Oct. 14, 2020- Pompeo urges Saudi Arabia to consider normalizing relations with Israel; Iran reports cyberattack



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 Israel approves Judea and Samaria homes, ending de facto freeze

Israel green-lighted Wednesday over 2,000 new housing units for Israeli towns in Judea and Samaria, ending an eight-month de facto freeze on approval for new homes. The Civil Administration’s Higher Planning Committee approved on Wednesday 2,166 new housing units in Judea and Samaria, with the committee expected to meet again Thursday to approve close to 3,000 additional housing units, for a total of roughly 5,000 units. This is the first time since February that the Higher Planning Committee approved new housing units in Judea and Samaria. The left-wing Peace Now organization issued a statement Wednesday condemning the new housing projects. “Netanyahu is moving ahead at full steam toward solidifying the de facto annexation of the West Bank.” The Gush Etzion Regional Council, however, celebrated the Higher Planning Committee’s decision, noting that some 1,100 new units were approved in the Gush Etzion area south of Jerusalem.
Oct. 14, 2020


  Hezbollah slams Lebanese gov’t as Beirut starts maritime border talks with Israel

Lebanon receives FBI’s report on Beirut port explosion

Hezbollah insisted just hours before the talks that only military officials be sent to the negotiations. The Shi’ite terrorist organization Hezbollah slammed the Lebanese government on Wednesday as it enters US-mediated talks with Israel regarding disputed maritime borders in the Mediterranean sea. Along with Shi’ite political Amal, Hezbollah criticized Beirut’s delegation sent to the talks, calling for the representatives to include only military officials without any civilians or politicians just hours before the first meeting. “The two demand immediately rowing back from this decision and re-forming the delegation in line with the framework agreement,” it said. Hailed as a “historic” breakthrough by US officials following three years of negotiations, the talks aim to resolve a dispute between the countries over potentially resource-rich Mediterranean waters.
Oct. 14, 2020

Pompeo urges Saudi Arabia to consider normalizing relations with Israel

Saudi Arabia May Be Forced To Start Another Oil Price War

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday urged Saudi Arabia to consider normalizing relations with Israel as he met with the Gulf country’s foreign minister, also saying that Washington supports a “robust program of arms sales” to it. Pompeo said he raised the so-called Abraham Accords, a U.S.-brokered agreement to normalize diplomatic ties with Israel, with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud at a meeting at the U.S. State Department. “We hope Saudi Arabia will consider normalizing its relationships as well, and we want to thank them for the assistance they’ve had in the success of the Abraham Accords so far,” Pompeo said, adding that he hopes the nation will encourage Palestinian leaders or the Palestinian Authority to return to negotiations with Israel. The United States is trying to persuade more Gulf countries to strike similar accords with Israel, as the UAE and Bahrain did at the Sept. 15 ceremony in Washington. Riyadh has quietly acquiesced to the UAE and Bahrain deals – though it has stopped short of endorsing them – and has signaled it is not ready to take action itself.
Oct. 14, 2020

IDF Special Forces carry out covert operation, destroy two Syrian outposts

In a secret operation that took place last week and was made known to the public on Tuesday, IDF Special Forces crossed the border into the demilitarized zone between Israel and Syria and destroyed two outposts belonging to the Syrian army. The operation included combat soldiers from the Nachal Brigade and commando soldiers from Yahalom – a special unit that specializes in combat engineering – crossing the border and destroying two Syrian outposts without being detected. The operation was carried out following Syria’s continued violation of the disengagement agreement between Israel and Syria from 1974, which determines that a designated buffer zone between the borders would only be occupied by a special UN force called the Disengagement Observer Force.
Oct. 14, 2020


