Nov. 25, 2016- Israel on Fire

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“Hear in heaven, and forgive the sin of Your servants, Your people Israel, that You may teach them the good way in which they should walk; and send rain on Your land which You have given to Your people as an inheritance.” (1 Kings 8:36)


‘Arson is Terror,’ Netanyahu Says; Arabs Arrested for Sparking Wildfires

“Every fire that was the result of arson or incitement to arson is terror in every way and we’ll treat it as such. Anyone who tries to burn parts of the State of Israel will be severely punished,” Netanyahu stated. “It’s likely that there is a nationalist motive in some of the arson cases,” Israel Police Commissioner Roni Alsheich said at a press conference Thursday afternoon, as fires continued to rage in the Haifa area. Police made several arrests of ‘nationalistically motivated’ Arabs suspected of sparking wildfires across Israel. “We have a special integrated investigation team that is monitoring everything that is happening across the country. I don’t want to get into questions regarding where [we suspect] arson and where we do not,” Alsheich said. At least 60,000 Haifa residents were evacuated from their homes, and about 100 people in the vicinity were treated for smoke inhalation. There were no fatalities. “If this is [confirmed] as arson, it could be nationalistically motivated. It’s certainly not just pyromania. There have been arrests,” he stated. “I know for a fact that they tried to set fire to the department’s station in Haifa deliberately to cause the Haifa fire department to be paralyzed,” a senior firefighter declared.

golan heights

Syrian Army secures strategic highway in Golan Heights

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued their military operations in the Golan Heights of Al-Quneitra on Wednesday, targeting the key road linking the town of Hadar to the provincial capital. Led by Fouj Al-Joulan (Golan Regiment), the Syrian Armed Forces launched a powerful assault at the large hilltop of Tal Al-Naqar; this resulted in a series of back-and-forth clashes that lasted for three hours on Wednesday afternoon. Following their breach of Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham’s first line of defense at this hilltop, the Syrian Armed Forces used their momentum to expel the jihadist rebels from Tal Al-Naqar by 4:00 P.M. (Damascus Time). As a result of their operations on Wednesday, the Syrian Armed Forces managed to secure much of the road linking Hadar to Quneitra City, leaving only the southern part of this roadway under the control of the jihadist rebels. In the coming weeks, the Syrian Armed Forces will likely intensify their operations in the Golan Heights as additional reinforcements from the Syrian Arab Army’s 4th Mechanized and 7th Armored Division pour into the province.


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