November 25, 2015



Frank DiMora reports on the news which is pointing to Bible prophecy and provides commentary of said news.

Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

email address:


 The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 16, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.





an_eqOur Lord Jesus told us to watch for the great earthquakes that would come in the last days. There was another huge quake as you can see from the news below.  Keep in mind just the earthquakes by themselves would not mean much to the last days watchers however, our generation is the only generation who has seen all of the last day signs Jesus warned about taking place all at the same time.

Major 7.6-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes

Near Peru-Brazil Border in

I also wanted to present this link to you that was sent to me in order to help Pastor Titus in Kenya who my ministry has been supporting for a long time.  Anyone coming to my site knows I do not ask for any funds to support my ministry. I give everything I have for free.  Part of my role in this ministry is to point out the needs and then to turn those needs over to Christ and then to show you what the need is, then I sit back and see how the Holy Spirit works to touch people to take care of those needs.  I have done my best to support Pastor Titus who the Lord has placed under my wing to help spread the message about the gospel and the Lord’s warning concerning the last days.  Pastor Titus is also supporting orphans and now there is a great need.  Please go to the following link and, if the Holy Spirit speaks to you please help my Brother Titus. UP-DATE: SOMEONE GAVE 5 HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR PASTOR TITUS BUT  WE ARE FAR AWAY FROM THE FUNDS WE NEED TO SUPPORT TITUS AND ALL THE ORPHANS.  IF I CAN’T RAISE THE FUNDS FOR TITUS THAN MAYBE ITS TIME TO END THE END TIMES MINISTRY.  I have told my staff we are taking time off for the Thanksgiving Holiday and we will be praying for the Lord to help us in helping Pastor Titus. I will be seeing you after the Thanksgiving blessing and hopefully the Lord will have spoken to me about stopping my work as an end time ministry.  My heart is heavy for Pastor Titus and the many children under his care. Pray that people will go to the link and help Titus.

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