Dec. 27, 2016- UN Draft Resolution/Break

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Headline:The First Step Towards Building the Third Temple: A Synagogue on the Temple Mount

Headline: Third Temple on the Way as Priests Prepare Ritual Shabbat Showbreads

Yaakov Hayman, the head of Yishai, an NGO dedicated to reinstating Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, is preparing to submit a survey map to the Israeli government to build four synagogues, one in each corner of the Temple Mount compound, a critical turning point steering Israel in the right direction towards prayer at Judaism’s holiest site.Yaakov Hayman, the head of Yishai, an NGO dedicated to reinstating Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, is preparing to submit a survey map to the Israeli government to build four synagogues, one in each corner of the Temple Mount compound, a critical turning point steering Israel in the right direction towards prayer at Judaism’s holiest site.Hayman believes he has the solution. According to Jewish tradition, the Temple was destroyed due to hatred between Jews. Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount is being prevented by hatred; the political agenda determined by Muslim violence. Hayman believes the answer is an outpouring of love for the Temple Mount that brings people together in prayer.“A synagogue is the first step towards building the Third Temple”, Hayman explained. Quoting the book of Kings, he noted that the Temple was inaugurated not just as a place for sacrifices but mainly as a house of prayer.
Dec. 27, 2016

ETRM will be taking a break until Monday January 2nd, 2017 when we will return will our regular news posts.
May God bless all our viewers



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