372 results for EU Revived Roman Empire

Global Crisis hitting America and Russia- Ezekiel’s war signs- 7 earthquakes today so far-New record for storms-Peace and safety-Coming economic riots-Crisis in Zimbabwe-Dec. 19, 2008

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 shows us in the last days there will be a superpower shift.  The prophet Daniel was told the last world empire would be the Reborn Roman Empire.   Those who have studied prophecy know that the European Union has fulfilled the prophecy about the Roman Empire being revived again.  A superpower …

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Economic crisis bring a one-world govenment-Newest Global warming report-Dec. 10, 2008

You can now download my newest up-dated book by clicking to the link below.   Please note the chapter page numbers are off by one page but instead of waiting to have the printer redue the PDF file I am putting it up with the mistakes.  It is being redone so please don't email about …

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Peace and Safety- One world government news-Dec. 9, 2008

Prophecy Sign: 1st Thessalonians 5: 3 states, “For when they say shall, say, Peace and safety: then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” I have been keeping you up to speed with the Middle East peace talks because it is an important part of …

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Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.-Nov. 26, 2008

  Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2, Revelation chapter 17 are prophecies concerning the last world empire standing at the time Jesus Christ return to earth.  We are told the last empire will be a modern day Revived Roman Empire.  This part of the prophecy has already been fulfilled by the European Union or the (EU).  …

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Sign of pestilences-Noah’s signs-Coming attack on Israel- Antichrist and one world economy-Nov. 20, 2008

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 Jesus warns us to watch for pestilences.  This is one of those signs that not to many people pay attention to however, if you look back in time you will see God used pestilences to deliver His people out of bondage from Pharaoh.  Jesus told us to look for these pestilences …

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Tensions in Israel- Signs of America’s decline-Earthquake news-Ezekiel’s signs- Nov. 14, 2008

I was told my radio interview did not go up on Thursday but it is up now so please go to the following link to hear the complete interview. The Edge Radio interview for Nov. 14, 2008: http://theedgeam.com/perspectives/revelations/main.htm – Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38-39 is a warning about an end time’s attack against Israel. Ezekiel tells …

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Noah’s signs-America’s signs of decline- More Ezekiel signs- Increased knowledge signs-DiMora’s 5th and most recent radio interview on The Edge Nov. 12, 2008

  This afternoon at 4pm (PST), I invite you listen to international radio show called The Edge. This will be my last interview as a guest as I have been asked to join the team of The Edge as a correspondent.  I  will be a co-host with Gina Romano on the show called "Revelation with Gina Romano". The format will deal …

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The decline of America, Major earth quake, Major storms, Middle East war coming, Noah’s last day signs, Nov.10, 2008

I am a happier when I can write to you about the blessings Jesus has for all of us then I am writing about the negative things that are taking place around the world. Like Jesus there was a time to bring hope, joy and comfort, and, blessings to those who were listening to Him speak.  …

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Signs of Noah’s generation- Peace and Safey- Ezekiel 38- Another major Earthquake-Is the Army of the Antichrist rising? Oct. 29, 2008

Prophecy Sign:  Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15 and 2nd Thessalonians all warn of a third Jewish Temple being built. This is the temple in which Jesus said the Antichrist would stand in and, in the middle of the 7-year tribulation, he would disallow Jewish sacrifices and proclaim himself as god. In today’s news we see two …

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America in decline-Ezekiel 38-Drugs and crime-The world’s economy and where we are headed-Oct. 16, 2008

My newest interview on the International radio show The Edge can now be Listened. clicking to link below.  http://theedgeam.com/perspectives/revelations/main.htm    If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money …

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