War signs in the Middle East-America on the decline-One world government and your free internet-FEMA camps real?-Obama enemies list-Aug. 6, 2009


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Prophecy Sign: A few days ago I gave you evidence that the prophecy in Psalms 83 is in the process of coming to pass.  Psalms 83 informs the believers that Israel is going to be attack by Israel’s neighboring nations.  Three of the nations listed to attack are Syria, the PLO and Lebanon.  Today we see news from Israel pointing to this coming invasion against Israel. I quote, “Increasing tensions between Israel and Hizbullah are the result of growing concern that Syria will transfer "balance-altering" weaponry to the Iranian-backed guerrilla group in the event of a new conflict with Israel, a top defense official has told The Jerusalem Post.  On Tuesday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned in the Knesset that Israel would consider military action if Hizbullah altered the military balance with Israel. "We have relayed messages to different authorities and if the balance is altered we will consider our next steps," he said. Officials said that Barak's remarks were made out of concern that Iran and Syria were considering transferring advanced military equipment to Hizbullah in Lebanon. Earlier this year, Barak issued a similar threat to Syria and Lebanon after Israel grew concerned that Damascus was planning to transfer advanced technology to Hizbullah. “If another war erupted along the northern border, Barak said Thursday, the IDF would have more operational freedom to target Lebanese infrastructure than it had during the Second Lebanon War in 2006.”  If you are new to my site you take a look a Isaiah 17 one and Jer. Chapter 49 and you will see that Syria is going to be leveled by Israel.  When the war of Psalms 83 breaks out look for Syria to get wipe out and the rest of the Arab nations which will include Lebanon,  and the PLO to also be defeated.  Each week we see signs that this war is just around the corner.


Prophecy Sign: In Daniel chapter 9:27 it says the following: “He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. "  In the end times God showed Daniel the Antichrist would be going into the rebuilt Jewish Temple and stopping the sacrifices. On June 18, 2009 this is what I wrote to you. “Watch because you will hear more news about this Third Temple being built soon.” Since I issued that statement news about the Third Temple has begun to pour in!  Once again there is another report on this Temple being rebuilt.  The headline to this new report is entitled, “What? Muslim leader wants Temple rebuilt”. I quote, “Jewish Sanhedrin rabbis unite with Turk on common cause With the Middle East still in chaos and rumors of war in the air, the idea of rebuilding the Jerusalem Temple on a foundation occupied and administered by Islamic militants might seem fanciful – even preposterous. But the author of a new book, “The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth About the Real Nature of the Beast,” returned from Turkey recently with news that a prominent Islamic teacher and best-selling author and Jewish Sanhedrin rabbis are conspiring to do just that.” “Adnan Oktar, who uses the pen name of Harun Yahya, is a controversial but highly influential Muslim intellectual and author with more than 65 million of his books in circulation worldwide. Oktar recently met with three representatives from the re-established Jewish Sanhedrin, a group of 71 Orthodox rabbis and scholars from Israel, to discuss how religious Muslims, Jews and Christians can work together on the project. "The objectives of the alliance include waging a joint intellectual and spiritual battle against the worldwide growing tide of irreligiousness, unbelief and immorality," explains Richardson, who met in Turkey with Oktar. "But even more unusual is their agreement with regard to the need to rebuild the Jewish Temple, a structure that Mr. Oktar refers to as the 'Masjid (Mosque)' or the 'Palace of Solomon.'" An official statement about the meeting has been published on the Sanhedrin's website. Concluding the statement is the following call: "Out of a sense of collective responsibility for world peace and for all humanity we have found it timely to call to the World and exclaim that there is a way out for all peoples. It is etched in a call to all humanity: We are all the sons of one father, the descendants of Adam, and all humanity is but a single family. Peace among Nations will be achieved through building the House of G-d, where all peoples will serve as foreseen by King Solomon in his prayers at the dedication of the First Holy Temple. Come let us love and respect one another, and love and honor and hold our heavenly Father in awe. Let us establish a house of prayer in His name in order to worship and serve Him together, for the sake of His great compassion. He surely does not want the blood of His creations spilled, but prefers love and peace among all mankind. We pray to the Almighty Creator, that you harken to our Call. Together – each according to his or her ability – we shall work towards the building of the House of Prayer for All Nations on the Temple Mount in peace and mutual understanding."  In chapter 2 of my book I point out to you that there is a good possibility that the Antichrist will come from the Eastern leg of the Revived Roman Empire.  One of the ten nations in the Muslim CEO Union is Turkey.  You will find this information in my book on the last page of chapter 2.  I think it is really interesting that the Jewish religious leaders are working with Oktar.  If I were you, I would pay close attention to these developments.  I am beginning to see why Jesus gave me a word of knowledge to warn you, you are going to see a lot of news soon about the Third Temple.   I haven’t seen this much news about the Third Temple since my ministry started 33 years ago.  What this shows us is that we are almost at the beginning of the 7 year tribulation.  Please ask Jesus into your hearts now, now is the time because the age of grace is closing fast!  There are millions of people around the world that claim to be Christians but are living in the world and it is hard to tell them from the unsaved.  This is not a put down but rather a call to make sure you are a real child of Christ.  Jesus warned us about the road we would walk. I quote Christ, ""Enter you in at the strait gate. For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it" (Matthew 7:13-14).  All I am saying is, make sure your walk and the gate you passed through is the one Jesus wants you to be on!


