Preparing for the Worst/Netanyahu to Obama: Stop Iran-Or I Will/ Feb. 23, 2010





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See full size imageProphecy Sign:  On my post this morning I gave you a host of signs showing you the Psalms 83 war is coming soon.  There are signs today that speak to us about the Ezekiel war as well.  An MSN report today gave reasons why the U.S. would not attack Iran’s nuclear weapons sites.  I quote, “Let's be serious for a moment. President Barack Obama will not bomb Iran. This is not because he is a liberal, or because he is a peacenik, or because he doesn't have the guts to try and "save" his presidency in this time-honored manner, as Sarah Palin said she would like him to do.  The president will not bomb Iran's nuclear installations for precisely the same reasons that George W. Bush did not bomb Iran's nuclear installations: because we don't know exactly where they all are, because we don't know whether such a raid could stop the Iranian nuclear program for more than a few months, and because Iran's threatened response—against Israelis and U.S. troops, via Iran's allies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and Lebanon—isn't one we want to cope with at this precise moment. Nor do we want the higher oil prices that would instantly follow. No U.S. president doing a sober calculation would want to start a new war of choice while U.S. troops are still actively engaged on two other fronts, and no U.S. president could expect public support for more than a nanosecond.  But even if Obama does not bomb Iran, that doesn't mean that no one else will. At the moment, when Washington is consumed by health care and the implications of the Massachusetts Senate special election, it may seem as if Obama's most important legacy, positive or negative, will be domestic. In the future, we may not consider any of this at all important. The defining moment of his presidency may well come at 2 a.m. some day, when he picks up the phone and is told that the Israeli prime minister is on the line: Israel has just carried out a raid on Iranian nuclear sites. What then?” (MSN Feb. 22, 2010). 

See full size imageAt this point I want to break away from the MSN report to cite to you what Israel’s Prime Minister stated to Obama back in March of 2009. You will see how the MSN report connects with this report from The Atlantic. I quote from the Atlantic entitled “Netanyahu to Obama: Stop Iran-Or I Will”.  In an interview conducted shortly before he was sworn in today as prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu laid down a challenge for Barack Obama. The American president, he said, must stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons—and quickly—or an imperiled Israel may be forced to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities itself”. “In unusually blunt language, Netanyahu said of the Iranian leadership, “You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs. When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the entire world should start worrying, and that is what is happening in Iran.”  Unlike the U.S., the Prime Minister of Israel knows the war with Iran would be to the life or death or Israel.  This is way I believe Israel will have no recourse but to try and stop Iran’s nuclear weapons program. 

Now I want to get back to the MSN report.  The report continues “At some point in the future, that calculation could change. Since Americans often assume that everyone else perceives the world the same way we do, it is worth repeating the obvious here: Many Israelis regard the Iranian nuclear program as a matter of life and death. The prospect of a nuclear Iran isn't an irritant or a distant threat. It is understood directly in the context of the Iranian president's provocative attacks on Israel's right to exist and of his public support for historians who deny the Holocaust. If you want to make Israelis paranoid, hint that they might be the target of an attempted mass murder. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad does exactly that. If that ever happened, the 2 a.m. phone call would be followed by retaliation, some of which would be directed at us, our troops in Iraq, our ships at sea. I don't want this to happen, but I do want us to be prepared if it does. Contrary to Palin, I do not think Obama would restore the fortunes of his presidency by bombing Iran, like a character out of the movie wag the Dog. But I do hope that this administration is ready, militarily and psychologically, not for a war of choice but for an unwanted war of necessity. This is real life, after all, not Hollywood.”

Frankly, all these signs blow me away because they are exactly what we are supposed to witness. I am blown away because I know how close the Church is to being taken to Christ at the rapture.  I am in love with Christ for saving me and allowing me to see the truth about these last days.  I am in love with Christ for blessing me with the gift to connect all these last days events for others.  While the world is falling apart all around me, Jesus has given me peace.  You can have the peace of Christ in the midst of all these troubles.  All you do is have to do is turn your life over to the Lord.  I pray that more of you will get excited enough to warn you family and friends concerning the things that Christ has passed on to you via my work for Him at this site.



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It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. 

DiMora Ministry is proud to sponsor of the House of Samual.  100% of all funds from the sales are given to the House of Samuel.  Below is a picture of the shirts.  The shirt portrays my latest book (front of shirt) and ministry information (back of shirt).  To order shirts and find more information about the House of Samuel, click to their link below.  The shirts are $15.00 each or three for $35.00.


  1. (I spotted this web contribution not long ago.)
    Many are still unaware of the eccentric, 180-year-old British theory underlying the politics of American evangelicals and Christian Zionists.
    Journalist and historian Dave MacPherson has spent more than 40 years focusing on the origin and spread of what is known as the apocalyptic “pretribulation rapture” – the inspiration behind Hal Lindsey’s bestsellers of the 1970s and Tim LaHaye’s today.
    Although promoters of this endtime evacuation from earth constantly repeat their slogan that “it’s imminent and always has been” (which critics view more as a sales pitch than a scriptural statement), it was unknown in all official theology and organized religion before 1830.
    And MacPherson’s research also reveals how hostile the pretrib rapture view has been to other faiths:
    It is anti-Islam. TV preacher John Hagee has been advocating “a pre-emptive military strike against Iran.” (Google “Roots of Warlike Christian Zionism.”)
    It is anti-Jewish. MacPherson’s book “The Rapture Plot” (see Armageddon Books etc.) exposes hypocritical anti-Jewishness in even the theory’s foundation.
    It is anti-Catholic. Lindsey and C. I. Scofield are two of many leaders who claim that the final Antichrist will be a Roman Catholic. (Google “Pretrib Hypocrisy.”)
    It is anti-Protestant. For this reason no major Protestant denomination has ever adopted this escapist view.
    It even has some anti-evangelical aspects. The first publication promoting this novel endtime view spoke degradingly of “the name by which the mixed multitude of modern Moabites love to be distinguished, – the Evangelical World.” (MacPherson’s “Plot,” p. 85)
    Despite the above, MacPherson proves that the “glue” that holds constantly in-fighting evangelicals together long enough to be victorious voting blocs in elections is the same “fly away” view. He notes that Jerry Falwell, when giving political speeches just before an election, would unfailingly state: “We believe in the pretribulational rapture!”
    In addition to “The Rapture Plot,” MacPherson’s many internet articles include “Famous Rapture Watchers,” “Pretrib Rapture Diehards,” “Edward Irving is Unnerving,” “America’s Pretrib Rapture Traffickers,” “Thomas Ice (Bloopers),” “Pretrib Rapture Secrecy” and “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty” (massive plagiarism, phony doctorates, changing of early “rapture” documents in order to falsely credit John Darby with this view, etc.!).
    Because of his devastating discoveries, MacPherson is now No. 1 on the “hate” list of pretrib rapture leaders!
    There’s no question that the leading promoters of this bizarre 19th century end-of-the-world doctrine are solidly pro-Israel and necessarily anti-Palestinian. In light of recently uncovered facts about this fringe-British-invented belief which has always been riddled with dishonesty, many are wondering why it should ever have any influence on Middle East affairs.
    This Johnny-come-lately view raises millions of dollars for political agendas. Only when scholars of all faiths begin to look deeply at it and widely air its “dirty linen” will it cease to be a power. It is the one theological view no one needs!
    With apologies to Winston Churchill – never has so much deception been foisted on so many by so few!
    [Also Google “David Letterman’s Hate, Etc.” and “Obama Supports Public Depravity.”]

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