US demands Turkey end ‘calculated provocation’ of ship

Turkey is the next Iran

The United States on Tuesday demanded that Turkey pull back an energy research ship that it has sent back to waters contested with Greece, calling the move a “calculated provocation.” In a strongly worded statement, the State Department said the US “deplores” the decision by Turkey that came just after tensions with Greece had subsided. “We urge Turkey to end this calculated provocation and immediately begin exploratory talks with Greece,” State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said in a statement. “Turkey’s announcement unilaterally raises tensions in the region and deliberately complicates the resumption of crucial exploratory talks between our NATO allies Greece and Turkey,” she said. “Coercion, threats, intimidation and military activity will not resolve tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean.”
Oct. 13, 2020

Iran reports 2nd cyberattack, ministries also struck

A “major” cyberattack targeted at least two government agencies in Iran recently, Iran’s National Computer Emergency Response Team (Maher) announced on Wednesday, according to Iranian media. The announcement was made after reports of a large cyberattack spread on social media. The team stressed that the relevant authorities are investigating the incident. Some government agencies in Iran suspended some services and performed technical tests as precautionary measures after receiving warnings about the attack, according to Iranian media. Maher denied that there was any evidence of a widespread attack on any other agencies so far except for the two that were mentioned. The open source intelligence social media account Intelli Times reported that the attacks were attributed to Israel. No party has claimed responsibility for the attack and Iranian government officials have not stated whether the attack was domestic or foreign. According to Radio Farda, a number of earlier reports mentioned attacks targeting Iran’s Ports and Shipping Organization and issues arising at ports and banks. Some reports indicated that a port in Bandar Abbas, located near the Strait of Hormuz, was targeted in the attack.
Oct. 14, 2020

US air strikes target Taliban in Helmand as troop drawdown halts

US air strikes targeted Taliban fighters on the outskirts of Lashkargah in Helmand Province over the weekend, officials said Monday (October 12), with violence in Afghanistan surging despite ongoing peace talks. Heavy fighting erupted on the outskirts of the provincial capital after the Taliban attacked several outposts in the area. The US military “conducted several targeted strikes in Helmand” to defend Afghan troops as they came under attack, said US military spokesman Col. Sonny Leggett. Under a deal the Taliban signed with US negotiators in February, the insurgents are not supposed to hit urban areas and are meant to keep violence down, while the United States committed to pulling out its troops from the country by next May. In the wake of the February pact, the United States has upheld its end of the deal, already drastically reducing the number of troops in Afghanistan from 12,000 to about 4,500. Pulling out the final 4,500 troops depends on the Taliban reducing attacks and advancing peace talks with the Afghan government, stressed US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Mark Milley. “The whole agreement and all of the drawdown plans are conditions-based,” he told US National Public Radio in an interview broadcast October 12.
Oct. 13, 2020

Azerbaijan strikes inside Armenia as Karabakh fighting widens

Sparse military gains for Azerbaijan – despite its strong advantages over Armenia

Azerbaijan said Wednesday it had destroyed missile launchers inside Armenia that were targeting its cities, as fierce fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh risked widening beyond the disputed region. Hundreds have already lost their lives in two weeks of fighting, and continued clashes have rendered almost meaningless a humanitarian ceasefire agreed in Moscow last week. Armenia confirmed that military positions inside the country had been hit but denied its forces had been firing into Azerbaijan. It warned that it too could start targeting military sites inside its adversary’s territory. Clashes over Nagorno-Karabakh — where Armenia-backed separatist fighters are battling Azerbaijani forces — have been largely confined to areas in and around the region since a fresh outbreak of fighting started last month. Direct confrontations between Armenia and Azerbaijan risk spiraling into an all-out, multi-front war with devastating consequences for both sides.
Oct. 14, 2020

Suspected jihadists kill dozens in central Mali attacks

Pakistan Promises to Use U.N. Human Rights Council Post to Fight ‘Islamophobia’

Suspected Islamist militants killed 25 people including 13 soldiers in multiple attacks in central Mali, burning down an army base and ambushing troops sent as reinforcements, the army and local authorities said on Tuesday. The attacks were the deadliest since the August 18 military coup that overthrew President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, and came just days after scores of jailed militants were freed by the interim government in a prisoner swap. Nine soldiers were killed in the first attack that took place overnight against a base in Sokoura near the border with Burkina Faso, an army statement said. At around 8:30am on Tuesday, another three soldiers were killed in an ambush at a bridge near the base as their unit headed to the scene of the first attack, it said. Nine militants were killed in clashes with the reinforcement unit and two of their vehicles destroyed by the air force.
Oct. 14, 2020


