Food or rent?/March on Israel in May/PLO shows hints of wiping out Israel/War signs/More storms, floods and new records/ Can’t read the Bible out load/Noah’s signs/Timothy’s warning from Christ coming to pass/April 27, 2010



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Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Just in case you missed this news you may want to keep this in mind when shopping.

Are you eating food sacrificed to idols?

 "American pastor sounds alarm on supermarkets, restaurants"

"When you bite into a delicious pizza, succulent sandwich or luscious lamb chops, are you possibly eating food that has been sacrificed to idols? An outspoken American pastor says yes, and he's sounding the alarm for Christians to be aware of the Islamic influence he calls "backdoor Shariah" now nibbling its way across the fruited plain. At issue, says Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries in Bonney Lake, Wash., is eating food that's "halal," in other words "lawful" or "permitted" for the Muslim diet. Muslims join many Jews and some Christians in avoiding the consumption of certain animals such as pigs and birds of prey, but those of the Islamic faith also have their meat blessed in the name of their god, Allah. "From the Christian standpoint, Allah would be an idol," Biltz told WND"

He notes New Testament instructions specifically warning Christians:

"Stay away from food that has been offered to idols (which makes it unclean), any kind of sexual sin, eating animals that have been strangled, and blood." (Acts 15:20, New Century Version) 

"As for the Gentile Christians, all we ask of them is what we already told them in a letter: They should not eat food offered to idols, nor consume blood, nor eat meat from strangled animals, and they should stay away from all sexual immorality." (Acts 21:25 New Living Translation)

Clearly the main problem with 'halal' foods. 

     – as the animal is prepared for slaughter it must be:
        a) faced toward Mecca
        b) throat is slit and the blood drained out while a prayer is said to 'allah' (purposely left un-capitalized) proclaiming him to be the greatest.

    Imagine that. This has to be done for each animal too (a cow is one thing but think of the number of chickens killed each day!!!).
    Since we Christians recognize allah of the koran as Lucifer; it cannot be overlooked that this food is thus sacrificed to an idol (false god).
    Anyway the following link leads directly to the video Pastor Biltz has on the topic:

Are you eating food sacrificed to idols? from El Shaddai Ministries on Vimeo.


Halal is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permitted. The opposite of halal is haram, which means unlawful or prohibited. Halal and haram are universal terms that apply to all facets of life. However, we will use these terms only in relation to food products, meat products, cosmetics, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, and food contact materials.

While many things are clearly halal or haram, there are some things which are not clear. Further information is needed to categorize them as halal or haram. Such items are often referred to as mashbooh, which means doubtful or questionable.

All foods are considered halal except the following (which are haram):

  • Swine/Pork and its by-products
  • Animals improperly slaughtered or dead before slaughtering
  • Alcoholic drinks and intoxicants
  • Carnivorous animals, birds of prey and certain other animals
  • Foods contaminated with any of the above products

Foods containing ingredients such as gelatin, enzymes, emulsifiers, and flavors are questionable (mashbooh), because the origin of these ingredients is not known.

Rent Prophecy Sign: Not only is America on the road to fulfilling Revelation 6:6 but her fall from power will speed up the process of reaching this prophecy.  “Around 10 million American households — or one in every four families that rent their homes — could have to choose between paying rent, buying groceries or keeping current with bills, according to a report released Tuesday.

The number of households spending more than 50 percent of their income on rent and bills jumped by 2.6 million over the last decade, according to a Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies report. Economists generally consider "affordable" rent to cost about 30 percent of a tenant's income.

When housing costs hit certain levels, many Americans are forced to choose between rent and food. "In real terms, it means more people have less money to spend on household necessities such as food, health care, or savings," Eric Belsky, director of the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, said in the report. Households which spend 50 percent or more of their income on rent also spend almost 40 percent less on food and over 50 percent less on health care than households with more affordable rent.”  

