Jan. 11, 2017- Failed Middle-east Peace talks will bring war/ Those mass deaths strike again and again/ New quakes

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 6, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Jan. 10, 2017 – It Is Really Coming Together and God Warned Us About It!

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 6, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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January 9, 2017- Christian Clergy Welcomes Islam in Church, Then Bows to It

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 6, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline:     ISIS supporter truck driver kills 4 in Israel

Headline: Obscure Palestinian group claims Jerusalem truck ramming attack

Headline: UN Secretary General condemns Jerusalem terror attack

Headline: Hamas praises Jerusalem truck attack

Headline: Hezbollah commends ‘brave’ Jerusalem attack

A Palestinian on Sunday rammed a truck into a group of Israeli soldiers visiting a popular tourist spot in Jerusalem, killing four and injuring at least 15 people, authorities said. The driver was also killed at the location overlooking holy sites in the Old City such as the Dome of the Rock and providing one of the most spectacular views of Jerusalem. Chaos broke out at the scene when the truck ploughed through the crowd, with hundreds of soldiers having arrived there as part of a tour for troops about the history of Jerusalem. “A lone terrorist drove his truck into a group of soldiers standing on the side of the road,” said police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld. “They got off the bus and as they were getting off and getting organised, he took advantage.” Israel’s military said one of its soldiers fired on the attacker and distributed video of him saying he shot after realising it was not an accident.Multiple bullet holes could be seen in the windshield of the truck. Police only confirmed four people were dead, but a medic at the scene said they were soldiers. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu alleged the attacker “supported” the Islamic State group, though he provided no details on what led to the finding.  The attack, however, was claimed by the “Groups of Martyr Baha Eleyan” in a post on Arabic social media. The organization said it was formed by Palestinians who “have no links outside Palestine.” It said it had acted previously, giving no details, and threatened more attacks. “This is not the first operation executed by our groups and it will be followed by a flood of distinctive operations in defense of our Jerusalem and in revenge of our martyrs and prisoners,” its statement said. The group has not been heard of previously and Reuters was unable to authenticate the validity of the claim.
Jan. 9, 2017






Headline: Abbas urges world leaders to prevent US Embassy move to Jerusalem

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas sent letters to a number of world leaders on Monday urging them to prevent the stated goal of the incoming administration of US President-elect Donald Trump to move the American embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. According to the official PA news outlet Wafa, Abbas sent letters to the heads of Russia, China, France, Germany, Britain, the European Union, the African Union, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the presidency of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Arab League secretary general, “asking them to spare no effort in preventing the US embassy from moving to Jerusalem” The PA president on Monday also sent a letter to Trump, explaining what he believes are the pitfalls of fulfilling the president-elect’s controversial campaign promise. In his letter to Trump, Abbas argued the move will “likely have a disastrous impact on the peace process, on the two-state solution and on the stability and security of the entire region, since Israel’s decision to annex East Jerusalem contradicts international law.”
Jan. 9, 2017



Saudi Arabia

Headline:            At least 68 killed in battles near Yemen’s strategic strait

At least 68 fighters have been killed in two days of fierce battles between Yemeni forces and Shiite Houthi rebels near the strategic Bab Al Mandeb Strait, military officials said Sunday. Government forces launched an assault Saturday, recapturing the coastal Dhubab district, just 30 kilometres north of Bab Al Mandeb which links the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Since then, at least 55 Houthis have been killed in fighting and 72 others wounded, military and medical sources said. Clashes since Saturday have also killed 13 loyalists forces, including an army general, Brigadier General Abdul Aziz Al Majidi, a loyalist commander, told AFP. They said fighting was still under way Sunday as loyalist forces were trying to retake from the rebels a key military base in Dhubab. Al Omari base is located in a mountainous region that overlooks the coastal road linking Bab Al Mandeb to Dhubab, and opens the way to the rebel-held Hudaida port on the Red Sea. The Houthis, and allied fighters, on Sunday fired two ballistic missiles that were intercepted by the Saudi-led coalition that backs the Yemen government, a loyalist military source said.
Jan. 9, 2017



Headline:   Suicide truck hits Egypt security post in Sinai, killing 10

A suicide bomber driving a garbage truck packed with explosives rammed his vehicle into an Egyptian security checkpoint outside a police building in northern Sinai on Monday, killing at least 10 people and wounding 22, officials said. According to security and medical officials, the attack in the city of El-Arish in the Sinai Peninsula was followed by smaller explosions as militants wearing black masks fired rocket-propelled grenades at the troops around the checkpoint. Three floors of the police building were blown out, the officials said, adding that so far, bodies of 10 people — all but one of them policemen — have been retrieved from the rubble but that they fear the death toll could rise further. The wounded were taken to hospital. At the checkpoint, two officers survived unharmed, the officials said. There were unconfirmed reports that a number of security personnel were seized and abducted by the gunmen.
Jan. 9, 2017


Headline: With big gains in N. Sinai, ISIS drives south

Egyptian control of the vast Sinai Peninsula is slipping fast. After gaining virtual sway over the north and its main roads, Islamic State Caliphate terrorists are moving ahead with an ambitious plan to devour a broad stretch of land on the eastern flank of central Sinai, debkafile’s military sources report. Achieving this objective would bring the jihadists in position to directly Egyptian beach resorts along the Gulf of Aqaba coast and its celebrated tourist resort of Sharm El-Sheikh. It would also bring them up to another section of the Egyptian-Israeli border. These days, Egyptian forces move around the northern and eastern regions of the peninsula in heavily-armed convoys with tanks and air and helicopter support. Still, on Monday, Jan.9, a suicide bomber killed 13 Egyptian soldiers by blowing up a stolen garbage truck packed with explosives outside a police station in the northern Sinai center of El Arish. The blast was followed by an RPG ground attack on the checkpoint outside the building. ISIS manages to inflict terror on Egyptian security forces despite the close military and intelligence cooperation between Egypt, the US and Israel for securing the north and keeping it out of ISIS control. Egyptian forces have their backs to the wall after failing to cement their authority there – or even carve out “sterile zones” for keeping the Islamists at arms length – although the Egyptian 2nd Army responsible for security in the north has been beefed up with tanks, air and helicopter reinforcements. With northern Sinai virtually under their jackboots, ISIS is engaged in hard bargaining with local Bedouin tribes, primarily the chiefs of the Tiyaha tribal federation, to advance its plans to seize another large chunk of the peninsula.
Jan. 9, 2017




Headline:         Blast in Syrian town on Turkish border kills nearly 50- Aleppo province

A car bomb ripped through a busy commercial district in a rebel-held Syrian town along the Turkish border Saturday, killing nearly 50 in a huge explosion that damaged buildings and left rescuers scrambling to find survivors amid the wreckage, opposition activists said. Rescuers and doctors said the explosion was so large there were nearly 100 wounded and burned. Over 50 wounded were transported to the Turkish border town of Kilis for treatment, as local hospitals couldn’t cope. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Locals said a rigged tanker caused the explosion and blamed Islamic State militants, who have carried out attacks in the town before. The militant group has been increasingly pressed in Syria and Iraq, and has escalated its attacks against Turkey — which backs Syrian opposition fighters in a campaign against the group in northern Syria. Azaz, only a couple of miles from the Turkish border, is a key town on a route used by opposition fighters moving between Syria and Turkey, and is a hub for anti-government activists as well as many displaced from the recent fighting in Aleppo city. Activists say its pre-war population of 30,000 has swelled. The bomb went off early Saturday afternoon outside a local courthouse and security headquarters operated by the opposition fighters who control the town, resident and activist Saif Alnajdi told The Associated Press from Azaz.
Jan. 7, 2017


Headline: U.S. special forces target terror leaders in Deir al-Zour Syria; 25 killed

American special forces were deployed in eastern Syria this weekend in an operation aimed at capturing leaders of the Islamic State terror group, military officials said Monday. The U.S. Department of Defense publicly noted several operations in Syria on Sunday. One apparently involved a raid in a small town along the Euphrates River that targeted militant leaders. The operation was initially reported by Deir al-Zour 24, which monitors militant activity in that area. The strike targeting jihadist leaders lasted for about 90 minutes and involved special forces troops arriving on helicopters. It ended with soldiers carrying away captured and killed Islamic State operators. The maneuvers were part of Operation Inherent Resolve, U.S. Central Command’s campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria — which is part of a larger international anti-militant coalition. “[We] confirm a U.S. operation in the vicinity of Deir al-Zour on Jan. 8,” John Dorrian, a spokesman for the coalition, told The Washington Post. “The U.S. and the entire counter-ISIL coalition will continue to pursue ISIL leaders wherever they are to ensure the security and stability of the region and our homelands.” The Post reported the strike was carried out by the Expeditionary Task Force, an elite U.S. unit based in Iraq tasked with hunting down top Islamic State leaders.
Jan. 9, 2017



Headline:    Iraqi forces capture eastern side of bridge above Tigris River in Mosul

Headline: Iraq car bomb kills 11 in Baghdad

The Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service said forces advancing from eastern Mosul in the battle against the Islamic State have reached the Tigris River, which splits the city from east to west. ICTS on Sunday said forces control the eastern side of Mosul’s Fourth Bridge, which is near the middle of the city and near the Mosul Airport. Iraqi military officials said forces control more than 70 percent of Mosul’s eastern section. More than 100,000 Mosul residents have fled since the Iraqi offensive to recapture the city began on Oct. 17. The second phase of the battle to retake Mosul — which is led by Iraqi security forces and aided by the Kurdish Peshmerga, a Shiite-led militia, and the U.S.-led international coalition against the Islamic State — began Dec. 29 after the offensive was suspended for weeks.
Jan. 9, 2017












Headline:    Turkish FM expects Trump to end US cooperation with YPG

Headline: Turkey Hopes US to Halt Support for Syrian Kurds – Foreign Minister

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Monday (January 9) he believes that U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will not repeat the same mistakes as the outgoing administration in relations with Turkey. “We have improved our relations with the United States under different administrations. We turned our relation into strategic partnership. Our cooperation in NATO introduces a new dimension to our relation. We want to develop our relations with the new administration based on mutual interests and understanding,” Cavusoglu said. Addressing Turkish diplomats gathered in Ankara for an annual ambassadors’ conference, Cavusoglu said Turkey expects Washington to extradite U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen and to end its cooperation with the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia.
Jan. 9, 2017




Headline:    U.S. says Navy ship fired warning shots at Iranian vessels

Headline:   Iran to expand military spending, develop missiles

Headline:   Iran set to receive huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia amid lawmakers’ concerns

A U.S. Navy destroyer fired three warning shots at four Iranian fast-attack vessels after they closed in at a high rate of speed near the Strait of Hormuz, two U.S. defense officials told Reuters on Monday. The incident, which occurred Sunday and was first reported by Reuters, comes as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take office on Jan. 20. In September, Trump vowed that any Iranian vessels that harass the U.S. Navy in the Gulf would be “shot out of the water.” The officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the USS Mahan established radio communication with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps boats but they did not respond to requests to slow down and continued asking the Mahan questions. The Navy destroyer fired warning flares and a U.S. Navy helicopter also dropped a smoke float before the warning shots were fired. The Iranian vessels came within 900 yards (800 meters) of the Mahan, which was escorting two other U.S. military ships, they said. The IRGC and Trump transition team were not immediately available for comment.
Jan. 9, 2017





Headline:       The conflict in South Sudan, explained

Widespread ethnic cleansing, burning villages, looming starvation, and gang rape “so prevalent that it’s become ‘normal.’” This is what UN experts found when they took a 10-day trip to the African country of South Sudan in late November. Since civil war broke out there in December 2013, as many as 50,000 people have been killed. More than 2.3 million people have been forced to flee their homes. Around 6 million people are currently at risk of going hungry, and 70 percent of schools have been closed due to the fighting. So what is the conflict actually about? Who is fighting whom, and why? And does the US — which did more than any other country to help South Sudan win its independence — have any realistic way of stopping the carnage?
Jan. 9, 2017



Headline:      Hundreds protest return of militants in Tunisia

Over 1,000 Tunisians took to the streets of the capital Tunis yesterday to protest against the return of Tunisian militants from Syria, Iraq and neighbouring Libya. According to authorities around 3,000 Tunisians have travelled to the war zones with around 800 having returned since. Tunisians fear the offensives against Daesh and Daesh losing their stronghold in places like Libya’s Sirte will force the militants to return home. Protesters shouted slogans like “No return, no freedom for savage [Daesh] bands” or “No repenting, no pardon for terrorists” at yesterday’s demonstrations. Some carried photos of security forces that have been killed fighting extremists on Tunisian borders. President Beji Caid Essebsi has refused to ban the return of the militants arguing that doing so would be unconstitutional. “Tunisians need to be reassured by a real political will that makes it clear these criminals won’t be allowed to return,” 33-year-old protester and civil servant Shahnez Mili said. Tunisian authorities have arrested several dozen alleged militants in a growing crackdown on extremists in recent weeks after Tunisian Anis Amri was identified as the main suspect in last month’s attack on a Berlin Christmas market. Since the 2011 uprising that ousted longtime dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Tunisia has seen an increase in attacks lead by Daesh which have killed scores of policemen and soldiers including 59 foreign tourists.
Jan. 9, 2017



Headline:    Algeria announces state of emergency on Tunisia border

Algerian authorities announced a state of emergency on its borders with Tunisia yesterday, after reports that about 800 Tunisians were returning from conflict zones emerged, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed reported. Algerian authorities took intensified security measures in Al-Maa Al-Abyad and Al-Koweef districts across the 1,000 kilometre border. The Algerians placed monitoring cameras for vehicles and people, in addition to sitting up 20 observation points. Commenting on the situation, security expert Faisal Al-Sharif told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed: “The wave of social protests, which have surged in Algeria recently due to the price hikes and a new budget, were the main reason behind the announcement of the state of emergency.” He added: “The Algerian government fears these protests will expand and so they caused security problems,” noting that “terrorists” use such opportunities to carry out “terrorist attacks.” Al-Sharif also said that the return of some “terrorists” from “battlefields” to Tunisia aggravated problems in the country and pushed the Algerian authorities “to take such a decision to protect its eastern borders.”
Jan. 7, 2017



Headline:     Navy, Trump planning biggest fleet expansion to deter Russian, Chinese threats

With President-elect Donald Trump demanding more ships, the Navy is proposing the biggest shipbuilding boom since the end of the Cold War to meet threats from a resurgent Russia and saber-rattling China. The Navy’s 355-ship proposal released last month is even larger than what the Republican Trump had promoted on the campaign trail, providing a potential boost to shipyards that have struggled because budget caps that have limited money funding for ships. At Maine’s Bath Iron Works, workers worried about the future want to build more ships but wonder where the billions of dollars will come from. “Whether Congress and the government can actually fund it, is a whole other ball game,” said Rich Nolan, president of the shipyard’s largest union. Boosting shipbuilding to meet the Navy’s 355-ship goal could require an additional $5 billion to $5.5 billion in annual spending in the Navy’s 30-year projection, according to an estimate by naval analyst Ronald O’Rourke at the Congressional Research Service.
Jan. 9, 2017


