NOV. 12, 2015 THE DAY AFTER!

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 12, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

As I promised last month, I would expose Ron Reese as a false prophet and false teacher on the day after his date setting did not come to pass for the rapture of the Church and the beginning of the tribulation which, he stated would begin on November 11, 2015.

On  June 27, 2015 Ron also emailed me his teaching that the Battle of Gog and Magog would begin on Nov. 11, 2015.  His email to me can be seen below.  As you now know on November 12, 2015 that not such massive attack against Israel has taken place. This is another case of false date setting and false teaching!

A11 click on picture to enlarge

an_eqJesus warned us we would see “great earthquakes” Read Luke 21:11

Strong 6.9-magnitude quake hits Chile: USGS by psn November 11, 2015 WORLD

 Washington: A strong 6.9-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of central Chile late yesterday but there was no immediate tsunami alert or reports of injuries or damage, US seismologists said.
 A sure way for a nation to be healthy and strong is to have Jesus Christ the head of the nation.  Of course this is something Satan can not stand and in order to try and stamp out Jesus in a God fearing nation he has been using the liberal media to down grade Christians and their beliefs in Christ.  Watch Ben Carson also talks about this issue in the video below.

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