   Kyrgyzstan’s new PM to press for president’s resignation

New Kyrgyz Prime Minister Sadyr Japarov said on Wednesday he would press President Sooronbai Jeenbekov to resign as promised to end a political crisis in the Central Asian nation, where the result of an Oct. 4 election was annulled after protests. Parliament had earlier confirmed nationalist Japarov as premier for the second time, after Jeenbekov vetoed its previous decision on Oct. 10 because of proxy voting by some legislators. The president signed off on the appointment shortly after the second vote. Jeenbekov said last week he was ready to resign once a new cabinet was installed, but it was unclear if he planned to do so imminently. “The president’s resignation is what people are demanding,” Japarov told a briefing after the vote in parliament. “I will go to the president today and we will resolve this issue.” He also reaffirmed his commitment to maintain a strategic partnership with Russia and said he had no plans to change the terms of Russian military presence in the mountainous country of 6.5 million which borders China.
Oct. 14, 2020

Belarus Update: Police Detain Demonstrators as Protests Escalate

Belarusian authorities continued their new phase of violent escalation against protesters on October 11. Belarusian police detained at least 713 protesters on October 11, the highest single-day arrest total to date. At least one thousand protesters marched in Minsk on Monday, October 12, a higher number than most Monday protests have seen. Belarusian police cracked down on these marchers with stun grenades and tear gas, detained at least 186, and flew five to six Mi-8 transport helicopters over Minsk. Some Belarusian protesters began adopting aggressive barricade tactics evocative of the 2014 Ukrainian Euromaidan for the first time on October 12 although on a much smaller scale. Several dozen protesters created street barricades with burning tires, plastic traffic barriers, and human chains to block traffic in several Minsk neighborhoods the evening of October 12. Riot police dispersed and detained these protesters and dismantled barricades. This escalation will likely prompt self-declared Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko to further accelerate efforts to end protests before they can become more serious. Three planned participants withdrew from the Unbreakable Brotherhood Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) exercises in Belarus.
Oct. 13, 2020

Nigerians Demand End to Police Squad Known for Brutalizing the Young

Sars ban: Two dead in Nigeria police brutality protests

With protests breaking out across Nigeria and in expatriate Nigerian communities around the world, the country’s president vowed to a skeptical public on Monday that he would crack down on rogue police officers accused of brutalizing citizens. President Muhammadu Buhari’s promise came a day after his government announced that it would dismantle a widely feared police unit known as SARS, for Special Anti-Robbery Squad. A police officer and a civilian have been killed in the Nigerian city of Lagos as protests continue against police brutality for a sixth day. There are reports that police used live ammunition on the protesters in the country’s largest city. This comes a day after a notorious police unit accused of unlawful arrests and murder was officially disbanded. Demonstrators have long called for the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (Sars) to be broken up.
Oct. 13, 2020 

Thai protests: Thousands gather in Bangkok as king returns to country

Pro-democracy protesters in Thailand have confronted a motorcade carrying King Maha Vajiralongkorn as it passed through a rally in Bangkok. The protesters, who were pushed back by ranks of police, raised the three-finger salute that has become a symbol of the protest movement. They have called for curbs on the king’s powers and for the resignation of Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha. The protests on Wednesday follow months of escalating tension in the country. The growing student-led protest movement, which began in July, has become the greatest challenge in years to Thailand’s ruling establishment. Protests over the weekend in the capital were some of the largest in years, with thousands defying authorities to gather and demand change. Authorities say 18,000 people joined Saturday’s demonstration, although others gave higher figures. Many stayed to continue the protest into Sunday before dispersing.
Oct. 14, 2020

