November 2, 2022 Benjamin yet and yeah who wins the Israeli election what could that mean for the future in prophecy





The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 26, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

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Saudi Arabia, U.S. on High Alert After Warning of Imminent Iranian Attack

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North Korea Launches 23 Missiles, Triggering Air-Raid Alarm in South





You can add this last mass die off to the list of thousands of reports in my book the last chronicles of planet earth, below is the latest news that will be added to my book.


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10/19/2022 2:57:10 PM

Scientists investigate cause of another fish kill in Biscayne Bay
WPLG Local 10


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Exit Polls Show Benjamin Netanyahu Winning Re-election As Prime Minister Of Israel, Will Rabbi Menachem Schneerson’s End Times ‘Prophecy’ Actually Happen?
Well, well, well, the news coming out of Israel right now shows Benjamin Netanyahu with the 61-seat bloc he needs, and all he has to do to win is fend off a last-minute-surge from the Arab Balad Party which Bibi should be able to do. If he does win, with all the things we’ve been discussing on the Podcast lately about 2023, it should be a wild ride indeed. Count me in, up and out of here! Here’s some ‘fun facts’ – 5 in the Bible is the number of death and judgment, Netanyahu would be a 5-time prime minister, based on a 4-year term and he’s had 4 of them. Right now it is year 5783 on the Hebrew calendar, add them up and what do you get? 5. The election today is election number 5 in the past 4 years, something also unprecedented. 5-by-5 is also the dimensions of the brazen laver for the sacrifice in the Temple.



Netanyahu wins!

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BREAKING: Netanyahu Wins Outright Majority in Israeli National Elections to be Next Prime Minister
Exit polls indicate Benjamin Netanyahu has won the election today for Israeli Prime Minister. Netanyahu won more than enough seats to return to power in the latest election.


Luke 21 25 storms


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Severe storms, including potential for nighttime tornadoes, eye the Plains later this week
The weather setup points to a classic severe weather scenario for the central and southern Plains, a portion of the region known as Tornado Alley, later this week with storms that could produce large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes.


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Lisa forecast to make landfall over Belize as a hurricane 
Tropical Storm “Lisa” formed in the Caribbean Sea at 15:00 UTC on October 31, 2022, as the 12th named storm of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season. At the time, Lisa’s center was located about 285 km (175 miles) south of Kingston, Jamaica. The system is expected to strengthen into a hurricane before making landfall over Belize on November 2.


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The death toll caused by Tropical Storm “Nalgae” rises to 110, 33 people still missing, Philippines 

The death toll caused by Tropical Storm “Nalgae” — known as Paeng in the Philippines — rose to 110 on November 1, 2022. 33 people still remain missing.




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Exposed: Leaked Hospital Email Reveals Explosion of Stillbirths
“Pfizer’s own numbers showed that 28 out of 29 pregnant women lost their baby.  A leaked email from a Fresno, California hospital has revealed stillbirth rates have risen dramatically, reports NTD . The staff member who leaked the email says that the increase coincides with the rollout of the experimental Covid vaccines.



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NOT the virus: Deaths among teens and 20-somethings soar following COVID “vaccine” release 
During the first two-and-a-half years of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) scamdemic, some 150,000 excess deaths occurred in Americans under the age of 45. Half of those deaths, we now know, occurred just in the last year since the “vaccines” were introduced under Operation Warp Speed.


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Horror Movie’: Hundreds of Sick Children Pouring into Canadian Emergency Rooms Daily
Sick Canadian children are pouring into the pediatric emergency rooms in Montreal. Hundreds are brought in every day. Unfortunately, they are often so ill that they have to be hospitalized.

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Half of Americans say the cost-of-living SQUEEZE is taking a toll on their health 
Half of Americans say runaway inflation and high living costs are taking a toll on their health, as millions turn to drink, junk food, and smoking more as worries mount over electricity and gas bills this winter.


 Revelation 6:5-6 warns that people will in the last days have to work all day long just for one small meal. As you can see the price of everything has already begun to sky rocket. If Jesus told us that the last days birth pangs would be as women in labor we should get ready for thing to get worse not better. I would love to be able to give you good news concerning the global economic trend but I have to tell you what Jesus has shown us for the future.  The real good news is this, if you are in Christ Jesus he will protect you from the wrath he will pour out on those that are unsaved.   

