Increase in knowledge and strong delusion/Rev. 6/6/Fearful events/Earthquakes/Past warnings popping up that could be critical/Last world empire/One World Government/Oct. 4, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


Prophecy Sign: God showed Daniel in Daniel 12:4 that our generation would become the one who would increase in knowledge.  Take a look at real time holographic technology. Think about this. The people in power who would like you to believe Jesus is not the one any only savior could send up a holographic image of some other god who is saying to everyone he is the real messiah. Could this be part of the strong delusion Jesus warns us about in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 “and with all the deceit of unrighteousness in those who perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

Prophecy Sign: We are witnessing all kinds of signs showing the prices of food will keep skyrocketing and end up fulfilling Revelation 6:6 where people will have to work all day for one small meal.

 See full size image

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 and Matthew 24:7 warn us that we will see many earthquakes in the last days as well as “great earthquakes. 

MAP  5.0   2010/10/04 16:43:18   -36.304    -73.298  37.6   OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.1   2010/10/04 14:35:27    48.019    154.010  70.6   KURIL ISLANDS
MAP  6.3   2010/10/04 13:28:39    24.268    125.149  35.0   SOUTHWESTERN RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2010/10/04 11:48:35    19.807    -75.416  26.0   CUBA REGION
MAP  5.2   2010/10/04 09:21:51   -43.572    172.446  9.8   SOUTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND
MAP  5.5   2010/10/04 01:38:30    19.362    122.189  32.0   BABUYAN ISLANDS REGION, PHILIPPINES

See full size image Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 tells us, “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.”

There has been a lot of earthquake activity and it appears the Earth is getting ready to shake in a different way and bring on some fearful events. I quote,“Bandung. Twenty-one volcanoes across Indonesia could erupt at any time, leading to natural disasters, officials have warned. An official from the Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Agency (PVMBG) told the Jakarta Globe on Friday that the alert for 18 volcanoes had been raised from Level 1, or “normal,” to Level 2, or “beware.”

Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel chapter 38-39 shows us that Turkey is one of the main nations who will line up with Russia and attack Israel. One may wonder why Turkey would attack Israel?  Here are two reasons. For one, Turkey is an Islamic nation and they like their Islamic Brothers want Jerusalem to fall back in the hands of the Muslims.  I want to tie in a few reports for you so you will see what may be coming down the pike shortly. First of all in 2009 I posted a report which appear below, which showed us Syria’s President warned he would take pace the Golan Heights by force if the peace process failed.

I quote that 2009 report here: “Syrian officials threatened on Saturday to take back the Golan Heights by force if a peace agreement involving the return of the strategic plateau is not reached with Israel, Army Radio reported. A group calling itself the Syrian Committee for the Freedom of the Golan said it would take steps to regain control of the territory, adding that Israel has not shown willingness to achieve peace or to return what they called "Syrian land."

Since 2009 Turkey and Syria have become major allies. Today’s news gives you new information about a new military alliance between Syria and Turkey.

 See full size image“High-ranking officials from Turkey and Syria gathered in the Syrian Mediterranean seaport of Latakia on Sunday to sign agreements for cooperation in the military and strategic fields”.

Turkey and Syrian has gotten very close over the past few years. As you can see from the newest agreement, which is a military agreement, this could be a major factor why Turkey would strike at Israel.  We know for a fact that Syria is going to be wiped out soon.  All you have to do is read Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49:24-27. These scriptures show us the destruction of Syria, I believe when the next war breaks out which, I believe will be the Psalm 83 war, Syria will be attacking Israel with the other bordering nations, of course the prophecies tell us of Syria’s destruction. There is no question in my mind this destruction will come from Israel’s air force.

Since Syria and Turkey are very strong allies and have this new military alliance, Turkey would have the reason to attack Israel if Israel were to destroy Turkey’s military ally. When you read chapter 11 of my book you will see all the alliances that have been made between all the nations that are listed in the Ezekiel war.  Time is running out and we are getting closer to the next conflict.  News sources are predicting the next war against Israel may happen by the end of this year, and it does appear time is running out.

See full size image I can tell you one thing for sure. It is no coincidence that Syria and Turkey have formed this military alliance. I truly know this is a part of Bible prophecy coming together to lead us to the fulfillment of the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel wars.

