More last days signs for Feb. 12, 2021 Are you ready to meet Jesus?



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Feb. 11, 2021 You want answers you will find them there



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 ~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to.



 Today’s video for Feb. 10, 2021

Yesterday I posted my latest video on who Mystery Babylon of the Revelation is. If you didn’t watch it I ask that you do so you can see for yourself how Jesus warnings concerning this Mystery Babylon has taken shape along with the coming of the last and final 8th kingdom that Christ also warned us about in the 17 chapter of the Revelation.

Feb. 10, 2021 Those new end time signs in the news



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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to.


Today’s video for Feb. 10, 2021

Yesterday I posted my latest video on who Mystery Babylon of the Revelation is. If you didn’t watch it I ask that you do so you can see for yourself how Jesus warnings concerning this Mystery Babylon has taken shape along with the coming of the last and final 8th kingdom that Christ also warned us about in the 17 chapter of the Revelation.  

Revelation 17:10-12   “And there are seven kings:  five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.  And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 


2013 October :: End Times Research Ministry Prophecy Sign: 1 Thess. 5:3 “While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”




Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

 Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.



Aftershocks: all today so far!



The year 2021, has already started off on shaky ground. Look at how many big quakes have already struck since January 2021.



Matthew 24: 33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.



Matthew 24: 37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Biden Funds Program To Block Foreign Religious Leaders Who Oppose LGBT Agenda

Biden’s executive orders are going to have far-reaching consequences, and the progressives are back in the driver’s seat and in control of the internationalist swamp. The United States, under Democratic presidents, is not so much a “beacon of freedom and democracy” as it is a neo-colonial power, pushing the radical LGBT agenda and abortion on nations it considers less evolved. Obama was famously told to take his views and shove off by various African leaders, and now Biden, despite his advanced age, is primed to push even further. From Austin Ruse at C-Fam: This week, President Biden signed an executive order that will promote homosexuality and transgenderism as a centerpiece of U.S. foreign policy. The document directs “all U.S. government departments and agencies engaged abroad to ensure that U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex persons around the world.”

Feb 9, 2021 Is Mecca in Saudi Arabia the Mystery Babylon of Revelation Chapter 17?




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 2, 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to.



Feb. 3, 2021- US Mint Warns It Can’t Meet “Surging Demand” For Silver & Gold



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 2, 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~







Arab Parliament condemns Kosovo’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

The Arab Parliament condemned Kosovo’s decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem, which recognized the disputed holy city as the capital of Israel, Jordan’s state agency Petra reported. The organization urged Kosovo on Tuesday to change their mind about the location of the embassy and to abide by international resolutions on the legal state of the holy city. Israel and Kosovo established diplomatic ties on Monday, with the Muslim-majority territory recognising Jerusalem as the Jewish state’s capital.
Feb. 3, 2021

US, Palestinian Authority hold first formal contact in years Officials in the Biden

US intends to restore humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people

State Department: Abraham Accords not ‘substitute’ for Israeli-Palestinian peace

Officials in the Biden administration and the Palestinian Authority held a discussion on Monday in what appears to be the first formal contact between the United States and Palestinians in several years. The Palestinians broke off ties following Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017 and relocate the embassy there in May 2018. U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs Hady Amr spoke with Palestinian Authority Civil Affairs Commission chairman Hussein al-Sheikh on Monday with the two men agreeing to future dialogue. “Bilateral relations were discussed, and the political situation and the latest current developments. It was a constructive conversation and further communications were agreed upon,” tweeted al-Sheikh. State Department spokesman Ned Price confirmed the call in a news conference with reporters on Tuesday, saying that Amr “is making a range of introductory calls with the Government of Israel and Palestinian Authority counterparts as he assumes his new duties.” Amr, who was appointed to the role by U.S. President Joe Biden, previously served as U.S. Deputy Special Envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations from 2014 to 2017 working with a team under Secretary of State John Kerry that focused on key economic issues.
***See also Egypt below 
Feb. 3, 2021 

Israel headed towards 1 million residents living in the West Bank

The latest edition of the “West Bank Jewish Population Stats Report,” commissioned annually by former Member of Knesset and National Union Party head Yaakov “Ketzaleh” Katz, shows a 2.62 percent growth in 2020, and a 17 percent in growth in the past five years, in the number of Jews who live in Judea and Samaria, more commonly known as the West Bank. According to the report, some 475,481 Jews currently call these regions home. The statistics do not take into account the more than 325,000 Jewish residents of Old City Jerusalem or the eastern neighbors of the capital city, who are also viewed as living over the so-called “Green Line,” or 1949 armistice lines, in towns and neighborhoods established since Israel’s victory in the 1967 Six-Day War. Referring to those who believe that Israel must relinquish some land to the Palestinian Authority for “peace” or in order to create an official Arab entity in the West Bank, Katz said that “as long as we are succeeding to bring more Jews to live in Judea, Samaria and to the Golan [Heights], this shows that it will be impossible to cram us together into Tel Aviv and its suburbs. And that is the most important message generated from my research.”
Feb. 2, 2021







Cairo to host Palestinian faction talks

Sisi conditions Netanyahu visit to Egypt on support for two-state solution

Palestinians: No to Normalization with the ‘Zionist entity’

Egypt has sent official invitations to the Palestinian factions to visit Cairo on Feb. 7 and start a comprehensive national dialogue. Both Hamas and Fatah announced their intention to participate in the dialogue in order to sign a charter of honor to hold the Palestinian elections on time and to abide by their results. Representatives of the Palestinian factions will arrive in the Egyptian capital for the talks. Officials in the two largest Palestinian movements, Fatah and Hamas, said in statements that the Cairo meetings, which will last for several days, will focus on contentious issues and search for consensus. Fatah officials said the dialogue will focus on mechanisms for the success of the Palestinian elections scheduled for the middle of this year. Last month, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called for legislative elections on May 22 and presidential elections on July 31. These will be the first legislative elections since 2006 and presidential elections since 2005.
Feb. 2, 2021

Iranian-Backed Forces Receive New Missiles As Tensions Grow In Iraq

The second month of 2021 began with preparations by Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) for new round of hostilities. Kata’ib Hezbollah received short and medium range rockets through Syria, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Kata’ib Hezbollah is a key member of the PMU, actively participates in the fight against ISIS since the emergence of the group in Iraq, and is a vocal supporter of the current attempts to oust the US presence from Iraq. At the same time, the PMU are subject to more and more frequent ISIS attacks in recent days. As the terrorists appear to be popping up all around. On January 31st, the PMU said they repelled an ISIS attack in the region of Jurf al-Sakhar in the province of Babil. These apparent appearances by ISIS members coincide with reports by pro-Iranian sources blaming the US for airlifting them. On January 31st, in an interview with the al-Maloumeh news website, Sabah al-Akili claimed that the US military airlifts ISIS units into areas behind PMU positions in the Jurf al-Sakhar region. Tensions in the Middle East continue deepening. The advent of reports of the airlifting of terrorists is something that’s been rare since the Obama-era. It appears that the region is once again subject to this known and proven method of “diplomatic intervention.”
Feb. 2, 2021




Iran deepens breach of nuclear deal at underground enrichment site

Biden orders USS Nimitz aircraft carrier home in possible signal to Iran

What is Iran’s mega-missile and what does it mean for nuclear deal?

