October 2, 2020- Global Pieces of Prophecy



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Honduras to move embassy to Jerusalem before end of 2020

Honduras is planning to move its Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, following the United States and other nations that have done so recently. Honduran President Orlando Hernandez said he expects the move to be made by the end of the year. In response, Israel says it plans to open an embassy in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa. “We hope to take this historic step before the end of the year, as long as the pandemic allows it,” Hernandez tweeted. “I look forward to working with you to strengthen the friendship between Israel and Honduras and to the opening of your embassy in Jerusalem and ours in Tegucigalpa,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu added in a tweet. Mattanya Cohen, Israel’s ambassador to Honduras and Guatemala, said Monday they were able to overcome Palestinian opposition to the move. “They told me there’s no chance that Honduras will move its embassy because there is a large Palestinian community there,” Cohen said. “I didn’t give up. We started with quiet contacts behind the scenes, with ministers, with parliament members, and the community.”
Sept. 21, 2020

US Space Force deploys to Middle East Qatar

The U.S. Army has deployed the first batch of its newly established military branch, the “Space Force”, outside the United States, specifically in the Arabian Peninsula. The Chargé d’Affairs at the United States Embassy in Qatar, Greta C. Holtz, said on her Twitter account on Tuesday, that “Washington has deployed the first group of the space force at Al-Udeid Air Force Base in Qatar. She added: “The deployment of the first group of members of the U.S. Space Force to Al-Udeid Air Force Base in Qatar represents the commitment of the United States and Qatar to continue building their strategic partnership in the future and in the space field.”
Sept. 22, 2020
*** Please also see these past articles:

Pompeo is expected to depart on Sunday for Israel, Bahrain, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Sudan.

Qatar: Payouts for Hamas no longer guaranteed – report

Angered by Arab-Israel ties, PA quits chairing Arab League sessions

The Palestinian Authority has quit its current chairmanship of Arab League meetings, the PA foreign minister said on Tuesday, condemning as dishonorable any Arab agreement to establish formal relations with Israel. Palestinians see the accords that the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed with Israel in Washington a week ago as a betrayal of their cause and a blow to their quest for an independent state in Israeli-occupied territory. The PA was supposed to chair Arab League meetings for the next six months, but PA Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki told a news conference in the West Bank city of Ramallah that it no longer wanted the position. “Palestine has decided to concede its right to chair the League’s council (of foreign ministers) at its current session. There is no honor in seeing Arabs rush towards normalization during its presidency,” Maliki said.
Sept. 22, 2020

Sudan talks with UAE, US could lead to normalization with Israel – report

Netanyahu to meet Sudan’s leader in Uganda, reports say

Unconfirmed news reports Thursday said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will fly to Uganda in the coming days to meet the Sudanese leader, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, to discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations. Speculation has run rampant about the deal over the past weeks and gained momentum after U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft said on Wednesday that another country will recognize Israel “in the next day or two.” In an interview with the Arabic language channel of Israel’s i24 News, sources close to Sudan’s ruling Sovereignty Council said the new Sudanese-Israeli Friendship Association will be inaugurated in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum on Saturday. That announcement is the start of a normalization process between the two countries, i24 reported. The sources said General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the leader of Sudan’s transitional sovereign council, is “likely to meet in the coming days” with Netanyahu in Uganda in what would be their second such meeting this year after the two met in Uganda in February.
Sept. 24, 2020
*** Please also see these past articles:

