I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book. The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.
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Is the world really going to come to an end on September 22, 2012. This was a question I was asked on my plane trip coming back for Texas last week. This isn’t the first time I have been asked this question. When someone asks me this question I know right away they aren’t ready for the last days and they are not on the watch as Jesus has asked us to be. The world out is many have predicted this date because the Mayan calendar ends at this point in time. Others point to the predictions made by Nostradamus. Keep in mind none of these people were prophects of God and there is no hidden code in the Bible that proves the world will end on September 22, 2012. As a matter of fact if you know what sign to look for you can actually know when the world will begin to go through hell on Earth.
If you read Daniel 9:27 God gives us the starting date that the seven year tribulation will begin. God told Daniel that the Antichrist is the man who would confirm a covenant with Israel and many nations. On that very day that this man confirms that covenant Gods time clock will start the countdown for the final seven years. It is during this time span that all hell will break out on Earth. It will be during this time frame that you
will see all the signs Jesus pointed to in Matthew 24 reach their max. Hollywood just made a movie about the end of the world taking place like the Mayan’s predicted. Believe me Hollywood, the Mayan’s, and Nostradamus are full of bull. For that matter anyone who is teaching the world will end on that date is spreading false doctrine and I will tell you why based on the Word of God.
Knowing that God said the final seven years would begin at the confirming of the covenant; we need to use this as a starting point to know when the end of the world will come. By the way, it is even wrong to say the end of the world. We should rather say, an end to a worldly system without Jesus running it. The world isn’t going to end because we know Jesus is going to be King on this Earth for 1,000 years starting when He comes back at the end of the seven year tribulation.
Let us say for example that today we saw the Antichrist confirm a seven year covenant as it stated in Daniel 9:27. Daniel informs us that from that day there will be 1, 260 days before the Antichrist walks into the Jewish Temple that will be rebuilt during the first part of the seven years. On the final day of the 1,260 days you will see this Antichrist on TV telling the world He is God. It is a this time that God’s pours out His wrath on a unbelieving world. Jesus warned us that the end time events would get much worse as a woman with birth pains. Things will begin to get real bad during the first 1,260 day, than they will get so bad starting the day the Antichrist makes that announcement that he is God. It will be at this point that you will think the new Hollywood movie got it right. It will be during this time that massive earthquakes will rock this planet like never before. You will see waves the size you couldn’t amaze ever seeing. You will see the intense heat from the sun pour down on this Earth like never before. It will be during this time that wars all over this planet will bring out, the number of people dying form lack of food, diseases and all types of plagues will be seen. The warnings about asteroids hitting the earth will be a reality and all the other things Jesus warned us about will take place.
Here is a few videos showing you want they think will happen. Watch them and then I will feel you in.
Now that you have watched the videos let me show you why this world will not end on the September 22, 2012 date. If the Antichrist confirmed that seven year covenant today and God said the end will come in 7 years that would bring us to Feb. 16, 2017. This is five years past the Sept. 22, 2012 date. But wait, there has been no confirmation of this seven year covenant yet so we know the real date is even further out! Anyone who has studies the Bible prophecies knows God gave the very day that Jesus Christ was going to ride into Jerusalem. I cover this information in chapter 14 of my book. God is not keeping anyone in the dark concerning His second coming back to Earth when He will go into Jerusalem to rule as King of Kings.
Do you want the exact date as to when this will happen? As soon as you see Daniel 9:27 come to pass, which is the confirming of the seven year covenant just start counting the days. The first half of the tribulation is 1,260 days. The second half of the seven will begin when the Antichrist walks into the Temple and from that day count 1, 260 days. When you reach the last day of the second 1, 260 days you will see Jesus Christ coming in the clouds riding back with His Church, which has been living in safety with Christ in heaven for the past seven years. The date no one knows is when Jesus will come back for His Church, which is called the rapture. As I said, the Bible gave us the exact date of the first coming of Christ, and there was a starting point to begin counting for the first coming as there is with the second coming. The second coming date will start at the confirmation of the covenant. The first coming started when the order went out for Israel to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. The exact date of the start of the first coming is recorded in Nehemiah chapter 2 where we see on March 14 445 BC the order went out to go ahead and start rebuilding the walls.
According to the prophecy when the Jews heard the call to go ahead and rebuild the city they were to begin counting the days to the first coming of Christ. Daniel told us that there would be 69 weeks and at the end of this time period Jesus would come. I break this down for you in my book, but each weeks is a period of seven years. So from the time of March 14, 445 BC there would be exactly 483 years and then Jesus would make His way into Jerusalem. Exactly 483 years or 173, 880 days after the Jews got the go ahead to rebuild the city Jesus rode in to Jerusalem on a donkey just as the prophecy stated. This happen to the very day. The photo below wil help you to see these dates.
The Bible is the only book on the face of this Earth, which has given us the exact date of Christ’s coming. The Bible is the only book that can prove it was written by God and all these prophecies which have already been fulfilled are its own proof God it Truth.
Now that you know that the end of the world is not going to take place on September 22, 2012 let me say this. The end of our present system may not come to an end in 2012 but I can tell you this planet is about to go through turmoil in which many people will think the end of the world is coming. I speak to you about all these warning signs in my book. Thing are bad now but in the next few years they are going to get much worse. When we are going to witness in the next year years is only leading up to the tribulation period and the wrath of God.
