372 results for EU Revived Roman Empire

Why governments are beginning to nationalize their banks-America in decline-Real ID Act and what is means to your freedom-New Jersey’s earthquakes-Another EU nation ready to sign Lisbon Treaty_Ireland may come in June-Turkey and Iran friends-Feb. 18, 2009

I am going to have to take at least Thursday off from writing a prophecy update as I am having surgery in the morning. I pray all goes well and I will continue to keep you all up to speed on what is taking place between prophecy and current events. – Frank will be heard …

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Diseases-News on records set with earthquakes and storms-Peace and Safety talks-EU rise & U.S. decline-Ezekiel 38 news-Dec. 11, 2008

Many of you wanted to know when and where I will be speaking next.  On Janurary 11th, 2008 I will be speaking at both services at the Faith to Faith Fellowship A Christ Centered Church. The church is located at 319 Browncroft Blvd. Rochester, NY 14609. If you have any questions you can call the …

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DiMora to speak in Rochester New York-EU rise & America’s decline the facts-More attacks on Christmas and Christ-Big earthquakes in many places-Russia and Libya and Ezekiel 38-Dec. 8, 2008

You can now download my newest up-dated book by clicking to the link below.   Please note the chapter page numbers are off by one page but instead of waiting to have the printer redue the PDF file I am putting it up with the mistakes.  It is being redone so please don't email about …

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More news of America’s decline-Why people may take the VeriChip-EU and Israel’s peace and safety-America turns from God-Famine in Somalia-Dec. 4, 2008

Finished writing for today.   Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38 explains to the reader that Russia will lead an invasion on Israel in the last days.  Russia will be aligned with many nations including Iran.  I have been warning you the Ezekiel war is coming soon and today’s news showed once again Israel is getting ready …

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Daniel’s Revived Roman Empire is about to get stronger-Diseases-The drug generation-Major droughts-Storms-Earthquake-Dec. 1, 2008

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 & chapter 7.  In the book of Daniel God outlined every major power to rule the world from the time Daniel was alive all the way until Jesus Christ came back.  Daniel was told by God that the last world empire to rule at the time Jesus returned would be …

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Collapse of America-Rise of Modern Day Roman Empire-Mark of the Beast-Red Heifer–major earthquakes-Peace and Safety- Nov. 24, 2008

I want you to know the good news, which you need to hear before you read this post. What you are about to read should not be taken lightly.  The most important fact in everything you will read and see is this.  Jesus is very aware of everything that is about to happen in America …

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Nov. 21, 2008-America in decline-EU on the rise-Storms & Earthquakes-Gold run-

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 & 7 and Revelation Chapters 13 & 17. Please bear with me if it seems as though I am repeating myself. I have new people coming to my site every day and they need to understand the connection between prophecy and current events. In the Book of Daniel and Revelation …

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EU quest to finish Lisbon Treaty and what it means to you-Peace & Safety signs-Nov. 11, 2008

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 & 7 and Revelation chapter 17. Both Daniel and our Lord Jesus warns us in these chapters that the old Roman Empire would be revived again in the last days.  The European Union is the fulfillment of these prophecies.  We are also told in these chapters that one man will …

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Frank DiMora interviews with Gina Romano, Host of the International Radio show The Edge-Will U.S. turn from Israel?-New storms-Who is the Roman Empire in the last days & how can we know for sure?-Oct. 15, 2008

Frank Dimora, the Author of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Awakening has returned to The Edge for his third interview. In this interview, Frank talks about the escalating problems between Russia and Georgia and eventually how Russia, Iran, Turkey, Iraq and other Arab nations will join forces to attack Israel. He gives the listeners …

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More good size earthquakes-Is Antichrist here? EU’s global role & what it means- Christians in India being killed-Oct. 14, 2008

 If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post. —————————————————————————– …

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