Sudan Foreign Ministry says it looks forward to peace with Israel – report

Sudan fires foreign ministry spokesman for Israel comments

Sudan ends 30 year rule of Islamic law, separating religion and state

Former MK and Temple Mount activist Yehudah Glick plans to run for president

A new, somewhat surprising contender has joined the race to become Israel’s next president next year. Yehudah Glick, a former Knesset member and longtime advocate for Jewish rights on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, has told right-wing lawmakers that he will run for the job when Reuven Rivlin’s tenure ends in the summer of 2021, Zman Yisrael, The Times of Israel’s Hebrew-language sister site, has learned. Glick, asking the lawmakers to support him, said he was the only candidate who fits the role. “Over Rosh Hashanah I sat with myself for two whole days and decided I will run for the job,” Glick told the Knesset members. “I see what is happening today in the nation. I am pained by the divisions and the rifts. Other rumored candidates for the presidency include Labor party leader Amir Peretz, Health Minister Yuli Edelstein and Jewish Agency Chairman Isaac Herzog. Glick, 55, a United States-born religious Zionist, was a lawmaker for the ruling Likud party from 2016 to 2019. He was elected as the representative of West Bank settlements, but quickly proved to be open to all opinions and sectors, which made him a popular figure, especially outside Likud ranks. The Palestinians and Jordan would likely be angered if Glick is chosen as president, especially if he keeps going to the Temple Mount in the new role.
Sept. 27, 2020

Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah dies at 91

 Kuwait to Face Pressure to Forge Ties With Israel After Emir’s Death

For decades, Kuwait has charted a neutral course in many of the Middle East’s intractable conflicts. But the death of its longtime ruler leaves his successor with a dilemma: whether or not to normalize ties with Israel without statehood for the Palestinians. After an Oval Office meeting earlier this month with Sheikh Sabah’s eldest son, a former defense minister who is a leading contender to become the next crown prince, President Trump said Kuwait would be the next country to forge formal relations with Israel. But a week later at the United Nations, Kuwait’s prime minister reiterated the country’s insistence that peace with the Palestinians precede normalization with the Arab world.
Sept. 29, 2020
*** Please also see this past article:

Trump: Kuwait May Be the Next Country to Establish Diplomatic Relations With Israel

Sanhedrin Counts the Sixth Year of the Jubilee Cycle on the Mount of Olives

Last Monday, representatives of the Sanhedrin gathered in Jerusalem to recite the annual blessing that designates the place of the New Year in the Jubilee cycle. Rabbi Yosef Berger, Rabbi Aharon Stern, and Rabbi Hakak blew the shofar and recited the blessings to count the sixth year of the Shemittah (sabbatical) on the Mount of Olives overlooking the Temple Mount. The Shemitah is part of a larger framework of seven Shemitah (sabbatical) cycles, in which we count 49 years, and then the 50th year is the Jubilee year, as described in Leviticus.
Sept. 30, 2020

Armenia recalls envoy to Israel over arms sales to Azerbaijan

Armenia said on Thursday it had recalled its ambassador to Israel for consultations over Israeli arms sales to Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has acknowledged using Israeli-made weapons in its fighting with ethnic Armenian forces around Nagorno-Karabakh, where heavy clashes this week have drawn international calls for an immediate ceasefire. Protesting against the Israeli weapons exports, Armenian foreign ministry spokeswoman Anna Naghdalyan said “Israel’s work style is unacceptable. The ministry has to call back its ambassador in Israel.” The Foreign Ministry said in response: “Israel regrets Armenia’s decision to recall its ambassador. Israel sees great importance in its relations with Armenia and sees the Armenian Embassy in Israel as an important tool for promoting this relationship for the benefit of both peoples.”
Oct. 1, 2020
*** Please also see Armenia below (Ezekiel War)

‘Jerusalem is our city,’ Turkey’s Erdogan declares

Erdogan’s Plan to Take Over the Palestinian Authority

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Thursday implied that Jerusalem belongs to Turkey, referring to the Ottoman Empire’s control over the city for much of the modern era. During a lengthy speech at the opening of the Turkish parliament’s new legislative session, Erdoğan spent several minutes lamenting the fate of Jerusalem and the Palestinians’ plight. “In this city that we had to leave in tears during the First World War, it is still possible to come across traces of the Ottoman resistance. So Jerusalem is our city, a city from us,” he told Turkish lawmakers during a major policy speech in Ankara. “Our first qibla [direction of prayer in Islam] al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem are the symbolic mosques of our faith. In addition, this city is home to the holy places of Christianity and Judaism.”
Oct. 2, 2020