Headline: North Korea says can test-launch ICBM at any time: official news agency

Headline: Pakistan test-fires first nuclear-capable submarine cruise missile

North Korea declared on Sunday it could test-launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) at any time from any location set by leader Kim Jong Un, saying a hostile U.S. policy was to blame for its arms development. Kim said on Jan. 1 that his nuclear-capable country was close to test-launching an ICBM. “The ICBM will be launched anytime and anywhere determined by the supreme headquarters of the DPRK,” an unnamed Foreign Ministry spokesman was quoted as saying by the official KCNA news agency, using the acronym for the country’s name. The North is formally known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. U.S. Defence Secretary Ash Carter said on Sunday that North Korea’s nuclear weapons capabilities and ballistic missile defence programs constituted a “serious threat” to the United States and that it was prepared to shoot down a North Korean missile launch or test.
Jan. 9, 2017




Headline: Christian Clergy Welcomes Islam in Church, Then Bows to It

There is a disturbing and growing trend in Italy and Europe. For the first time in more than 700 years, Islamic songs resonated in Florence’s Cathedral, the Church Santa Maria del Fiore. Under the famous Dome of Brunelleschi, Islamic melodies accompanied Christian ones. The “interfaith initiative” was promoted a week after the barbaric massacre by Islamist terrorists in Paris at the magazine Charlie Hebdo, and included “Koran is Justice” and other such “hymns”. This trend goes beyond Italy. In the UK, Bishop Harries suggested that Prince Charles’s coronation service should open with a reading from the Koran. In the US, more than 50 churches, including the Washington National Cathedral, hold Koran readings. The head of the Protestant Church in Germany, Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, has also called for Islam to be taught in state schools. Is there any reading of the Christian liturgy in the mosques? These interfaith shows also seem to be making us blind to more disturbing readings of the Koran in Christian churches, such as the one that recently took place in Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia: for the first time in 85 years, Turkish Muslims read an Islamic text inside the Christianity’s most beautiful Eastern church. Their goal, as attested by bills submitted to Turkey’s parliament, is clear: Islamizing the church, which had been used as a museum since 1935. Christian silence is less clear: how is it that so few Christian leaders raised their voice against this unprecedented attack on a Christian monument? Have they organized so many Koran readings in their own churches so that they now view it as normal to convert a church into a mosque? After a terror attack in a church in Normandy last July, the Christian clergy opened the doors of their churches to Muslims. This gesture was welcomed as a turning point in the relation between the two religions. But from a population of six million Muslims in France, only a few hundred Muslims participated. Was their attendance really representative of Islamic public opinion? These well-intended gestures might look like an interfaith gain, but are in fact an ecumenical loss. Would it not be better for the heads of the Catholic Church to establish a real dialogue with the Islamic communities, based on principles such as reciprocity (if you build mosques in Europe, we build churches in the Middle East), protection of Christian minorities in the Crescent and theological repudiation of jihad against “infidels”? To the Catholic clergy who opened the door of Florence’s Cathedral to Islam, Muslims will next suggest removing a painting in the basilica: Domenico di Michelino’s “Dante and the Divine Comedy”. For Muslim extremists, Dante is guilty of “blasphemy”: he included Mohammed in his poetic Hell. The Islamic State does not make a secret of its willingness to strike Dante’s tomb in Italy. Other sites on ISIS’s list include St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice and the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna, both of which portray scenes from the Divine Comedy. A fantasy? Not at all. The Italian human rights organization Gherush92, which advises UN bodies on human rights, already asked to have Dante removed from school curricula because supposedly it is “Islamophobic“. In this new interfaith “correctness”, only Islam gains. Christians have everything to lose.
Jan. 4, 2017



Headline:         Thailand floods: 12 dead as record rainfall persists

At least 12 people have died and many villages been submerged after heavy rains caused severe flooding in southern Thailand. Hundreds of thousands of people have been affected with water levels reaching “roof-high” in some areas, Thailand’s interior ministry said. Transport services, including flights, have been disrupted and rescue efforts are under way to reach those stranded. The heavy downpour is expected to continue for at least two more days. The flash floods have also damaged hundreds of schools and toppled power cables across southern Thailand.
Jan. 8, 2017


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Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

January 6, 2017- Jordan Says Relocating US embassy to Jerusalem a red line

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 6, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Devices

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~

 Burdensome stoneCooltextprophecysign

Headline:      Israel cuts UN funding following ‘anti-settlement’ resolution

Headline: Netanyahu thanks US Congress for opposition to UN resolution

Israel announced on Friday it would be suspending a significant portion of its annual contributions to the United Nations for 2017, in response to the approval of UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which condemned Israel’s presence in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem. The Israeli Mission informed the UN that the cut, amounting to approximately six million dollars, is an act of protest and represents the portion of the UN budget allocated to anti-Israel bodies. These UN bodies include the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP), the Division for Palestinian Rights (DPR), the Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories (SCIIHRP), and the Special Information Program on the Question of Palestine of the UN Department of Public Information. Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, commented on the decision and said, “It is unreasonable for Israel to fund bodies that operate against us at the UN. The UN must end the absurd reality in which it supports bodies whose sole intent is to spread incitement and anti-Israel propaganda.” Danon added that “now is the time to implement real change at the UN. We seek to stop the practice where the UN is used solely as a forum for unending attacks against Israel.”
Jan. 6, 2017



Headline:       Abbas: ‘Settlements’ threaten the two-state solution

Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas said on Thursday that the international peace conference to be convened in Paris later this month is an opportunity to settle the Palestinian problem through an international mechanism and a timetable for its implementation. Abbas made the remarks during his meeting with an Israeli delegation that included academics, writers and political activists who signed a petition in support of the Paris conference. The PA chairman claimed that UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which denied the legitimacy of Israeli communities in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem, sent a clear signal that the “settlement policy” will not bring peace, and that the international community stands united against “settlements which tangibly threaten the two-state solution.” “We want to achieve peace through negotiations, reject any other way and we will always declare our opposition to terror, extremism and violence everywhere in the world,” Abbas was quoted as having said by the official PA news agency.
Jan. 6, 2017


Headline: Amona residents: Government not keeping terms of agreement

Residents of the Amona outpost in the West Bank said Friday the government has failed to implement a compromise deal signed 20 days ago, as the February court-ordered deadline to dismantle the hilltop community loomed. In a letter sent Friday morning to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the residents said the government had not yet begun work on a new site for them, had reneged on allowing them use of a plot, and acted improperly in appointing a project manager. They also questioned whether Netanyahu had ever intended to keep his promises. A tiny outpost of some 41 families on a hillside alongside the Ofra settlement, northeast of Ramallah, Amona was built in the 1990s on what the court has repeatedly ruled was privately owned Palestinian land. A 15-year legal battle culminated in a December 2014 ruling by the High Court that the outpost be evacuated and demolished. At the time, the court gave the state and residents 24 months to prepare alternate arrangements. “Deals must be honored,” they wrote. “We are warning you — 32 days before the date set by the High Court — to carry out your responsibility.” According to the letter, residents were informed that work will begin no earlier than January 18, only 20 days before they will have to leave their homes on a court order.
Jan. 6, 2017




Headline:           Relocating US embassy to Jerusalem a red line — Jordan

Jordan has warned of “catastrophic” repercussions if President-elect Donald Trump makes good on a campaign promise to move the US embassy in Israel to occupied Jerusalem. Minister of State for Media Affairs and Government Spokesperson Mohammad Momani told The Associated Press on Thursday that such a move could affect relations between the US and regional allies, including Jordan, the agency reported. Momani said an embassy move would be a “red line” for Jordan and would “inflame the Islamic and Arab streets”. His Majesty King Abdullah is the Custodian of the Holy Shrines in East Jerusalem, which Israel occupied in 1967 and annexed in a move not recognised by the international community. The Palestinians seek to establish their capital in East Jerusalem. The future of the city would be central to any renewed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. Most countries, including the United States, maintain embassies in Tel Aviv. Three Republican senators on Tuesday unveiled legislation that would recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s official capital and move the US embassy to that city from Tel Aviv.
Jan. 5, 2017




Headline:       Report: Israel spy satellite discovers secret Russian missile cache in Syria

Headline: Russia says it starts Syrian drawdown with aircraft carrier

An Israeli spy satellite has discovered a number of Russian mobile short-range ballistic missiles stockpiled in Syria, Channel 2 reported Friday.  In high definition photos taken by the Israeli “Eros B” satellite, the weapons, dubbed “Iskander” missiles, are clearly seen on trucks inside an army base in Latakia, located in western Syria. The pictures seemingly prove what western intelligence agencies have long suspected: Russia has provided Syria with a wide array of the most advanced missiles in its possession.  Before Friday, evidence of the missiles had been scarce, given the fact that the Russians and Syrians had cached the weaponry in secretive strategic locations. Strong rainstorms, however, forced the Russians to transfer the missiles to different locations using trucks, leaving them exposed to documentation.  The “Iskander” missile, which has a range of up to 500 kilometers, is a medium range ballistic weapon that has the capacity to carry nuclear warheads and is superior to the older “scud” missile model.
Jan. 6, 2017



Headline: 15 die as blast hits Syrian regime bastion Jableh, Latakia province

A large explosion hit a Syrian regime-held coastal town on Thursday, killing at least 10 people and wounding dozens, according to Syria’s state TV — an attack that undermined a nearly week-old and already shaky Russia- and Turkey-brokered cease-fire. First videos that emerged from the scene in the town of Jableh show charred cars, some turned upside down, and extensive damage to shops lining a commercial street filled with onlookers. The images show pools of blood covering the asphalt as fire engines were scrambling to put out small fires, apparently caused by the explosion.
Qusay Al-Khalil, the head of the local hospital, said the explosion also severely wounded at least 30 people. “The explosion rocked the town,” he told state TV, adding that it prompted a state alert at his hospital. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which tracks the civil war, put the death toll at 15. The monitoring group relies on a network of activists on the ground in Syria.
No group immediately claimed responsibility for the bombing in Jableh, which lies in the coastal Latakia province, the heartland of Syria’s Alawites, a Shiite offshoot to which President Bashar Assad’s family also belongs.
Jan. 6, 2017



Headline:         Suicide blast in Baghdad, attacks earlier in the day kill 27

Several attacks in and around Baghdad, including a suicide car bombing in a busy commercial area after nightfall on Thursday, killed at least 27 people in a particularly brutal day in the Iraqi capital. The suicide bomber, who targeted shops and food stands near a bus station in the city’s busy Bab al-Muadam area, killed 11, a police officer said. He says the bombing also wounded at least 22 people. Earlier in the day, bombings elsewhere in and around Baghdad killed at least 16 people and wounded dozens, officials said. A medical official confirmed the casualty figures. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to release information. No one immediately claimed responsibility for any of the attacks but they bore the hallmarks of the Islamic State group, which has carried out a string of bombings in Baghdad over the past week, killing nearly 100 people. Earlier Thursday, a car bomb tore through a Baghdad market, killing nine people while four other attacks — mostly by bombs that went off in commercial areas or targeted security forces — killed at least seven. In the Baghdad market attack, the car bomb was parked near outdoor fruit and vegetable stalls in a mostly Shiite neighborhood. The fatalities included two policemen. The Sunni extremists frequently target Iraq’s security forces and civilians in Shiite neighborhoods.
Jan. 5, 2017


Headline: Iraq launches offensive on Daesh near Syria border – Anbar Province

Iraqi forces launched an offensive against the Daesh group near the Syrian border Thursday, piling further pressure on the militants’ crumbling “caliphate.” A joint operations commander told Reuters that Iraqi forces have retaken around 70 percent of eastern Mosul from Daesh militants and expect to reach the river bisecting the city in the coming days. Lt. Gen. Talib Shaghati, who is also head of the elite counter-terrorism service (CTS) spearheading the campaign to retake the northern city, said the cooperation of residents was helping them advance against Daesh. Baghdad and its allies also turned up the heat on Daesh in its last remaining Iraqi stronghold of Mosul, where the US-led coalition said it had doubled the number of its advisers. “A military operation has begun in the western areas of Anbar (province) to liberate them from Daesh,” said Lt. Gen. Qassem Mohammedi, head of Jazeera Operations Command. He said the operation was led by the army’s 7th division, police, and fighters from local tribes that have opposed the militants, with aerial backing from the coalition. The main targets of the operation are Aanah, Rawa and Al-Qaim, the westernmost Iraqi towns along the Euphrates Valley.
Jan. 6, 2017


Headline: Iraqi forces surround Mosul‘s Muthana district in surprise attack

Iraqi security forces launched a surprise attack against Islamic State militants in Mosul’s Muthana district after crossing the Khosr River overnight. Brig. Gen. Shukr Nuaimi, commander of the Iraqi forces’ 73rd Brigade, said the surprise raid began at 3 a.m. on Friday. “The counter-terrorism forces have begun early today, in the morning, to raid the al-Muthana district, northeast of Mosul with the support of the coalition and Iraqi fighter jets,” Nuaimi said at a press conference. The Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service, or ICTF, said its “heroes” crossed the Khosr River, a tributary of the larger Tigris River that splits Mosul from a western section to a larger eastern section. ICTF said troops were able to raise the Iraqi flag above several buildings in the Muthana district but it is unclear how much of the area was under Iraqi control. ICTF said its troops completely surrounded Muthana. “The Iraqi security forces are making excellent strides in liberating neighborhoods in eastern Mosul from” the Islamic State, Air Force Col. John L. Dorrian, the spokesman for the U.S.-led international coalition against the Islamic State, said in a statement on Friday. In northern Mosul, Iraqi forces freed the Hadba district from IS control, Gen. Abdul Amir Rashid Yarallah said in a press conference, Rudaw reported. Dorrian on Wednesday said “time is … on the side of Iraqi security forces” because the Islamic State is unable to reinforce or resupply its militants in Mosul.” The second phase of the battle to retake Mosul — which is led by Iraqi security forces and aided by the Kurdish Peshmerga, a Shiite-led militia, and the U.S.-led international coalition against the Islamic State — began last Thursday after the offensive was suspended for weeks.
Jan. 6, 2017












Headline:     Car bomb explodes in western Turkish city of Izmir

Headline: Turkey detains 18 people over Izmir attack, sees PKK responsible – minister