If you are new to prophecy and don’t make the connection between this news and Revelation 6:6, you need to understand that Jesus showed us people who live during the tribulation period will be working all day for one small meal.  Do you think the cost of living is bad now?  If you do I promise you this, you are not going to like what you see in the tribulation!  Things are going to get so bad, crime over food will shoot through the roof.  Why did Jesus tell you all these things?  Do you think that He would leave you all this bad news with no hope or no escape from the coming tribulation?  Jesus’ warnings were given to us so that in believing in Him we would receive Him as our Lord and in doing so He would remove us from the time of this trouble in the same way He did in the past before He passed judgment on the unrighteous people like during Noah’s generation and with Sodom and Gomorrah. I will repeat the same message Noah preached to his generation.  Unless you repent and turn to God’s Salvation you will be left behind to pass through the tribulation.  For Noah’s generation it was the worldwide flood.  However, for this generation it will be your casting into the 7-year tribulation to face the Antichrist and the God’s wrath for rejecting His love gift, which was the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.  Jesus wants to raise you up as He did himself so that you may have eternal life.  Will you say yes to Him or reject His call to save your soul?


Prophecy Sign: When you read Psalm 83, and especially verse 4 it says “They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.” “PA Carries out Ahmadinejad’s Threat and Wipes Israel Off Map”. 

A new Palestinian Authority TV program recognizes all of the Land of Israel – from Tel Aviv to the Negev – as "Palestine," belying PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ “recognition” of Israel.

The Palestinian Authority has carried out Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s threat to “wipe Israel off the map” and literally has done so by displaying maps of “Palestine” covering all of Israel at the same time its leaders talk about “two states for two people.”  PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Fatah movement that controls the PA in Judea and Samaria, has in effect established a “one-state” solution in Fatah offices and in Palestinian Authority schools and offices.  The Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) has documented that professional unions and private PA groups display maps showing a rifle and a quill over “Palestine,” from the Lebanese border in the north to Eilat in the south and from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.”  The real intentions concerning the State of Israel can now be seen in a PLO video.  When the PLO sees the future of Israel it doesn’t even see Israel at all, instead the land of Palestine.  This has always been the goal of the PLO and now they are getting in Israel’s face showing them what they see for the future.  In my March 24, 2011 post I showed you that Egypt has wiped Israel off the map in much the same way as the PLO has just done.  The link to what Egypt has done is below.  The bottom line is this, these nations are sending a message to Israel, and that message is the same message God warns about in verse 4.  The time is coming when Egypt, the PLO, and the rest of the nations in Psalm 83 will actually try to physically wipe Israel out. If you are new to prophecy you have to understand who wins.  God shows us Israel will not be defeated when the Psalm 83 war breaks out.,7340,L-4046460,00.html


In my post yesterday April 26, 2011 I gave you news showing Turkey warned Israel not to interfere with the 15-ship aid flotilla that would be heading toward the Gaza in May.  I warned you that things could get out of hand if Israel attempts to stop the ships, and it could lead to war. It amazes me how things can change in one day. 

“Pro-Palestinian activists organizing the next Gaza flotilla said Tuesday they are having a hard time recruiting activists, vessels and crew membersApparently many fear a confrontation with the Israeli naval commandoes after eight Turks and one Turkish-American died during an IDF raid last May onboard the Mavi Marmara, according to reports making their way to the political echelon in Jerusalem.  The sea convoy was set to sail to the Gaza Strip in late May, the first anniversary of the raid, but it could be delayed, partly because it clashes with Turkish election campaigning. IHH officials, an Islamic aid group that operates the Mavi Marmara, announced they plan to postpone the flotilla until after the June 12 parliamentary elections.”  It was a smart move on the part of the Palestinian activists as they know what would happen if the mess around with the Israeli IDF!  It appears they came up with a good excuse not to challenge Israel.  This is what I believe will happen while the PLO waits for the Turkish election to finish.  The Pro-Palestinian activists will again begin to launch more rockets into Israel to keep the pressure on the stalled peace process, and to make sure the world sees Israel as an oppressor.,7340,L-4061063,00.html

Today we also read news that in May of this year there will be a march on Israel in much the same way as told place in many of the Middle East nations.  This march is suppose to bring down Israel!  Once again I must take time to warn everyone that if this does happen we may see the Psalm 83 war much faster than we think.  Here is the news.