Prophecy Sign: For over a year now I have written to you concerning Daniel chapter 2 and chapter 7 where we see the list of world empires that will come one after the other until we see the final world empire that will be ruled by the Antichrist.  I have shown you month after month that America is declining in power to make way for the last world empire.  I have been giving you warnings what was going  to happen in America as far as the economy is concerned.  One of my warning almost a year ago was that the unemployment rate in America would skyrocket.  I also asked you to watch the food stamp program because this is always a sign that a Depression is coming.  Today my words ring louder than ever. Read this news just out about the state of America. “WASHINGTON (Reuters) – For the first time, more than 34 million Americans received food stamps, which help poor people buy groceries, government figures said on Thursday, a sign of the longest and one of the deepest recessions since the Great Depression Enrollment surged by 2 percent to reach a record 34.4 million people, or one in nine Americans, in May, the latest month for which figures are available.” “Food stamp enrollment is highest during times of economic stress. The U.S. unemployment rate of 9.5 percent is the highest in 26 years.”  The American economy is almost cooked and there is no let up in site.


You can go ahead and keep believing what the government wants you to believe that America is recovering but the real facts speak for themselves.  Here is today’s news that the government is painting as good news. “First-time claims for jobless benefits dropped to a seasonally adjusted 550,000 for the week ending Aug. 1, down from an upwardly revised figure of 588,000 in the previous week, the Labor Department said.”  You have to understand the government can’t tell you what they really know, if they did it would scare everyone and make the economy worse.  In another section of this same report it shows how bad things are. “The number of people continuing to claim benefits rose, however, by 69,000 to 6.3 million, after having dropped for three straight weeks — evidence that job openings remain scarce and the unemployed are having difficulty finding new work.”  What the government isn’t telling you is that people who are finding jobs are finding lower paying jobs without benefits and they are working part time jobs, which makes it almost impossible to support a family.  Be wise and prepare yourself for what Jesus warned was coming.  As soon as America goes down it will affect the rest of the world and cause a global Depression like we have never seen before. Jesus told you that the man who comes to restore the world or, who will seems to be able to restore the world, is the Antichrist.  Events in the world economy will soon open the door for this man to take center stage.  If you live in America start preparing for the fall!