See full size imageOf course we are warned when this sudden destruction will come. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:3 for the Apostle Paul told us sudden destruction is going to come at the time they are calling for Peace and Safety. Here is the actual quote. “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” My friends this is where is gets good!

Notice these very important prophecies in red below. I have given them many times to you before but it is important that anyone new to this post understand these prophecies.

Prophecy Sign: I want to cover to prophecy signs in one report. For is the prophecy that God is going to curse anyone who curses Israel. This curse can be tied to those who work to divide up God land, (Israel), as seen in Joel 3:2, and anyone who burdens themselves with God’s city of Jerusalem as seen in Zechariah 12:3.

What you are about to read could become a very major part of how fast America and the other nations will fall from power and it will come as a result of pushing Israel into dividing up their land into a two State nation. Keep in mind, Zechariah’s prophecy warns that God will cut anyone who comes against Jerusalem into pieces.

In March 2009 I gave you a warning as to what President Obama’s Adviser, Brzezinski stated about forcing Israel into a peace agreement. Below you will find quotes from a report out of Israel where Brzezinski give the plans for the future if there is no peace agreement between the PLO and Israel. After the quotes from the report you can watch the Youtube video entitled “Obama Adviser Brzezinski s Off the record Speech to British Elites Part 4”

From Israel National “A few months ago, just before the U.S. presidential elections,  Dr Zbigniew Brzezinski gave a speech at Chatham House declaring what needed to be done immediately in the diplomatic and geo-political world after America elects a new president.  Israel must be pushed to establish a Palestinian State inside it's own country and divide it's capital Jerusalem and give it away.  He said this pressure on Israel must be enforced soon, as the window of opportunity for 'peace' was closing, alluding to Jewish settlement which is making more and more demographic facts on the ground.”

In another section of this same report it stated, “Below I am supplying a part of the speech that Dr Brzezinski, a top Obama advisor, gave at the Chatham House. In it below, at about 5min and 20 seconds in, he describes the nations of the world, all agreeing, to participate in the push to wrest Jerusalem from Israel.  He states emphatically that all the nations of the world (6min 26 sec.) will back up this effort.  At 8:22 in this video clip below, Brzezinski talks about the demand to divide up Jerusalem. He ends his talk with a joke, saying that if the West's plan of how to make peace is wrong, we'll be no worse off than we are now.  It's not funny, because maybe HE won't be worse off, but Israel will have had it's limbs amputated, been downsized, broken up and carved out, and Israel could not survive having a PLO terror state inside of our borders, having the Arabs in rocket target fire distance of our major international airport, and being a country that at one point is only 9 miles wide and can be cut in half at the Mediterranean Sea.”

Now start listening to what Brzezinski say starting at the 5:25 mark in the video. After you watch this I will connect the dots and end this section.

If this news today doesn’t open your eyes, I am not sure what will. Today’s news from Israel had this headline. “Lieberman: Obama trying to force agreement on Israel”. Again read the report and I will show you the importance of what is happening. 

I quote, “FM tells fellow Yisrael Beiteinu members US wants two-month settlement freeze to draft peace deal that would mean two states for two people along 1967 borders. According to the foreign minister, five, maybe even six Likud ministers – Moshe Yaalon, Yossi Peled, Silvan Shalom, Yuli Edelstein and possibly Gilad Erdan – would vote against Obama's proposal. "During my recent visit to the US I learned that Washington is planning to force a permanent agreement on Israel – two states for two peoples along the 1967 borders, plus-minus 3 or 4% of the territory exchanged," Lieberman said. "This is the objective of a continued freeze – to give the US and the international community two months to come up with a solution that will be forced on Israel." According to the FM, in two months' time "The US, along with the Quartet, the Arab League and the Palestinians will tell Israel, 'This is the solution, take it or leave it. If you don't, there is a price – a confrontation with the international community'. Therefore, we must not quit the coalition. It's the only way to solidify a majority against the freeze, which is a decoy."

Now can you see that what Dr Zbigniew Brzezinski said is on the Obama’s agenda for Israel soon?  Everything Brzezinski stated in that video is in fact what is going on right now.  The plans that Brzezinski was talking about in 2009 seem to be on the table for 2010. Yes, the peace process is just about dead as Israel is not willing to just give up East Jerusalem to the PLO, nor are they going to stop construction in Israel, nor are they ready to give up all the land the Arabs lost in the previous wars with Israel including the 1967 borders. 

