Oct. 20, 2016- 9 month old babies fear for their lives/ Madonna is pledging to perform oral sex on voters

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index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct. 6, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora

I know many of you will think this is a joke but, when you watch the video that comes with this report you will see for yourself that it is actually what she says on stage.  This is the type of person who is backing lying Hillary.  Between last night where I heard first hand that Hillary supports killing babies that are at full term and now this statement from Madonna you should get the sense Jesus Christ got it right when He warned us our generation would be like Noah’s generation.  Before you go vote on November the 8th just think about what Hillary supports. Picture if you will a full term baby in a Mothers womb. The baby is fully developed and ready to begin living on its own apart from the Mother who has been carrying it for 9 months.  Now without this young child knowing a doctor is about to enter the womb and kill the baby on purpose. I have seen photos and videos of babies trying to move out of the way to avoid the doctors medical instruments that are as deadly as a hand gun placed at your head and pulling the trigger. Is there really any difference in what is used in murdering someone. The end result is the same, death.  I can not for the life of me imagine how cold blooded these people are who call themselves doctors are as they forcefully destroy a 9 month baby. Not once during the Presidential debate last night did someone say let the baby live because there are loving people who would adopt  unwanted babies.  How in the world can America every have a chance from not be destroyed by Christ as millions upon millions of America babies are lead to the slaughter. Picture if you will the operation of killing a 9 month old baby. Picture the once living baby in the Mother now laid out on the table torn apart and lifeless.  And this is okay with Hillary!  If you can vote for someone with this type of cold heart and, friends like Madonna who have no trouble saying they will give blow jobs to anyone who votes for her that is your business but know this. Jesus is watching every move you make. He will be judging these deeds at the judgement seat of Christ.  Hillary Clinton may not shed any tears over the tiny babies that are murdered but, my heart goes out to each child that is taken away from the life that Jesus intended for it.  Who will take a stand for these babies who want to live?  The person who wants these kids to be protected is Donald Trump. A vote for Hillary is just like a vote to end another life under a Hillary Presidency.   

You want to know more about the judgement seat you will face for the things you have done on Earth, I made part 41 in my teaching of the book of Revelation. Today’s video is the beginning of Revelation chapter 19 where I will cover this judgement seat. Scroll below the Madonna report to watch part 41. 

Headline: Madonna pledges oral sex for Clinton voters

Madonna is pledging to perform oral sex on voters who cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton. The pop queen, known for her shocking antics, made the remark Tuesday while opening for comedian Amy Schumer in New York. “If you vote for Hillary Clinton,” Madonna told the crowd at Madison Square Garden, “I will give you a blow job.” “And I’m good,” the 58-year-old “Like a Virgin” singer, an outspoken supporter of the Democratic presidential nominee, said to cheers from the audience. “I’m not a tool. I take my time,” Madonna boasted. Madonna has made a point of rooting on the former secretary of State’s White House bid, posting several pro-Clinton messages on Twitter. The entertainer’s comments at Schumer’s show come just days after the comic made headlines for telling supporters of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump who booed her to leave a performance. Schumer, who has also endorsed Clinton, reportedly told the crowd, “Just so you know, from now on, if you yell out, you’re gonna get thrown out.” http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/301780-madonna-pledges-oral-sex-for-clinton-voters

In closing let us who love Jesus Christ always remind the people who are not walking with Jesus that they can be forgiven for the things they are doing or have already done. There is no sin that Jesus will not forgive if a person asks of Jesus except the rejection of salvation through Christ Jesus. So, as bad as it appears both Hillary and Madonna are they like so many of us who already have come to Christ can have their name written in the Book of Life as well. I for one pray they will.


noteGo to the playlist in the upper left corner of the video box above.  You will see a drop-drown list that includes all 41 parts of my teaching with today’s newest on top.

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