Sullivan, Blinken and Malley Seek to Establish New Parameters For ‘Escalating Nuclear Crisis’

International Court of Justice claims jurisdiction to hear Iran’s dispute against US sanctions

Iran has deepened a key breach of its 2015 nuclear deal, enriching uranium with a larger number of advanced centrifuge machines in an underground plant as it faces off with the new US administration on salvaging the accord. Tehran has recently accelerated its breaches of the deal, raising pressure on US President Joe Biden as both sides say they are willing to come back into compliance with the badly eroded agreement if the other side moves first. “Iran has completed the installation of one of these three cascades, containing 174 IR-2m centrifuges, and, on 30 January 2021, Iran began feeding the cascade with UF6,” the International Atomic Energy Agency said in a report obtained by Reuters on Tuesday, referring to uranium hexafluoride feedstock. The IAEA later confirmed that the Islamic Republic had started enriching with the second cascade. Tehran is also pressing ahead with the installation of more advanced centrifuges, the report indicated. Of the remaining two cascades of IR-2m machines, installation of one had begun while the other’s installation was “nearing completion,” it said. Meanwhile, The United States aircraft carrier USS Nimitz, known for anchoring US power in the Middle East, has been ordered back home, US Naval Institute News said citing American officials. The move was seen as a possible signal to Iran to deescalate tensions amid efforts by the Biden administration to open negotiations on a new nuclear deal.
Feb. 3, 2021

Iran Hosts Afghan Taliban Leader as Peace Talks Stalled

Iran has hosted the political leader of Afghanistan’s Taliban during the past week, offering Tehran’s own help as a mediator in peace talks between the insurgents and the Afghan government that have become stalled in Qatar. Shi’ite Muslim Iran has been a foe of the hardline Sunni Muslim Taliban for decades, but has been openly meeting with Taliban leaders for the past few years as the United States has started negotiating the exit of its troops from Afghanistan. Washington has accused Iran in the past of providing covert aid to Taliban fighters against US forces. Iran‘s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met Taliban political chief Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in Tehran, and told him that Washington was not a “good mediator” for the conflict, Iran‘s Tasnim news agency reported on Sunday. Iran supports an inclusive Afghan government that would include all ethnic groups and sects, Zarif was quoted as saying. Taliban spokesman Mohammad Naeem said on Twitter that the meetings had taken place “in a good atmosphere”. “The situations in Afghanistan, Intra-Afghan negotiations, the full implementation of the Doha agreement and Afghanistan’s & region’s need (for) peace were discussed,” he added.
Feb. 1, 2021





“Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten.  Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.”
(James 5:1-3)

“They will throw their silver into the streets, And their gold will be like refuse; Their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver them In the day of the wrath of the Lord; They will not satisfy their souls, Nor fill their stomachs, Because it became their stumbling block of iniquity.” (Ezekiel 7:19)

US Mint Warns It Can’t Meet “Surging Demand” For Silver & Gold

Is ‘The Reddit Army’ On The Verge Of Creating The Most Epic Silver Short Squeeze In U.S. History?

With The Fed printing money ‘out the wazoo’, monetizing COVID relief package debt as fast as Congress can pass the bills, demand for bullion was already surging. However, the last week or so, on the heels of the Reddit-Raiders taking aim at Silver, demand for silver (and gold coins) has exploded… Sales of U.S. gold bullion coins rose 258% in 2020 while silver coin demand was up 28%, the U.S. Mint said Tuesday. Which has led to bullion dealers running dry of stock and physical premium to paper silver prices soaring to record highs. “There are massive shortages. We’ll be completely out of stock if it carries on like this – the first time since our company opened in Singapore seven years ago,” said David Mitchell, managing director at Indigo Precious Metals. “In the short term, stocks may run out since it takes a long time for sea shipping, but overall supply is ample,” said Peter Fung, head of dealing at Hong Kong-based Wing Fung Precious Metals. And now, courtesy of Reuters, we have an answer to the shortage. The US Mint is limiting distribution of its gold, silver and platinum coins to specific dealers because of heavy demand, and a limited number of suppliers of metals, it said in a statement. The United States Mint said on Tuesday it was unable to meet surging demand for its gold and silver bullion coins in 2020 and through January, due partly to pandemic-driven demand and plant capacity issues… Heavy buying has continued in 2021, it said, squeezing supplies, which had already been tight as the coronavirus affected production.
Feb. 3, 2021

Eurozone Economy Contracts In Final Quarter Of 2020

The Eurozone economy contracted with 0.7% q/q in the final quarter of last year. This means the economy shrank 6.8% in 2020, which is less than expected after the gigantic losses in the first half of the year. Going forward, the apparent resilience of the economy, very much reinforced by government support measures, bodes some comfort. That said, the third wave and accompanying containment measures likely lead to another GDP contraction in Q1. Moreover, new mutations, a slow vaccination trajectory and resurfacing supply chain issues could hamper the recovery for some time longer.
Feb. 2, 2021





Federal Mask Cops To Start Targeting Travelers Today

Cue the federal mask cops. Americans are now required to wear masks in planes, trains, buses, subways, taxis, car services, boats, and transportation hubs, per a new order from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that took effect today. Masks must be of a style approved by the federal government and must fit properly. Failure to comply will result in being prohibited from traveling, booted from the transit in question, and potential criminal penalties. The order will be enforced by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents and “other federal authorities,” as well as state and local officials. “To the extent permitted by law…federal agencies are required to implement additional measures enforcing the provisions of this Order,” the CDC says. “CDC reserves the right to enforce through criminal penalties,” the agency adds, though it claims not to intend “to rely primarily on these criminal penalties.” The feds may also implement “additional civil measures enforcing the provisions” of the order (which “is not a rule within the meaning of the Administrative Procedure Act,” the CDC notes, “but rather is an emergency action”). Creating a vast network of law enforcement officials empowered to enforce these mask rules will of course provide a handy new excuse for monitoring and surveilling citizens. Meanwhile, deputizing federal agents, state authorities, and local cops to enforce transit mask rules will open up all sorts of new police harassment and abuse opportunities.
Feb. 1, 2021





New COVID-19 Strain Could Be Vaccine-Resistant Due To New Mutation, Study Finds

A new study from Public Health England found that the COVID-19 variant first discovered in the United Kingdom in December could be more resistant to vaccines due to a new mutation, The Hill reported Tuesday. The COVID-19 strain known as B.1.1.7 has quickly spread across the UK and has now appeared in 72 countries, according to The Hill. It has reached 32 states in the U.S. The CDC released a report stating it would likely become the dominant strain by March. It is much more contagious than other strains of the virus, and some evidence shows that it could be more lethal, The Hill reported. While existing vaccines are effective against the B.1.1.7 strain, a new mutation, known as E484K, has appeared and proven to cause vaccine-resistance, The Hill reported.
Feb. 2, 2021














Destructive flash floods hit Izmir after more than a month’s worth of rain in just 6 hours, Turkey

Destructive flash floods lashed the Turkish Aegean coastal province of Izmir on Tuesday, February 2, 2021, resulting in heavy damage, one fatality, and another person missing. Authorities called the situation a disaster, advising residents to stay indoors and only leave their homes when necessary. A weather station in Güzelyali recorded 126 mm (4.9 inches) of rain in 24 hours, Izmir municipality reported. Of the total amount, 113 mm (4.4 inches) fell from 03:00 to 09:00 LT, February 2 — more than Izmir’s average for the entire month of February (102.3 mm (4 inches)). The resulting flash flooding blocked main roads in the downtown area and surrounding districts of Aliaga, Foca, and Dikili, killing one person and leaving another one missing. The two individuals were trapped in a vehicle that was washed away by rising water in the town of Menderes. Mayor Tunc Soyer said the situation was a disaster as the flood caused heavy damage in the province, prompting a half-day leave to public employees. In Balcova district, several streams overflowed, affecting many residences and businesses in Karabaglar and Bayrakh.
Feb. 3, 2021