  Explosion rocks alleged Hezbollah arms cache in Lebanon, casualties reported

IDF reveals additional intelligence on Hezbollah sites in Beirut

A Hezbollah weapons cache exploded in a small town in southern Lebanon on Monday, sending up billowing clouds of black smoke, causing widespread damage and several casualties, according to unconfirmed reports. While there was no immediate confirmation by officials as to the cause of the explosion in the small town of Ain Qana, an unnamed source told Reuters the site was an arms depot. A Hezbollah official confirmed there was an explosion but declined to give further details. Hezbollah security forces deployed in the area and prevented journalists from investigating on the scene. The Lebanese Army said in a statement that its forces were at the scene to conduct an investigation into the cause of the explosion. Meanwhile, following Netanyahu’s speech to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, Hezbollah organized a media tour of the site that they claim is a civilian iron workshop. Footage filmed by several media outlets showed crowds of people as well as machines and other tools that are used to manufacture precision missiles. On Wednesday the IDF provided details maps and GPS coordinates of the sites which were in the Jnah neighborhood, Laylaki, and Chouaifet neighborhoods under residential apartment buildings and near a mosque, medical center, and gas stations.
Oct. 2, 2020

Is Saudi Arabia about to go nuclear with China’s help?

The recent normalization deals between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have fundamentally shifted the region’s alliances. Both Gulf countries maintain close ties with Saudi Arabia, and speculation abounds as to whether or not the Saudis will be the next country to formalize ties with the Jewish state. A recent report in The Guardian indicates that Chinese geologists say Saudi Arabia may have enough uranium ore reserves for the domestic production of nuclear fuel. At the same time, a Wall Street Journal report said that Western officials have grown concerned about nuclear cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia in the construction of a facility for extracting uranium yellowcake from uranium ore. This facility is being built with the assistance of two Chinese companies. Similarly, The New York Times reported that Western intelligence agencies are “scrutinizing” the Saudi’s work with China to develop nuclear expertise as a cover towards the development of a nuclear weapon.
Sept. 21, 2020

Anti-gov’t protests in Egypt

Dozens of anti-government protesters took to the streets in the Egyptian governorate of Giza on Sunday, despite heightened security in the country in advance of anticipated demonstrations. Video clips circulating on social media showed the demonstrators holding banners and chanting slogans calling on Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi to step down. Others set a police car on fire while some threw stones at security forces who tried to stop them.
Sept. 21, 2020

Is Syria ready to resume peace talks with Israel?

Syria affirms opposition to ‘all agreements with Israel enemy’

Is Syria ready to launch peace negotiations with Israel? According to a report by top Arab journalist Ibrahim Hamidi, that may very well be the case. Hamidi, who heads the Damascus bureau at Al-Hayat daily. is considered close to government circles. In a report over the weekend, he alleged that Syrian President Bashar Assad recently used various back-channels to signal that he was interested in pursuing indirect talks with Israel, meaning he is ready to return to the negotiations table with Israel. Hamidi claimed that despite the support Assad is reeving from Iran, Russia and Turkey, “For Syria, the way to Washington runs through Tel Aviv” – a hint to the close relationship Israel maintains with the Trump administration. He further noted that “whenever Damascus faced a political crossroads it opted for the possibility of indirect and secret negotiations with Israel even though it never really planned to reach an agreement to normalize relations with Israel.” Hamidi also noted that this may be a ploy by Assad, who is not at all interested in fostering real dialogue with Israel but only in creating the facade of one to gain European and American support.
Oct. 1, 2020

US threatening to close Baghdad embassy if Iraqis can’t stop militia’s rocket attacks

Military Base Housing Canadian Troops Attacked as US-Iraq Tensions Escalate

The Trump administration is reportedly considering closing its embassy in Baghdad, Iraq unless the Iraqi government can stop rocket attacks against U.S. forces and facilities. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and U.S. ambassador to Iraq Matthew Tueller both delivered warnings to top Iraqi officials that the Shiite militia attacks must stop, officials told Wall Street Journal. U.S. officials have begun preparing to withdraw its diplomats from the embassy and have taken preliminary measures for the embassy’s closure, Iraqi officials told WSJ. “What we’re being told is that it is a gradual closure of the embassy over two to three months,” one Iraqi official said, adding that moving slowly to close the embassy would allow the U.S. to halt the closure if the Iraqi government takes the necessary action to protect U.S. assets. The militia rocket attacks have been a significant strain on relations between the U.S. and Iraq. Closing the embassy could result in U.S. military strikes on Shiite militias behind the rocket attacks, U.S. officials said.
Oct. 1, 2020