One thing I want to cover here is the warning made by Jesus that the sun’s heat was going to scorch this Earth. You can read these prophecies in Luke 21:25, Revelation 16:8-11 and Revelation 7:15, 16. There has been a lot of talk lately that the planet is cooling down and we don’t have to be concerned about this global warming.
What most people don’t know is what is coming in 2012 that can change everything. I quote, “IT IS midnight on 22 September 2012 and the skies above Manhattan are filled with a flickering curtain of colourful light. Few New Yorkers have seen the aurora this far south but their fascination is short-lived. Within a few seconds, electric bulbs dim and flicker, then become unusually bright for a fleeting moment. Then all the lights in the state go out. Within 90 seconds, the entire eastern half of the US is without power.
A year later and millions of Americans are dead and the nation's infrastructure lies in tatters. The World Bank declares America a developing nation. Europe, Scandinavia, China and Japan are also struggling to recover from the same fateful event – a violent storm, 150 million kilometres away on the surface of the sun.
It sounds ridiculous. Surely the sun couldn't create so profound a disaster on Earth. Yet an extraordinary report funded by NASA and issued by the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in January this year claims it could do just that.
It is hard to conceive of the sun wiping out a large amount of our hard-earned progress. Nevertheless, it is possible. The surface of the sun is a roiling mass of plasma – charged high-energy particles – some of which escape the surface and travel through space as the solar wind. From time to time, that wind carries a billion-tonne glob of plasma, a fireball known as a coronal mass ejection (see "When hell comes to Earth"). If one should hit the Earth's magnetic shield, the result could be truly devastating.”
Once again I assure you this has nothing to do with the Mayan calendar, but it has everything to do with the last days signs Jesus warned you about. The question is do you believe in what Jesus tells you about these things or are you going to false for some false prophets? People are already beginning to make money of this 2012 end of the world scare. I have a link below that tells about the Operation Aquarius. They are selling seats on subs to keep you from being killed on Sept. 22, 2012. Besides, God told us that he was never going to wide out all life on this planet with a flood again. Sure we will witness massive waves and destruction but the Planet will not be destroyed again as it was during Noah’s flood.
Instead of paying one million dollars to get a seat on a sub for your safety. What not get a free ticket to heaven to real safety just by receiving Jesus as your Lord and savior. I believe in Christ and I can tell you the people in the subs are not going to be safe during the tribulation period.
Prophecy Sign: Jesus told us we would hear rumors of war and war in Mstthew 24:7 so here a sample of this prophecy coming to pass. I quote, “Counterterrorism expert Juval Aviv spoke with FOX Fan Central about what Americans can do to protect themselves in case of a terror attack. Do you believe another terrorist attack is likely on American soil? I predict, based primarily on information that is floating in Europe and the Middle East, that an event is imminent and around the corner here in the United States. It could happen as soon as tomorrow, or it could happen in the next few months. Ninety days at the most.”
Prophecy Sign: Keep in mind that the earthquakes are going to get much bigger than they are now, and you will begin to see more of them all over the place. Here is a update on the quakes that have hit in the two days I did not write.
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/16 19:59:31 | 34.924 | 139.867 | 83.6 | NEAR THE SOUTH COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/16 19:08:19 | 4.613 | 93.077 | 1.6 | OFF THE WEST COAST OF NORTHERN SUMATRA |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/16 06:48:55 | 19.074 | 121.106 | 10.0 | BABUYAN ISLANDS REGION, PHILIPPINES |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/02/16 01:57:19 | 40.459 | 143.602 | 28.2 | OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN |
MAP | 6.2 | 2010/02/15 21:51:48 | -7.256 | 128.794 | 128.0 | KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/02/15 10:15:44 | 6.138 | 126.894 | 99.5 | MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES |
It is interesting you mention the 2012 hype that Hollywood has recently started to cash on.
First of all the Mayans never said the world would end on December 22, 2012, it is on (December not September) it is a misconception. The Mayans were the most advanced astronomers in the ancient world and were able to accurately predict eclipses, planetary, and, solar cycles thousands of years in advance. December 22, 2012 was another astronomical event the Mayans were able to calculate thousands of years ahead, it is simply an alignment of the sun and planets with the milky way at the center of the galaxy. To them it represented a new cycle and a time when weather and disasters would become much more aggressive. The few descendants of the Mayas to this day do not believe the world will end in 2012.
It is interesting though that many cultures in the ancient world mention 2012 in some way. The sun is predicted by scientists to act up around late 2012. To me it is open for interpretation as to why these different cultures came to this date despite not having any communication with each other. I do however know that The Bible says only God knows when and that is all I need to believe when it comes to people giving dates. Can 2012 be an important date for prophecy? of course, every year since 1948 has become more intense and we get closer every day. A quick skim at the news these days shows how everything is escalating.
I believe even people who are completely blind to understand that what they are seeing today in the world are birth pains, are seeking for answers. Albeit, they don’t always find sound doctrine. It feels that in these days humanity can sense what is coming upon us. Those who are no longer blind understand and those who don’t are afraid and full of questions. Others who want to appear intellectual or rather lie to themselves, will argue that we are simply seeing the effects of an always changing and transitioning world. Deep down they know, but like all that reject the Gospel, they don’t want to admit they are sinners in need of salvation.
The Mayans just gave us a date in which we should be careful, maybe it is not the end of the world, but maybe some catastrophic changes may occur, Mayans didn’t said end of the world but they did said about changes.
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