Four people were killed, including the two attackers, after a car bomb exploded outside of a courthouse in the western Turkish coastal city of Izmir, according to local officials. The blast was caused by a car bomb, Izmir municipality secretary general Bugra Gokce told broadcaster CNN Turk. A security source told Reuters police had shot dead two attackers following the blast, and the state-run Anadolu news agency said they were searching for a third. Hospital sources said ten people had been brought in wounded. A police officer and court employee were also killed in the attack, which took place at an entrance for judges and prosecutors, the Dogan News Agency reported. Ambulances were seen rushing to the scene and at least one vehicle was burning near a courthouse in the city, local media reported. “Initial evidence suggests the PKK was behind the attack,” Erol Ayyildiz, Izmir provincial governor, told reporters hours after the attack.
Jan. 6, 2017




Headline:           Exclusive: Iran capitalizes on OPEC oil cut to sell millions of barrels – sources

Iran has sold more than 13 million barrels of oil that it had long held on tankers at sea, capitalizing on an OPEC output cut deal from which it is exempted to regain market share and court new buyers, according to industry sources and data. In the past three months, Tehran has sold almost half the oil it had held in floating storage, which had tied up many of its tankers as it struggled to offload stocks in an oversupplied global market. The amount of Iranian oil held at sea has dropped to 16.4 million barrels, from 29.6 million barrels at the beginning of October, according to Thomson Reuters Oil Flows data. Before that sharp drop, the level had barely changed in 2016; it was 29.7 million barrels at the start of last year, the data showed. Unsold oil is now tying up about 12 to 14 Iranian tankers, out of its fleet of about 60 vessels, compared with around 30 in the summer, according to two tanker-tracking sources. The oil sold in recent months has gone to buyers in Asia including China, India and South Korea and to European countries including Italy and France, according to the sources and data. It was unclear which companies bought the oil. Iran is also looking to use the opportunity to push into new markets in Europe, including Baltic and other central and eastern European countries, said separate oil industry sources, though it was not clear if any oil had been sold there.
Jan. 6, 2017



Headline:     The U.S. Marines are sending a task force back to Afghanistan’s Helmand province

The U.S. Marines will deploy a 300-person task force to southwestern Afghanistan this spring to help local security forces beat back Taliban gains in the restive Helmand province. The deployment will last nine months, marking the first in what’s expected to become a series of similar rotations for the Marines, officials said Friday. Security in Helmand, a long-time Taliban stronghold that’s home to the abundant poppy crop fueling Afghanistan’s lucrative heroin trade, has deteriorated precipitously since U.S. forces largely withdrew from the province in 2014. The Marines will serve as an advise-and-assist force there, said Lt. Gen. William Beydler, commander of U.S. Marine Corps Forces Central Command. Task Force Southwest, as it will be known, is in the midst of a five-month training workup. Once in theater, the Marines will work alongside “key leaders” from the Afghan National Army’s 215th Corps and the the 505th Zone National Police “to further optimize their capabilities in that region,” officials said. “Afghanistan remains a dangerous and dynamic environment,” Beydler said. “And our aim, training and advising the Afghan forces, is to preserve and build upon the gains they’ve made. Marines will face risk in this new assignment. This new deployment reflects our enduring commitment to the people of Afghanistan, and the country’s stability and economic viability.”
Jan. 6, 2017



Headline:     Power struggle risks tipping Libya deeper into crisis

Headline: Libya’s Dismemberment Begins? Chad Declares Military Operation in Border Region

Escalating tensions between rival Libyan armed forces threaten to plunge the North African country deeper into turmoil only weeks after the fall of the Islamic State group’s bastion Sirte. The deeply tribal nation has been sharply divided since the 2011 ouster of longtime dictator Moamer Kadhafi, with rival militias vying for influence and control of oil resources. The power struggle pits an administration based in eastern Libya, backed by military strongman Khalifa Haftar, against a UN-brokered unity government in Tripoli supported by militias from the western city of Misrata. “The situation is most likely going to escalate further given that the voices of war are now the loudest” after an air strike by Haftar’s forces against the Misrata militias, analyst Mohamed Eljarh of the Atlantic Council said. The Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) is the centrepiece of Western hopes to stem an upsurge of jihadism in Libya, but it has failed to assert its authority across the country. The rival authority in the east has refused to cede power and has its own armed forces, which call themselves the Libyan National Army (LNA) and are led by Haftar.
Jan. 6, 2017



Headline: Islamic terror cells shift from Mideast to U.S.-Mexican border

A new report by a government watchdog agency says jihadists are partnering with Mexican drug cartels along the U.S.-Mexican border, preparing to carry out precision attacks in American cities. Judicial Watch cites confidential U.S. and Mexican law enforcement sources for the disturbing report, which builds on earlier JW reports shining light on the jihadists’ exploitation of the porous border policies of President Barack Obama. As part of the plan, Islamists have arrived recently at the Monterrey International Airport situated in Apodaca, a city in the Mexican state of Nuevo León, about 130 miles south of the Texas border, JW reports. “An internal Mexican law enforcement report obtained by Judicial Watch confirms that Islamic terrorists have ‘people along the border, principally in Tijuana, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas.’” U.S. intelligence sources have also warned that the defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria will lead to many of those jihadists escaping and relocating into Western Europe and the United States. But JW reported as early as April 2015 that ISIS had established a training camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, in an area known as “Anapra” just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.
Jan. 5, 2017









Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:       Mexico gas protests, looting leave 2 dead, 600 arrested

Anger over gasoline prices hikes in Mexico fueled more protests and looting Thursday, and officials said the unrest had resulted in the death of a policeman and a bystander, the ransacking of 300 stores and arrests of over 600 people. The country’s business chambers said the combination of highway, port and terminal blockades and looting this week forced many stores and businesses to close and threatened supplies of basic goods and fuel. Mexicans were enraged by the 20 percent fuel price hike announced over the weekend as part of a government deregulation of the energy sector. Protesters began blocking highways and gas stations and some people have broken into stores to carry off merchandise. Authorities said one policeman was run over and killed and another was seriously injured when they tried to stop robberies at a gas station in Mexico City. Police in the capital said they had arrested 76 people for looting about 29 stores.
Jan. 6, 2017


Headline:   Soldiers mutiny in 3 Ivory Coast cities over pay

Soldiers launched mutinies in three cities across Ivory Coast on Friday, authorities said, demanding higher pay and bringing the threat of unrest back to Africa’s fastest-growing economy.
Gunfire rang out across Bouake, the second-largest city in this West African nation, starting around 1 a.m., according to residents. Similar mutinies erupted later in Daloa, in the central region, and Korhogo in the north. “They are heavily armed and parading through the city of Daloa,” said Karim Sanogo, a student who lives there. “Security forces have abandoned their posts. Everyone has returned home to seek shelter.” The armed men also controlled the main arteries of Bouake that are used by truck drivers to carry merchandise from Mali and Burkina Faso.
Jan. 6, 2017



Headline:          Record 95,102,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Number Grew 18% Since Obama Took Office in 2009

Barack Obama’s presidency began with a record number of Americans not in the labor force, and it’s ending the same way. The final jobs report of the Obama presidency, released Friday, shows that the number of Americans not in the labor force has increased by 14,573,000 (18.09 percent) since January 2009, when Obama took office, continuing a long-term trend that began well before Obama was sworn in. In December, according to the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, a record 95,102,000 Americans were not in the labor force, 47,000 more than in November; and the labor force participation rate was 62.7 percent, a tenth of a point higher than in November. The participation rate dropped to a 38-year low of 62.4 percent on Obama’s watch, in September 2015. It was only 3-tenths of a point higher than that last month.
Jan. 6, 2017



Jan. 1, 2017- Humpback whales have washed ashore in recent weeks in Hawaii

Jan. 3, 2017- Dozens of dead turtles washing up on beaches in Jagatsinghpur district, India

Jan. 3, 2017- Dozens of birds fall dead from sky in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Jan. 4, 2017- Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bundaberg, Australia

Jan. 4, 2017- Large number of dead sea birds found washed up in the Bay of Gibraltar, Spain

Jan. 4, 2017- Hundreds of thousands of ducks to be killed due to avian flu across France

Jan. 5, 2017- Over 20,000 chickens killed due to avian flu in Yunlin, Taiwan

Jan. 5, 2017- 350,000 birds to be killed due to avian flu in Quilpue Chile


Headline:   Mosquito-borne virus prompts warning in Australia

Australian health authorities have issued a warning after a sharp rise in cases of a mosquito-borne virus. Ross River virus infected 314 people in Victoria in 2016, nearly a 50% increase on the year before, said the state’s chief health officer Charles Guest. Prof Guest suggested stagnant water from recent heavy rain created conditions ripe for mosquito breeding. The virus, found in Australia and some Pacific nations, can cause joint pain, fatigue and muscle aches. Current treatments only target symptoms, which can last for months. “The best protection from these diseases is to avoid mosquito bites,” Prof Guest said in a statement.
Jan. 5, 2017



Headline:    California funds 1st US inmate sex reassignment

A 57-year-old convicted killer serving a life sentence in California became the first U.S. inmate to receive state-funded sex-reassignment surgery, the prisoner’s attorneys confirmed Friday to The Associated Press. California prison officials agreed in August 2015 to pay for the surgery for Shiloh Heavenly Quine, who was convicted of first-degree murder, kidnapping and robbery for ransom and has no possibility of parole. Quine’s case led the state to become the first to set standards that will allow other transgender inmates to apply to receive state-funded sex-reassignment surgery. It also prompted a federal magistrate to require California to provide transgender female inmates housed in men’s facilities with more female-oriented items such as nightgowns, scarves and necklaces. “For too long, institutions have ignored doctors and casually dismissed medically necessary and life-saving care for transgender people just because of who we are,” said Kris Hayashi, executive director of the Transgender Law Center, which represents Quine and other transgender inmates. Completion of the surgery not only fulfills a landmark legal settlement but marks a victory “for all transgender people who have ever been denied the medical care we need,” Hayashi said.
Jan. 6, 2017



Headline:      Police: 5 Dead, 8 Injured in Shooting At Florida Airport

Headline: A second active shooting incident reported at Ft. Lauderdale airport

A gunman opened fire in the baggage claim area at the Fort Lauderdale airport Friday, killing five people and wounding eight before being taken into custody in an attack sent panicked passengers running out of the terminal and onto the tarmac, authorities said. Authorities gave no details on a possible motive for the shooting inside Terminal 2, which serves Delta Air Lines and Air Canada. “People started kind of screaming and trying to get out of any door they could or hide under the chairs,” a witness, Mark Lea, told MSNBC. “He just kind of continued coming in, just randomly shooting at people, no rhyme or reason to it.” Lea said the gunman said nothing as he “went up and down the carousels of the baggage claim, shooting through luggage to get at people that were hiding.” The killer had a handgun and went through about three magazines of ammunition, Lea said. Then the attacker threw down his weapon and lay spread-eagle on the ground until he was taken into custody, Lea said. Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida identified the gunman as Esteban Santiago and said that he was carrying a military ID, but that it was unclear whether it was his. “We don’t know a motive at this point,” Nelson said. “This could well be someone who is mentally deranged, or in fact it could be someone who had a much more sinister motive that we have to worry about every day, and that is terrorism. We can’t conclude that.” President Barack Obama was briefed by his Homeland Security adviser, the White House.
Jan. 6, 2017




Headline:          NASA says mysterious object hurtling towards Earth could be an asteroid or a comet

NASA recently spotted two massive space objects hurtling towards Earth. While the American space agency has pinpointed one as a comet, the other has left it slightly more baffled. The comet is set to fly close to Earth this week, but the mystery object isn’t expected to make an appearance until February. The object, dubbed “2016 WF9”, was detected by NASA’s asteroid- and comet-hunting NEOWISE project on 27 November 2016. It is roughly 0.3 to 0.6 miles (0.5 to 1 kilometres) across and is in an orbit that takes it on a scenic tour of our solar system. At its farthest distance from the sun, it approaches Jupiter’s orbit. Over the course of 4.9 Earth-years, it travels inward, passing under the main asteroid belt and the orbit of Mars until it swings just inside Earth’s own orbit. After that, it heads back toward the outer solar system. However, NASA scientists are not sure whether it is a comet or an asteroid . “2016 WF9 could have cometary origins,” said Deputy Principal Investigator James “Gerbs” Bauer at NASA’s JPL. “This object illustrates that the boundary between asteroids and comets is a blurry one; perhaps over time this object has lost the majority of the volatiles that linger on or just under its surface.”
Jan. 5, 2017


Headline: Moderate Quake Kills 4 in Rural Area in Southern Iran

A magnitude 5.1 earthquake struck a village deep in southern Iran on Friday, killing four people and injuring four others, Iranian state television reported. The TV said the quake struck in the morning hours in the village of Saifabad near the town of Khonj, about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) south of the capital, Tehran. According to the TV, the four fatalities are Afghan nationals, who worked on local farms. It said one of the injured was also an Afghan laborer. The local governor, Mokhtar Abbasi, told the TV that rescue workers are on site, helping the victims in Saifabad and also assessing the damage in neighboring villages. The quake did not affect infrastructure and utilities, Abbasi said. The epicenter of the quake is in a mountainous and sparsely populated rural area. The U.S. Geological Survey described the temblor as a 5.3 magnitude quake, striking at a shallow depth of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) in Iran’s Fars province. Magnitude 5 earthquakes can cause considerable damage.
Jan. 6, 2017


Headline: German Baltic coast hit by storm surge flooding

Headline: California braces for ‘once-in-10-year’ storm amid fears of flooding, avalanches, blizzards

A storm surge has caused the worst flooding on Germany’s north-east coast since 2006, leaving streets and cars submerged and causing major damage. Towns and cities along the Baltic coast were flooded, from Kiel in the far north to the resort island of Usedom near the Polish border. Sea levels were recorded in the port of Wismar at 1.83m (6ft) above normal overnight. Severe winter conditions also hit Sweden and Finland. The overnight temperature fell to -41.7C at Muonio in Finnish Lapland, near the north-western border with Sweden, the coldest night of the winter so far. Further west in northern Sweden, temperatures fell as low as -41.3C and road conditions were treacherous in much of the country.
Jan. 6, 2017



note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album ***beginning November 29, 2016, earthquakes of a 5.5 magnitude and higher will be posted


~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

Jan. 5, 2017- Respect

header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 4, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Devices


 I look toward 2017, as a new beginning. I am hopeful that this year many will turn there attention to Jesus Christ and America. America has been used to spread the word of God not just in the USA but in many places around the world. We have witnessed many of our finest young men and women give their lives to protect America and no doubt to protect our freedom to be able to preach Jesus around the world. When a nation found themselves in a disaster and in need of help it was America who rushed in to provide help. When other nations needed food for whatever reason it was and has been America who loaded the planes to rush food to the people in need. When a major disease struck a nation it was the U.S. who sent in our people to stop the spread. When nations were attacked by their enemies was it not the USA they asked help for first and, was it not true that troops were sent in to protect the nation who asked for that help! In all these events we saw Americans in uniform rush in knowing they may never return to their loved ones but they went in anyway. Let us all begin 2017, with respect for those who have already given their service and, are giving their service today to keep America safe.  Coach Buzz Williams gives a good example to lead us in this respect. 