Rockets fired by pro-Iranian group target Kurdistan region Iraq

Turkey, Iran deploy drones in north Iraq against Kurd rebels

The Kurdistan Region of Iraq was incensed Wednesday night as rockets were fired from Nineveh Plains outside Mosul toward Erbil. The Kurdistan autonomous region in Iraq is a stable area, and the attack by Iranian-backed groups is seen as a major test and threat directed at the region’s stability and US presence. The US has warned Iraq it will close its embassy in Baghdad and hinted at striking the Iranian-backed groups if the attacks do not stop. There have been dozens of attacks in recent months, including 107-mm. rocket fire and explosives aimed at convoys that supply the US. The US-led anti-ISIS coalition closed eight facilities in the last six months amid the attacks. The US has brought together some 25 ambassadors of various countries in Baghdad to express concern and demand that Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi stop the attacks. Masrour Barzani, the prime minister of Iraqi Kurdistan, called on Kadhimi to condemn the attacks and find those responsible. The brazen attack on Wednesday came a day after pro-Iranian militias fired a rocket in Baghdad that murdered several members of the same family.
Oct. 2, 2020


 Moscow ‘Concerned’ Turkey Moving Islamic Militia From Libya, Syria To Fight Christians In Nagorno-Karabakh

Turkey Fuels Azerbaijan-Armenian Conflict with Terror Proxies from Syria

Armenian PM claims to have evidence of Turkish involvement in Karabakh fighting

The Russian Foreign Ministry has stated it is ‘concerned’ of reports that the Islamic nation of Turkey, a NATO ally, is moving Islamic militia from Syria and Libya to fight Christian Armenian forces in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh in the South Caucasus. Nagorno-Karabakh is a ‘frozen conflict’ traced to the fall of the Soviet Union. Russia has a military base in Armenia and is of course an Orthodox Christian state. “Reports are coming in that members of illegal armed groups are being moved to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, particularly from Syria and Libya, to take part in military activities. We are deeply concerned about these developments that can not only raise tensions further in the conflict zone but also create long-term security threats for all countries in the region,” the statement reads. Meanwhile, Armenia has evidence that Azeri forces battling its troops in the disputed Nagorno Karabakh region are receiving military support from Turkey, the country’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said.
Oct. 2, 2020

Greece warns it will no longer tolerate Turkey’s ‘provocations’ in Mediterranean

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Thursday said that recent Turkish provocations must stop, referring to tensions in the eastern Mediterranean over energy resources in disputed territory. “One thing is certain: Turkish provocation, whether manifested through unilateral actions or through extreme rhetoric, can no longer be tolerated,” Mitsotakis said, as he arrived at an EU summit in Brussels. Tensions between the two NATO partners have escalated in recent months over a dispute concerning gas exploration in the eastern Mediterranean.
Oct. 1, 2020

War Casualties Reported In The 1000s As Azerbaijan Claims Destruction Of Armenian S-300 System