Every US state will see below freezing temperatures over the next week

It’s about to get so cold that boiling water will flash freeze, frostbite could occur within 30 minutes and it will become a shock to the system for even those who are used to the toughest winters. The coldest air of the season will be diving south, not leaving anyone out. Every single state in the US — including Hawaii — will reach below freezing temperatures on Monday morning. This includes 86% of the country and 235 million people, and one blast of arctic air is responsible for much of that. This frigid cold is compliments of the polar vortex, a large area of low pressure located near the poles. During the winter months it breaks down, sending cold air that has been bottled up, southward. It can be responsible for extremely frigid temperatures and huge plunges of cold air. The polar vortex has been weakened even more so this year by the Sudden Stratospheric Warmings that occur about six times a decade. This will cause the polar vortex to weaken even further, bringing cold air outbreaks to the US, which allows cold air that has been bottled up high int he atmosphere, to be release southward, making for bitterly cold conditions at the surface.
Feb. 3, 2021

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Feb. 1, 2021- Myanmar coup: State Counsellor detained as military seizes control



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 25, 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~







Palestinian fatwa bans Muslims from following ‘modern Abrahamic faith’

The Palestinian Supreme Fatwa Council on Wednesday condemned the use of the term “Abraham Accords” to refer to the normalization agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. The council, the Islamic judicial body governing affairs under Islamic law in east Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, ruled that the “alleged Abrahamic religion project, in addition to targeting the Muslim faith, was a political use of the concept of the Abrahamic religion; benefits the occupier; and constitutes a clear threat to our nation’s causes, first and foremost the Palestinian cause and al-Aqsa Mosque.” The council claimed that those behind the use of the term “Abraham Accords” were seeking to “redraw the map of the Middle East in line with the Greater Israel map.” It said that the Abraham project gives the indigenous peoples that claim to be the true sons of Abraham “the opportunity to integrate into the region and claim their purported historical rights.” According to the council, the decision to name the normalization agreements after the “modern Abrahamic religion is a form of deception.”
Jan. 27, 2021

Terror group claims responsibility for attack on Israeli embassy in India

A terror organization called Jaish-ul-Hind, believed to be affiliated with Iran, has taken responsibility for Friday’s attack near the Israeli embassy in New Delhi, according to Indian media. An explosion occurred near the embassy, Israel’s Foreign Ministry confirmed Friday. There were no casualties in the incident, and no damage was caused to the embassy building, the Foreign Ministry said. The explosion damaged the window panes of three nearby parked cars, a Delhi police spokesman said in a statement. The site of the blast was quickly cordoned off by police. Indian police said the explosion was caused by an improvised explosive device (IED) and the impact from the blast is said to have been felt within a 20-25 meter radius, Indian media reported. On Saturday afternoon, Indian security forces investigating the explosion issued a request from the country’s Bureau of Immigration for any information on Iranian citizens who had recently entered the country, local media reported. A few hours later, the India Today TV network reported that Indian security forces had interrogated several Iranian citizens suspected involvement, according to Walla.
Jan. 31, 2021

Qatar pledges $360M in aid to Hamas-ruled Gaza

The Qatari government on Sunday said it would provide $360 million in assistance for the Gaza Strip during the coming year. The Qatari aid, delivered with Israeli approval, has provided some relief to the local economy and is seen as a factor in preventing lingering tensions between Israel and Hamas from spilling over into renewed fighting. The Qatari announcement comes as Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are trying to hold new elections in the Palestinian territories. The vote is meant as a key step toward reconciliation.
***See also:
Qatar: Payouts for Hamas no longer guaranteed – report Sept. 7, 2020
Feb. 1, 2021

Kosovo to establish diplomatic relations with Israel on Monday

Israel, Kosovo establish diplomatic ties over Zoom

Israel and Kosovo will establish full diplomatic relations on Monday, Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Relations, Meliza Haradinaj-Stubla, wrote on her official website. The signing will be held in a virtual event with Haradinaj-Stubla and Foreign Minister Gaby Ashkenazi. In a video posted on social media, Haradinaj-Stubla cited the “long friendship between our peoples,” and said that Israelis and Kosovars have a similar ethos, in that “despite the challenges we faced and that affected our existence we remained invincible as peoples and never gave up nor did we lose hope.” Israel-Kosovo relations came as part of a Trump administration-led agreement in September between Kosovo and Serbia to open business ties between the countries. Those agreements also included normalization between Israel and Kosovo and for both Balkan states to open embassies in Jerusalem. Kosovo would be the first Muslim-majority country to have the first embassy to Israel in Jerusalem, and it and Serbia would be the first European countries to do so.
***See also:
Kosovo, Serbia to formalize ties with Israel, open JLM embassy- Sept. 6, 2020

US praises Serbia for designating all of Hezbollah a terror group- Sept. 14, 2020
Feb.1, 2021







Yemen gas station explosion kills 2, injures 90 in Bayda

At least two people were killed and more than 90 wounded in an explosion at a gas station on Saturday afternoon in the Houthi-controlled central city of Bayda, a health official told Arab News. A video circulating on social media showed a large ball of fire emanating from the gas station as panicked drivers and pedestrians fled the scene. “At least 20 critically wounded people were taken to hospitals in Sanaa,” said the health official, who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to brief reporters. Houthi media did not mention what triggered the explosion, but the official said that the gas station was built recently and is part of a large fuel and gas black market, which has grown in recent years inside Houthi-controlled areas.
Jan. 31, 2021 

Unidentified aircraft target pro-Iranian militias in eastern Syria – report

Two car bombs kill at least 11 in Syria’s Northern Aleppo

Unidentified aircraft targeted sites belonging to pro-Iranian militias near Al-Bukamal in the Deir Ezzor region of eastern Syria on Saturday night, according to local news source Deir EzZor 24 and Syrian news source Step News Agency. Deir EzZor 24 reported that over 15 airstrikes were reported and believed to be carried out by Israel, adding that the target may have been the Imam Ali base in the area controlled by Iran. On Friday, Iranian-made missiles were reportedly transported to the area through the Syrian-Iraqi border crossing. No information was available on damages or injuries as of Sunday morning. Meanwhile, A car bomb exploded leaving at least five people dead and more than 25 injured in Northern Aleppo, Syria’s al-Watan newspaper reported on Sunday. State news agency SANA reported the bombing in the city of Azaz but did not say how many people had been killed or injured. A separate suicide car bombing at a checkpoint manned by the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the Bezaa area, also in Northern Aleppo, killed six FSA members and injured four, FSA sources said.
Jan. 31, 2021



Iran says nuclear deal non-negotiable, rejects new participants

Iran presumed just weeks away from a nuclear weapon

Iran’s Foreign Ministry said on Saturday that its 2015 nuclear agreement with six world powers was non-negotiable and rejected any changes to the participants in the accord. The announcement came in response to French President Emmanuel Macron’s statement on Friday that any new negotiations should include other countries in the region, such as Saudi Arabia. France, along with China, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany, was an original signatory to the nuclear agreement. Both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have said that they should be involved in any new talks with Iran. The two countries also want new talks to address Iran’s ballistic-missile program and its support for proxies in the region, reported the AFP. Both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have said that they should be involved in any new talks with Iran. The two countries also want new talks to address Iran’s ballistic-missile program and its support for proxies in the region, reported the AFP.
Jan. 31, 2021