Explanation of above prophecy



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Food supply woes persist: Grain shippers delay deliveries amid barge quagmire
Grain shippers have delayed deliveries until later in the year amid uncertainty about when barge traffic will normalize. This has softened the demand for barges, with the St. Louis barge spot rate falling to $72.58 per ton in the week of October 18 from its peak of $105.85 per ton in the week of October 11.


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Inflation Is Making Pizza More Appealing This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving dinner is going to be more expensive this year, leaving many Americans seeking alternative ways to celebrate.


From bird flu reducing the supply of turkeys, to California’s drought shrinking vegetable yields and a labor shortage impacting workers available to process and transport food, prices are up across the board, Wells Fargo Chief Agricultural Economist Michael Swanson said. Turkeys now cost $1.99 a pound in parts of the country, compared to $1.15 a pound a year ago, according to the USDA. And sides have also seen a dramatic increase, with potatoes up 18%, canned fruit and vegetables up 19% and butter up 27% over last year, according to September inflation data.


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Russia Suspends Participation In Ukraine Grain Deal After “Massive” Drone Attack On Black Sea Fleet
Russia suspended its participation in the Ukraine grain export deal after a swarm of drones targeted at least one Russian warship from the Black Sea navy.


  We are the only generation who could pull off the entire world using the same economic system and, new ways to ID people. Also a new way of doing business only not with hard cash.  In the prophecy below we see some type of Antichrist economic system that will be placed in the hand or forehead.  Now we are seeing the digital currencies being to used in nation after nation.  There is no doubt that our generation has made it possible for one man to come at a time when there is a global economic crisis and start his one world economic system  and his new way to ID his followers as stated by Jesus in Revelation 13.



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National digital ID clears congressional hurdle amid fears it could be politically abused
national digital ID system for U.S. citizens is fast becoming a reality following a vote by the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee to advance the Improving Digital Identity Act.




Keep in mind it’s not just the United States in an economic crisis.

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U.S. following in Europe’s footsteps: “Bout of cold weather” this winter could result in BLACKOUTS due to energy shortages, expert warns
Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy, is warning that the upcoming winter season in the United States “could be challenging” due to dwindling diesel and diesel distillate supplies.


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Endangered freedom: Communist China is buying up American infrastructure, land and assets: check out these examples
There are very few companies left in the United States that actually produce products made here, in case you have not noticed. And even those companies that still appear to be based here are, in many cases, actually owned by communist China.


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Fed Faces Tough Decisions as Inflation Lingers and Economic Risks Loom 


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Elon Musk Wears Halloween Costume Called ‘The Devil’s Champion’ Complete With An Upside-Down Christian Cross In The Head Of Baphomet 
Just in case you’re wondering whose side that Twitter owner Elon Musk is playing for, God or the Devil, he was considerate enough yesterday to clear up that burning issue. How did he do that? By donning a $7,500.00 Halloween costume called ‘The Devil’s Champion’ that features a satanic, upside-down Christian cross located in the head of Baphomet in the center of the breastplate.


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Child Euthanasia Without Parental Consent? Canada Is Considering Just That 
In 2017, we learned of the sad case of Charlie Gard, an infant born with a rare and severe genetic disorder. Even though his parents had raised the money for an experimental treatment overseas, British authorities refused to release the boy to his mom and dad, saying he deserved to “die with dignity.”

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Drag Queen and Middle School Teacher Makes Sexual Remarks in Front of Students… Teaches Them How To Collect Tips From Adult Audiences… School Turns a Blind Eye 
A middle school teacher in Alabama is living a double life. By day, Mr. Miller, and by night, drag queen Miss Majesty Divine. While dressed in drag, Miller performed at a “family-friendly event” where he made multiple sexually-suggestive comments in a room full of children. After being placed on temporary leave from his teaching job, Miller returned and is now teaching children how to perform as a drag queen and collect tips from an adult audience.





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Here’s How The Tesla Cybertruck Is Gearing
Up To Takeover The EV Landscape





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