Armenian PM says Turkey taking new genocidal path

Armenia says it shot down Azerbaijani drone near capital

On September 30, the Azerbaijani-Armenian war entered its third day with another increase in casualties and victorious communiqués from both sides… In the morning, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry claimed that its forces had put out of service an Armenian S-300 long-range air defense system near the village of Shushakend in the Khojaly District of the Nagorno-Karabakh Region. How the long-range system might have appeared near the contact line in the contested region remains a mystery. Meanwhile, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry announced that its forces had killed or injured up to 2,300 Armenian soldiers or officers, as well as eliminated up to 130 battle tanks and other equipment pieces, over 200 artillery guns and rocket launchers, 25 air defense systems, 6 HQs, 5 weapon depots, up to 50 anti-tank weapons and 55 vehicles. The Azerbaijani side insists that its forces have victoriously repelled Armenian attacks in the Madagiza area. Clashes, artillery duels and drone strikes are being reported along the entire contact line in the contested region. Earlier, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry reported that its artillery strikes pounded positions of the 1st battalion of Armenia’s 5th Motorized Rifle Regiment near Gasangaya in the Tartar area and the 1st battalion of the 6th Motorized Rifle Regiment in the Talysh area. Azerbaijan claims that the Armenian military suffered heavy losses and has been facing difficulties in finding equipment to organize the evacuation of the dead and wounded. As of September 30, the rhetoric of the Azerbaijani side shifted from declaring regular gains in the battle against Armenian forces to claiming that Armenian attacks on positions captured in the first day of the war had been successfully repelled. This, as is typical of war-time propaganda, attempts to deflect from the lack of notable gains on the ground despite the successful and active use of artillery, Turkish Bayraktar TB combat drones and Israeli Harpy loitering munitions. Meanwhile, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan accused Turkey of “once again advancing on a genocidal path” and said Ankara’s military was directly leading an offensive by Azeri forces against ethnic Armenian forces around Nagorno-Karabakh.
Oct. 2, 2020

ISIS militants wreak havoc in Mozambique, killing more than 1,000 in insurgency

Islamic State-affiliated terrorists have reportedly formed a base hub of operations in Northern Mozambique, killing more than 1,500 people, and displacing more than 250,000, according to the European Union. The militants intend to spread out from Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province throughout Southern Africa unless stopped, according to analyst Jasmine Opperman of the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project. “It is Islamic State, seeking a footprint in Southern Africa,” she told Fox News. “Islamic State needs a platform in the region to operate, and Cabo Delgado presents that opportunity, and hence I am saying there is a regional threat.”
Oct. 1, 2020


 Police clash with Portland protesters and press; more than 20 arrested

New York City, Portland And Seattle Declared Anarchist Cities By America

Congressional Hearing Reveals US Govt’s Invisible Hand In Protests Around The World

Police clashed with anti-racism protesters and pushed back members of the press in downtown Portland, Oregon into early Sunday morning, making more than 20 arrests. The violence followed a relatively peaceful rally by the right-wing Proud Boys group and counter protests by anti-fascist and Black Lives Matter activists on Saturday. Videos published online showed police pushing protesters and photographers to the ground and jabbing them with batons as officers drove them out of an area near Portland’s federal courthouse. Protesters burned a U.S. flag and scuffled with police trying to arrest fellow demonstrators.
Oct. 1, 2020

Belarus detains 500 people at anti-government protests

Belarus president sworn in at unannounced inaugural ceremony

Authorities in Belarus have detained about 500 people during weekend protests against the country’s authoritarian president, who has claimed a sixth term in office in an election widely seen as rigged. Belarus’ Interior Ministry said Monday that 150 protesters were detained on Saturday and over 350 more on Sunday, when anti-government protests spanned 22 cities. Daily rallies have rocked Belarus for over seven weeks now, with the largest ones drawing up to 200,000 people, in the biggest challenge yet to President Alexander Lukashenko’s long hard-line reign.
Sept. 29, 2020

Venezuela crisis: Anger over shortages triggers protests

Hundreds of protests have erupted across Venezuela in the past few days as anger mounts over frequent power cuts and shortages of fuel and drinking water, a non-governmental organisation monitoring social conflict says. The protests started in Yaracuy but have since spread to other states in the country’s interior. Residents accuse the government of neglecting the interior. They say it diverts supplies to Caracas, where the government is based. The grievances protesters cited as their reasons for taking to the streets were many, and included frequent power cuts and long spells in which the water supply to homes is cut, as well as shortages of petrol and gas used for cooking.
Sept. 30, 2020

Hong Kong Police Make Dozens of Arrests amid Mass Defiance of Protest Ban

Hong Kong police mobilized in force on Thursday, the 71st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Chinese regime, as hundreds of citizens defied a ban on unauthorized public gatherings to demonstrate in favor of democracy. The Hong Kong police reported at least 86 arrests for “participating in unauthorized assemblies, possession of offensive weapons, and other offenses.” There were also reports of people cited for violating coronavirus social distancing rules. Pro-democracy activist Lee Cheuk-yan pointedly tore up the citation he was issued for breaking social distancing roles. The HKFP noticed that no police responded at all to an apparently unlicensed procession of red-clad loyalists marching with Chinese flags early Wednesday morning.
Oct. 1, 2020  


