Nov. 11, 2016- Information Trump needs to know comes to pass in two days! Frank answers comments/

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index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 7, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora


Note from Frank  I want to answer the comments I received since putting up the news concerning Donald Trump.  

Comment: toorop1113 hours ago dude if he’s a new Christian then why are you showing him scriptures that are way out of his knowledge! babies need milk not prime steak!

Note from Frank First of all, my name is not dude. Second, if Trump knows nothing about these matters he has to have them taught to him so he will have the Lord’s knowledge in these matters. Knowing Trump I am sure he will want to all there is to know about these things. While it is true that new born Christians are on the milk some who have been placed in superpower positions which will force them to mature faster than others. Trump is going to need as much help in these matters has possible. As to your question. If I don’t point out these truths it would be possible that someone who has false doctrine may give bad information to him which may lead him in the wrong direction than that which the Lord wants to take him. 

 Comment:   shrekipep1  WOW, Trump is a “Baby Christian” but President Obama was condemned because he was labeled a Muslim without PROOF! All the prophecies about Obama, USA collapsing, etc., etc., all FAILS. Trumps flaws are “overlooked” but President Obama is judged. Amazing how we put some people to the Front Pew and others to the Back Pew who were both sinners. President Obama is “accused” of forsaking Israel but he gave them the money for their Antimissile Shield and Gave the the biggest military aid package in Presidential history. Oh, God LOVES Trump but not OBAMA. Hmmmmm. Seems to me, we need to step back and review the Scriptures again because the Lord said, if those days are not shortenend, even the very ELECT will be deceived.

Note from Frank  As to shrekipep1 what was the first thing Obama do in 2008. He gave orders to cover up the cross of Christ in the places he spoke at. Then during his presidentecy almost every direction he took the nation was one that opposed what God’s word teaches. If you search the net on Israel and the U.S. relations during Obama’s 8 years you will find that Israel considered the Obama administration the worse in U.S. history. This type of information came out of Israel not just the U.S.  During the peace talks between Israel and the PLO Obama took sides over and over again with the PLO not Israel. The Bible makes it clear that we would know who is and who is not a real Christian by their fruits (WHAT THE PERSON DOES)! For these reasons and many more like siding with Iran an enemy of Israel with the Iranian nuclear deal is why people stated Obama was not a Christian.  While it is true from time to time Obama give arms to Israel it is also true that the motive behind the U.S. funds was to become unheard of by Israel.   Here is a quote from The Jerusalem Post dated “6/23/2016 “This week MK, Michael Oren stood up to his boss in the Kulanu party, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon, to the political Left, including hundreds of retired security brass, and to the IDF General Staff. The former ambassador to Washington urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to sign the multi-year security assistance deal that US President Barack Obama demands Israel accept.The problem isn’t the money. By all accounts, Obama’s multi-year military assistance package is generous. The problem is that in exchange for the expanded military aid, Obama is demanding that Israel surrender its diplomatic and military independence to the White House.”  In the face of the deal it may have appeared good but there was no way Israel would every surrender its diplomatic and military independence! This would put Israel in grave danger from their enemies.  In short, Obama was no real friend to Israel and anyone who takes sides with Israel’s enemies is walking against what God teaches us. In just about everything Obama did during his 8 years showed he sided with the Muslims not the Christians.  Not once did Obama try to help those Christian Pastors who were taken by Iran yet he went out of his way to make sure hundreds of thousand of Muslims would be able to enter the U.S. without knowing exactly who they were. Here is a fact that shows where Obama was leaning and it wasn’t with Israel. Did you know Obama made one trip to Israel as President and for his 8 years in office he refused to recognize Jerusalem as its capital. If Obama was a real man of Christ there could be no way he could not recognize Jerusalem as the capital. After all this was God choice for Christ and, it still is as the word shows us that Jesus will go to Jerusalem and take His seat as prophecied. So shrekipep1 don’t write me and leave out the important facts about the last 8 years under Obama.  As to Donald Trump, since Mark Taylor’s prophecy has come to pass about Trump you need to hold back what you think about Trump and see what happens. If Christ is with him and, there is no reason at this point that He isn’t, you need to support him or you will be fighting not against Frank DiMora but with Christ’s appointed (Trump). 




Note from Frank All videos may also be found under the tabs at the top of the page; for example the above video is also under the tab ISRAEL

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