Omega-ministries5 hours ago  Highlighted comment
The third and final temple was and still is Jesus body and we are grafted into him see John 2:21. Jesus never said a third physical temple will be built so best rethink that idea. Peace.

Would Jesus want you to pass this information below on?  Of course!  Why is “You shall not murder” in the Ten Commandments?     Question: “Why is ‘You shall not murder’ in the Ten Commandments?”  Answer: Simply stated, the sixth of the Ten Commandments forbids the unjustified taking of a human life. When you have a living baby in the womb and someone comes in and literally rips that life out of that womb you are taking a life that God has ordained.  For anyone who has done this I need to remind you that if you come to Christ and repent of an act like this Jesus will forgive you as there is no sin He said He will not forgive except the rejection of Christ as Messiah.  You won’t want to stand before Jesus without Him being your Lord and Savior.  The flames of hell never go out! 

Since is a new year and I would like to help people keep safe take a look at the video below. There are road laws now in different states that you may not know about. Considering the number of road rages that were reported last year it would be a good idea to check this video out.

January 4, 2017- Russia’s new favorite jihadis: The Taliban

header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Devices

~Scroll down for all the news; please be sure to CLICK on the photos for all Bible verses pertaining to each news story~

 Burdensome stone

Headline:       Netanyahu: 2nd UN resolution possible before Obama leaves; bars media from speech to top diplomats

There are currently efforts underway to bring another resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian issue to the UN Security Council before US President Barack Obama leaves office on January 20, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday. The prime minister, speaking to a year-end meeting of Israel’s ambassadors and chiefs of missions in Europe, said that while the planned Mideast summit in Paris on January 15 is “empty,” there “are signs that they will try to turn the decisions made there into another resolution in the Security Council, and that is already [something that is] not empty.” And these signs, he said, “are not a few.” “[The major effort] we are engaged in now is to prevent another UN resolution, and also to prevent a Quartet decision. We are investing a great deal of diplomatic efforts in this, and this also has to be your main efforts in the coming days, “ he said. “This will not take much time, but it will occupy us in the next two weeks, and we need to succeed.”
Jan. 3, 2017


Headline:     ‘Bloodshed will follow if Trump moves US embassy to Jerusalem’

Headline: Abbas warns against moving U.S. embassy to Jerusalem

The Palestinians will start a new violent uprising if Donald Trump’s incoming White House administration relocates the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a senior Fatah official indicated this week in an interview translated by MEMRI. “I believe that any American act of stupidity will ignite the Palestinian territories,” Fatah Central Committee member Sultan Abu al-Einein told Egypt’s Alghad TV on Sunday. Al-Einein, an aide to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, also pointed to Israeli “arrogance” and settlement activity along with the potential US maneuver as provoking Palestinian violence. “We must prepare for a confrontation with the new US administration, which has clearly and audaciously declared that Israel and its settlements are legitimate and legal,” he asserted. The Palestinian official charged that Washington and Jerusalem “will bear responsibility for the return of the bloodshed in the Palestinian territories.”
Jan. 4, 2017



Headline: Fatah, Hamas Members to Visit Moscow in January for Reconciliation Talks

The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences will organize a meeting of Palestinian political parties Hamas and Fatah to facilitate the discussion of the perspectives of overcoming the strife between them, Kayed Ghul, a member of Fatah political bureau said Tuesday. He added that the discussion would touch on “the issue of Palestinian divisions and the ways of overcoming the current situation.”  The previous meeting under the Institute of Oriental Studies mediation took place in 2011.
Jan. 4, 2017


Headline: Syrian Army on the verge of taking control of Damascus-Golan Heights border

The rebel forces surrendered three villages in the western countryside of Damascus on Tuesday, leaving the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in position to have full control over the Damascus-Golan Heights border for the first time in four years. According to a military source in Damascus, the villages of Beit Sabr, Kafr Hawr, and Beit Timah were surrendered by the rebel forces on Tuesday after lengthy negotiations with the Syrian Arab Army’s High Command. With these aforementioned villages under the Syrian Arab Army’s control, all that remains is the Beit Jinn pocket and the towns of Kanakir and Zakiyah, which are currently undergoing negotiations with the High Command of the Syrian Armed Forces. However, unlike Kanakir and Zakiyah, the rebels in Beit Jinn are not interested in reconciliation with the government, meaning that this will likely result in a battle between the militants and Syrian Arab Army.
Jan. 4, 2017




Headline:        Lebanon president accuses Mossad of murder in Angola

Lebanese President Michel Aoun suggested on Wednesday that Israel was responsible for the assassination of a Lebanese businessman in Angola. At the opening of a cabinet session, Aoun said the Lebanese foreign ministry was looking into the murder of Amine Bakri, a 54-year-old Lebanese businessman. Barki was killed by gunmen near his workplace Sunday in the Angolan capital Luanda. “There is information that the Mossad stands behind this operation,” Aoun said. The Lebanese president did not reveal the nature of the evidence, nor did he declare an alleged motive for the Israeli spy agency to target Bakri.
Jan. 4, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline:       Yemeni troops attack al-Qaida, 26 dead on both sides

Pro-government forces attacked al-Qaida militants in southern Yemen on Tuesday, killing 15 jihadis but losing 11 of their own troops, security officials said. The fighting began when troops backed by a Saudi-led coalition attacked an al-Qaida stronghold in the Marakasha mountains in Abyan province, east of the southern city of Aden. The area has long been a militant haven, attracting fighters in the 1990s returning from Afghanistan after fighting the Soviets. Al-Qaida later said in a statement circulated online that it had “ambushed” the troops and fought them off, the U.S.-based SITE Intelligence Group said. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to talk to reporters, said more than 60 military vehicles were involved in the operation, firing automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades before they were repulsed.
Jan. 3, 2017




Headline:           Russian jets strike ISIS in east Aleppo as Turkish Army prepares to attack Al-Bab

The Russian Air Force continued to provide aerial coverage to the Turkish Army on Wednesday, striking the Islamic State’s defenses around the western outskirts of Al-Bab in east Aleppo. According to a Syrian military source, the Russian Air Force carried out at least a half dozen airstrikes above Al-Bab today, killing and wounding several militants from the Islamic State. Today’s attack against the Islamic State in Al-Bab marks the the third time this week that the Russian Air Force has targeted this terrorist group in order to aid the Turkish Armed Forces. The Turkish Army is expected to launch another attack in the western countryside of Al-Bab in the coming days, as they attempt to close-in on this Islamic State stronghold in east Aleppo.
Jan. 4, 2017



Headline:       Battle of Mosul: Iraqi forces at edge of Tigris

More than 2,000 Iraqis a day are fleeing Mosul, several hundred more each day than before Iraqi forces began a new phase of their battle to retake the city from ISIS, the United Nations said on Wednesday. After quick initial advances, the operation stalled for several weeks but last Thursday Iraqi forces renewed their push from Mosul’s east towards the Tigris River on three fronts. Elite interior ministry troops were clearing the Mithaq district on Wednesday, after entering it on Tuesday when counterterrorism forces also retook an industrial zone. Federal police advanced in the Wahda district, the military said on Wednesday, in the 12th week of Iraq’s largest military campaign since the US-led invasion of 2003. As they advanced, many more civilian casualties were also being recorded, the UN said. Vastly outnumbered, the militants have embedded themselves among residents and are using the city terrain to their advantage, concealing car bombs in narrow alleys, posting snipers on tall buildings with civilians on lower floors, and making tunnels and surface-level passageways between buildings. “We were very afraid,” one Mithaq resident said. “A Daesh (ISIS) anti-aircraft weapon was positioned close to our house and was opening fire on helicopters. We could see a small number of Daesh fighters in the street carrying light and medium weapons. They were hit by planes.” Security forces have retaken about a quarter of Mosul since October but, against expectations and despite severe shortages of food and water, most residents have stayed put until now.
Jan. 4, 2017




Headline:      Turkey extends emergency rule to maintain purge of Gulen supporters

Headline: Turkey makes veiled threat over Incirlik

Turkey’s parliament voted overnight to extend emergency rule by three months in a move which the government said was needed to sustain a purge of supporters of the US-based Muslim cleric accused of orchestrating July’s failed coup, state media said. Emergency rule, first imposed in Turkey after an attempted putsch on July 15 and then extended in October, enables the government to bypass parliament in enacting new laws and to limit or suspend rights and freedoms when deemed necessary. The extension, effective from Jan. 19, comes as Turkey reels from a series of attacks by Islamist or Kurdish militants, most recently on Sunday when a lone gunman shot dead 39 people in an Istanbul nightclub during New Year celebrations. Ankara accuses Pennsylvania-based preacher Fethullah Gulen and his supporters, whom it terms the Gulenist Terror Organization (FETO), of being behind the July coup attempt. Gulen denies the allegations.
Jan. 4, 2017



Headline: Turkish foreign minister calls on Iran to stop truce violations in Syria

Headline: Assad thanks Iran for role in Syria victories

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called on Iran to exert pressure on Shiite-backed militias and the Syrian government to stop violating a ceasefire in Syria, warning it was putting planned peace talks in peril. Turkey is working with Russia on the question of sanctions for those who violate the ceasefire deal, which was brokered by Ankara and Moscow, Cavusoglu said in a televised interview with the state-run Anadolu news agency. He warned that peace negotiations being prepared by Moscow in the Kazakh capital, Astana, could fail if increased ceasefire violations are not halted. Turkey on Wednesday warned that planned Syrian peace talks co-sponsored by Russia were at risk, calling on the Damascus regime of President Bashar al-Assad to halt violations of a ceasefire.
Jan. 4, 2017




Headline:         Arab separatists claim 2 pipeline bombings in southern Iran

An Arab separatist group has claimed two pipeline bombings in Iran’s oil-rich south and threatened to launch more attacks in the coming year as the country tries to boost production following the nuclear deal with world powers. Iranian state media and officials did not immediately comment on the claim by the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz, which said it bombed the pipelines early Tuesday morning in Khuzestan province. The militants released online video they said showed one of the pipelines exploding. The Associated Press could not immediately verify the footage, though previous attacks have been attributed to the group. The separatists’ statement said the bombings came in response to Iran’s Oil Ministry publishing a list of 29 international companies qualified to bid for projects following the atomic accord. The group said 2017 will be “very different to previous years since the movement has prepared detailed and precise plans to carry out a number of high-quality important operations against the Iranian enemy state.”
Jan. 4, 2017



Headline:      Afghan’s protest against ISIS attempts of creating sectarian divisions

Headline:     Russia’s new favorite jihadis: The Taliban

About 2,000 demonstrators, holding pictures of Shia Muslims killed in recent terrorist attacks, marched on the governor’s office in the city of Herat on Tuesday.  The protesters chanted slogans such as “Death to the enemies of Afghanistan!” and “Death to Daesh (ISIS)!” Herat recently witnessed a surge in attacks on mosques belonging to Shia Muslims with a prayer leader was killed and five others wounded in one such attack on Sunday, PressTV reported. Najeebullah Mani, the head of counter-terrorism at the Afghan Interior Ministry, told reporters “Our initial information shows Daesh is behind the recent attacks in Herat. They are expanding and are always looking for new geographical areas,” Mani said, adding, “They are present in at least 11 (of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces). Their main goal is to create sectarian divisions between Shias and Sunnis.” Meanwhile, Last week, Moscow hosted Chinese and Pakistani emissaries to discuss the war. Tellingly, no Afghan officials were invited. However, the trio of nations urged the world to be “flexible” in dealing with the Taliban, which remains the Afghan government’s most dangerous foe. Russia even argued that the Taliban is a necessary bulwark in the war against the so-called Islamic State.
Jan. 4, 2017




Headline:   Libyan government says rival general attacks base in south

Headline: Libya Ready to Welcome Russia’s Initiatives for Political Dialogue

Headline: European Council on Foreign Relations: How to Win the Peace in Libya

Warplanes under the command of a rival Libyan army general have attacked an air base under the control of the U.N.-backed government in the country’s south, the government said. In a statement late on Tuesday, the Tripoli-based government said “several” government-allied troops were wounded when an aircraft they were travelling in was struck in the attack by the eastern-based forces. Field Marshal Khalifa Hifter, the military strongman in question, answers to Libya’s parliament that is based in the east. That parliament is at odds with the Tripoli government, which it doesn’t recognize. In a statement on Wednesday that did not mention the attack specifically, the U.N.’s envoy to Libya warned against the risk of escalation leading to renewed conflict in the North African nation. “I urge all parties to act with restraint and to resolve issues through peaceful dialogue,” Martin Kobler said, urging renewed efforts to find solutions to the political crisis and the Tripoli government’s difficulties in exercising authority over the country.
Jan. 4, 2017





Headline:    100 arrested as strikes enter second day in Algeria

Headline: Algeria: Protests Over Austerity Measures Persist

A general strike of traders against the new Finance Law has entered its second day in the Algerian province of Bejaia. Yesterday, the first day of strikes, was marked by violent clashes which continued until the early hours of this morning in the city centre. Evidence of the long night of riots was visible today on several buildings despite the municipality’s efforts to clean the area. According to security reports, 100 young demonstrators were arrested and taken into police custody. Some were arrested for robbery with legal proceedings currently being carried out against them. Several shops were pillaged and buildings ransacked including the Condor showroom, the SNTA depot and the French bank BNP Paribas. In the city centre, young demonstrators burned a bus and a riot police truck. The municipality’s headquarters was also targeted by angry demonstrators who ransacked and burned the premises. Stones were thrown on several police stations in the evening. Several were wounded during the clashes and taken to hospital.
Jan. 4, 2017




Headline:     Morocco approves first Islamic banks

Morocco has become the latest Muslim-majority country to authorize Islamic banks, amid growing market demand for Sharia-compliant banking. The Moroccan central bank announced this week it has approved five such banks, fulfilling a long-standing promise of the Islamist party leading a coalition government since 2011. Among them are leading national banks Attijariwafa, linked to the royal family, state-owned Banque Centrale Populaire and private BMCE Bank of Africa. All three hold increasing assets around French-speaking Africa. The others are CIH Bank and Credit Agricole du Maroc. Four of the five will be partnerships between Moroccan banks and Islamic financial institutions in the Gulf, according to a statement from the central bank.
Jan. 4, 2017










Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:           Women’s March on Washington is poised to be the biggest anti-Trump demonstration