 Global Food Shortages Are Becoming Very Real, And US Grocery Store Chains Are Preparing For Worst Case Scenarios

The head of the UN World Food Program repeatedly warned us that we would soon be facing “famines of biblical proportions”, and his predictions are now starting to become a reality.  We have already seen food riots in some parts of Africa, and it isn’t too much of a surprise that certain portions of Asia are really hurting right now.  But I have to admit that I was kind of shocked when I came across an article about the “hunger crisis” that has erupted in Latin America.  According to Bloomberg, “a resurgence of poverty is bringing a vicious wave of hunger in a region that was supposed to have mostly eradicated that kind of malnutrition decades ago”. We are being told that food shortages are becoming acute from Mexico City all the way down to the southern tip of South America, and those that are the poorest are being hit the hardest.
Sept. 30, 2020


In Unprecedented Monetary Overhaul, The Fed Is Preparing To Deposit “Digital Dollars” Directly To “Each American”

In the section titled “Central Bank Digital Currencies”, the Cleveland Fed president writes that “the experience with pandemic emergency payments has brought forward an idea that was already gaining increased attention at central banks around the world, that is, central bank digital currency (CBDC).” And in the shocking punchline, then goes on to reveal that “legislation has proposed that each American have an account at the Fed in which digital dollars could be deposited, as liabilities of the Federal Reserve Banks, which could be used for emergency payments.” But wait it gets better, because in launching digital cash, the Fed would then be able to scrap “anonymous” physical currency entirely, and track every single banknote from its “creation” all though the various transactions that take place during its lifetime. And, eventually, the Fed could remotely “destroy” said digital currency when it so decides. Oh, and in the process the Fed would effectively disintermediate commercial banks, as it would both provide loans to US consumers and directly deposit funds into their accounts, effectively making the entire traditional banking system obsolete.
Sept. 23, 2020

Amazon sees broad audience for its palm recognition tech

Amazon has introduced new palm recognition technology in a pair of Seattle stores and sees a broader potential audience in stadiums, offices and other gated or secured locations. Customers at the stores near Amazon’s campus in Washington can flash a palm for entry into secured areas and buy goods. The company chose palm recognition, according to Dilip Kumar, vice president of Physical Retail & Technology, because it’s more private than other biometric technology, and a person would be required to purposefully flash a palm at the Amazon One device to engage. Like the human fingerprint, every palm is unique. Unlike fingerprints, the palm is not used for broader identification purposes because more body specific information is needed. Any palm image proffered for use is never stored on the Amazon One device, the company said, for security reasons. The data is encrypted in a secured sector of the cloud that was custom built by Amazon, and customers can also delete their Amazon One-related data permanently at any time. The company expects to roll out Amazon One as an option in other Amazon stores in the coming months, which could mean Whole Foods Market grocery stores. But Amazon believes the technology is applicable in a myriad of secured locations.
Sept. 29, 2020


Cult leader who claims to be reincarnation of Jesus arrested in Russia

Russian authorities mounted a special operation to arrest a former traffic police officer who claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus and has run a cult based in the depths of Siberia for the past three decades. Helicopters and armed officers stormed communities run by Sergei Torop, known to his followers as Vissarion, and arrested him and two of his aides. Russia’s investigative committee said it would charge him with organising an illegal religious organisation, alleging that the cult extorted money from followers and subjected them to emotional abuse. Several thousand followers live in a series of remote hamlets in the Krasnoyarsk region in Siberia. Converts to the cult have included professionals from across Russia as well as pilgrims from abroad. “I am not God. And it is a mistake to see Jesus as God. But I am the living word of God the father. Everything that God wants to say, he says through me,” Vissarion told the Guardian in 2002. Russian media reported that in the original ideology of the cult, Vissarion claimed Jesus was watching over people from an orbit close to Earth, and the Virgin Mary was “running Russia”, but later he declared himself to be Jesus.
Sept. 22, 2020