Biden Scraps Afghan Peace Deal, NATO To Remain In Afghanistan

US President Joe Biden’s has scrapped the peace deal with Taliban initiated by the Trump administration to completely pullout foreign troops from Afghanistan by May 2021. The militant group assured not to allow the country to become a refuge for terrorists and also conduct intra-Afghan peace talks. Reuters has reported, citing four senior NATO officials speaking on condition of anonymity. “There will be no full withdrawal by allies by April-end,” one of the officials said. “Conditions have not been met, the NATO source said. And with the new US administration, there will be tweaks in the policy, the sense of hasty withdrawal which was prevalent will be addressed and we could see a much more calculated exit strategy.” Trump’s order to cut off US troop numbers in Afghanistan to 2500 troops in total was confirmed by the Pentagon in the Mid of January. Despite commitments outlined by Trump before he left office, an estimate by NATO states that about 10,000 foreign troops remain stationed in Afghanistan, with the troop numbers expected to remain unchanged until after May. A State Department spokesman insisted that Biden remains committed to bringing a “responsible end to the ‘forever wars’”, but was also adamant about “protecting Americans from terrorist and other threats”. Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman told a news agency that the militant group remains committed to the peace deal signed in Doha last February, and doesn’t want to hear any more “excuses” from NATO.
Feb. 1, 2021





India protests: Internet cut to hunger-striking farmers in Delhi

India has suspended mobile internet services in three areas around the capital, Delhi, where farmers are staging a hunger strike in protest at new agriculture laws. The government said the shutdown would continue until Sunday night to “maintain public safety”. Tens of thousands of protesting farmers have been camped out on Delhi’s outskirts for more than a month. Talks between unions and the government have failed to break the deadlock. The protest made international headlines on Tuesday when a tractor rally ended in violent clashes that left one protester dead and dozens of police officers injured. Some demonstrators stormed Delhi’s historic Red Fort and occupied it until police pushed them back. On Friday, clashes broke out at Singhu when a group of unidentified men approached farmers and reportedly told them to leave. Farmers say the men threw stones at them and destroyed tents. Several injuries were reported. Indian media said the men were local residents who accused the protesters of disturbing the peace and damaging the local economy.
Jan. 31, 2021

Thousands join fresh protests across Russia

Thousands of Russians have been taking part in unauthorised protests to demand the release of the jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny. More than 5,000 people have been detained, a monitoring group says. In Moscow police closed metro stations and blocked off the city centre. Mr Navalny was jailed on his return to Russia after recovering from an attempt to kill him with a nerve agent. Protesters played cat-and-mouse with police, getting up close to officers before retreating to safety. Police snatch squads pulled some protesters through the lines of riot shields. Footage showed a stream of people being escorted on to buses by riot police. Protesters then attempted to reach the Matrosskaya Tishina prison where Mr Navalny is being held. Mr Navalny’s wife, Yulia Navalnaya, was among those detained at Sunday’s protest. She was later released. Rallies in support of Mr Navalny also took place in eastern Russia. In the Siberian city of Novosibirsk, at least 2,000 people marched through the city chanting “Freedom” and “Putin is a thief”.
Feb. 1, 2021




Myanmar coup: Aung San Suu Kyi detained as military seizes control

Biden Admin Responds To Myanmar’s Military Coup: We ‘Will Take Action’

Myanmar’s military has seized power after detaining Aung San Suu Kyi and other democratically elected leaders. Troops are patrolling streets in major cities and communications are limited. The top army commander is now in charge and a one-year state of emergency has been declared, army TV announced. The move follows a landslide win by Ms Suu Kyi’s party in an election the army claims was marred by fraud. She urged her supporters to “not accept this” and “protest against the coup”. In the early hours of Monday, the army’s TV station said power had been handed over to commander-in-chief Min Aung Hlaing. Ms Suu Kyi, President Win Myint and other leaders of the National League for Democracy (NLD) were arrested in a series of raids. No major violence has been reported. Soldiers blocked roads in the capital, Nay Pyi Taw, and the main city, Yangon. International and domestic TV channels, including the state broadcaster, went off air. Internet and phone services have been disrupted. Banks said they had been forced to close. The military takeover follows weeks of tensions between the armed forces and the government following parliamentary elections lost by the army-backed opposition.
Feb. 1, 2021






Twitter Suspends Christian Group for Accurately Describing Biden’s Transgendered Health Official Dr. Levine’s Biological Sex

A Christian organization has been suspended from the Twitter social media platform for stating Dr. Rachel Levine’s, assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), biological sex. At issue was a Tweet pointing to a story about Dr. Rachel Levine, President Biden’s controversial nominee for Assistant Secretary for Health at the Department of Health and Human Services. The tweet included the following sentence: “Dr. Levine is a transgender woman, that is, a man who believes he is a woman.” Daly said the appeal to Twitter about the suspension was denied. “Over the course of the last week, President Biden has been stressing the need for unity – but his actions since taking office are all about demanding uniformity,” Daly wrote. “There appears to be no room for convictional disagreement.You will comply – or be silenced.”
Jan. 30, 2021 

Secretary of State Antony Blinken Orders LGBT Flags Flown at U.S. Embassies, Will Name Special Envoy for Gay Rights

LGBT activists are cheering Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s announcement that he will reverse an order from President Donald Trump and put up “pride” flags at U.S. Embassies around the world. Outfront magazine reported on the development: The Biden administration is off to a hopeful start, as Secretary of State nominee, Antony Blinken, has confirmed a recommitment to LGBTQ rights. In a memo from July 2020, former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper released a list of flags permitted to be displayed at U.S. military bases. Missing from the list was the LGBTQ pride flag, which Esper compared to the confederate flag. Prior to the ban, embassies raised the flag during pride month on the official embassy flagpole. During the hearing, Blinken also confirmed that he plans to appoint an envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTQ persons, a position created by Barack Obama in 2015 that wasn’t filled during the Trump presidency. “Biden is the first U.S. president to openly embrace a full range of queer rights, including transgender equality,” Outfront magazine reported.
Jan. 31, 2021



Small-Town Iowa Public Schools Teach Preschoolers Transgenderism And Judging People By Skin Color

Next week, the Ames, Iowa public school district is sponsoring a “Black Lives Matter week of action” that includes teaching transgenderism to children as young as four years old, Young America’s Foundation reports. On the school district’s webpage about this “week of action” slated for Feb. 1-5, it reprints the “Black Lives Matter at School Guiding Principles,” which include the following:
6. Queer Affirming – We are committed to fostering a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking or, rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual unless s/he or they disclose otherwise.”
7. Trans Affirming – We are committed to embracing and making space for trans siblings to participate and lead. We are committed to being self-reflexive and doing the work required to dismantle cis-gender privilege…”
11. Black Villages – We are committed to disrupting the Western prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, and especially ‘our’ children to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”
Besides being anti-family and adamant about teaching sexual information to children as young as four, the curriculum is overtly racist. Here are just a few examples. The school district’s recommended lessons for middle and high school students during this week include a “Justice for Trayvon Martin Tool Kit” that includes the following statement for class discussion: “Discuss George Zimmerman and his Internalized Racism [sic] how even though he is Latino, why he is labeled as white. Ex. George Zimmerman is ethnically latino[sic]–however, [sic] he has the same racial privilege as white person, living in a gated community. He has a light skin color, and he holds [sic] no spanish [sic] name. So Zimmerman is so white-washed, and consumed by white supremacy that [sic] is why he is white.”
Jan. 28, 2021

America’s murder rate increase in 2020 has ‘no modern precedent,’ crime analyst group finds

Murder rates saw a “historic” increase in 2020 compared to 2019, with more than 1,200 additional killings year-over-year in a sample of 34 American cities, according to a study released Monday. “The coronavirus pandemic, continuing incidents of police violence, and rising homicide and violent crime rates each pose massive policy challenges in their own right, but the interplay between them creates even more difficult decisions for policymakers,” states a report from the National Commission of COVID-19 and Criminal Justice (NCCCJ). “Despite this difficulty, leaders at all levels of government should take bold action in responding to all three crises.” Homicide rates jumped by 30% from 2019 to 2020, while gun assault and aggravated assault rates climbed 8% and 6%, respectively, experts found.
Feb. 1, 2021