More than 100,000 people have registered their plans to attend the Women’s March on Washington in what is expected to be the largest demonstration linked to the inauguration of Donald Trump, and a focal point for activists on the left who have been energized in opposing his agenda. Planning for the Jan. 21 march got off to a rocky start. Controversy initially flared over the name of the march, and whether it was inclusive enough of minorities, particularly African-Americans, who have felt excluded from many mainstream feminist movements. Organizers say plans are on track, after securing a permit from D.C. police to gather 200,000 people near the Capitol at Independence Avenue and Third Street SW on the morning after Inauguration Day. Exactly how big the march will be has yet to be determined, with organizers scrambling to pull together the rest of the necessary permits and raise the $1 million to $2 million necessary to pull off a march triggered by Shook’s Facebook venting. The march has become a catch-all for a host of liberal causes, from immigrant rights to police killings of African-Americans. But at its heart is the demand for equal rights for women after an election that saw the defeat of Democrat Hillary Clinton, the first female presidential nominee of a major party.
Jan. 4, 2017


Headline:   Somalia Car Bombing Wounds Security Guards Working for UN

Four security guards working for the United Nations have been wounded after a car bomb explosion near their compound in Mogadishu, Somali officials said. All the victims are Somalis. One of them, the chief of the local security guards, suffered severe injuries, officials said. Reuters news agency reports that the militant group al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the attack. The explosion occurred in a garage next to the compound of the United Nations Development Program in the capital. An intelligence official who went to the scene told VOA Somali that the bomb was planted in the car at the parking lot of the garage which is used by UNDP. The car entered the parking lot Wednesday morning, sources say. “Immediately after the driver got out of the car the explosion went off, “says the official who does not want to be identified. Nine people have been arrested in connection with the blast. Officials said most of those arrested were detained from another garage where the car was parked overnight.
Jan. 4, 2017


Headline:   Roadside bomb hits police vehicle in Pakistan, wounding 19

A Pakistani police official says a roadside bomb has struck a vehicle carrying police in the country’s northwest, wounding four officers and 15 passers-by. Local police official Mohammad Nawaz says Wednesday’s attack took place in the city of Dera Ismail Khan, a gateway to Pakistan’s troubled tribal region bordering Afghanistan. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the bombing. Pakistan’s army has carried out several operations against local and foreign militants in the country’s tribal regions in recent years. The army says it has cleared over 90 percent of the region from insurgents, who once had a strong presence there.
Jan. 4, 2017



Headline:         US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as Nato is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’

Russia is reportedly deploying nuke-ready missiles in the province of Kaliningrad which borders Lithuania. President Obama has deployed US special forces troops along Lithuania’s border with “aggressive” Russia. Tensions between Washington and the Kremlin have reached Cold War levels amid reports Vladimir Putin is deploying nuke-ready missiles in the Russian province of Kaliningrad – which borders Poland, Belarus and Lithuania. And Lithuanian Defence Ministry spokeswoman Asta Galdikaite confirmed America has offered additional military support following Russia’s annexation of Crimea. She said: “The United States was the first to offer additional safety assurance measures to the Baltic countries following the deterioration of the security situation in the region after the annexation of the Crimea.” She added: “US Special Operations Forces presence in Lithuania is one of the deterrents” against military threats by Putin’s aggressive regime, reports the Express.
Jan. 4, 2017



Headline:     Eurozone inflation surges to 1.1% in December

Eurozone inflation has surged to its highest rate in more than three years, driven by increased prices for energy, food, alcohol and tobacco. The annual inflation rate hit 1.1% last month, according to official statistics agency Eurostat, a sharp jump from November’s rate of 0.6%. The rate is the highest since September 2013, when inflation was also 1.1%. The higher-than-expected increase brings inflation closer to the European Central Bank’s target of just below 2%. ECB chief Mario Draghi has said he expects inflation to reach the target by 2018 or 2019. Last month’s increase was driven mainly by a jump in energy prices, which rose by 2.5% year-on-year in December, their first increase in over a year. Energy prices were boosted by oil cartel Opec’s decision to cut output. Food, alcohol and tobacco prices rose 1.2% year-on-year, while services were also 1.2% more expensive than a year ago.
Jan. 4, 2017


Headline: Federal Debt Climbs $1,054,647,941,626.91 in 2016

The federal debt climbed by more than a trillion dollars during 2016, according to data released today by the U.S. Treasury. On Dec. 31, 2015, the last business day of 2015, the federal debt was $18,922,179,009,420.89. On Dec. 30, 2016, the last business day of 2016, it was $19,976,826,951,047.80. The one-year increase in the federal debt during calendar year 2016 was therefore $1,054,647,941,626.91. That increase in the debt equaled $8,860.65 for each of the 119,026,000 households the Census Bureau estimated there were in the United States as of September. During President Barack Obama’s time in office the federal debt has increased by $9,349,949,902,134.72—rising from  $10,626,877,048,913.08 on Jan. 20, 2009, the day of Obama’s inauguration, to $19,976,826,951,047.80 on the last day of 2016. That equals $78,553.84 for each of the 119,026,000 households in the country as of September.
Jan. 3, 2017



Headline:             Attacker Sneaks Into School, Stabs 12 Children in China

A vengeful man stabbed 12 children with a kitchen knife at a kindergarten in southern China on Wednesday, seriously injuring five of them, local authorities said. The attacker “sneaked into” the school in the afternoon and stabbed children in his child’s class while the students were eating, according to a statement from the Pingxiang city government’s information office, citing police. Two teachers fought back with plastic chairs, and police called to the school in the largely rural region of Guangxi managed to detain him. None of the children has life-threatening injuries, the statement said. The government said the suspect was Qin Peng’an, a man from Nanshan village that is under the jurisdiction of Pingxiang city. It said Qin told staff at Xiaocongzai Kindergarten that he was picking up his child as an excuse to get into the school. It said an initial police investigation found that Qin felt bullied in the village so he stabbed the children out of anger and revenge. In recent years, China has had several incidents of attackers entering schools and stabbing children, mostly carried out by people with vendettas against society.
Jan. 4, 2017



Headline:     Free marijuana on Inauguration Day

You might catch a strong smell of marijuana on Inauguration Day. That’s because there will be thousands of joints handed out—for free—by the DC Cannabis Coalition. It all starts at 8:00 a.m. January 20th on the west side of Dupont Circle. Then, marchers will walk to the National Mall where the real protest will begin. “The main message is it’s time to legalize cannabis at the federal level,” said Adam Eidinger, the founder of DCMJ, a group of D.C. residents who introduced and helped get initiative 71 passed in the District. Initiative 71 made it legal to possess two ounces or less or marijuana, to grow it, and to give it away, but it is not legal to sell it. Eidinger is worried, though, that all this progress will be lost with the Trump Administration, specifically, with Trump’s pick for attorney general: Jeff Sessions. “We are looking at a guy who as recently as April said that they are going to enforce federal law on marijuana all over the country. He said marijuana is dangerous,” Eidinger said. The great marijuana giveaway is legal, as long as it’s done on D.C. land. “We don’t want any money exchanged whatsoever, this is really a gift for people who come to Washington, D.C.,” he said. There will 4,200 gifts, to be exact. Then, at 4 minutes and 20 seconds into Trump’s speech (420 is the internationally known code for weed), they’ll light up. That part, is most definitely illegal. “We are going to tell them that if they smoke on federal property, they are risking arrest. But, that’s a form of civil disobedience,” said Eidinger. “I think it’s a good protest. If someone wants to do it, they are risking arrest, but it’s a protest and you know what, the National Mall is a place for protest.”
Jan. 4, 2017



Headline:       String of severe storms sweep across Southern states leaving at least 5 dead

The severe storms that spawned tornadoes and killed at least five people across the Southeast Monday triggered more damage than many home and business owners were expecting, and starting a recovery process that could drag on for years. The state saw at least two confirmed tornadoes, according to the National Weather Service, which reported that the final numbers could still change. Four people were killed Monday when a tree fell on their mobile home in Rehobeth, Alabama, Dothan Houston County Emergency Management Agency spokeswoman Kris Ware said. Ware added that most of the damage was in Rehobeth as winds damaged carports and other buildings, according to AL.com.
Jan. 3, 2017


Headline: Natural disaster damage hits 4-year high: Munich Re

Natural disasters including storms and earthquakes caused $175 billion of damage in 2016, German reinsurance giant Munich Re said Wednesday, the highest level since 2012. While the year saw a two-thirds increase in the financial impact of catastrophes around the world, casualties from natural disasters were far lower in 2016 than the previous year, at 8,700 deaths compared with 25,400. Munich Re pointed to two earthquakes on the Japanese island of Kyushu in April and floods in China in June and July as the most devastating natural events, inflicting costs of $31 billion in Japan and $20 billion in China. North America suffered its largest number of disasters since 1980, at 160 events. October’s Hurricane Matthew was the worst in the region, causing 550 deaths in Haiti alone as well as $10.2 billion of damage. Meanwhile Canada battled wildfires in May after spring heatwaves and droughts, costing around $4 billion, while summer brought serious flooding in the southern US to the tune of $10 billion. And a series of storms across Europe in late May and early June brought flood damage costing a total of $6 billion, with flooding hitting Germany especially badly as well as the French capital Paris.
Jan. 4, 2017


note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album ***beginning November 29, 2016, earthquakes of a 5.5 magnitude and higher will be posted


~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

January 2, 2017- 2016 a record-breaking year for earthquakes & natural disasters

header with welcome

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The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; please be sure to CLICK on the photos for all Bible verses pertaining to each news story~

 Burdensome stone

Headline:        British leader Theresa May breaks with John Kerry’s condemnation of Israel

British Prime Minister Theresa May condemned a blunt speech this week by Secretary of State John F. Kerry on the state of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, an unusual move that boosted Britain’s relations with the incoming Trump administration at the expense of President Obama. The rare diplomatic spat between Britain and the United States, which was met with surprise by the State Department, highlighted the fast-collapsing influence of the lame-duck White House. It also pointed to a vast reordering of international affairs expected after Donald Trump takes office in three weeks, as U.S. allies position themselves to curry favor in the new order. The transatlantic split was particularly unexpected given that May’s government acted as a key broker between U.S. and Palestinian interests ahead of a U.N. Security Council vote last week to declare Israeli settlement construction “illegal.” British diplomats worked as go-betweens in shaping the measure to ensure that the language was acceptable to the United States, Britain’s Guardian and Israel’s Haaretz newspapers reported this week. Kerry on Wednesday offered a harsh assessment of the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying that “his current coalition is the most right-wing in Israeli history, with an agenda driven by its most extreme elements.” He criticized persistent Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank as a threat to the “two-state solution” under which Israel and a new Palestinian state would coexist side by side.
Dec. 30, 2016


Headline:   Former Australian PM: Cut aid to Palestinian Authority

In an article published in The Spectator Australia, former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott called on the government to “join any move by the Trump administration to move its embassy to Jerusalem” and suggested Australia move its own embassy to Jerusalem as well. “Jerusalem is Israel’s capital and we should respect that by putting our embassy where they choose to have their capital,” he wrote. He also called on the government to offer “unswerving support for Israel as the region’s only liberal, pluralist democracy” and said, “Australia should cut our $40 million a year in aid to the Palestinian Authority while it keeps paying pensions to terrorists and their families.”
Jan. 2, 2017


Headline:       Investigators arrive at Prime Minister Netanyahu’s residence

Investigators arrive to question Netanyahu despite his insisting there is nothing to the latest suspicions against him, telling the media and the opposition: ‘You will continue making wild allegations and we will continue leading the State of Israel’; Herzog doesn’t see reason to celebrate: ‘This isn’t a happy day. This is a hard day for the State of Israel’; Lapid calls on all sides not to drag out investigation. A team of investigators arrvived at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence on Monday evening to question him over suspicion of bribery.  Speaking earlier in the day, Netanyahu told the media and opposition to “hold off on the partying” ahead of his police questioning later in the day. “We notice reports in the media,” Netanyahu said during a Likud faction meeting. “We hear the celebrations and sense the way the wind blows in TV studios and in the halls of the opposition—hold off on the partying, don’t jump the gun. I told you and I repeat: Nothing will happen, because there is nothing. You will continue making wild allegations and we will continue leading the State of Israel.”
Jan. 2, 2017


Headline:         ‘The time for sovereignty is now’

Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel said in an interview with Arutz Sheva today that the annexation of Ma’ale Adumim would be a very important step for Israel to take at this juncture. “I had the privilege of being the first settler in the nucleus of Ma’ale Adumim in 1975.” Minister Ariel said. “41 years have passed, and we are now moving towards annexation. I am happy that the Jewish Home is leading the move, and I expect it to be a sign [of things to come] for all of Judea and Samaria, and for [the establishment] of equal rights for all citizens.” When you hear voices from the right, such as Minister Tzachi Hanegbi, saying that we need to wait for the next US administration, do you accept that? “I don’t think like Tzachi Hanegbi. It is important to coordinate with the US administration, but not as a condition. We did it with Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, and the time has come for sovereignty in Judea and Samaria ” Ariel said. What are your thoughts on the scandals associated with the name of the Prime Minister and the expected investigation? “We should investigate carefully, and I trust the police.” he answered. “Together with that, there is an [issue of] public persecution which does not leave anything be, even things [which turn out to be] nonsense. We go through that as well. I wish for the Prime Minister to continue in this government with us for the good of the people of Israel and the State of Israel.”
Jan. 2, 2017


Headline:        Hamas leader floats idea of West Bank-Gaza Strip federation

Headline:   Bodies of Hamas terrorists won’t be returned, ministers decide

A senior Hamas official said on Friday that a federation between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip could be a feasible solution to the ongoing division between Hamas and Fatah.
“A federation between the West Bank and Gaza Strip may be better than the ongoing division,” Mousa Abu Marzouk, the vice president of the Hamas Politburo, told Al-Ghad, a London-based Arabic satellite channel. A federation is defined as a political entity made up of partially self-governing regions. The division between Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, and Fatah, which dominates the West Bank, has lasted for more than nine years. Arab and international parties have undertaken numerous efforts to end the division, overseeing agreements between the two parties, which ultimately have gone unimplemented. Abu Marzouk added that other countries have used the model of a federation to unite their countries, regardless of their geographical size.
Jan. 2, 2017





Headline:         Hezbollah Rejects Moscow-Ankara-Brokered Syria Ceasefire Deal Over Turkish Demand for Withdrawal of All Foreign Fighters

Sources in Lebanon told the London-based pan-Arab daily Al-Arab that Hezbollah has rejected the Russia-Turkey-mediated ceasefire agreement for the Syrian civil war, the Hebrew news site nrg reported on Sunday. According to these sources, the Iranian-backed, Lebanon-based terrorist organization that has been fighting on behalf of President Bashar Assad is furious about Ankara’s clause in the agreement requiring all foreign forces to withdraw from Syria, before a diplomatic solution is reached or even discussed. To make matters worse, the report said, the sources also claimed that Moscow informed Tehran about this clause — something that angered Hezbollah, which has been fighting alongside both. A Hezbollah official publicly declared: “We are not in Syria by Turkish decree, and we will not leave it by Turkish decree.” A Lebanese commentator told Al-Arab that a withdrawal of Hezbollah forces from Syria would have dangerous consequences, because — he claimed — it will make it difficult for Iran to prove that it is still a strong player in the region.
Jan. 1, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline:     Yemeni army, resistance forces advance in Saada