 CDC Says It Published New Guidance On Risks Of ‘Airborne’ COVID-19 “In Error”

After publishing guidance warning about the serious risks of “airborne” infection associated with SARS-CoV-2, the CDC just seriously harmed its own credibility by acknowledging Monday that it had posted the new guidance “in error”, following a pressure campaign from the WHO. Scientists have been gathering evidence that the novel coronavirus plaguing the world spreads via aerosol particles practically since it first emerged, and back in July, a group of 200 scientists sent a letter to the WHO urging the international public health agency to change its guidance on the spread of the disease. The problem scientists argued is that the WHO hasn’t updated its views to incorporate new research showing that aerosol spread is a much greater threat than touching contaminated surfaces, or via large droplets spread by close contact between individuals. Yet, the WHO has refused these overtures, and this week it successfully convinced the CDC to do the same. After the WHO announced earlier that it had reached out to the CDC over the guidance change, the agency informed American media outlets that a “draft version” of the guidance had been “posted in error”.
Sept. 22, 2020


September 21, 2020- Dozens of birds fall dead from sky in Balakovo, Russia. Link

September 23, 2020- Dead whales beached on the coast of Tasmania, Australia. Link

September 27, 2020- Dead squirrels washing up on Lake Michigan beach, US.  Link


Brazil’s Amazon forest, precious wetlands burn at historic levels

Wildfires burning throughout Brazil have reached a historic high with the majority of them once again impacting the Amazon rain forest. According to data from the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, from Sept. 1 to the 27th, nearly 29,900 fires burned in the Amazon – an increase of 50% in relation to the entire month in 2019. It is the highest tally at the Amazon, the world’s largest tropical forest that is home to 20% of the fauna and flora species on the planet, since 1998, when the country began counting the fires. In Pantanal – the world’s largest flooded grasslands – officials are seeing its worst month since 2010. Data shows that over the same period this month, 6,796 fires have been recorded, an increase of more than 135% compared to 2019. The fires there have already burned an area equivalent to 23 times the size of New York City and will soon reach Bolivia.
Sept. 30, 2020


  Snow Falls Near Rome as Italy Suffers its Coldest September Temperatures in 50 Years

“Italy’s Coldest September in 50 Years,” reads the headline of a wantedinmilan.com article dated Sept, 28.  Over the weekend, Italy suffered a sudden and dramatic drop in temperature. The mercury plunged by between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius across the country, resulting in Italy’s coldest September temps since the early 1970s. The bone-chilling cold, originating from the Arctic, also delivered heavy early-season snow to the most unusual of places: September snow fell on the hills in the greater Rome area as well as in the Lazio region. According to Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, snow rarely ever falls this early in Lazio. Even the big cities, with all that data-skewing Urban Heat, were still experiencing a “particularly intense” bout of cold. Milan and Turin registered record-busting lows of 5C (41F) and 4C (39F), respectively, on the night of Sunday, September 27. For reference, Milan’s average low for the time of year is 16C (61F), with Turin’s standing at a balmy 17C (63F).
Sept. 29, 2020

The Most Active Swarms In SoCal’: 45 Earthquakes Over M3.0 Rattle Salton Sea Area In 2.5 Hours

A swarm of earthquakes rattled Westmoreland on Wednesday afternoon, a city located south of the Salton Sea. The biggest earthquake of Wednesday’s swarm measured at a 4.9 and struck just after 5 p.m. According to seismologist Dr. Lucy Jones, in just two and a half hours, the swarm had 45 quakes over 3.0. “One of the largest swarms we have had in the Imperial Valley – and it is historically the most active swarms in SoCal,” she said. Jones reassured that Westmoreland is located over 30 km south of the end of the San Andreas. “None of the earthquakes that have been happening in the Imperial Valley are anywhere near the San Andreas fault,” Jones said. “They are in the Brawley Seismic Zone – a network of small faults that connect the San Andreas and Imperial faults. Historically largest Brawley event was M5.8.” Jones said the quakes are near the 1981 Westmoreland earthquake which measured at a 5.8. “That sequence had 10 quakes M≥3.5,” she said. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quakes were felt in parts of Imperial and Riverside counties.
Sept. 30, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


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