Intense earthquake swarm north of Granada, Spain

Earthquake swarm under Cumbre Vieja volcano, Canary Islands

A series of shallow earthquakes are shaking the area northwest of the city of Granada, Spain since the beginning of December 2020. The activity reintensified at the end of January, with more than 1 000 earthquakes since January 23. Major earthquakes have occurred throughout history in the province of Granada. The oldest known occurred in 1431 south of Granada with a macroseismic intensity of VIII-IX, producing great damage in the Alhambra. IGN said the quakes have magnitudes mostly below 2.5 and depths less than 10 km (6.2 miles). On December 2, IGN registered M3.6 earthquake with a maximum intensity of IV-V in Atarfe and Santa Fe. The quake was widely felt in numerous locations around the epicenter but without causing any damage. The sequence has subsequently been reactivated at the end of January 2021. Since January 23, IGN has registered 5 earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 4 — one on January 23 – M4.4 NW of Santa Fe, three on January 26 — M4.1, M4.2, and M4.4, and one on January 28. All have been strongly felt in numerous localities close to the epicenter, as well as in the city of Granada, and in some towns in the provinces of Malaga, Almería, Córdoba, and Jaén. From January 23 to 10:30 UTC on February 1, IGN has detected 1 063 earthquakes. From December 1, IGN registered a total of 1 167 earthquakes, of which 27 were greater or equal to M3.0 and 102 have been felt by the population.
Feb. 1, 2021

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


Jan. 29, 2021 The Mandatory Road




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 25 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

Below is my newest video on roxytube click the link:

Also I just started to place my videos to a new site which is ugetube.

Also I just placed this new video to my brighteon channel as well.

Why am I placing my video on all these sites? Because if you oppose the left in any way they are being to censor those who are trying to tell the truth!  These 3 sites do not censor my work or the work of others. I am giving you all these sites so when I can no longer post videos on YouTube you will know where to look. Thank you to call of you who have been following my work for Christ all these year. 



Jan. 27, 2021 Last day signs new video




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 25 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

Jan. 27, 2021- Wake up the last day signs have arrived!!!






Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 25 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora


Below is video showing you all the proof that the stones are being set in place to soon build the Third Jewish Temple just as Jesus warned us. I have added my video below for you on all the proof I have gotten showing that soon this Third Temple is going to start construction  plus,  a host of other events showing us the last days birth pains have already arrived.


My videos can now also be found at the following link:

When you go to my newest channel please subscribe to my channel. Soon I will not be posing on YouTube. Thank you.



As I promised in my video below you will see the links to the food prices skyrocketing. 

May 13, 2020: Grocery Prices Are The Highest They’ve Been In Decades | TODAY

June 10, 2020: Food prices continue to increase with no clampdowns in sight

June 11, 2020: Food prices are rising fast—Here are the winners and losers to watch

Jul 28, 2020: China Food Crisis?  Rising Domestic Prices and Large Import Purchases Send a  Signal

August 5, 2020:  Families Struggle As Grocery Prices Rise Amid Pandemic | NBC Nightly News

August 6, 2020: Why Are Food Prices Skyrocketing During the Pandemic? | NBCLA

August 11, 2020: Ethiopia’s inflation soaring to 22.3 percent, food prices unbearable for millions

September 9, 2020: Global food prices have been rising during the coronavirus pandemic, hitting food security

September 22, 2020: Soaring food prices

January 7, 2021: Global Food Prices at Six-Year High Are Set to Keep On Climbing,hunger%20surges%20around%20the%20world.

January 11, 2021: Food Price Inflation Accelerates For Seventh Consecutive Month








Israel threatens to attack Iran if US eases sanctions, rejoins 2015 nuke deal

Israeli officials warned they will attack Iran if President Joe Biden eases U.S. sanctions on Iran and rejoins the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal. Two weeks ago, Tzachi Hanegbi, a cabinet member and top advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, threatened that Israel will take action, as it did against Iraq in the 1980s and against Syria in 2007, to prevent Iran from advancing its nuclear program. Habegbi said, “If the United States government rejoins the nuclear deal — and that seems to be the stated policy as of now — the practical result will be that Israel will again be alone against Iran. . . This of course we will not allow. We’ve already twice done what needed to be done, in 1981 against the Iraqi nuclear program and in 2007 against the Syrian nuclear program,” as The Times of Israel reported. Hanegbi’s comments referred to strikes by Israel on Iraq and Syria’s nuclear reactors. On Monday, an Israeli source told Breaking Defense that Israel could go so far as to set a Biden administration decision to ease sanctions on Iran as a redline before Israel launches a strike. “Israel needs to know — and fast — whether Washington plans to stop Iran’s race to the bomb or take some action to do this,” the source told Breaking Defense.
Jan. 26, 2021

Biden Backs Two-State Solution, Will Reinstate Palestinian Mission, Aid

President Joe Biden plans to reopen the Palestinian diplomatic mission in Washington shuttered by the Trump administration as well as reinstate aid to the Palestinians, acting U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Mills told the Security Council on Tuesday. Biden’s Middle East policy “will be to support a mutually agreed, two-state solution, in which Israel lives in peace and security, alongside a viable Palestinian state,” Mills said. He added the measures are “not a substitute for Israeli-Palestinian peace” and called on the two sides to avoid unilateral actions that could hamper the prospects for a two-state solution  – including, on Israel’s part, settlement construction and declaring Israeli sovereignty over parts of the West Bank and on the part of the Palestinians, payments to convicted terrorists and their families. The Trump administration cut aid to the Palestinians over its boycott of the U.S. as well as its so-called pay-for-slay scheme.
Jan. 26, 2021







Jordan demands Israel end Al-Aqsa ‘provocations’

 Jordan urged Israel on Monday to stop blocking restoration work at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque compound, Islam’s third holiest site. Jordanian foreign ministry spokesman Daifallah Alfayez said he had sent a “protest note” demanding Israel “refrain from such violations and provocations, and respect the mandate of Jordan in administering Muslim holy sites.” Jordan, which said Israel’s police had interrupted restoration work on the Dome of the Rock,” stressed that the Waqf, the Islamic endowments authority, was “the sole authority responsible for the supervision and maintenance of Al-Aqsa.” On Sunday, the Waqf accused Israeli police of blocking “all reconstruction projects in the compound,” including stopping building supplies and “the entry of basic materials necessary for maintenance.” The Waqf said maintenance teams were “unable to maintain or repair the most basic facilities of the mosque and its employees are exposed to prosecution, threats of arrest and expulsion.” On Saturday, the Waqf said police stopped work by “photocopying the identity cards of workers and technicians, preventing them from working and threatening them with arrest if work continues.” There was no immediate response from Israel.
Jan. 26, 2021

Dozens injured in anti-lockdown protests in Lebanon’s Tripoli

At least 45 people have been injured in overnight clashes in northern Lebanon between security forces and demonstrators angered by a coronavirus lockdown that has worsened their economic woes, the Lebanese Red Cross says. At least nine of the injured were treated in hospital following rolling scuffles in the city of Tripoli, the Red Cross said on Wednesday. In the second protest in as many days, protesters pelted government offices with stones and blocked a main square. The army was deployed to contain the rioters, who torched a vehicle parked in the area, according to Lebanon’s National News Agency. At least 30 people were injured in similar clashes in Tripoli on Monday night as frustration with tight coronavirus restrictions boiled over. Many of its residents have been left without an income since Lebanon imposed a full lockdown earlier this month in a bid to stem a surge in COVID-19 cases and prevent its hospitals being overwhelmed. Last week, authorities extended the lockdown by two weeks, angering day labourers and other vulnerable groups. A round-the-clock curfew is in force nationwide and grocery shopping is restricted to home deliveries, which are often unavailable in poorer areas.
Jan. 27, 2021