Friday, May 13th In Egypt, the epicenter of the Arab world, the biggest Arab country and from Tahrir square at the heart of Cairo where the whole Arab spring has sprung and gained fervent momentum, this massive Arab intifada will be launched. Millions will gather once again in Tahrir square at the heart of Cairo but this time to call for all Arab-march toward Israel.

This mass protest will come two days prior to the actual march, as a clear message to Israel and the rest of the world that liberating Palestine is the core cause for every Arab in the Middle East. And that restoring Jerusalem is all Arab’s sacred mission

Sunday, May 15th
To commemorate the Palestinian exodus day 1948 ( Nakba) when well over 750000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled out of their home land by Israel, similar number of Thousands angry Arab protesters from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon along with their Palestinian brothers from Gaza and the occupied west bank will advance toward Israel in what they call, the third intifada

 In their march they will be denouncing the ongoing Zionist occupation of the Arabic land of Palestine and calling for internationally recognized independent Palestinian state over its legitimate pre-1967 borders with Eastern Jerusalem as its capital.

Those fair Palestinian demands have been begged for by all ways known to diplomacy over the last 60 years. But since diplomacy has utterly failed the Arabs of Palestine and since politicians have granted them nothing except despair and Diaspora, they thought it was time they put their life into their own hands.

And what could be more timely than this Arab spring, which a lot of Arabs could not see or rather imagine approaching its full bloom without Palestine included.

This revolutionary plan that has been publicly posted on a facebook “cause” page and given the daring title “the third Palestinian Intifada” as there has been two Palestinian Intifada- uprisings- before. The first was sparked in 1987 and the second or what is known as the Aq’sa intifada in 2000, during both uprisings, Israel had to live through years of domestic unrest and worldwide condemnation of its apartheid and oppressive policy toward the Palestinians.

But as this “cause” page managed to attract almost 300000 fans and incredibly growing number of visitors in just few days Israel grew restlessly nervous about it. And nervously restless Israel acted in response. What was worrying Tel Aviv is the fact that, so far, all Arab uprisings have been kicked off on facebook pages. So, under the boiling situation in the Arab world this facebook call couldn’t be underrated nor neglected."   This is going to be very interesting to say the least.

Alarms sent directly to cell phones Photo: Index openProphecy Sign: Jesus points out in Matthew 24:7 that there will be rumors of war.  He also warned that war will come.  One of these wars is given to us in Psalm 83.  While the PLO works on recruiting people who aren’t afraid of the IDF and will board the Gaza flotilla ships, Israel isn’t sitting by not preparing their citizens for a new war.   “Citizens of Israel will receive a text message notifying them of an alarm in their area as part of a new Home Front Command drill to take place throughout the country in a number of weeks. In honor of the annual drill, Turning Point 5, the command will try out a new technology unlike that used to send a regular SMS. In order to send the text, the system overrides cellular networks and delivers a message with a different sound. One of the drill's aims is to test the system's efficiency in addition to the regular alarms and other local emergency services. It is to be implemented within a year or two. Turning Point 5 is scheduled to take place on June 19, and will include simulations in which hundreds of rockets and missiles are fired at Israel. Ministers and authorities will participate and hold hearings on the different dilemmas that arise.”

Just in case the PLO try's to pull a fast one and try’s to make Israel think the May 15-ship aid flotilla isn’t coming the better read what Israel’s Prime Minister ordered today.,7340,L-4061220,00.html

Benjamin NetanyahuPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed his inner cabinet on Wednesday to continue diplomatic efforts to thwart an upcoming Gaza aid flotilla, a statement said on Wednesday, adding that the premier also instructed Israel's security forces to prepare for the flotilla's possible arrival. The flotilla, which was expected to set sail in May, will now probably only embark in mid-June, its organizers preferring to wait for the outcome of the election to the Turkish parliament. Following a meeting of Netanyahu's inner cabinet, or Forum of Seven, on Wednesday, a statement by the Prime Minister's Office said that the premier had "instructed the Foreign Minister to continue diplomatic efforts geared at stopping the flotilla." The statement also indicated that the Israel Defense Forces and security officials to continue the "necessary preparations to ensure the enforcement of the naval blockade on Gaza."  Let me spell it out for you since the Prime Minister can’t just come out and say this.  If the Gaza flottila comes we will stop you and use every means we have to insure no weapons makes there way to the PLO who’s aim is to wipe out Israel. This is the real reason “Apparently many fear a confrontation with the Israeli

