The real reason why they are on the aid ships/June 26, 2010


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Prophecy Sign: The Psalm 83 war.

After watching the video and reading the names of the nations and people who are going to attack Israel in the Psalm 83 war let me connect the dots between Bible prophecy and what is happening with these ships sailing from Lebanon to the Gaza where the Palestinians are living.  Why would Iranian lawmakers board a ship bound to confront Israel with the Lebanese?  For that matter why would the Lebanese board a ship to confront Israel on the open sea when they can transport aid by land.  Israel is allowing aid to pass into the Gaza, but weapons are a different matter.  Can you accept the truth?  If you noticed in the news last week, when Israel stopped the Turkish ship from making their way to the Gaza, Israel did in fact allow the “aid” to make its way to the Palestinians.  Why wasn’t this news reported as much as the pictures of Israel boarding the ship? 

This morning before writing this post I asked the Lord to reveal the plans behind the ships taking this aid to the Gaza?  After praying I believed the Holy Spirit laid it out for me.  Any real aid going into the Gaza is not being stopped from getting to the people who need it.  Israel is stopping and searching for arms, missiles, and rockets but the food and aid is making its way into the Gaza.   The reason why they chose the open sea to transport the aid was to make sure that the entire world saw Israel as an aggressor and a repressor.  Iran, Turkey, the Hezbollah, and Hamas have one goal in mind.  They want everyone to turn on Israel.  Their agenda has been and will always be to recapture the Holy City of Jerusalem, and they will use any tactic in their bag of tricks to reach their goal, even if it means using their own woman as fronts.  Do you think they really care about getting aid to the people?  If this was the case why not load up a 100 trucks with aid, drive the aid to the Gaza, just have Israel make sure your aid is of peaceful means, (no weapons), and give the Palestinians the aid?   This method of getting aid to the people does not fix in to their plans. 

The leaders behind the aid ships want Israel to confront them.  They know that Israel will overtake them, and that is exactly what they want the world and their Arabs Brothers to see.  They want their Arab Brothers to get enraged, they want the world to think Israel is not looking for a peace solution, and they want the world to think that Israel is picking on the weak people such as the woman on board these ships.  The leaders know that if they can enrage the people enough they will at some point all unite against Israel and attack her.  The goal isn’t food and aid the goal is war, war,war,war,war,war,war. 

I have noticed in my life that you have to watch out for what you pray for.  In this case, Israel’s enemies are going to get exactly what they want.  They want a new war with Israel to wipe them off the map.  The Lord is going to give them what they want and this war is going to fulfill the Psalm 83 war.  That Psalm tells us these same people listed in the Psalm will come together to make a plan, this plan will be a way to wipe Israel out once and for all.  Anyone who is even considering coming against Israel had better read the entire Psalm.  God’s Word shows us that Israel will not be wiped out as their enemies had planned.  Fact is, because of this war Israel will become even stronger and take more land away from the nations who attack them.  This war will do to things.  One, it is going to enrage Israel’s Islamic enemies who are all listed in the Ezekiel 38 war.  After the Psalm war is over Israel will live in what they think is a time peace and security.  This is where the second result of Israel winning the Psalm war will come in.  Russia and her Islamic enemies will not forget what Israel did to the nations who attack her.  Iran will ask Russia to help them wipe out Israel for destroying Syria and defeating the nations who attack Israel.  Russia will take the bait and put themselves in the position to lead the next invasion against Israel.  Iran will be right at their side as well as all the rest of the nations listed in the Ezekiel 38 war. 

As I said, this morning I asked the Lord for wisdom as to the matter of these ships heading toward the Gaza.  After praying I do what I normally do.  I check the news.  The first report I clicked to read guess what came up?  You are about to read it, and it was exatly what the Holy Spirit had just revealed to me.

i quote, “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Iranian and Lebanese organizers planning to send aid ships to Gaza no longer had "any justification" to attempt to break the Israeli blockade. He said both Iran and Hizbullah were planning to send missiles and weapons to Gaza. "I call on all the human rights and peace activists in the enlightened world – go to the places where they oppress women, go to the places where they hang homosexuals and deny rights to minorities, go to places where there is no freedom of speech, no press freedom, no independent courts of law, no human rights organizations. Go to Tehran," Netanyahu told an evening press conference in Jerusalem. "I heard about plans by Iran and Hizbullah to send additional flotillas to Gaza. If anyone had any doubt, today there is no longer any reason or justification to organize those flotillas," he said. Iran's Red Crescent said two shipments of relief aid were due to set sail for a 14-day journey to Gaza by week's end. The Iranian vessels are expected to follow a Lebanese assistance ship due to set sail for Gaza via Cyprus or Turkey. "These flotillas are not organized by peace supporters, but by peace opponents, Iran and Hizbullah," Netanyahu claimed. He charged that the activists' "true intention was to provoke Israel and breach — not its civilian, but its security blockade of Gaza," accusing organizers of the Lebanese ship of making an "absurd" and "cynical use" of women to cover those true intentions. "The world's darkest forces – Iran, Hizbullah — which want to take the world back to the days of the Middle Ages, which do not enable women to dress, work and express themselves freely — of all are organizing a ship of women as a propaganda tool against Israel," Netanyahu added.”

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Palestinian sympathisers in Paris

  • Pro-Palestinian activists have launched several attempts at distributing humanitarian aid in Gaza.
  • Image Credit: AFP

Reuters: Iranian lawmakers protesting at Israel's blockade of Gaza plan to travel on an aid ship that plans to leave from Lebanon, an official said on Saturday.Lebanon said last week it would allow a Gaza-bound ship called the Julia to sail, via Cyprus, despite warnings from Israel that it reserved the right to use all necessary means to stop ships that tried to sail from Lebanon to Gaza. Mahmoud Ahmadi Beighash, a member of the Iranian parliament's national security and foreign policy committee, said Iranian parliament delegates could sail on the ship rather than attempt to enter Gaza via Egypt. "A ship is going from Lebanon to Gaza in the course of the current week and the lawmakers are following up to go to Gaza via this ship," he said in comments carried by semi-official news agency Isna.

So what is the conclusion to all this?  God is going to have His Words fulfilled very soon concerning both the Psalm and Ezekiel wars.  People who at this point do not believe in what the Lord has stated for the near future are about to eye witness the hand of the Lord.  I know Lord loves the Islamic people and He desires for them to believe what He has written concerning these future events. Those who will believe in what was written, and come to the Lord for salvation will heed what He has warned. These people will refuse to go down against the Jewish nation.  Those to stand fast will witness a repeat of what happen to Pharaoh’s army when He went after the Jews fleeing Egypt under God’s protection.  I beg you to listen to this warning.  The Jews, nor the Christians are not your enemies, Satan is, and He trying to wipe out everyone.  He doesn’t care if you are a Jew, a Christian, or a Muslim. 

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It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. You can not receive eternal life unless you start somewhere and Christ shows us we must ask Him to forgive us. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

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