter will lead to huge spikes in the price of food and massive food shortages in many areas of the world in 2010.  So just what has been so bad about the winter of 2009/2010?”  People are writing about the exact signs Jesus told us were going to come upon us and they may not even know they are reporting on prophecy.  Are you now seeing how the dots between current events and Bible prophecy are being connected?  I pray this is the case.

Daniel chapter 2 & 7- in many of my posts you noticed I refer to Daneil chapter 2 and chapter 7. These are the chapters that show us the last days power shift that will take place.  In short, America will decline to give way to the revived Roman Empire, which by the way is already here in the form of the EU.  Since opening up my site I have given you signs of America’s down fall.  This report below will cover a host of issues I have been warning you about.  Many of things you will read here have to do with other signs besides the downfall of the U.S..  At the end of this report you will find all the link to each report that was written about.

12 Signs That 2010 Is Going To Be A Really, Really Bad Year For The Democrats And The Obama Administration


The 2010 election is still almost 10 months away, but already every indication is that if the election was held today, the Democrats would suffer a crushing defeat.  So will things get better for the Democrats by the time election day rolls around?  Well, actually the truth is that things are only likely to get worse for the Democrats and the Obama administration in 2010.  As the U.S. economy continues to fall apart, and as health care and national security continue to take center stage on the national scene, an increasing number of voters are likely to become disenfranchised with the Democratic Party.  The following are 12 signs that 2010 is going to be a really, really bad year for the Democrats and the Obama administration….


#1) Health care "reform" has been a total nightmare for Obama and the Democrats.  The majority of Americans have been horrified to learn that the plan put forward by the Democrats will make purchasing health insurance mandatory, will raise taxes, will give the government unprecedented control over health care decisions, will result in much fewer health care choices for the average American and will push U.S. government deficits through the roof.  Approval ratings for the health care "reform" bill have been hovering in the 30s, and considering that this is the centerpiece of the Democratic agenda, this is a really, really bad sign for Obama and the Democrats.

#2) In fact, more Americans than ever are sick and tired of the financial mess that the U.S. government is getting us all into.  The truth is that the U.S. government is drowning under an absolute mountain of debt and all of the spending that Barack Obama is doing is only making it worse.  To finance this debt, the U.S. Treasury has been forced to issue so many new bonds that the rest of the world cannot possibly buy them all.  So who is buying them all up?  The Federal Reserve.  In fact, the Fed is now purchasing approximately 80 of all new U.S. debt.


#3) But even with all of this reckless government spending the unemployment situation in the U.S. is still absolutely brutal.  When even Wal-Mart is closing stores you know things are really bad.  Wal-Mart just announced this past week that it will close 10 money-losing Sam's Club stores and will cut 1,500 jobs in order to reduce costs.  So if even Wal-Mart has to shut down stores, what chance do other retailers have?


#4) In fact, some areas of the U.S. are a total economic nightmare at this point.  The mayor of Detroit recently said that the real unemployment rate in his city is somewhere up around 50 percent.  When things get that bad, the party out of power starts to look better and better.


#5) So just how bad are things when compared to past recessions?  During the 2001 recession, the U.S. economy lost 2% of its jobs and it took four years to get them back. This time the U.S. economy has lost more than 5 percent of its jobs and there is no sign that the bleeding of jobs will stop any time soon.  Those who do not have jobs are much likelier to consider voting for the party out of power.


#6) The reality is that more Americans are in financial trouble than at any point in recent times.  Americans are going broke at a staggering pace.  1.41 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009 – a 32 percent increase over 2008.  This is not a trend that is going to help the Democrats.


#7) We are also seeing a record number of mortgage defaults.  According to a report that was just released, delinquent home loans at government-controlled mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac surged 20 percent from July to September.  In fact, things are such a mess at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that the Obama administration recently removed the caps on the amount of financial assistance that the U.S. government will be giving these two entities.  Whether or not Obama created this mess is not the issue.  What is the issue is that an increasing number of Americans are blaming him for this mess.


#8) In fact, many analysts believe that the the housing crash is far from over.  They say that a massive "second wave" of mortgage defaults is getting ready to hit the U.S. economy starting in 2010.  In fact, this "second wave" is so frightening that even 60 minutes is reporting on it.  When this second wave does hit, most Americans are going to place responsibility for it in the laps of the Obama administration.

#9) Now there is even concern that the recent global deep freeze could end up seriously affecting food prices in American supermarkets in 2010.  As the past several decades have clearly shown, Americans tend to vote according to how their pocketbooks are doing, and if food prices shoot through the roof that will not help Obama and the Democrats at all.


#10) In addition, recent polls indicate that the majority of Americans are so concerned about terrorism that they would be willing to sacrifice certain freedoms in order to feel safer.  Considering the fact that terrorism is considered to be an issue that greatly favors the Republicans, this has got to be very concerning to the Democrats.


#11) On the foreign policy front, Obama risks alienating the Jewish vote by continuing to insist that Israel give East Jerusalem to the Palestinians.  The truth is that the Jewish vote is crucial for the Democrats and Obama in places like Florida, and by taking such a hardline anti-Israel position, Obama is not winning any new friends in the Jewish community.


#12) Also, Barack Obama is continuing to push for a treaty with Russia that would reduce the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal to approximately 10 percent of the size that it was at the height of the cold war.  Such an irresponsible approach to national security is surely not going to win Obama and the Democrats many friends among moderate voters who are concerned about security issues.

Any way you cut it, 2010 is shaping up to be a very bad year for the Democrats.  Barack Obama's approval rating has already been plummeting like a rock, and there does not seem to be much hope of that turning around any time soon.  In fact, if the signs above are any indication, the 2010 election could end up being really, really good to the Republicans.  But with Obama still in the White House until at least 2012, will they be able to do much to clean up the mess?

Michael S. thank you for the information.


It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

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Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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DiMora Ministry is proud to sponsor of the House of Samual.  100% of all funds from the sales are given to the House of Samuel.  Below is a picture of the shirts.  The shirt portrays my latest book (front of shirt) and ministry information (back of shirt).  To order shirts and find more information about the House of Samuel, click to their link below.  The shirts are $15.00 each or three for $35.00. 



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