Jesus’ words ring out loud in a report today entitled: “Summer war in the Middle East”. “Spring has come to the Middle East – not the Arab spring, unfortunately – and it is time for the annual billion-dollar question: will there be a big summer war? Indeed, it is a question worth multiple billions of dollars, as it has been codified into an elaborate ritual featuring ever-shifting alliances, "incidents", threats, ever-accelerating arms procurement, and (surprise?) large speculative bets on the financial markets. Big military campaigns in the Middle East have historically happened during or around the summer. With some exceptions, this continues to be true today, for a variation of the same historic reasons – the weather is best, meaning that air power is most efficient and ground maneuvers by large forces are easier, and the harvest has largely been collected, meaning that manpower is more readily available and war poses a lesser challenge to the national economies.”

“The stakes are high, too: the metaphoric gunpowder keg is stacked full. Having in mind the massive arms buildup in the region during the past few years, we can expect any large conflict to be unusually brutal. Israeli military planners have predicted that hundreds of missiles will rain on Tel Aviv (mostly from Syria and Lebanon), and have issued grim warnings that they will do whatever it takes to curtail the fire. The Israeli home front – indeed, every home front in the region – will likely be hit particularly severely.”

The videos below are very good in giving you information on the rumors of war.  You will learn why Iran’s leaders is pressing to bring on the Islamic savior who according to the Bible describes him as the Antichrist .  Pay close attention to what is said about Iran’s President at the 14:50 mark in the first video!  Jesus warned about the false prophet that would come and lead the way for the Antichrist. 

 More Tornadoes Blow Through North TexasProphecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 you see the sign of famine and pestilence, and Luke 21:25 address the storms as we see the roaring of the seas and waves.  There are many things that bring on famines.  One of the things is when crops get wiped out, and there are many factors that can lead to crop destruction.  One of the many things that cause this destruction is weather conditions that bring on severe storms that bring on massive flooding which in turn wipes out crops.  We are witnessing these factors right now in the United States.  I will address the storms and flooding later, but first let me show you a form of pestilence that could wipe out crops in the billions. 

“A deadly disease to bats could become a major financial headache for agriculture, costing Ohio farmers as much as $1.7 billion a year. A new study is the first to tie a dollar value to the millions of crop-damaging insects that bats routinely devour each year. Now, the night-flying hunters face the threat of a fungal disease that kills most of the bats it infects.  White-nose syndrome, named for the fungus that spreads over bats while they hibernate, has killed at least 1 million bats in 15 states and Canada since it was discovered in New York in 2006. On March 30, Ohio officials announced that they found the disease among bats hibernating in an abandoned limestone mine in the Wayne National Forest. They fear it will march through Ohio as it has nearly everywhere else. "It's serious," said Katrina Schultes, a Wayne National Forest wildlife biologist. "There is anywhere from 80 percent up to 99percent mortality, and, at this point, there is no cure."  In the April edition of the journal Science, researchers estimate that U.S farmers would see annual economic losses of $3.7 billion to $53 billion if the nation's bat population were wiped out.”


This image, courtesy of the National Weather Service Forecast Office in San Diego, Calif., shows tornado reports April 1-24, 2011 in the central and eastern part of the U.S.

April 2011 has been a horrific month for severe weather so far with more than 600 reports of tornadoes, more than 40 tornado-related deaths and unthinkable destruction.

As the wild weather pattern continues this week, the month's total number of tornadoes continues to rise. There is a good chance that April 2011 will end up being the most active April on record for tornadoes.

With May and June typically being the most active months of the year for severe weather, people are wondering if the trend will continue and make 2011 a record-setting year.

Stats for April

The total number of tornado reports this month (through Friday) was up to 559, according to the Storm Prediction Center (SPC). At least 55 more reports of twisters have been submitted since then with 17 over the weekend and 38 Monday into Monday night.