Blast shakes Riyadh three days after projectile intercepted

Inbound Warhead Explodes Above Saudi Capital After Weekend Drone Intercept

A loud explosion shook Riyadh on Tuesday three days after the kingdom intercepted a projectile fired over the Saudi capital. The blast rattled windows across the Saudi capital at about 1pm (10:00 GMT), witnesses said. Some residents reported hearing two blasts on social media. Saudi Arabia-owned Al Arabiya TV cited local reports of a blast and videos circulating on social media of a missile being intercepted over Riyadh. No immediate reaction came from Saudi Arabia, which has come under repeated missile or drone attacks from Houthi rebels in neighboring Yemen since 2015.
***Please also see:

Blast heard in Riyadh as Saudi Arabia intercepts ‘hostile target’

Mysterious Group Claims Responsibility For Recent Attack On Saudi Capital
Jan. 26, 2021

Report: Syrian troops take positions on Lebanese side of Mount Hermon

Syrian Arab Army troops were reportedly spotted on the Lebanese side of Mount Hermon from northern Israel on Monday night, according to Syrian state media. Recently, reports have surfaced of both Israeli and Syrian airstrikes in areas close to the border. The IDF has repeatedly stated that it will not permit any foreign forces, whether regular soldiers or Iranian-backed proxies,  to deploy anywhere near Israel’s borders and will strike their positions. Israeli fighter jets reportedly carried out one of the most widespread attacks in approximately three years earlier in January, striking 18 sites including arms depots and military positions in eastern Syria. The cluster of mountains that is Mount Hermon, or Jabal al-Shaykh, of which Israel controls less than 10%, is the apex of the Golan Heights and splits between Israel and Lebanon at its summit. The very top of the mountain is controlled by UN forces. The IDF is preparing for a massive war drill, slated for this upcoming summer. The drill is expected to last a month and will simulate a full-scale war, including with Gaza, and extending to the northern threat, which will be the main focus.
Jan. 27, 2021






Moscow, Tehran call for ‘rescue’ of Iran nuclear deal

New US Red Sea deployment contests speading Iranian threat

Moscow and Tehran called for the rescue of the Iran nuclear deal Tuesday, as their top diplomats held their first talks since Joe Biden’s election raised hopes of Washington returning to the agreement. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said ahead of the talks in Moscow that “one of the most pressing topics is the task of rescuing the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPOA).” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif thanked Moscow for its efforts to repair the JCPOA after the US exit in 2018 and for Russia’s “constructive and principled” position on the deal. Zarif urged unity between Moscow and Tehran “in order to save the JCPOA from the risks and fears that arose after the United States left this plan.” The talks in Moscow come days after Zarif urged the United States to make the “fundamental choice” to lift sanctions and reverse the “failed policies” of the previous administration, which took a hard line on Tehran. He cautioned that any efforts from Washington to extract additional concessions would ultimately end in failure.
Jan. 26, 2021

Police fire water cannon as Tunisians march on parliament

Tunisian riot police on Tuesday turned water cannon on protesters outside the heavily barricaded parliament as they tried to quell the largest rally yet since demonstrations began this month over inequality and police abuses. Hundreds of protesters marched from the Ettadhamen district of the capital where young people have clashed nightly with police for more than a week, and were joined by hundreds more near the parliament. Police blocked the march with barricades to prevent protesters approaching the parliament building where legislators were holding a tense debate on a controversial government reshuffle. In parliament, Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi proposed a new cabinet, a move President Kais Saied had on Monday rejected as unconstitutional. Mechichi told the assembly that by naming 11 new ministers to the interior, justice, health and other key portfolios, he aimed to create a “more effective” reform team. The session comes a day after protesters clashed with police in the town of Sbeitla, in Tunisia’s marginalised centre, after a young man hit by a tear gas canister during clashes last week died in hospital. Politicians criticised a heavy police deployment around the parliament building after calls for a rally there.
Jan. 26, 2021






U.S. Suffers Sharpest Rise in Poverty Rate in More Than 50 Years

The end of 2020 brought the sharpest rise in the U.S. poverty rate since the 1960s, according to a study released Monday. Economists Bruce Meyer, from the University of Chicago, and James Sullivan of the University of Notre Dame found that the poverty rate increased by 2.4 percentage points during the latter half of 2020 as the U.S. continued to suffer the economic impacts from Covid-19. That percentage-point rise is nearly double the largest annual increase in poverty since the 1960s. This means an additional 8 million people nationwide are now considered poor. Moreover, the poverty rate for Black Americans is estimated to have jumped by 5.4 percentage points, or by 2.4 million individuals. The scholars’ findings put the rate at 11.8% in December. While poverty is down from readings of more than 15% a decade earlier, the new estimates suggest that the annual Census Bureau tally due in September will be higher than the last official, pre-pandemic level of 10.5% in 2019.
Jan. 26, 2021







Why your face could be set to replace your bank card

Sara Stewart strolls into a small Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles and orders a torta, a type of sandwich. To pay she simply looks at her reflection in a small LCD screen attached to the cashier’s counter. Then to add her preferred amount of tip she flashes a quick peace sign at the monitor. The entire process takes less than five seconds, and is entirely contactless. Moreover, Ms Stewart doesn’t need to carry her mobile phone or bank card with her, or show any form of identification, or even enter a pin number. Welcome to the futuristic world of facial recognition payment. It might sound like something from a science fiction movie, but this kind of transaction is already happening millions of times a day across China’s major cities. With the technology now being introduced in the US, and other countries such as Denmark and Nigeria, are we all going to be using it within a few years’ time? And, are there data security and privacy issues that we should worry about? “Our phones already read our faces, and our faces are already all over the internet, so I don’t think it really makes much of a difference [to someone’s security]. It’s faster, more convenient, and safer… and you don’t have to worry about leaving your phone or cards at home.” The firm’s chief executive John Miller says: “Our view is that using your face to pay is no different [than using your phone]. “It’s just another way to identify yourself. The [digital] picture [taken at point of sale] is destroyed immediately, and the data isn’t shared with anyone.” In fact, he argues that it’s less intrusive than paying by your mobile phone, because a phone can track your location at all times via GPS. He adds that the photos stored by PopID are mathematical maps of unique facial vectors, not actual photographs. Currently PopID requires the user to temporarily lower his or her facemask, but the firm says it is updating its systems so that this will not have to be done in the future.
Jan. 25, 2021


Significant eruption at Merapi volcano, ash to 12.2 km (40 000 feet) a.s.l., Indonesia

Flames observed at Kilauea volcano, lava erupting from vents on NW side of Halemaʻumaʻu crater, Hawaii

A significant eruption took place at the Indonesian Merapi volcano at 06:40 UTC on January 27, 2021. The Aviation Color Code was raised to Red. Due to the meteorological cloud, ash estimate to 12.2 km (40 000 feet) above sea level was based on the IR temperature. Ash cloud is moving NNW, the Darwin VAAC reports. Multiple ground reports warned of a significant eruption, the center added. In addition, volcanic ash below 7.3 km (24 000 feet) a.s.l. is expected to move NE. The volcano produced at least 14 pyroclastic flows today, with a maximum distance of 1.5 km (0.93 miles).
Jan. 27, 2021