Yemen’s army and resistance forces are quickly advancing toward Saada after gaining control of several strategic areas nearby. Factions from the army and resistance forces were able to regain control on Monday the command center of Brigade 101, the al-Thar and Habsh mountains. Saada has been under siege from Houthi militias and was the city where a missile was launched targeting holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia last October. Meanwhile, coalition airstrikes targeted Houthi positions in the districts of Bani Amir and Maqbana in Taiz province amid reports of heaving fighting on the front of Nihm. Coalition planes also bombarded telecommunication towers and two weapons-laden trucks of the militias south of Amran city and Lahij province. According to local sources, Houthi leader in Bayhan Ahmed Abdul Kader al-Haj al-Sayid was killed as the result of injuries he suffered in the battle o regain control of the town, which was recaptured by the Resistance. The advancements come a day after 25 Houthi militias, among them a senior leader, were killed near Najran’s border region. Abu Shehab al-Hamzi was a senior militia leader among the Houthis ranks in Yemen.
Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:     Egyptian security forces disperse protest against Tiran and Sanafir agreement in Cairo

Headline:   Two Egyptian soldiers killed in the Sinai peninsula

Security forces dispersed on Monday afternoon a protest in Cairo against the approval of the Egypt-Saudi Arabian demarcation deal by the Egyptian cabinet last week. A group called Ardy (My Land) called earlier on a Facebook event for the march on Monday from the Journalists Syndicate to the parliament to reject the agreement’s approval and referral to parliament. “This agreement no longer exists after it was voided by the administrative judiciary, but the government insists to implement it and deliver the islands to Saudi Arabia, against the popular will,” the Facebook event read. The event further called on Egyptians to join them to defend Egyptian lands and “put the regime on trial.”  Meanwhile, at least two Egyptian soldiers have been killed as the vehicle they were traveling in was targeted in a bomb attack in the restive Sinai Peninsula, PressTV reported. Another soldier was critically injured in the Saturday incident, which took place in the city of El-Arish as a remotely-detonated bomb went off next to the specialized security vehicle that was being used to locate explosive devices, the report continued.
Jan. 2, 2017





Headline:         Daesh claims bomb attack in Syria’s Tartous

Daesh militants said they have carried out a bomb attack on the Syrian coastal city of Tartous that Syrian state media said killed two security officers. Daesh said in an online statement claiming the attack that two of its members detonated car bombs. It did not say whether they were suicide attackers or provide any further details. Syrian state media said the attack, first reported early on Sunday, was carried out by two suicide bombers wearing explosives.

Jan. 2, 2017


Headline:   Hundreds flee fighting near Syria’s capital Damascus despite truce

Hundreds of civilians fled a mountainous region outside the Syrian capital on Sunday, where government forces were battling several insurgent groups, including an al-Qaeda-linked outfit excluded from a recent nationwide cease-fire. The Syrian military said some 1,300 people fled the Barada Valley region since Saturday. The region has been the target of days of airstrikes and shelling despite the truce, which was brokered by Russia and Turkey and appears to be holding in other parts of the country, despite some reports of fighting. The truce went into effect early Friday, and the government and the opposition are expected to meet for talks in Kazakhstan later this month. Russia, a key military ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad, and Turkey, a leading sponsor of the rebels, are acting as guarantors of the agreement, which excludes the al-Qaeda-linked Fatah al-Sham Front and the Islamic State group. On Saturday, The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution supporting efforts by Russia and Turkey to end the nearly six-year conflict in Syria and jump-start peace negotiations.
Jan. 2, 2017


Headline:   Syrian War Update – Al-Raqqa Offensive-VIDEO

Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:      Daesh kills 24 in Sadr City Baghdad car bombing, cuts road to Mosul

Headline:   Two suicide bombers attack police station in Iraq’s Samarra (Saladin province)

Headline:     Iraq Baghdad: 28 dead as twin bombs rip through market (Dec. 31st)

A Daeshcar bomb killed 24 people in a busy square in Baghdad’s sprawling Sadr City district on Monday, and the militants cut a key road north from the capital to Mosul, their last major stronghold in the country. An online statement distributed by Amaq news agency, which supports the Daesh group, said the ultra-hard-line Sunni group had targeted a gathering of Shiites. Sixty-seven people were wounded in the blast. Three bombs killed 29 people across the capital on Saturday, and an attack near the southern city of Najaf on Sunday left seven policemen dead. Monday’s blast in Sadr City hit a square where day laborers typically gather. Nine of the victims were women in a passing minibus. Their charred bodies were visible inside the burnt-out remains of the vehicle. Blood stained the ground nearby. “The terrorists will attempt to attack civilians in order to make up for their losses, but we assure the Iraqi people and the world that we are able to end terrorism and shorten its life,” Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi told reporters after meeting with visiting French President Francois Hollande. Meanwhile, At least seven people are dead after two suicide bombers stormed and attacked a police station in the Iraqi city of Samarra. At least two men are said to have detonated themselves inside the al-Mutawakel police station in the city of Samarra located in the govern ate of Saladin. Other attackers are reportedly engaged in a shootout with the security forces. A citywide curfew has been imposed as a result of the attack.
Jan. 2, 2017




Headline:   US military hits Islamic State mortar team near Mosul school

Yesterday, US Central Command announced that Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve launched an airstrike against an Islamic State mortar team while it was positioned “in between two empty school buildings.” The announcement is part of a US military effort to stay ahead of criticism from media and international non-governmental organizations for striking jihadists as they use protected sites to attack allied forces. The US military is sensitive to hitting protected targets such as hospitals and schools; an accidental strike on a Médecins Sans Frontières-run hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan in Oct. 2015 killed 42 people and sparked international condemnation. The CENTCOM announcement is not without precedence. On Dec. 8, CENTCOM released a statement that it struck Islamic State forces at a Mosul hospital who were launching attacks on Iraqi troops. According to CENTCOM, the Islamic State was using the hospital as “a base of operations and command and control headquarters.”
Jan. 2, 2017




Headline:       Daesh claims responsibility for Istanbul attack

Headline:   Istanbul new year Reina nightclub attack ‘leaves 39 dead’

Headline:   Turkey pays dear for Erdogan overreach into Syria

Daesh claimed responsibility on Monday for a New Year’s Day mass shooting in a packed Istanbul nightclub that killed 39 people, an attack carried out by a lone gunman who remains at large.
It described the Reina nightclub, where many foreigners as well as Turks were killed, as a gathering point for Christians celebrating their “apostate holiday.” The attack, it said, was revenge for Turkish military involvement in Syria. “The apostate Turkish government should know that the blood of Muslims shed with airplanes and artillery fire will, with God’s permission, ignite a fire in their own land,” the Islamic State declaration said. There was no immediate comment from Turkish officials. The jihadist group has been blamed for at least half a dozen attacks on civilian targets in Turkey over the past 18 months but, other than targeted assassinations, this is the first time it has directly claimed any of them. It made the statement on one of its Telegram channels, a method used after attacks elsewhere.
Jan. 2, 2017





Headline:       No preconditions for attending Astana Syria meet: Iran

Headline:   Turkmenistan halts gas flow to Iran in arrears row

Turkey, Russia and Iran are the only countries expected to take part in a scheduled meeting in Kazakhstan later this month devoted to recent peace efforts for Syria, Iran’s Foreign Ministry said Monday. Asked if Iran had set any preconditions on its attendance of the meeting — set for mid-January in Kazakh capital Astana — ministry spokesman Bahram Kasimi said: “Dictating views is out of the question… We do not have any special conditions.” Asked about a recent Reuters report claiming that Turkey, Iran and Russia were mulling the possibility of dividing post-war Syria into “zones of influence”, Kasimi described the assertion as “irrelevant and wrong”. “We respect the territorial integrity of Syria,” he said. “Changing borders and violating the national sovereignty of countries is wrong.” Following last week’s Syria ceasefire deal brokered by Turkey and Russia, the Astana meeting comes as part of ongoing efforts by the two countries to promote a political process in war-torn Syria.
Jan. 2, 2017




Headline:       Taliban ramp up attacks in southwestern Afghanistan as NATO casualties hit a low

The Taliban have continued their assault on Afghanistan’s southwestern Helmand province with fresh attacks in two key districts, Afghan security forces said, as NATO announced that its forces last year suffered the fewest casualties since the U.S. invasion in 2001. The latest round of fighting began Dec. 31 in Sangin and Marjah districts, a provincial spokesman said. The Marine Corps suffered significant casualties while fighting to liberate both areas in 2009-11. The fact that the Taliban are conducting operations in winter is at variance with their usual practice of retreating to western areas of Pakistan to regroup before returning in the spring, when the weather is more suitable for carrying out operations.

Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:      South Sudan’s Government Calls for Peace Dialogue

Headline:     Sudan gunmen kill 8 people in Darfur

South Sudan’s government says it wants to bring peace and stability in the country this year, after three years of fighting. The government is putting its hopes on the recently launched national dialogue. South Sudan ended 2016 with more clashes between government forces and opposition fighters allied to Riek Machar. As officials try to put together a team to lead the national dialogue, tension remains high in the countryside and clashes are a common occurrence. A senior member of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Opposition, Peter Adwok Nyaba, says the country’s future lies in implementing the peace agreement that President Salva Kiir and Machar signed in August 2015.
Jan. 2, 2017




Headline:          Deputy leader of Libya’s U.N.-backed government resigns

A deputy leader of Libya’s Government of National Accord (GNA) announced his resignation on Monday, saying the U.N.-backed administration had failed to tackle urgent problems arising from years of conflict and political disarray. The resignation of Musa al-Koni casts doubt on the future of the government in its current form, just over a year after it was launched under a U.N.-mediated deal that had only partial support from Libya’s rival factions. Western powers backed the GNA to tackle Islamic State, boost Libya’s oil production, and help stem the flow of sub-Saharan migrants from Libya to Europe. But though Islamic State has been ousted from its former stronghold of Sirte and oil production has recovered slightly, the GNA has largely failed to exert its authority over a country that slid into lawlessness after the 2011 uprising that toppled Muammar Gaddafi.

Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:        Tunisia blames Israel for Hamas scientist’s death

Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi on Sunday said that his government suspects Israel of being behind the assassination of Hamas engineer Mohamed Zaouari, Haaretz reported. Zaouari, an aviation scientist, was shot to death outside his home in Sfax, Tunisia, on December 15. Hamas said two days after his death that he was a member of the organization’s military wing and one of the leaders of its drone program. The group at the time also blamed Israel for his death. The investigation into the attack is continuing, Essebsi said, according to Haaretz. He rejected criticism that the Tunisian government was not doing enough to advance the investigation, adding that the government would not hesitate to turn to the international community once it had collected sufficient evidence. Essebsi’s statement was the highest-level indication that Israel was suspected of involvement in Zaouari’s death. Tunisia’s Interior Minister had previously said Zaouari’s murder had been planned abroad by foreigners, though he admitted that “we do not yet have any tangible proof” and did not name any specific country.
Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:      Africans Attempting to Migrate to Europe Clash With Police in Northern Africa

At least 800 sub-Saharan African migrants stormed a border fence Sunday between Morocco and Ceuta, an autonomous Spanish city on the northern coast of Africa, according to Spanish and Moroccan officials. Five Spanish and 50 Moroccan police were injured, ten seriously, as they clashed with migrants who tried to break through the fence using rocks and metal bars. The Spanish government said two of the migrants were allowed to enter Ceuta for treatment at a local hospital. The rest were returned to Morocco. Ceuta and Melilla, another Spanish city in northern Africa, are frequently used as entry points into Europe for African migrants, who are in search of a better life. Most who try to cross the border are apprehended and returned to Morocco. Those who succeed in making it over the fences are repatriated or let go. Thousands of others try to reach Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea, often in small boats unfit for the open sea. Human rights groups have criticized Spain for returning migrants to Morocco. They have argued that bypassing the longer deportation procedures, migrants are deprived the chance to claim asylum. The International Organization for Migration said there were nearly 5,000 deaths in the Mediterranean in 2016, making it the deadliest year ever for migrants.
Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:          Armenia Violates Karabakh Ceasefire 35 Times Over Last 24 Hours

The Armenian military has violated the ceasefire along the contact line in Azerbaijan’s breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh 35 times over the past 24 hours, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said Saturday. “The Defense Ministry says that Armenian armed forces, using heavy machine guns, violated the ceasefire 35 times along various stretches of the frontline in last 24 hours,” the ministry’s press service said. Azerbaijan does not recognize the ethnically Armenian self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) and considers the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army to be a part of the Armed Forces of Armenia. The violence in Nagorno-Karabakh escalated on April 2. Baku and Yerevan have accused each other of provoking hostilities that led to multiple deaths on each side. A ceasefire was agreed on several days later on April 5, yet hostilities continued.
Jan. 2, 2017









Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:        Suicide car bomber outside Mogadishu airport kills 3

A Somali police officer says a suicide car bomber detonated an explosives-laden vehicle at a security checkpoint near Mogadishu’s international airport, killing at least three people. Capt. Mohamed Hussein says the car bomber detonated the bomb Monday as security forces were searching cars at the checkpoint, few hundred meters (yards) from the main base of the African Union mission. The checkpoint is close to United Nations offices and the Peace Hotel, which is often frequented by foreigners and officials. The powerful blast blew roofs off nearby buildings. A second blast and heavy gunfire could also be heard at the checkpoint after the attack, but there were no immediate details. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack. However, the al-Qaeda linked Islamic extremist group al-Shabab often carries out such attacks.
Jan. 2, 2017


Headline:   Amid Political Crisis, Gambian Authorities Shutter Radio Station

Headline:   Gambia Leader Accuses West African Bloc of Declaring War

Authorities in Gambia have shut down a private radio station, amid rising political tension as president Yahya Jammeh continues to deny his defeat in recent elections. Teranga FM, which translates news from Gambian papers into local languages, was ordered shut by national security officers on Sunday for unspecified reasons. Four National Intelligence Agency operatives and one police officer in uniform came to the radio station Sunday and told us to stop broadcasting, a staff member told the French Press Agency on the condition of anonymity. Teranga FM has been taken off the air four times in recent years, and its managing director was charged with sedition in 2015 and has remained imprisoned since then. A second station near the capital, Hilltop radio, was also reportedly closed Monday.
Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:   Burundi Minister Shot Dead in Capital

Police in Burundi say the country’s environment minister was shot dead in the capital early Sunday. Police spokesman Pierre Nkurikiye said in a tweet that Emmanuel Niyonkuru, who was 54, was killed in Bujumbura while on his way home. The shooting is the first of a senior government official since Burundi fell into political turmoil nearly two years ago over President Pierre Nkurunziza’s controversial bid for a third term. Human rights groups have warned that the tiny African country is at risk of genocide, calling for international action. They recently released a report that documents widespread abuses under the government of Nkurunziza. The report describes killings, tortures, rapes and disappearances in Burundi since popular protests erupted in 2015 against the president’s third-term bid. The report also says more than 1,000 people have died, hundreds have gone missing and thousands more are being detained or fleeing the country. It says many of the abuses were committed by youth militias and government security forces.
Jan. 1, 2017


