Prayer Requests/Prophecy News for Monday September 23, 2013









✟URGENT Prayer Requests

As many of you may have heard, there were two situations that occurred over the weekend that have directly affected Pastor Fiaz in Pakistan and Pastor Joshua in Kenya.  I am putting their requests up and ask that you join with me in prayer for our brothers and sisters.  You will see the news stories related to the incidents in the Prophecy News below.

✟  Pastor Fiaz Anwar in Pakistan

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
please pray for Pakistan. Two suiside bombar blast himself in St.John church in peshawar. 78 peoples have died and 160 people are badly injuried. Death can increase. All Pakistani Christian are in great pain. Many families are totally members have died. We need your prayers. May God give His peace and comfort to that families who have lost their lover.
Please join us.











✟  Pastor Joshua Wekesa in Nairobi Kenya

I’m Ok, for now i am in Nairobi visiting my Church Members in Nairobi Hospital, I have lost 6 and 12 are in Hospital, all of them are my Church Members in Nairobi Church, remember it is my new Church which i started this year. Also they have left 10 Orphans in Nairobi Church, here it is many many tears it is ony God who can help us. Pray for us. God bless you.











 The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 21, 2013 Edition written by Frank DiMora

Prophecy News from End Times Research Ministry 9-23-13

Kenya Francis 9-23-13 Mission Update

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