Free prophecy book/ Today Ron Paul repeats DiMora’s warnings a coincidence or perfect timing?/ Earthquake watch/ Feb. 4, 2010




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I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

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Earlier today I wrote up a post giving you signs that America is going to collapse soon.  In that post I also quote Jesus in Matthew 24:7 where He warned us there would be civil unrest in the last days.  This is the message of kingdom shall be against kingdom.  Later today I was sent a video where Congress Ron Paul almost says the exact things I warned you about today.  Watch the video if you can and I pray this information will encourage you all to begin to prepare for very hard times.  We are very close to the beginning of the seven year tribulation.

Ron Paul: Chaos in The Streets and Poverty Coming To the USA


Signs showing us the Antichrsit's economic system will be hached soon.  As I said in the first post today, it isn't just America who is in major economic trouble.  I quote, "Growing fears over the health of Europe’s weakest economies and the outlook for US employment rocked global markets on Thursday, sparking sharp falls in risky assets ranging from equities to oil and gold. The rout sent investors fleeing to the safety of US government debt, boosting the dollar to its highest level against the euro in more than eight months and sending US Treasury prices higher only days after the Obama administration forecast a $1,556bn deficit for 2010."  Watch the video at the link below.

Nation after nation are showing signs of intence stress over debt.

Portugal near political crisis over debt

Here is an up-date on the many earthquakes that Jesus asked us to keep on the watch for in Matthew 24:7.

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits off the Northern California coast near Eureka [Updated] 2 hours ago.

MAP  5.0   2010/02/05 00:46:19   -24.599   -116.024  14.9   SOUTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE

MAP  5.9   2010/02/04 20:20:22    40.418   -124.919  20.2   OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
MAP  5.5   2010/02/04 17:48:10   -19.402   -173.936  10.0   TONGA
MAP  5.2   2010/02/04 13:02:36   -20.417   -177.469  489.9   FIJI REGION



    • Cyndi on February 5, 2010 at 7:27 am
    • Reply

    Do you believe Israel is aware and watching Iran closer with a “strike” date in mind since the recent announcement from Russia stating that the nuclear plant will go live mid 2010? I do not think they will allow it to happen.

  1. I think that Israels leaders have already made up their minds
    as to when they will attack Iran.  Israel is well aware that no
    one put them has the guts to really take action against Iran
    to stop them from firing up that nuclear weapons plant. I really
    believe this war will happen very soon.

    • Cyndi on February 5, 2010 at 10:00 am
    • Reply

    Thank you Frank. You have been a blessing as always!

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