Argentina: Thousands Take to Streets in Protest Against Socialist Government

Thousands in Argentina took to the streets on Monday to protest against the country’s socialist government, currently presiding over one of the world’s most severe economic crises, worsened by strict lockdown measures. Demonstrations took place around the capital of Buenos Aires and other cities including Córdoba, Menzoda, Rosario, Salta, and Mar Del Plata. The protests were related to issues including the government’s disastrous handling of the economy, attempts to interfere in the independent judiciary, and the draconian measures imposed in response to the Chinese coronavirus. Although many issues were at stake for the protesters, the most pressing matter currently facing Argentina is the country’s ongoing economic meltdown. Last week, the country’s Central Bank confirmed that the economy will contract by 11.8 percent in the year 2020 as inflation reaches record highs and poverty climbs over 40 percent. As a result of this crisis, the Fernández government has enforced strict price and currency controls, although these measures are expected to do little to solve the country’s dire economic predicament in the long term.
Oct. 13, 2020


 China Threatens U.S. With ‘Necessary Reaction’ for Selling Weapons to Taiwan, Warns India and Japan Over Territory

China has warned it would take new measures in response to a planned U.S. arms sale to Taiwan, a self-ruling island claimed by Beijing, which also called out Washington partners India and Japan over territorial disputes across Asia. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian decried the sale of three advanced weapons systems to Taiwan. He called it a violation of the longstanding agreements by which Washington has foregone direct ties with Taipei in favor of Beijing. “The United States has seriously violated the one-China principle, and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiqués, especially the August 17 communique,” Zhao said, “by selling arms to Taiwan, seriously interfered in China’s internal affairs and seriously harmed China’s sovereignty and security interests.” “China firmly opposes this,” he warned, calling on the U.S. side “to fully recognize the very damaging nature of its arms sales to Taiwan, abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiqués, immediately cancel all arms sales plans to Taiwan, and stop arms sales to Taiwan and military ties between the United States and Taiwan.” Without specifying, Zhao said there would otherwise be consequences to Washington’s decision.
Oct. 13, 2020 


  IMF, World Bank, G7 Countries to Create Central Bank Digital Currency Rules

  Shenzhen residents embrace digital currency

The Group of Twenty (G20) – an organization of finance ministers and central bank governors representing the European Union and 19 countries across every continent – said in a report Tuesday it is working with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) to formalize the use of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) in banking systems. According to the report, by the end of 2022 the G20 members, the IMF, the World Bank and the BIS will have completed regulatory stablecoin frameworks and research and selection of CBDC designs, technologies and experiments. Meanwhile, China’s central bank has issued 10 million yuan ($1.5m; £1.1m) worth of digital currency to 50,000 people in the Shenzhen area via a lottery.  The move is the latest in a series of trials testing out China’s new Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP). Those who were successful received digital “red packets” worth about 200 yuan, which they could download and spend at more than 3,000 stores. Nearly two million people signed up to take part in the lottery. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) says it plans to launch DCEP later this year, although it is yet to set a date.
Oct. 13., 2020

The United Nations Continues Its Abortion Advocacy

World Economic Forum Outlines Its ‘Great Reset’

Various elements of the United Nations system, including the World Health Organization, UNICEF, UNFPA, and the World Bank, will partner with abortion groups to advance a “human right” to abortion. The U.N. made the announcement on September 29 to commemorate so-called International Safe Abortion Day, with the stated goal of addressing “unsafe abortion” in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The partnership, headed by the WHO Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research, will bring together U.N. entities with the world’s largest abortion providers, including the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Ipas, and Marie Stopes International, to promote “comprehensive abortion care,” including access to self-administered telemedicine abortion, as an essential service and a “human right.” By collaborating on “mitigation strategies” to reduce disruption in abortion access, in addition to “procurement and funding” for abortion services, the goal of the partnership is for Big Abortion and the U.N. to make abortion available and accessible on demand everywhere. The announcement goes so far as to highlight not only young girls but also “those with varying gender identities” as people who should be able to receive “abortion care.”
Oct. 14, 2020


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