“If all of the tornado reports so far this month were confirmed, April 2011 would by far be the most active April for tornadoes. Even though the number of confirmed tornadoes will probably end up being quite a bit smaller, this month is still likely to beat the record.”

Stats for 2011

The preliminary estimate for number of tornadoes so far in 2011 was 766, as of Sunday, with about two dozen states affected. More than 100 tornadoes have been reported in both Alabama and North Carolina.

The year that holds the record for the highest number of tornadoes is 2004 with a whopping 1,817 twisters. For people wondering if 2011 could set a new record, this year has a long way to go.

PHOTO: Jimmy Talley looks over the destroyed property of his brother, David, and sister-in-law, Katherine, on Tuesday, April 26, 2011, in Vilonia, Ark

“The latest storm pattern has brought in about 40 reports of tornadoes in five states: Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri and Kentucky. Some areas in Texas were in the path of a tornado for the second day in the row. Golf-sized hail hit cars along Interstate 45 and damaged homes. Forecasters predict more flooding for today with 3 to 7 inches of rain expected from Arkansas to Ohio, while areas such as Memphis, Tenn., and Louisville, Ky., could see heavy rain at times.” “The Mississippi, Ohio and Black rivers are overflowing this morning after a deluge of as much as 15 inches of rain in five days.” The rains have not only covered up the streets, and homes but have washed out the crops as well. The amount of crop damage isn’t know yet but it will be  huge, and the storm season is just now getting under way.  At a time when America is trying to rebound from massive debt these storms have caused massive problems, and the loss of property and insurance costs will be in the hundreds of millions.

Today’s news warns of more of the same. “The Tennessee Valley will bear the brunt of an onslaught of tornadoes today into tonight. With strong and long-tracking tornadoes expected, there is serious concern for loss of life and property.”


Prophecy Sign: In Mark 13:8 Jesus warned us about the birth pains. I think the chart will speak for itself.

“KANSAS CITY, Mo. — All the warning sirens echoing across the Great Plains, Midwest and Southeast this month leave little doubt that the tornado season — which has plowed a trail of destruction through communities from Oklahoma to Wisconsin to Georgia — is off to an unusually busy start. So far this year, tornadoes have killed 41 people and torn apart countless neighborhoods and, this weekend, one major airport.  Now, as the country braces for several more days of potentially violent weather, meteorologists say the number of April tornadoes is on track to top the current record. There have been, according to preliminary estimates, about 250 tornadoes so far this month and, in all likelihood, more are still to come, said Greg Carbin, the warning coordination meteorologist for the National Weather Service. “It’s unusual but it does happen,” said Howard Bluestein, a meteorology professor at the University of Oklahoma who specializes in tornado research.


Prophecy Sign: Once again we witness the traits of the people living in the end times. When you read this headline, “Brutal Attack On Food Deliveryman Caught On Tape In Morningside Heights” remember what Timothy warned us in 2 Timothy 3:1-5  “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.” 

When you read the news below and watch the video you will see Timothy’s warning come to life. 

Surveillance footage of deliveryman attack (credit: CBS 2)ambushsuspects Brutal Attack On Food Deliveryman Caught On Tape In Morningside Heights

“A shocking, ambush-style attack on a food deliveryman was caught on tape in Morningside Heights. Police are hunting for the teen suspects, Jay Dow reports. The set-up was simple: police say three teenage boys phoned in a Chinese food order Friday afternoon. They went up to the sixth floor of the building at 40 Morningside Avenue, hid in a stairwell next to the elevator, and waited for the deliveryman. As soon as the deliveryman came out of the elevator, the lurking teens attacked. The deliveryman was knocked to the ground as the kids punched and kicked him repeatedly. The boys tried,  but failed, to steal cash from his pocket. As the teens fled, one picked up the food and threw it at the victim.”  You are getting a glimpse of a world void of Jesus Christ!

Prophecy Sign: Did you ever read where Jesus warned us that in the last days Christians would face Persecution for His names sake?  This warning in found in Matthew 24:9.  At a time when the world needs more of Christ and His teachings, those who preach Christ are being taken away.  America is fast becoming a Godless nation. The video below is just one example of what I am addressing.