Please go back and read what I said in my previous posts concerning what is going to happen with the housing.  You will see that last year I told you there was going to be another round of hundreds of thousands of people walking away from their home because they can’t afford them any longer.  Now take a look at the news today and you will see what I warned you is coming to a home near you!. I quote, “NEW YORK (Reuters) – The percentage of U.S. homeowners who owe more than their house is worth will nearly double to 48 percent in 2011 from 26 percent at the end of March, portending another blow to the housing market, Deutsche Bank said on Wednesday. Home price declines will have their biggest impact on prime "conforming" loans that meet underwriting and size guidelines of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the bank said in a report. Prime conforming loans make up two-thirds of mortgages, and are typically less risky because of stringent requirements.”  The U.S. government is so far in debt that they can not come up with enough money to bail out all these home owners.  Not only that but the people who are getting help from the government now are finding out that the money they will owe after the government helps them is still to much to keep their homes.  Here is one example. I have a close friend who home cost $450,000.  This person’s business is failing because of the economy.  The government came in and now instead of paying 1,800 dollars a month this person will now have to pay 1,500 dollars a month.  The problem is this, the banks are not reducing how much the person owes.  This person still has to pay the payment on a $450,000 home when the home is now only worse $330,000.  It doesn’t make sense to stay in a home that is way over your head and so over priced that few if any will pay that price.  What is happening in the end is people are still walking away from their homes even after the government stepped in.  In order to keep the people from walking away the banks will have to make it so the homeowner only owes what the home is worth and the banks aren’t going to do that.   Don’t think the banks are letting anyone off the hook!  If you are about to enter in a program with government assistance you had better ask this question right away. Are you going to bring down the price of my home or just the payments?  The banks want to keep you as a slave to your homes.


In June of 2008 I got wind that there was a move to charge everyone to use Internet sites by 2012. You have to understand, if the path the world is leading to is a one world government there is going to be the need to control what the leaders of this one world government want you to read. One way to control the news over Internet is by charging you for each site you go to and to control the number of sites on the Net.  At the present time the Internet makes it possible for you to read news governments around the world doesn’t want you to know about.  For example, last month when Iran began to riot over Iran’s Presidential elections the leaders tried to pull the plug on the news so Iranians couldn’t find out what was really taking place.  One of the first things the Iranian government did was shut down the Internet.  This was done in the attempt to stop protest organizers from communicating.  Back in June 2008 I figured I would wait before I wrote to you about what the government has planned for the Internet use.  I wanted to wait to have some hard evidence that what I was shown was real.  Today everyone can see for themselves there is proof now the Internet access is under assault. I quote, “Rupert Murdoch has vowed to charge for all the on-line content of his newspapers and television news channels, going well beyond his prediction in May that the company would test pay models on one of its stronger papers within the year.”  “The sweeping decision by the owner of titles including The News of the World and The Australian to abandon the practice of giving away news in exchange for attracting a large audience for advertisers could embolden other publishers warily examining paid content models. "We intend to charge for all our news websites," Mr Murdoch said. "If we're successful, we'll be followed by all media," he added, predicting "significant revenues" from charging for differentiated news online.”


One of the videos I watched back in June 2008 was a video made in France entitled “2012: The Year The Internet Ends”.  In this video they tell you exactly what was going to happen in the near future and after reading this report today and doing more research on this issue, I can now say it appears everything they warned us about is going to take place.  You will get the picture when you read this report. “Rupert Murdoch has vowed to charge for all the online content of his newspapers and television news channels, going well beyond his prediction in May that the company would test pay models on one of its stronger papers within the year.”  “The sweeping decision by the owner of titles including The News of the World and The Australian to abandon the practice of giving away news in exchange for attracting a large audience for advertisers could embolden other publishers warily examining paid content models. "We intend to charge for all our news websites," Mr Murdoch said. "If we're successful, we'll be followed by all media," he added, predicting "significant revenues" from charging for differentiated news online.” 

Right now you have people like myself writing each day about Bible prophecy and current events.  All of us are able to bring you news because we can search the Internet all over the world and give you current events that prove Bible prophecy is being fulfilled.  When the government allows the news to charge you for each site you visit it is going to limit what people will read.  Most people will want to pay for the major news sources such as ABC, NBC and CBS.  All of these news agencies only report what they want and the real news behind the stores won’t be reported.  Take youtube for example.  Yesterday I posted a report that shows how our U.S. lawmakers are breaking the law as they vote for other lawmakers.  Why wasn’t this news show on any of the networks?  Slowly but surely our freedoms are being removed.  The road we are on is headed toward a world that will be a controlled one.  Enjoy the free Internet while you can because it is going away!  The day is coming when sites like mine won’t be read anymore.




