Pastor Fiaz


Dear brother Frank,

Thanks God i have received your book. I am really happy to receive this packet. I can't explain my feeling in word how i am happy. This book and Cds will be very helpful in my ministry. I thank you very much. Very soon i will give these books to my friends. I will also give CDs and business cards. Now everyone in Pakistan will know " THE LAST CHRONICLES OF PLANET EARTH " and join this ministry. Please keep this in your prayers.

I am sending to you photos. In one photo I am on bike with Book and in other all material is on table. I am really happy. Very soon I will arrange a programme and give books to my friends. I am planning to make a THE LAST CHORNICLES OF PLANET EARTH banner.

Your brother in Christ,





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    • Larry Price on June 18, 2012 at 7:03 am
    • Reply

    Dear Frank, Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the work of Jesus Christ. My concern is that there is no substitution for the Holy Bible as it was intended to be The Word of God to all mankind. Armed with the Gospel in one hand and the Chronicles of the planet earth in the other. One is a powerful gift with words that transend time, the other is supplimental and confirmational words. Starting a ministry on the supplimental word is weak and biased. There is no wrong here just support the Gospel of our Lord and the truth will be given the way it was intended. You are a wonderful man and dedicated to our Father in Heaven, so please express that The Holy Bible is the source of all that is righteous and true. God Bless your ministry and you Frank.

    • Teresa on June 24, 2012 at 7:50 pm
    • Reply

    Dear Larry, For some time Frank would post a bible disclaimer that pointed out that Frank’s book”in no way is to take the place of or supercede the Holy Bible and is only to be used as a tool to point to the truth of God’s word through prophecy being fulfilled.” Perhaps Frank may need to consider posting this on a regular basis for those who may be new at his site. I hope this comforts you to know that Frank is completely submitted to the Lord and gives Him all the glory! God bless you, a sister in Christ, friend and ministry partner to Frank,Teresa

  1. Dear Larry,
    I am not sure if you are new to my prophecy site or not but if you are new let me assure you that what you said about the Bible it the truth and I agree 100%. In many of my posts I warn the people that no book should come before the Bible and that includes my work. Please Google the title below and read the very top of my post and you will find one of the stops where I tell the people my book is not to take place or come before the Bible. Every Pastor that joins up with me I make sure to tell them do not let my book come before the Bible. My work is only a tool used to drive people to the bible. Copy and paste the title below and Google and read what I wrote. I think you will see my heart is in the right place.
    Thanks for the comment
    Israel has a date in mind to attack Iran?/Another report of strange sounds coming from the sky/March 6, 2012

  2. Teresa,
    I directed Larry to one of my posts where I warn the people about not putting any book before the Bible and that includes mine. You know my heart and I am sure Larry will see I only want to do what Christ has called me to do and of course that is point to Jesus and His Word. I explained to Larry my book is only a tool to drive people to the Bible. Thanks for your comment.

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