If you listened to the entire video you heard Brzezinski address what would happen in Afghanistan and Pakistan and if you read the news this week you can see for yourself this to is happening as Brzezinski talked about.

“The U.S. military is secretly diverting aerial drones and weaponry from the Afghan battlefront to significantly expand the CIA's campaign against militants in their Pakistani havens. The shift in strategic focus reflects the U.S. view that, with Pakistan's military unable or unwilling to do the job, more U.S. force against terrorist sanctuaries in Pakistan is now needed to turn around the struggling Afghan war effort across the border.

In light what we have read from Avigdor Lieberman, who is the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, and what we heard from Brzezinski it does look like the next step will be to try and force Israel into obeying the Obama agenda.  Knowing what God said about Him cursing anyone coming against His people, and dividing up Israel or, messing with Jerusalem, you should start shaking in your boots if you live in any of the nations who will try to enforce a peace on Israel!

God’s curse is nothing to take lightly! I truly believe that if in the next few months Obama actually tries to carry out this enforcement that the Lord will begin to cut America into pieces instead of America dividing Israel. If you see news about the peace process being forced watch the natural disasters that start falling on any of the nations who work with the US in trying to enforce this plan.  Also, watch the economies of these nations because I believe around the same time they move on Israel to force the plan their economic crisis will skyrocket and the civil unrest Jesus warned about will begin like we haven’t seen it yet. The report above warned Israel would face a confrontation with the international community. You better read Zechariah 12:3 again before this is the exact direction the world is moving to fulfill that prophecy.

The enforcement against Israel could set off a chain of events that will begin the final countdown to all prophecy.  I am not sure if you know how important this news is, but if I were you I would pay real close attention to any news concerning the stalled peace talks.,7340,L-3963557,00.html

While Arab world is up in arms over the stalled peace process the top religious Muslim Clerics in the Middle East are pushing to wipe out Israel and, anyone who does not believe the way they do. That includes following their Islamic Sharia Law. Is it possible that the Antichrist will be using Sharia Law during the 7 year tribulation?  I think it is very possible considering the fact that Jesus in Revelation 20:4 tells us how the Antichrist will have anyone who doesn’t follow him put to death.  I quote, “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.” Who are the ones cutting peoples heads off under Sharia Law? Those hard liners pushing Islam. These men who call themselves men of God keep claiming they will take over the world and that in the video below, you will even hear one such Muslim Cleric say there are no moderate Muslims.

If you wanted the news today you know there is a new high level alert. “Terrorists plotting to carry out a Mumbai-style massacre in western Europe have a list of high-profile targets in their sights ranging from the Eiffel Tower to a hotel near Berlin's famed Brandenburg Gate, according to intelligence relayed to Fox News.”  Who are the people behind these terrorists?  For the most part they are Islamic religious figures pushing to wipe out everyone who does not follow Allah and Islamic law.

 Prophecy Sign: "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast" (Revelation 17:12-13).

This is a quote from page 75 of my prophecy book. “Earlier in this chapter I stated there is the possibility the ten WEU nations may not be the ten Jesus warned us about, and there are hints to this affect which I will cover later. Now I want to show you why I stated that. If the WEU or the ten ECO Islamic nations aren’t the ten kings Jesus warned about, could there be another group of ten we should be looking at? I want to show you one other possibility as to who the ten may be. Like the European Union there have been other nations that have been merging together as one union. Fact is, we see these unions of nations coming together. Here is the list of the ten unions.”

It has come to my attention that the European Union has now placed the 10 group of regions of nations on their site. When you go to the link below you will see a map of these 10 regions and what nations are in each region.  I am not going to dismiss the fact that it is possible that the Antichrist may come out of the old Roman Empire to take control of the world via these 10 regions. It seems strange that the Western leg of the old Roman Empire, which is the European Union, has this posted at their site now.  Let us keep on the watch!

See full size imageIn chapter 1 of my book I point out how our planet is heading for a One World Government. It is taking time but little by little the world is coming into this global governance.  Here is another example of this in the news. I quote, “David Harries, executive director of the strategic center "Foresight Canada", considers tolerance and a dialogue as a maximal model of development in the global security system.”