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v49CqOkrh0  (Iran Limits Internet Use)

Public refuses to pay for online news 



Secret Plan To Kill Internet By 2012: Leaked


One of the other issues I have held back on was the FEMA Camp issue.  Many have warned that the government is setting up FEMA camps for everyone who won’t go along with the government.  Some have said that when America collapses and the U.S. breaks out in civil unrest the government is going to put anyone who is rioting in these encampments.  There have even been reports that these camps are for anyone who disagrees with the government.  I held off from reporting on these camps because I deal with hard facts and evidence.  However, recently the government has posted a new job opening and I think you all better take a look at it. I quote, “Corrections Officer Internment/Resettlement Specialist – Army National Guard (Pensacola/Panama City, Florida)” If there really are no FEMA camps why would the government be getting ready to put people in them?  I checked the links out where you can go to seek employment for one of these jobs and the links are real.  I have warned you all that the days of the U.S. dollar is closing and America is going to fall.  Just the fact that the government is now hiring for these positions shows us they are getting ready for the fall.




In today’s news we see Senator Cornyn telling the Obama Administration to stop collecting information on anyone who disagrees with his health plan. I quote,  “Texas Sen. John Cornyn, accusing the White House of compiling an "enemies list," has asked President Barack Obama to stop an effort to collect "fishy" information Americans see about a health care overhaul. Cornyn, who leads the Republicans' Senate campaign effort, said Wednesday in a letter to Obama that he's concerned that citizen engagement on the issue could be "chilled." He also expressed alarm that the White House could end up collecting electronic information on its critics. "I can only imagine the level of justifiable outrage had your predecessor asked Americans to forward e-mails critical of his policies to the White House," Cornyn wrote. “  This sounds like the same type of thing Hitler did when he was in the process of trying to take over the world! Hitler got people to turn in other people who weren’t on the same page.  There is no doubt that controlling people is a major issue, if you don’t like what you are seeing now just wait when the Antichrist takes control.  Systems are being put in place for one man to control the world.  You may not want to believe me but that is not the point.  The point is, Jesus told you that is exactly what is going to take place and He is trying to keep you from going through it.  The only way to free yourself from the grips of the Antichrist is to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior right now before He removes the Church.



Maybe the camps are being set up for all the people who disagree with Omama's health plans.  We are seeing many American's starting to protect.  I quote, "Confrontation over a national healthcare overhaul reached South Florida on Wednesday, when routine office hours for the staff of a Broward-area congressman turned into a raucous protest. The incident is like others that reflect nerves frayed by the nationwide debate. Democrats decry what they describe as a mob rule orchestrated by special interests trying to protect the status quo; Republicans call it genuine grass-roots concern over a costly government takeover.



I quote, "SIMSBURY— – Chanting "Dump Chris Dodd" and "No national health care," scores of angry constituents confronted U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy at a meet-and-greet outside the Super Stop & Shop Wednesday afternoon. Murphy, a Democrat who represents the 5th District, routinely holds informal office hours at supermarkets and strip malls, but such gatherings are generally uneventful. This time, many of the 150 or so attendees were so boisterous that Stop & Shop management called the police to ask that the crowd be moved from the store's entrance. The scene in Simsbury is being replayed throughout the nation this week as congressional Democrats convene town hall forums and other public get-togethers to win support for the Obama administration's plan to overhaul the health care system.


“Nancy Pelosi claims protesters are "carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare."  If I didn’t know better Pelosi wants to paint a picture that all these people who oppose the Obama health plan are enemies of the State when in fact all they are, are people worried that this new plan will wreck the nation even more.


If you want to take the first step for Salvation in Christ Jesus you must first ask Jesus to be your Savior. No one can be born again unless they ask Jesus Christ to forgiven them for their sins. Then you must repent from your former life held captive to sin and turn to Christ to allow and let Him mold you in His likeness. Just saying a prayer without true conversion will only lead to a unfruitful life for Christ. Once you ask Jesus to forgive you live your life 110% for Christ. Let your heart burn for Christ and let Him know you are seeking His will everyday. Salvation in Christ is much more than just saying a sentence. It will be a demonstration of your life and how you live that life for Christ. It is a complete transformation of an old life to a new one in Christ.

Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life. Saying the sinner’s prayer is only the beginning. You need to walk with Christ and abide in Him and His ways. Watch this video, it is very good for both new and old believers.


Here is a good picture of what Christ has done for us.


Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

This is a good video for all people to watch whether you are a Christian or not!


You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.



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