Tennessee Sen. Stacey Campfield has introduced a bill that would prohibit public school teachers from discussing homosexuality with K-8 students. (Tennessee Senate) Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:12 Jesus warns us to look for the sign of Christian persecution in the last days.”12But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake”.  Combine what Jesus warned in verse 12 with His warning found in Matthew 24: 37-39 concerning what the last generation would be like just prior to His second coming.  In verses 37-39 Jesus shows us our generation would be just like that of Noah’s. This generation turned from God and followed their own lusts and became evil people.  We know part of Noah’s generation troubles came on them when they turned to homosexuality. How do we know this? Notice that Jesus compared Noah’s day to Sodom and Gomorrah and then linked it to the time of his return. I quote our Lord. Luke 17: 25-30. “But first must He [Christ] suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.  26And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man:      27They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.  28“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built;  29but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.  30“Even thus shall it be in the Day when the Son of Man is revealed.” 

Every day the spiritual war rages on.  Preachers are taken off the streets for just reading the Word of God and laws that govern what you can and can not say concerning teachings found in the Bible are being challenged in the courts.  Here is a bid of good news for those who want to follow what Christ teaches.

“Public school teachers in Tennessee could lose their tenure or their jobs for discussing homosexuality with their students under a new bill. The state Senate will soon vote on a bill, known as "Don’t Say Gay," that would prohibit educators from "the teaching or furnishing of materials on human sexuality other than heterosexuality in public school grades K-8."  The Senate Education Committee passed the bill last week, 6-3.  The author of the bill, state Sen. Stacey Campfield, has been trying to advance the bill for several years as member of the House. But he only got momentum when Republicans won control of the governor's mansion, House and Senate in November for the first time since the Civil War-era.”

Why in the world does a teacher have to teach on homosexuality in the first place?  Since when did this subject become part of the schools curriculum?  The US schools are falling behind the rest of the world in Science, and Math and they have to be teach something that should be address outside school?  All this does is show us how close we are to Noah’s generation and the people who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah.

 stop_killing_christians_bigHere is more news showing you Jesus warning about Christians under fire is coming to pass. “Washington — International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on April 21 four Muslims beat an evangelist to death and assaulted his pregnant wife in Worabe, Ethiopia, an area that is 97% Muslim.

The Muslims lured Evangelist Abraham Abera from Kale Hiwot Church, his home and place of ministry, at 9:30 p.m. They told him that his friend was sick and needed his immediate attention. Abraham left with the men; they turned on him and began to beat him with rods. The minister's wife, Birtukan, saw the men attack her husband and ran to intervene, but the Muslims beat her as well.

Abraham died on the spot and his wife, who sustained a severe head injury, was left unconscious in the street. She was found and taken to a hospital in Butajira, where she regained consciousness on April 22nd and was able to recount the details of the attack. Birtukan spoke with an ICC source and said that she knew two of the attackers. She said that as the Muslims were beating her and her husband, they told them, "You (Christians) are growing in number in our area. You are spreading your message (the gospel). We will destroy you."  Muslims belong to a religion but they do not serve the same God as the One Jesus Christ points to. Muslims point out that they believe Jesus is a true prophet.  Notice that they do not honor Christ with their hearts but only with their lips.  If they truly believed Christ as they say, then instead of killing Christians they would treat them as Brothers.  The God they serve is one who destroys, this is the true Lord’s enemy.

What I say to these men who killed this Pastor is the same thing one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel who warned to watch out what you do to these men.  “Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.   But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God” (Acts 5:38-39). 

If you truly believe Allah is God then why are you fearing these small bands of men who teach Christ?  Is it because you believe them and your are angry, or has Satan filled your hearts with so much haltered that you are blinded by the truth?































































    • Mark Miller on April 27, 2011 at 1:24 pm
    • Reply

    Is the Rapture supposed to occur BEFORE the Psalm 83 war kicks off, or do we have to wait until some leader of the European Union has a chance to sign the 7-year contract with people and then become the Antichrist?

  1. The rapture question can only be answered by Jesus. We need to be ready
    at all times.

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