Headline:     Pakistan: Six injured in a roadside explosion in Quetta

As many as four security personnel and two civilians were injured when the roadside bomb targeted the vehicle of the Frontier Corps personnel who were on a routine patrol. The injured were rushed to a local hospital, Dawn online reported. Heavy contingents of police and rescue workers reached the spot and the blast site was cordoned off. An investigation has been initiated into the matter.
Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:      North Korea’s Kim says close to test launch of ICBM

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said on Sunday that the isolated, nuclear-capable country was close to test-launching an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). North Korea tested ballistic missiles at an unprecedented rate during 2016, although some experts have said it is years away from developing an ICBM fitted with a nuclear warhead capable of reaching the United States. “Research and development of cutting edge arms equipment is actively progressing and ICBM rocket test launch preparation is in its last stage,” Kim said during a televised New Year’s Day speech.  The country has been under UN sanctions since 2006 over its nuclear and ballistic missile tests. The sanctions were tightened last month after Pyongyang conducted its fifth and largest nuclear test on Sept. 9.
Jan. 1, 2017



Headline:      California ‘progressives’ pass law said to legalize child prostitution

A law decriminalizing child prostitution in California will take effect on Jan. 1. The action was immediately slammed by critics as a reward to the “darker side” of human nature. According to Senate Bill 1322, which was signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, police officers in the state will be banned from arresting any person under the age of 18 for soliciting or loitering with intent. “[T]eenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution,” Travis Allen, a Republican lawmaker representing the 72nd Assembly District in the California legislature, wrote in a column published by the Washington Examiner. Allen warned of the fallout from what he called “terribly destructive legislation [that] was written and passed by the progressive Democrats who control California’s state government. The reality is that the legalization of underage prostitution suffers from the fatal defect endemic to progressive-left policymaking: it ignores experience, common sense and most of all human nature — especially its darker side,” Allen wrote.
Dec. 30, 2016



Headline:           Black Lives Matter offshoot embraces anti-Semitism, engages with terrorists

Headline:   1 of Chicago’s bloodiest years ends with 762 homicides

Over the Christmas weekend, Chicago surpassed the 750-murder mark for 2016. But as blacks lay dying on the streets of Chicago’s South and West Sides, a Black Lives Matter offshoot is more interested in traveling overseas to learn “resistance” from terrorists. The Dream Defenders bills itself as “an uprising of communities in struggle, shifting culture through transformational organizing.” But an investigation conducted by the Haym Salomon Center reveals the group’s embrace of anti-Semitism and collaboration with a State Department-designated terror group. In August, Black Lives Matter singled out Israel for condemnation, declaring it an “apartheid” state engaged in “genocide.” These accusations angered Jewish leaders, many of whom had steadfastly supported the BLM cause.  Nonetheless, despite what can only be described as a total lack of relevance to its own agenda, BLM did not back down.
Jan. 2, 2017




Headline:     Indonesia records highest number of natural disasters in 2016

Indonesia was battered by 2,342 natural disasters in 2016, the highest in the past 14 years, making it one of the most violent years in recent memory. According to data from the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), the number of natural disasters increased by 35 percent during 2016 from 1,732 in the previous year, with flooding, landslides and whirlwinds still dominating.
As many as 522 people were killed, and some three million others were affected or displaced in the disasters, which also damaged at least 70 thousand houses. The nation lost tens of trillions of rupiahs due to the catastrophes. Ninety-two percent of the natural disasters that hit Indonesia during the year were hydro-meteorological in nature — floods, landslides, and whirlwinds. The country was stricken by 766 floods (up 52 percent from 2015), 612 landslides (up 19 percent), and 669 whirlwinds (up 15 percent). Flooding claimed 147 lives and affected 2.72 million people. Landslides killed 188 people, an increase from 135 in 2015. “Natural disasters have caused a lot of suffering, mostly among the poor,” Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, a spokesman of BNPB said in a statement issued on Dec 29, 2016.
Dec. 31, 2016


Headline:     2016 a record-breaking year for earthquakes in New Zealand

In 2016, New Zealand experienced a quake on average every 15-20 minutes. But one singular quake in November may have caused more damaged than all the others combined. The year 2016 will go down in history as the year the earth never seemed to stop shaking – in New Zealand. With nearly 33,000 recorded earthquakes, including two in excess of 7.0, one part or another of New Zealand was atremble, on average, every 15-20 minutes. The country’s seismologists have dubbed 2016 “the Groundbreaker,” according to Sara McBride who writes a blog for GeoNet, the country’s geological hazard information center. “Let me sum up: we had geysers, eruptions, landslides, tsunami and a whole lotta earthquakes. The ground broke under our feet, and that is why we are calling this year the ‘groundbreaker’,'” McBride wrote in a blog post on Sunday. And, she added, “It should also be known as the ‘record breaker.'”
Jan. 2, 2017


note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album ***beginning November 29, 2016, earthquakes of a 5.0 magnitude and higher will be posted


~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

December 28, 2016 (Which are you)?

John 3 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (Which are you?)

Dec. 27, 2016- UN Draft Resolution/Break

header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Devices

***for all pages click link below


Headline:The First Step Towards Building the Third Temple: A Synagogue on the Temple Mount

Headline: Third Temple on the Way as Priests Prepare Ritual Shabbat Showbreads

Yaakov Hayman, the head of Yishai, an NGO dedicated to reinstating Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, is preparing to submit a survey map to the Israeli government to build four synagogues, one in each corner of the Temple Mount compound, a critical turning point steering Israel in the right direction towards prayer at Judaism’s holiest site.Yaakov Hayman, the head of Yishai, an NGO dedicated to reinstating Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, is preparing to submit a survey map to the Israeli government to build four synagogues, one in each corner of the Temple Mount compound, a critical turning point steering Israel in the right direction towards prayer at Judaism’s holiest site.Hayman believes he has the solution. According to Jewish tradition, the Temple was destroyed due to hatred between Jews. Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount is being prevented by hatred; the political agenda determined by Muslim violence. Hayman believes the answer is an outpouring of love for the Temple Mount that brings people together in prayer.“A synagogue is the first step towards building the Third Temple”, Hayman explained. Quoting the book of Kings, he noted that the Temple was inaugurated not just as a place for sacrifices but mainly as a house of prayer.
Dec. 27, 2016

ETRM will be taking a break until Monday January 2nd, 2017 when we will return will our regular news posts.
May God bless all our viewers



Dec. 23, 2016- Molten iron river discovered speeding beneath Russia and Canada

header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Devices


~Scroll down for all the news; please be sure to CLICK on the photos for all Bible verses pertaining to each news story~

 Burdensome stone

Headline:    IDF Prepares for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare

The IDF is preparing to deal with unconventional threats on Israel’s northern border, including those involving nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. The “Yahalom” Special Operations Engineering Unit has established the new Seyfan company for this purpose, which last week joined the unit for its first training exercise. Another new company is to be established next year, according to military sources. At that time, Yahalom is expected to move from its base near Petach Tikvah to Camp Julis in southern Israel. Military forces fighting on behalf of the Syrian government have been cited numerous times for their use of chemical weapons against the civilian Syrian population during the ongoing civil war across Israel’s northern border. In addition, there has been recent evidence that the Islamic State (Da’esh or ISIS) terrorist organization may also have begun using chemical weapons in some of their operations as well. As early as 2015, ISIS was trafficking in chemical weaponry in Europe, according to a European Union parliamentary report.
Dec. 21, 2016


Headline:    France to convene Middle East peace conference on Jan. 15 France will convene some 70 countries on Jan. 15 for a Middle East peace conference in Paris, its foreign minister said on Thursday, and will invite the Israeli and Palestinian leaders to meet separately at its conclusion

France has repeatedly tried to breathe new life into the peace process this year, holding a preliminary conference in June where the United Nations, European Union, United States and major Arab countries gathered to discuss proposals without the Israelis or Palestinians present. The plan was to hold a follow-up conference before the end of the year with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas involved to see whether the two sides could be brought back to negotiations and revive moribund peace talks.
Dec. 22, 2016


Headline:      Hezbollah, Israel both mum on recent escalation

Headline:      ‘Netanyahu should ask Trump to recognize Israeli sovereignty in the Golan’

Israeli Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz pledged on Dec. 14 that his government would seek US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights during the Donald Trump administration. His statement came in the wake of recent bolder-than-usual Israeli attacks against Syrian and Hezbollah interests.  On Dec. 7, the Israeli army targeted the Syrian heartland, hitting the Mazzeh air base with several surface-to-surface missiles. The base, southwest of Damascus, is home to Syrian air force intelligence headquarters. Another strike was reported later that same night, targeting Hezbollah sites near the Syrian capital, in the Zabadani area. The airstrikes were the second within a week in Syria attributed to Israel. Another attack had been reported Nov. 30, on an arms convoy near Damascus. International media suggested that Israel had hit the convoy because it was transferring weapons to Hezbollah, which is currently engaged in the Syrian war in support of President Bashar al-Assad’s forces. The strikes are indicative of the long-running covert war between Hezbollah and Israel. Avi Melamed, an Israeli affairs expert at the Eisenhower Institute in Washington, told Al-Monitor that the repeated Israeli attacks shed light on Israel’s main priorities in Syria. He observed, “Israel has made it clear that it won’t accept Hezbollah’s attempts to acquire what is defined by Israel as ‘balance breaking’ weapons, such as weapons of mass destruction, advanced ground-to-air missiles, etc.” “Israel won’t tolerate attacks being launched from Syrian territory on its home turf, including the Golan Heights, or allow Iran to establish and operate a new military front against Israel on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights,” Melamed explained. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should use his upcoming meeting with US President-elect Donald Trump to pursue formal US recognition of Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights, Deputy Minister for Diplomacy Michael Oren (Kulanu) told Bloomberg on Wednesday.
Dec. 21, 2016



Headline:    U.S. intended to allow passage of U.N. draft critical of Israel: officials

Headline: Trump Saves the Day on Obama-Backed Anti-Settlements UNSC Resolution

The United States intended to allow the U.N. Security Council to approve a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlement building, two Western officials said on Thursday, a major reversal of U.S. practice, which prompted Israel to ask President-elect Donald Trump to apply pressure. In a day of intense diplomatic wrangling on one of the thorniest Middle East conflicts, Egypt, which had proposed the draft resolution, abruptly put off a vote that had been scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Diplomats said Cairo had acted under pressure from Israel and to avoid alienating Trump, who spoke to the Egyptian president and urged the White House to use its veto. By late Thursday, four Security Council members had given Egypt an ultimatum and threatened to put the draft resolution to a vote. The two Western officials said President Barack Obama had intended to abstain from the vote, a relatively rare step by the United States to register criticism of the building on occupied land that Palestinians want for a state. The government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has had an acrimonious relationship with Obama, believes the Obama administration had long planned the council vote in coordination with the Palestinians, the senior Israeli official said. “It was a violation of a core commitment to protect Israel at the U.N.,” the official said. The White House had no immediate comment.
Dec. 22, 2016




Headline: Security Council approves ‘anti-settlement’ resolution

Headline: Israel ambassador Danon blasts “disgraceful resolution”

Headline: Israel furious at Washington’s abstention at UN: ‘This isn’t how friends behave’

Headline: ‘A day of victory’, says Palestinian official after UN Security Council settlement vote

The UN Security Council on Friday approved the resolution demanding that Israel halt its construction in Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem. 14 member states voted in favor of the resolution, which was resubmitted by New Zealand, Malaysia, Senegal and Venezuela a day after Egypt, which originally submitted it, withdrew it. The United States abstained from the vote and did not use its veto power to stop the resolution. Soon after it was announced that the resolution would be voted upon, senior Israeli officials attacked U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry. “Obama and Kerry are behind this shameful move in the United Nations,” the officials said, according to Haaretz. “Obama could announce at any time that he intends casting a veto on the resolution, but instead he’s pushing it. He is abandoning Israel and breaking a policy of decades to defend Israel in the UN,” they added. One senior official added that Obama and Kerry were carrying out the move in the UN “in cahoots with the Palestinians” in an attempt to impose a policy on President-elect Donald Trump.
Dec. 23, 2016







Headline:       Hezbollah: Aleppo fall means efforts to oust Assad have ‘failed’

The Syrian army’s recapture of Aleppo has put an end to hopes that President Bashar Assad’s regime could be ousted, the head of Lebanon’s powerful terror group Hezbollah said Friday. “After Aleppo, one can comfortably say that the goal of regime downfall has failed,” Hassan Nasrallah, whose Shiite party has fought alongside Assad’s forces since 2013, said in a televised address. “Because the regime has Damascus and Aleppo — the two biggest cities in Syria — and Homs, Hama, Latakia, Tartus, Sweida… this regime is present, strong, effective, and no one in the world can ignore it,” Nasrallah said.
Dec. 23, 2016





Headline:       ISIS BLOODBATH: Turkey kills 1,005 terrorists in major assault in Syria in Russia REVENGE

Headline:   Gruesome ISIS video shows Turkish soldiers burned alive

Turkish soldiers have entered the centre of strategically-vital al-Bab in northern Syria in a major blow to fanatical Islamic State as Ankara claimed to have killed more than 1,000 terrorists. Al-Bab (Aleppo province) had been surrounded by Turkish and Free Syrian Army forces in the last 24 hours and troops have now begun entering the centre of the city. More than 1,000 jihadis allied to ISIS – also known by the Arabic acronym Daesh – have been killed in the fighting and at least 16 Turkish troops also died while dozens have been injured. Turkey’s army said in a statement: “Once this area has been seized, Daesh’s dominance of al-Bab will to a large extent be broken.” Some of the most intense fighting on Wednesday centred on a hospital area on a hill overlooking al-Bab that had been used by ISIS as a weapons and ammunition store. Turkish air strikes on Wednesday destroyed 67 ISIS targets, the military said. Turkey’s military action in Syria falls under Operation Euphrates Shield, which began on August 24 to rid the northern border area of terrorist groups that Ankara said were launching attacks inside Turkey. Dramatic footage purportedly showed Turkish jets unleashing a bombing raid on al-Bab. A total of 35 Turkish soldiers have been killed since the start of Turkey-backed incursion into northern Syria in August. Turkey’s defence minister said on Thursday 1,005 ISIS militants have been “neutralised” during the same period.
Dec. 23, 2016



Headline:   Syria’s Assad thanks Russia for being main partner in Aleppo

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday for having been Syria’s main partner in the retaking of Aleppo from rebel forces, and said the city’s fall had opened the door to a political process. The two leaders spoke by phone and discussed the way forward for Syria after almost six years of war, according to a statement published by the office of the Syrian Presidency.
Dec. 23, 2016