Large tornado hits Fultondale, causing significant damage, Alabama

At least one person has been killed and more than 20 injured after a large tornado ripped through Fultondale, Alabama, U.S. at around 22:30 CST on January 25, 2021 (05:30 UTC, January 26), causing significant material damage and downing trees. The tornado was described by the NWS as ‘large and extremely dangerous.’ The search and rescue mission was still in progress early Tuesday morning (LT). “We do have possible fatalities, can not confirm the number yet. We still have search and rescue crews out working,” Assistant Fire Chief Justin McKenzie said at around 03:30 CST, January 26. McKenzie also confirmed earlier Tuesday morning there were ‘many injuries or deaths at this time,’ according to the WBRC. At least 5 people have been hospitalized, with injuries ranging from minor to severe, Fultondale Police Chief said. 17 people were reportedly rushed to the hospital and 11 treated on scene.
Jan. 26, 2021

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


Jan. 25, 2021- Attempted attack on Saudi Capital as ISIS Re-emerges Around the ME



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 21, 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora


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Explosion in Gaza home used for weapons storage injures dozens

An explosion destroyed a home in Gaza Saturday morning as terrorists attempted to prepare explosives to purportedly attack Israel, according to an IDF tweet. The explosion took place in the home of a Hamas operative and at least 30 were injured in the explosion, according to Israeli media. Pictures posted on Twitter by the IDF showed the massive extent of damage to the house from the blast. Avichay Adraee, the IDF spokesperson for Arabic media, said on Twitter that the explosion was a result of storing weapons in the house. Adraee went on to say that “the story of the house is the story of many homes in the Gaza Strip,” that are being used for weapons storage. “They have turned [homes] into warehouses of weapons, military parts and missiles for terrorist organizations and the people who pay the price in the end are the innocent civilians,” Adraee said.
Jan. 24, 2021

Anti-Israel rally attracting tens of thousands held in Pakistan

An anti-Israel “million man march” took place in the Pakistani capital of Karachi this week, according to video circulating on social media. The Algemeiner reported that the rally was put together by the right-wing Islamist party Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl. The JUI-F is against the notion of normalization between Pakistan and Israel. The thousands of participants could be seen donning the colors of the JUI-F, raising tall black and white striped flags as they marched down a Karachi street. The crowd itself was addressed by party leader Fazal-ur-Rehman, who also heads a coalition of parliament members that directly opposes the current Pakistani government.
Jan. 23, 2021







Blast heard in Riyadh as Saudi Arabia intercepts ‘hostile target’

Mysterious Group Claims Responsibility For Recent Attack On Saudi Capital

Saudi Arabia intercepted an apparent missile or drone attack over Riyadh on Saturday, said state media in the kingdom, which has come under repeated attacks from Yemen’s Houthi rebels since 2015. Social media users posted videos of what appeared to be an explosion in the air over Riyadh. The incident came at about 11am (08:00 GMT). The Saudi Arabia-led coalition, which backs Yemen’s internationally recognised government against the Houthis, said it “intercepted and destroyed a hostile air target going towards Riyadh”, without elaborating, according to state-run Al Ekhbariya television station. The Houthis did not immediately acknowledge launching a missile or a drone towards Riyadh on Saturday. Riyadh’s King Khaled International Airport said there were a number of flight delays, but it was not immediately clear if they were linked to Saturday’s incident. The US embassy in Riyadh issued a warning to Americans calling on them to “stay alert in case of additional future attacks”. The rebels have yet to comment on the incident, which comes only days after Joe Biden was sworn-in as the US president, replacing Donald Trump. According to the new US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, the Biden administration will quickly revisit the designation of Yemen’s Houthi rebels as “terrorists”.
Jan. 25, 2021

Syrian state media: Israeli warplanes strike Syria, kill 4

Syrian state media said Israeli warplanes fired several missiles toward central Syria early on Friday, killing a family of four — including two children — and wounding four other people. There was no immediate comment from Israel on the claim. Separately, the Israeli military said it downed a drone that had crossed into Israel from Lebanon. It did not say how the aircraft was brought down. There was no immediate word from the Lebanese side but the militant Hezbollah group has sent drones into Israel’s airspace in the past. Syria’s state-news agency SANA quoted an unnamed military official as saying the missile attack took place shortly before dawn when Israeli warplanes flew over neighboring Lebanon. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office declined to comment on the reports Friday. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition war monitoring group that tracks Syria’s civil war, said the strikes targeted five posts for Iran-backed fighters based within Syrian army positions. It said the posts were destroyed, adding that parts of one of the air defense missiles fell on a residential area, causing the casualties among civilians.
Jan. 22, 2021 

ISIS Terrorists Kill or Injure Soldiers in Another Ambush in Central Syria

On January 24, ISIS cells ambushed a bus carrying soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on the Homs-Deir Ezzor highway in the central region. In an official statement, the SAA said the bus was attacked by a terrorist group that came from the southeastern area of al-Tanf, which is occupied by US forces. According to the army’s statement, three soldiers were killed and at least ten others were wounded as a result of the ambush. ISIS confirmed its responsibility for the attack in a statement released by its news agency, Amaq. The terrorist group claimed that 20 soldiers were injured or killed. Last month, a similar ambush by ISIS cells on the Homs-Deir Ezzor highway, known as the M20, claimed the lives of 25 people, including civilians. In response, Syrian government forces launched a large-scale operation to secure the highway last week. According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, as of January 24 the operation is still ongoing. Russian forces allegedly provide support not only in the air, but also on the ground.
Jan. 25, 2021

Iraqi Fighters Killed, Injured in Large ISIS Attack in Saladin

Late on January 23, 11 fighters of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) were killed and 12 others were injured in a large ISIS attack in the northern province of Saladin. The attack took place in Jazzerat al-‘Aith in the eastern part of the province. In a statement, the PMU said ISIS terrorists were planning to attack civilians in the region. However, the attack was foiled by its fighters. All casualties were from the PMU’s 22th Brigade. Two of the casualties were Hussein Su’aidan Kati’a, the commander of the brigade’s 3rd regiment, and Saleh Majhul Ateh, the deputy-commander of the 6th regiment. Maj. Gen. Yehia Rasool, a spokesman for the Iraqi Commander-in-Chief, condemned the attack promising that the Iraqi military will respond. From its side, ISIS bragged about the attack in a statement shared by its news agency, Amaq. The group claimed that eight vehicles were damaged or destroyed in the attack. The deadly terrorist attack in Saladin came amid high tensions in Iraq between pro-Iran Shiite factions and the US-led coalition.
Jan. 24, 2021




Dutch police detain 240 nationwide as anti-lockdown protests turn violent

Rioters looted stores, set fires and clashed with police in several Dutch cities on Sunday, resulting in more than 240 arrests, police and Dutch media reported. The unrest came on the second day of new, tougher coronavirus restrictions, including a night curfew, which had prompted demonstrations. Police used water cannon, dogs and mounted officers to disperse a protest in central Amsterdam on Sunday afternoon, witnesses said. Nearly 200 people, some of them throwing stones and fireworks, were detained in the city, police said. National broadcaster NOS said riot police had been deployed in at least 10 cities and towns after a curfew went into effect at 9 p.m. (2000 GMT). Vehicles were set alight, police were pelted with stones and public property was destroyed, it reported. Military police said on Twitter on Sunday night that they were supporting local police in at least two cities in the south. On Saturday night, police had arrested 25 people across the country and handed out 3,600 fines for curfew violations.
Jan. 25, 2021

