372 results for EU Revived Roman Empire

Warning about food prices/Disease in crops/Gold prices/Noah signs/Iran’s false prophet/One world ID/Signs of Psalms war and Ezekiel war/Peace and security sign/Roman Empire Eastern leg/Dec. 15, 2009

Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438 – You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you …

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Third Temple/ EU army/Peace and safety talks/Heat/Disease/Nov. 20, 2009

Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438 -  You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you …

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Breaking news: Europe has a new Caesar! What did Jesus say?

  – The revived Roman Empire has a new Ceasear!  I quote the breaking new just released. “Belgium's prime minister, Herman Van Rompuy, has been appointed the first "president of Europe," British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Thursday. Catherine Ashton of the United Kingdom is to become the EU's foreign minister, Brown said.  The leaders …

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Revived Roman Empire/Dollar news and rise in gold/Global economic collapse/Famines/Drought/Disease/America’s decline/ Nov. 19, 2009

Someone sent me this link.   http://www.raptureforums.com/forum/prophecy-end-times-chat/29888-frank-dimoras-teachings.html – Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438 -  You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you …

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Will UN call for a PLO State in Israel?/Another Gold record!/EU President?/Nov. 18, 2009

Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438 -  Someone sent me this link.  http://www.raptureforums.com/forum/prophecy-end-times-chat/29888-frank-dimoras-teachings.html – You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to …

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America is declining/Gold set new report high/Ezekiel 38 signs/Psalms 83 war signs/EU President by Dec. 19?/Famine/Disease/Nov. 11, 2009

Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438 -  You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you …

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Martial Law in Ukraine who’s next?/Middle East war signs/Rev. 21:9 warning about drugs/Western and Eastern leg of Revived Roman Empire/Decline of America/Gold prices hit record high again/Peace and safety calls/Diseases/Nov. 6, 2009

Frank DiMora will be the guest speaker this Friday November 6, 2009 on the “Insight on The Word Radio” program.  The show begins at 11:00PM EST.  If you want to listen in on this interview, and also be able to ask Frank questions you can do so by calling this number. 347-945-7601 (Listeners Line) –  …

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Signs Antichrist is coming soon/ Three EU leaders/Jesus warned about gold and siver/Ezekiel war/Psalms war sign/Mark of the Beast/Roaring seas and waves/Many earthquakes

  You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you get the email just click the link and …

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It is done EU to install first full time President shortly/ Christ cross taken out/Nov. 3, 2009

If you are interested in me giving a prophecy seminar at your Church, you can contact me at the following: Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436, or fjdimora@gmail.com.  At this time I can only travel within the U.S. – You can subscribe to my prophecy up-dates by putting your email address in the subscribe …

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Revived Roman Empire/ Are the 3 men to be subdued by the Antichrist here?/ The burden of Jerusalem/ China in prophecy/ Peace and safety/Oct. 30, 2009

If you are interested in me giving a prophecy seminar at your Church, you can contat Contact me at the following: Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436, or fjdimora@gmail.com.  At this time I can only travel within the U.S. – I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of …

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