Headline:         Four aid workers killed by ISIS mortar fire in eastern Mosul

The United Nations condemned the killing of civilians and aid workers in two separate incidents in Mosul city, in Iraq’s northwestern Nineveh Governorate. At least four aid workers and at least seven civilians queuing for emergency assistance in eastern Mosul city have been killed by indiscriminate mortar fire, with up to forty others injured. “This is completely unacceptable and we condemn these actions in the strongest terms,” said Ms Lise Grande, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq. The civilians and aid workers were killed in the neighbourhood of Kokajli that was captured by the Iraqi forces in November. “People waiting for aid are already vulnerable and need help. They should be protected, not attacked,” said Ms Grande. “All parties to the conflict have an obligation to uphold international humanitarian law and ensure that civilians survive and receive the assistance they need.”
Dec. 23, 2016




Headline:           Erdogan Prods Albanian President To Fight ‘Gulenists’

Turkey’s President has once again urged Albania to fight against so-called “Gulenists”, known in Turkey as the FETO organization, during the Albanian President’s visit to Ankara. On Wednesday in Ankara, during a meeting with Albanian President Bujar Nishani, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan showed impatience over Albania’s existing measures against supporters of the exiled Muslim cleric, Fetullah Gulen. “Today we discussed the Fethullah Terrorist Organization, FETO, which is a common security threat against the two brotherly nations. I personally thank President Nishani for Albania’s support in Turkey’s fight against the FETO. Our demands from Albania for its fight against structures which threaten Turkey are our rightful expectation,” Erdogan said. In his speech, Erdogan recalled the ties that connect both countries, adding that the Namazgah Mosque, which is under construction, will be a gift to the Albanian nation. On the other hand, he recalled Turkey’s help to the Albanian people with its recognition of Kosovo’s independence. “As [Turkish state founder] Mustafa Kemal [Atatürk] said once, we love the Albanian nation. We know them as brothers and never see them far from us,” Erdogan said.
Dec. 22, 2016



Headline:     Iran shoots down a filming drone in Tehran over security concerns

Iran’s anti-aircraft forces shot down a drone in central Tehran on Friday as it approached the offices of the president and the supreme leader, but the unmanned aircraft later appeared to have been operated by a film crew shooting aerial footage for a documentary. Residents in central Tehran heard loud gunfire and an explosion, they said on social media. ILNA news agency quoted an unnamed source as saying that the drone was shot down as “it approached the no-fly zone” near the office of the supreme leader. The source later explained that the drone belonged to a documentary-making team that had permission to film but “unintentionally started moving it towards the no-fly zone.” Tehran’s deputy governor general for security affairs, Mohsen Hamedani, was quoted by ISNA as saying that the state television crew were filming Friday prayers and “did not know about the prohibited airspace.” Pasteur Street in central Tehran is highly secured as key government institutions are located there. The commander of Tehran air defence forces said in August that the capital’s airspace was under full control and “no aircraft can enter it without permission.”
Dec. 23, 2016



Headline:   Taliban: Peace Talks Not Possible Until Foreign ‘Occupation’ of Afghanistan Ends

Headline: Taliban assaults member of parliament’s home in Kabul

The Taliban has rejected latest United Nations calls for engaging in peace talks with the Afghan government, and instead demanded the world body pressure U.S.-led foreign troops to end their “occupation” of Afghanistan if the U.N. truly wants an end to the 15-year war. “Our fight is for independence, and as long as foreign occupation forces are present here (in Afghanistan) any talk about peace and reconciliation is meaningless,” Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, told VOA Friday. He was responding to a renewed call for Afghan peace talks earlier this week by Tadamichi Yamamoto, who heads the U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, or UNAMA. In his quarterly briefing to the Security Council in New York on Monday, Yamamoto urged the Taliban to enter into direct talks with the Kabul government, without preconditions, to prevent further bloodshed in the country. “We all know that the conflict in Afghanistan has no military solution. The Taliban leadership must reconsider the notion that their objectives can only be achieved on the battlefield,” noted the UNAMA chief.
Dec. 23, 2016




Headline:      U.S. Push for South Sudan Arms Embargo Falls Short at U.N.

The United States failed on Friday to gain the votes in the United Nations needed to impose targeted sanctions and an arms embargo on South Sudan, the world’s newest country, which has plunged into an ethnic conflict in which officials from the world body warn of the risks of genocide. A United Nations Security Council resolution offered by the United States received only seven votes in favor, with eight abstentions. A resolution needs nine votes in the 15-member Council to pass, and no vetoes from any of the five permanent members. Ambassador Samantha Power of the United States, speaking after the vote, warned that there would be a cost of imposing “no cost” on the combatants in South Sudan. “We are very, very worried about what lies ahead, and we think it’s very important that people’s votes are on the record,” Ms. Power said. “When the U.N. is warning genocide, eight countries chose not to be counted when it mattered for the people of South Sudan.”
Dec. 23, 2016



Headline:       Pro-Gaddafi aeroplane hijackers arrested, all 118 passengers and crew unharmed, weapons revealed to be replicas

Two Muammar Gaddafi loyalists who hijacked an internal Libyan flight carrying two pistols and a hand grenade were arrested after diverting the plane to Malta this morning and then surrendering.
In a surprising twist, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat tweeted at 6.45pm that forensic examinations had discovered that the weapons used by the hijackers were replicas. Following a brief standoff, all the passengers and crew were allowed to exit the plane without violence.
Dec. 23, 2016



Headline:      Algeria Deepens its Isolation by Endorsing Assad and Iran in Syria

Algeria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ramtane Lamamra  recent statement hailing the Assad’s regime liberation of Aleppo may have just sealed the fate of his country’s relations with the Arab nations of the Gulf. His disregard to the deaths of thousands of women and children at the hands of the Iraqi, Lebanese and Iranian Shiite militias is a sign of an Algerian regime adrift with no clear leadership or policy. Algeria has displayed an extraordinary disregard to the suffering of tens of thousands of defenseless Syrian civilians as it stands with the Russian discriminate shelling of Syrian civilians, declared a prominent figure in the Syrian opposition. During a TV appearance, a leader of the Syrian opposition called Lamamra’s comments saluting “the liberation of Aleppo from the hands of the terrorists” as immoral and criminal.  While All Arab and Muslim countries must condemn the atrocities committed by some rebel groups namely Jabhat Fatah al-Sham  (JFS formerly know as Jabhat al-Nusra) and the so-called Islamic State (ISIS), Algeria’s discount of Assad and Russian’s carnage in Syria while calling all opposition groups terrorists is still inexplicable.
Dec. 23, 2016



Headline:         Russia Ratifies Agreement to Create Joint Air Defense System with Armenia

The Russian Federation Council—the upper house of Russia’s Parliament—ratified an agreement with Armenia aimed at creating a joint air defense system at a parliamentary session on Dec. 23, reported Russia’s Sputnik International. The purpose of the agreement is to improve the air defense system in the Caucasus. The main command of the troops will be headed by Russia, while separate special divisions will be headed by Armenia. The agreement was made for a term of five years with the possibility of an automatic prolongation for a further five-year period, according to the report. The Armenian National Assembly ratified the agreement on June 30. The ratification of the agreement also comes after Russia and Armenia signed an agreement establishing joint military forces in late November.
Dec. 23, 2016


Headline: Man wanted for Berlin Christmas market terror attack shot dead in Milan

Headline: Berlin truck terrorist pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr al Baghdadi in video

Headline: Morocco ‘warned Germany of Anis Amri terror threat weeks before Berlin attack’

Italian police shot dead the man believed to be responsible for this week’s Berlin Christmas market truck attack, killing him after he pulled a gun on them during a routine check in the early hours of Friday. The suspect – 24-year-old Tunisian Anis Amri – traveled to Italy from France, triggering a spate of criticism from eurosceptics over Europe’s open-border Schengen pact. Militant group Islamic State acknowledged Amri’s death and his suspected role in the German attack – for which it has claimed responsibility – through its Amaq news agency. “The executor of the Berlin attacks carries out another attack on Italian police in Milan and is killed in a shoot-out,” it said. Milan police chief Antonio De Iesu told reporters that Amri had arrived in Milan’s main railway station from France at around 1 a.m. and had then travelled to Sesto San Giovanni, where two young policemen approached him because he looked suspicious. “We had no intelligence that he could be in Milan,” De Iesu said. “They had no perception that it could be him otherwise they would have been much more cautious.”
Dec. 23, 2016




Headline: University of Maryland  Muslim students demand prayer rooms in every ‘major building’

Students at the University of Maryland have released a list of 64 demands in their effort make the campus more amenable to “Marginalized, American Indian, Black, Latinx, LGBTQIA+, Muslim, Pro-Palestine, and Undocumented” students. Muslim students, for instance, want “one room in each major building designated for prayer” and “shuttle services to [the local mosque] for Muslim students to have access to a place of worship.”
Dec. 23, 2016









Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:      Region to Send in Troops if Gambia President Won’t Step Down

West African leaders will send troops into Gambia if its longtime ruler who lost elections does not step down next month, the president of the Economic Community of West African States said Friday. Marcel de Souza told reporters that the regional bloc has chosen Senegal to lead any military intervention if President Yahya Jammeh does not hand over power. “The deadline is Jan. 19 when the mandate of Jammeh ends,” de Souza said. “If he doesn’t go, we have a force that is already on alert, and this force will intervene to restore the will of the people.” This would not be the first time the bloc has intervened in a regional crisis. De Souza spoke to reporters in Bamako, Mali, even as ECOWAS continues to use diplomacy to get Jammeh to accept his Dec. 1 defeat. Jammeh at first shocked Gambians by accepting defeat but announced a week later he had changed his mind. He says irregularities in the vote count made him question the win of Adama Barrow, a little-known businessman who was the opposition coalition candidate. Troops seized the office of Gambia’s electoral commission after Jammeh’s later announcement, and he has mobilized troops across the tiny country that is almost completely surrounded by Senegal.
Dec. 23, 2016


Headline:      2 more Ukrainian troops killed in eastern Ukraine

At least two Ukrainian troops have been killed and three injured in the past 24 hours in renewed fighting in eastern Ukraine, an official said Friday. Fighting between Russia-backed separatists and Ukrainian government troops has killed more than 9,600 people since the conflict began in April 2014. A 2015 cease-fire deal did not completely stop fighting but did lower its intensity. Andriy Lysenko, spokesman for the Ukrainian defense ministry, said in a statement that Ukrainian casualties continue to mount after what Kiev says was a rebel offensive southeast of the rebel stronghold Donetsk.
Dec. 23, 2016



Headline:   What India Has Done To Its Money Is Sickening And Immoral

This story appears in the January 24, 2017 issue of Forbes.

IN NOVEMBER India’s government perpetrated an unprecedented act that is not only damaging its economy and threatening destitution to countless millions of its already poor citizens but also breathtaking in its immorality. Without any warning India abruptly scrapped 85% of its currency. That’s right: Most of the country’s cash ceased to be legal tender. Shocked citizens were given only a few weeks’ notice to take their cash and turn it in at a bank for new bills. The economic turmoil has been compounded by the fact that the government didn’t print a sufficient amount of the new bills, lest word leak out as to what was about to take place. The new bills are also a different size than the old ones, creating a huge problem with ATMs. Even though India is a high-tech powerhouse, hundreds of millions of its people live in dire poverty. Many workers are leaving the cities to go back to their villages because so many businesses are closing. Countless companies are having difficulty meeting payroll, as they can’t get the cash to do so. The real estate market has tanked.
Dec. 23, 2016



Dec. 17, 2016- Over 200,000 chickens to be killed due to avian flu in Hokkaido, Japan

Dec. 17, 2016- Schools of dead herring are still washing up on beaches in Nova Scotia Canada

Dec. 19, 2016- Tens of thousands of dead fish wash up again in Cornwall, England

Dec. 20, 2016- Hundreds of dead fish wash up on a beach in Phuket, Thailand

Dec. 20, 2016- Thousands of dead crayfish found floating down a river in Putaruru, New Zealand

Dec. 22, 2016- Massive die off of fish in a lake in Xiamen, China


Headline:     China reports at least 7 bird flu cases so far this month

Headline: Seven cases of measles reported in L.A. County

China has reported at least seven cases of bird flu across China this month, including two deaths, as authorities sought to guard against an outbreak. State media reported five cases of H7N9 bird flu have been diagnosed in central Anhui province since Dec. 8, killing two. Shanghai officials said this week that a man was diagnosed with H7N9 and is being treated in a city hospital. Another case has been reported in Xiamen in coastal Fujian province, where poultry sales have been halted. A major H7N9 bird flu outbreak in humans first struck China in March 2013, killing more than 40 people and devastating the poultry industry. The strain is less virulent than the H5N1 strain that the World Health Organization says has killed more than 370 people.
Dec. 23, 2016




Headline:         Exclusive: ISIS Puts Out Holiday Attack List Of U.S. Churches

The Islamic State published the names and addresses of thousands of churches in the United States and called on its adherents to attack them during the holiday season, according to a message posted late-night Wednesday in the group’s “Secrets of Jihadis” social media group. A user going by the name of “Abu Marya al-Iraqi” posted an Arabic-language message calling “for bloody celebrations in the Christian New Year” and announced the group’s plans to utilize its network of lone wolf attackers to “turn the Christian New Year into a bloody horror movie.” The series of messages appeared in a pro-ISIS group on Telegram, which also provides manuals for the use and preparations of weapons and explosives for aspiring assailants. The information, distributed in a number of posts, was all previously available online and includes a public directory of churches across all 50 states. (Vocativ does not publish specific information found in lists like these.) In another group post, a member summoned “the sons of Islam” to target “churches, well-known hotels, crowded coffee shops, streets, markets and public places,” and shared a list of addresses in the United States, as well as in Canada, France and the Netherlands.
Dec. 22, 2016



Headline:   Molten iron river discovered speeding beneath Russia and Canada

Deep below our planet’s surface a molten jet of iron nearly as hot as the surface of the sun is picking up speed. This stream of liquid has been discovered for the first time by telltale magnetic field readings 3000 kilometres below North America and Russia taken from space. The vast jet stream some 420 kilometres wide has trebled in speed since 2000, and is now circulating westwards at between 40 and 45 kilometres per year deep under Siberia and heading towards beneath Europe (see diagram, below). That is three times faster than typical speeds of liquid in the outer core. No one knows yet why the jet has got faster, but the team that discovered the accelerating jet thinks it is a natural phenomenon that dates back as much as a billion years, and can help us understand the formation of Earth’s magnetic fields that keeps us safe from solar winds.
Dec. 19, 2016


note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album ***beginning November 29, 2016, earthquakes of a 5.0 magnitude and higher will be posted


~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~