In the days of Noah/144,000 Jewish males/ Antichrist signs/ Dec. 22, 2009


Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Prophecy Sign:  Are we really at the doorway to the seven year tribulation?  According to Jesus in Matthew 24:37-39 the last generation to enter the tribulation would be the one who became just like the people who lived during Noah’s generation.  One of the main things about Noah’s generation was that they turned to homosexuality to fulfill their pleasures.  This present generation of ours has become a carbon copy of Noah’s generation and homosexuality is spreading like wild fire.  Here is some proof of what I am talking about. I quote, “ Lawmakers in Mexico City have become the first in Latin America to legalize gay marriage. City legislators passed the bill 39-20, with five abstentions. The city's mayor is now widely expected to sign the bill into law.”   My heart is burdened with the thought that so many will not escape God’s wrath that will soon be poured out on an unrighteous world.  Just as it was with Noah’s generation when the flood came pouring in in one day, so will God’s judgment begin to be poured out on this generation, only this time it won’t be with a flood.  This time it will come in the form of a seven-year period of time, which the Word of God shows us is the tribulation.  Soon you will find out whose side you were really on.  If you are left behind at the rapture you will know you were on Satan’s side, and that is why you were left behind.  Can you still reach Jesus Christ after the rapture of the Church?  The Bible is clear that anyone who refuses to take the mark of the Antichrist during the tribulation will be killed.  Those who choose to rather die for Christ by refusing the mark will go to heaven while those who take the mark will end up in hell.  If you are left behind you will most likely see the 144,000 Jewish males who will preaching the message of Jesus Christ.  There will be many people to come to know Jesus because of their message, but unlike the 144,000 Jewish males who will not be killed, if you do take Christ as your savior you will be hunted down and if caught killed by the Antichrist.  Why am I telling you this?  Because it is a blessing to know you don’t have to go this road.  You can come to Christ now and take His Free Gift of salvation.  Do you have to do anything to deserve His blessed gift?  No, there is nothing you can do to earn this gift!  There are many religions today that teach you have to work your way to heaven.  This is a lie from Satan.  The Jehovah’s Witnessing for example teach that the 144,000 are not Jews but modern day Jehovah’s Witnesses.  This organization shuts up the door to heaven, which Jesus tells us no man can do.  According to the JW organization only 144,000 can go into heaven yet we see millions entering heaven when they choose to be killed for Jesus Christ.  What am I saying here?  Watch out for false teachers and false prophets who come and say things that are opposite of the Word of god.  These people have shown up in the same generation, as have the people who have turned to homosexuality as their new life style.  The end will be the same for all of these people.  They will all find out that when the door to the seven-year tribulation has opened they were tossed into it!

In my post-dated Oct. 7, 2009 I wrote you the following: “Here is some interesting information about Javier Solana who is from Spain.  “For Javier Solana, the big shakeup came a decade before the fall of the Berlin Wall. "Personally, the return of democracy in Spain was much more important in changing my ideas," says the 57-year old Solana. Growing up in Madrid, he joined the clandestine Socialist Party and hated the U.S. and NATO for supporting dictator Francisco Franco. But after Franco died in 1975, Solana realized that joining the Atlantic Alliance could help integrate Spain into the family of Western democracies. As Spain's Minister of Culture, he lobbied for entry — and ended up as NATO's Secretary General in 1995. Just so that you know one of the other reasons I am watching what Solana does is because of what was written in Daniel chapter 7:7-8 where we see the Antichrist referred to as the little horn.  This little horn rises up once the ten horns are already standing.  The little horn would be the eleventh that moves up into the ten. Why am I telling you this? Besides the fact that Solana got his position under the Recommendation 666, and he is seeking peace with Israel Spain was also the eleventh nation to join the revived Roman Empire, or what we call the European Union.  Despite the initial boost received by the economy when Portugal joined the European Economic Community (EEC) – now the European Union (EU) – in January 1986, alongside Spain, Portugal has failed to catch up to its fellow member nations, and is in fact sliding increasingly farther behind the average economic growth achieved by the bloc as a whole.”  That right, Spain was number 11.  In light of these facts I am keeping a very close eye for you on what Solana is doing in the Middle East.  You never know this man could be the man of sin Jesus pointed to.  The only sure way to find out is to be left behind when Jesus takes His Church.”  Spain eleventh nation to join EU in 1986

I wanted to add in more information you need to know because there is another man from Spain that could fit the bill as the Antichrist and I will show you why.

