More prophecy news for June 1, 2010 Information thanks to Amy

Prophecy Sign: America and the world’s banks begin to decline to give way to the last empire that will be controlled by the Antichrist.

One Out Of Every Ten U.S. Banks Is Now On The FDIC’s Problem List

Please understand that the US economic collapse MUST happen for the one world economy to be ushered in; the book of Revelation, while talking about the Antichrist’s Babylonian Empire, gives us clues as to how we will feel during the American Economic Collapse

  (one world economy/government: Dan. 2:31-38; Rev. 18:14-17)

*The Depression Of 2011? (one world economy/government: Dan. 2:31-38; Rev. 18:14-17)

23 Economic Warning Signs From Financial Authorities All Over The Globe

*Are We About To Witness The Greatest Banking Consolidation In U.S. History?

(one world economy/government: Dan. 2:31-38; Rev. 18:14-17)

As the number of bank failures in the United States continues to accelerate, many analysts are warning that we could soon see unprecedented changes in the U.S. banking industry

*European Central Bank warns of second wave of bank write-downs

(one world economy/government: Dan. 2:31-38; Rev. 18:14-17)

Today @ 09:21 CET

*World markets fall on Europe debt jitters

(one world economy/government: Dan. 2:31-38; Rev. 18:14-17)

Jun 1, 9:18 AM

*World currency unit intended to rival U.S. dollar for supremacy 
A new currency is intended to challenge the U.S. dollar as the world’s foremost reserve currency. The WOCU, short for world currency unit, was actually launched by London-based WDX Organization in September 2009, but only seems to be gaining recognition now.

Prophecy Sign : Dan. 12:4 is the sign of increased in knowledge in the last days.  *Artificial life? Synthetic genes ‘boot up’ cell (increase in technology

Scientists working to make a synthetic life form reported a major step forward Thursday, saying they had created an artificial genome and used it to bring a hollowed-out bacterium back to life.

Prophecy Sign: (pestilence Luke 21:11)  *Virus Ravages Cassava Plants in Africa

May 31, 2010

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, and Rev. address the sun scorching the Earth. We also see famines and droughts and starvation. *Water shortage looms for China, India (Jeremiah 50:38 drought)

Jun 1, 2010

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