Dozens Detained Protesting Against Nepal Parliament’s Dissolution

Police used batons and water cannon Monday to disperse hundreds of people protesting in Kathmandu against the dissolution of Nepal’s parliament. Political tensions have been rising in the Himalayan nation since Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli dismissed the legislature in December, accusing members of his Communist Party of non-cooperation. Oli has called elections for April and May, but protests have spread across the country of 28 million people. Police said they arrested 26 demonstrators who gathered near the prime minister’s residence to call Oli’s move “unconstitutional” and demand the reinstatement of parliament. Police spokesman Basanta Bahadur Kunwar told AFP the 26 were detained after a clash as demonstrators moved towards a restricted area near the residence. Police used batons and water cannons to disperse the crowd of about 500, witnesses said. Several were injured.
Jan. 25, 2021

Antifa, BLM Vandalize ICE Building, Burn Original Starbucks

Antifa rioters smash up Tacoma in rampage over cop driving through crowd

Latest Portland anti-ICE protest prompts federal law enforcement response

National Guard to keep 5,000 troops in DC until March

Across the U.S., left-wing groups ‘Antifa’ and ‘BLM’ are continuing to disrupt public order following the inauguration of Joe Biden. In a tweet on Sunday, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said he expects Democrat lawmakers to condemn the latest looting and rioting in Oregon and Washington State. The senator referred to reports by law enforcement in those states. He said hundreds of far-left activists attacked federal buildings and burnt the original ‘Starbucks.’ Democrats have been quiet on those attacks while condemning Republicans for protests in Washington D.C. on January 6. At least 20 people were arrested during those riots. Meanwhile, An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility in Portland, Ore., was once again the target of protesters on Saturday night, according to news reports and posts on social media. Law enforcement officers from the Federal Protective Service were heard declaring an “unlawful assembly” around 10 p.m. local time and ordering the crowd to leave the area. The FPS is a unit of the Department of Homeland Security. The same ICE building was targeted Wednesday, hours after the inauguration of President Biden in Washington. That night, some members of a crowd of about 150 rioters caused damage to the ICE building and also marched against the state headquarters of the Democratic Party. One Portland business owner appeared on “Fox & Friends” on Friday morning, saying the nearly nightly protests in Oregon’s largest city over the past year have been “devastating” for businesses and residents. “They come out here and they just literally destroy whatever they can, throwing things around,” Stacey Gibson said. “They’re just going to pick it up and throw it wherever they can. The damage that happens to the businesses down there is just devastating.”
Jan. 24, 2021



Taiwan reports large incursion by Chinese warplanes for second day

Taiwan has reported a large incursion by Chinese warplanes for the second day running, a show of force that coincides with the first days of US President Joe Biden’s term of office. Sunday’s operation involved 15 aircraft and followed a similar drill that led to a warning from Washington. China has carried out regular flights over the international waters between the southern part of Taiwan and the Taiwanese-controlled Pratas Islands in the South China Sea in recent months. But they are usually conducted by one to three reconnaissance or anti-submarine warfare aircraft, according to Taiwan. Taiwan’s defence ministry said eight Chinese bomber planes capable of carrying nuclear weapons, four fighter jets and one anti-submarine aircraft entered its self-declared south-western air defence identification zone on Saturday. Sunday’s operation involved 12 fighters, two anti-submarine aircraft and a reconnaissance plane, the ministry said. On both occasions, Taiwan’s air force warned away the aircraft and deployed air defence missile systems to monitor the planes.
Jan. 25, 2021




The Dollar’s Crash Is Only Just Beginning
Major COVID Related Supply Chain Shocks Incoming

After an initial spike higher, the dollar has been falling steadily since the Covid-19 pandemic took hold in the U.S. last March. It is down about 10% to 12% relative to America’s major trading partners, dropping to its weakest levels since early 2018 as measured by several of the broad dollar indexes. There is more to come. Based on a wildly unpopular forecast that I made in June of a 35% decline in the value of the dollar by the end of 2021, we are only in the third inning of a nine-inning baseball game. There were three main reasons why I argued the dollar would fall: 1) a sharp widening in the  U.S. current-account deficit, 2) the rise of the euro, and 3) a Federal Reserve that would do little in response to any weakness in the greenback. On each of these counts, I have greater conviction on the weak-dollar call today than I did six months ago.
Jan. 25, 2021




The Davos Agenda- Celebrating Biden’s Inauguration

Xi Warns Biden & Globe Against ‘New Cold War’ In Davos Opener As Pundits Tout “Great Reset”

The Davos Agenda will also mark the launch of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Initiative and begin the preparation of the Special Annual Meeting in the spring. Each day will focus on one of the five domains of the Great Reset Initiative:
Monday 25 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Designing cohesive, sustainable and resilient economic systems
Tuesday 26 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Driving responsible industry transformation and growth
Wednesday 27 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Enhancing stewardship of our global commons
Thursday 28 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Harnessing the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Friday 29 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Advancing global and regional cooperation




Biden to issue executive order reversing Pentagon’s transgender ban

President Joe Biden is set to issue an executive order to reverse a Pentagon policy that largely bars transgender individuals from joining the military, dumping a ban ordered by President Donald Trump in a tweet during his first year in office, a person briefed on the decision tells The Associated Press. Biden has been widely expected to overturn the Trump policy in his early days in office. The White House could announce the move as early as Monday, according to the person briefed on the decision who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the order. The move to reverse the policy has the support of Biden’s newly confirmed defense secretary, retired Army Gen. Lloyd Austin, who spoke of the need to overturn it during his Senate confirmation hearing last week.
Jan. 24, 2021




Massive locust swarms attack Saudi Arabia, bigger invasion ongoing in the Horn of Africa

Massive locust swarms have invaded Saudi Arabia while a bigger and deadlier attack is ongoing in the Horn of Africa, which is set to descend on large parts of Ethiopia and Kenya, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warned Sunday, January 24, 2021. In Saudi Arabia, locust swarms hit areas along the coast from Jizan to Lith, extending nearly to Duba on the north coast. Control operations are in progress, particularly against second instar hopper groups and a few bands. Footages on social media show the insects blanketing the skies, highways, and wide fields. Meanwhile, FAO warned Sunday that dry weather conditions across the Horn of Africa region are expected to facilitate locust swarms, making the invasion in Kenya bigger and deadlier. About 15 out of 47 counties in Kenya have been affected so far. “As conditions remain dry in some areas, the swarms are expected to disperse throughout southern and northern Ethiopia as well as north-central Kenya,” FAO wrote in its latest report. “Any rainfall that occurs in the coming weeks will cause swarms to mature and lay eggs that will hatch and give rise to hopper bands during February and March.”
Jan. 25, 2021 


Storm Hortense hits Mallorca with wind gusts up to 170 km/h (105 mph), Spain

Storm Hortense left a trail of destruction after it made landfall in Mallorca, Spain on January 23, 2021. Significant damage was reported across the island and at least 2 people were injured. Aemet reported a gust of 130 km/h (81 mph) at Son Sant Airport, which broke a record set in February 1996 at 118 km/h (74 mph). In the Tramuntana Mountains, a gust of 144 km/h (90 mph) was registered at the Alfabia weather station, though gusts elsewhere reached 170 km/h (105 mph). According to Spanish media, 26 roads in Mallorca were closed to due landslides and a number of downed trees.
Jan. 25, 2021 

480,000 Killed By Extreme Weather in the Last 20 Years: Analysis

Almost half a million people have died in natural disasters linked to extreme weather events in the last 20 years, according to a new assessment of the direct threat posed to humanity by climate change. The mortality burden of climate-related catastrophes such as storms, flooding and heatwaves is overwhelmingly borne by developing countries. At the start of the Climate Adaptation Summit, held virtually this year due to the pandemic, the think tank Germanwatch calculated that these disasters have cost the global economy a staggering $2.56 trillion this century. An analysis of more than 11,000 extreme weather events showed nearly 480,000 fatalities since 2000, with Puerto Rico, Myanmar and Haiti the worst hit countries, it said.
Jan. 25, 2021 

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