H.M. Juan Carlos, King of Jerusalem (Pic Credit: Wikipedia)

When speaking about the Antichrist we can not rule out the King of Spain.  Yes I am watching what Javier Solana does but I am also watching the King of Spain. Kawther Salam is a journalist who was forced by the Israeli occupation forces to leave her home in Palestine.  Kawther fled to Vienna, Austria, where she currently lives as a refugee. Some of her work I find very interesting  especially when she writes about who is the King of Jerusalem. Kawther gave a speech which I have a link to. The link you will read states, “The following speech was delivered in a slightly different form under the title "The Internet in the Mediterranean Region: Building A Bridge for Peace and Human Rights" at the 2nd Conference of Women Journalists and Communicators of the Mediterranean which took place at the localities of the European Institute of the Mediterranean in Barcelona on October 5 and 6, 2007.  

Click on the link and you will read that Kawther says, “In my speech I explore the possibilities and impossibilities for attaining respect for the human rights and a lasting peaceful coexistence in the Mediterranean region. I also remind the audience that the Royal House of Spain still reclaims the title to the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and that King Juan Carlosin fact uses this title. The historical Kingdom of Jerusalem corresponds in its geographic extension grossly to what is today Palestine. Does this mean the we Palestinians are the subjects of the Royal House of Spain ? Does this mean that His Majesty Juan Carlos de Borbón is responsible for the safety and well-being of all Palestinians ?”

Kawther goes on to say, “If His Majesty is willing to recognize us as the subjects of his Kingdom of Jerusalem, if the full weight of the words and the will of His Majesty is behind this title, then I respectfully ask that His Majesty use his political influence to protect us from the criminals who accost us every day, to pressure Israel to respect international humanitarian laws and to stop this genocide. Because we are not allowed to have a government which is able or willing to protect us, and because we are viewed as sub-humans undeserving of any consideration by the invaders, I respectfully ask that His Majesty allow all Palestinians who are victims of grave injustices caused by the criminality of Israel, to seek and obtain just and ample redress for our grievances in the civil and criminal courts of justice of Spain, his other Kingdom. I am confident that my words will reach the ear of the King.”

Could it be that the eleventh horn the little horn that rises up into the ten kings is the man from Spain who calls himself the King of Jerusalem?  The only way this world will know for sure if is King Juan Carlos is the man who confirms the covenant with Israel and many nations as it says in the Book of Daniel chapter 9:27.  Since the King’s blood line runs through the Jewish line Israel would be more inclined to accept him.  Not only would they receive him at the peace table but they would also receive his blessing to go ahead a rebuild the Jewish Temple as well.  Once again I must remind you Spain was the 11th nation to join the revived Roman Empire, or what we know as the European Union.

At the present time we are witnessing that Spain is getting more involved in the Middle East peace talks.  Here is one news report on this issue. “The president of the Lebanon Michel Sleiman, has arrived on a 72 hour official visit to Spain, which will include talks with Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the Prime Minister as well as a sit down with King Juan Carlos. This is a high-ranking visit that also included the country’s tourism minister as well as leaders of the defence, and foreign ministers. The Spanish and Lebanese heads of state are having their second round of talks, aimed at finding a solution to bring peace to the Middle East  Syrian President Bashar Assad is optimistic about restarting peace talks with Israel, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Moratinos told President Shimon Peres Wednesday night, according to Israel Radio. Moratinos also reportedly told Peres that Iran's response to proposed nuclear talks with the West were insufficient, and he vowed that Spain will push for harsher sanctions against the Islamic republic.”

If you hunting whom the Antichrist is you must look for a man who will have a military back ground.  I say this because the Bible tells us the Antichrist will show up on the scene by peace, but he will go out to conquer the world.  King Juan Carlos fits this bill as well for the king went to military colleges, becoming an accomplished sailor and pilot.  Also we need to keep in mind Rev. 13:18 where Jesus says, "Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666." Revelation 13:17 identifies this "number of the beast" as the "number of his name". King Juan Carlos has versions of his name in 10 languages, each using the same numbering system except for Latin, which uses the Roman numeral system, which each add to 666, so the king fits this bill as well.  

I would advise you to keep your eyes on the Middle East peace talks.  If you see or hear that King Juan Carlos is becoming the main focus of these talks then we really need to keep on the watch for what he does.  God gave us the specific event to watch for that would launch the seven year tribulation.  The confirming of the covenant is the key to understanding this world has entered into the last seven years as pointed out by the Prophet Daniel.  Who knows, the Jerusalem covenant that was written in 1993 could be the one the Antichrist will confirm?  I have a link to this covenant below.  I am not saying the King is the Antichrist, but when you see so many things line up with the Bible, that is when you have to take notice and keep on the watch. (Jerusalem covenant)

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

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Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in your word that I must be born again in order to have eternal life.  I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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