Like everyone else he even ties in what is happening with the Middle East peace process. “He said that striving for peace must be always the scenario of talks to settle the conflict. As an example he cited the conflict in the Middle East. "Foresight Canada" carried out extensive work on this subject in 2002-2003, he said. Speaking about the Middle East conflict, it is necessary to focus on progress in the negotiation process, but not the final decision, Harries said.”  Every time I read a report such as this the words of Christ via the Apostle Paul ring out Lord. We are living in a time when most of the world leaders are calling for peace and safety.

See full size imageThis word oneworld is popping up everywhere. Take this next report entitled, “ Oneworld airline alliance network will include Azerbaijan”.

The new oneworld recruit will add 55 destinations in the region to the alliance map, and nine countries, in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This will almost triple the number of destinations served by oneworld in Russia, the CIS and other parts of East Europe to a total 84 destinations in 26 countries.” Its addition will extend oneworld's global coverage to a total of more than 750 destinations in almost 150 countries, served by a total of 8,500 departures a day operated by a combined fleet of some 2,250 aircraft, carrying 300 million passengers a year, with annual revenues of more than US$85 billion.”

Prophecy Sign: I think it is time for you to take a look at Chapter 17 and 18 of the book of Revelation where we see warnings about Babylon the Great. Present day Babylon is Iraq and according to scripture we will see this nation rebuilt and it will turn into one of the most important centers of for trades. Knowing what Jesus has warned us about this modern day Iraq (Babylon), you should understand that is it not a coincidence that Iraq is about to undergo a huge transformation. Here is news showing you that there is plans under way to rebuild Iraq, or ancient Babylon if you will. I quote, “Tehran to Hold 2nd 2010 Conference on Iraq's Reconstruction” “TEHRAN (FNA)- Tehran announced that it will host the second 2010 International Iraq Reconstruction Conference on October 30-31.”

If you have the Holy Spirit in you, listen to what He says and let the Lord Jesus speak to you concerning her message. Can you sence the Holy Spirit speaking through her? Let me know.


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    • Scott Gomez on October 4, 2010 at 5:36 pm
    • Reply

    Please Please Please, Pray all day and all nioght, for we have been decieved by our teachers.Jesues , GOD and the words in the bible are all we can trust. So PLEASE LISTEN, We all need to truely believe and confess our faith in our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST for a great horrible time is at hand.

    • Louise on October 4, 2010 at 5:52 pm
    • Reply

    It seems that all the prophecy websites are talking about UFO’s, the sightings, etc. That they have increased. I feel strongly that we are getting very near to the end of the church age. I don’t have “proof” of that just a sense in my spirit and a deep urgency. Stay in prayer!! And seek God’s face!
    God bless you Frank and thank you for always keeping on the watch for us!!

    • Amanda Mitchell on October 5, 2010 at 8:04 am
    • Reply

    Why would the Holy Spirit speak thru her? What she’s saying ain’t from God. I don’t believe in Ufo’s because they aren’t any and it’s all a delusion from satan himself. The Bible stated that there will be signs in the Heavens and we’re witnessing it and it ain’t no ufos period! Let us all keep God’s word in our hearts and pray without ceasing because we are definitely living in perilous times!

    • Colleen Jeffries on October 5, 2010 at 9:45 am
    • Reply

    No such thing as a UFO. Yes, Satan is trying to deceive God’s people time and time again. UFO’s phenomena is nothing but NEW AGE delusions. New Age is the devils advocate. I cannot believe intelligent people believe in this nonsense. We are truly living in the very last days of earth’s history. Horrible events are occurring all over the world. Much worse times coming. Jesus will be here sooner than most people even think.

    • Colleen Jeffries on October 5, 2010 at 9:53 am
    • Reply

    Yes, one more thought. I, too, have a sense of urgency that our world is on the edge of something stupendous occurring, just short of Christ’s imminent return. I have no idea what that “stupendous event” is about, but something “BIG” is going to happen. I think it might be a complete national financial breakdown, or a monstrous earthquake of some sort. The Sheeple are sleeping sound as the world is totally coming unglued. Let us continue to pray for our nation.

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