Prophecy Signs for July 2, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

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Note: At the 4:50 mark in the video I give you scripture from Rev. 20:4. In the video it sounds
like I say Revelation 24 but it should be Revelation 20:4. I just wanted to make that clear.  Rev. 20:4 is where Jesus tells us those who refuse the mark of the beast will lose their heads.

Demonstrators in Zurich protesting against Israel  Prophecy Sign: In Ezekiel 38: 6 we see Gomer listed as one of the nations that will try t invade Israel with Russia in the last days. Who is Gomer and why would they attack Israel? In the Old Testament we see that Gomer was the oldest son of Japheth.  We know Gomer’s descendants migrated into what is today Eastern Germany.  You will see from the section below that Gomer with is modern day Germany has a large population of Muslims.

Germany: “Owing to work migration of the 1960s and several waves of political refugees since the 1970s, Islam became a visible religion in GermanyAs of 2004, there are 2.6 million Muslims (3.2% of the population). After the Protestant and Roman Catholic confessions, Muslims are now the third largest religious group in the country. The large majority of Muslims in Germany is of Turkish origin (over 90%), followed by smaller groups the former Yugoslavia, Albania, Arab countries, Iran and Afghanistan. Most Muslims live in Berlin and the big cities of former West Germany” (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2006). Over the past few years, Germany has had its share of trouble with the Muslim population. One such report comes from ABC News.  “Three weeks ago, the government staged the first ‘Islam conference’ bringing together Muslim organizations and individuals with state and federal officials in an attempt to build bridges with Germany's 3.2 million Muslims.  Now, he says, Germany is realizing that migrants are here to stay – and that it will have to address inconsistencies that, for example, do not allow Muslims the same rights as Christians when it comes to religious education in schools. The conference is cause for hope, he says. ‘Ultimately, we hope that Muslims in Germany will be given the same status as other religious groups in Germany.’ In Germany, says Mounir Azzaoui, suspicion generated by 9/11 has made matters worse. ‘Many Muslims do have problems finding work or a place to live,’ he says. ‘They do not feel like equal citizens any more and as a result find it difficult to identify with Germany’” (ABC News Oct. 31, 2006).  These Turkish Muslims in Germany are among the poorest people in Germany.  Hitler rose to power promising the poor a better life, and look what happened as a result: World War II broke out.  Now Osama Bin Laden is promising Muslims the same thing; only he is advocating the destruction of Israel.

Another reason why Germany may be forced to attack Israel is the oil pact Germany and Russia signed in 2005. The India Daily provides us with interesting details. “In the mean time, Russia and Germany are moving forward in cooperation. Germany needs Russian Oil and Gas. Neither NATO nor EU can provide the energy needs of Germany. Siemens AG, a German diversified industry giant, and Russian gas giant Gazprom signed an agreement March 16 on strategic partnership. The document details joint development of several projects, such as construction of a North European gas pipeline to link Russia and Germany through the seabed of the Baltic Sea, exploration and exploitation of the South Russian gas field, development of gas transportation systems in Europe and projects in the electric energy field” (March 17, 2005).  By now it should be pretty clear to you how everyone of these nations listed to attack Israel is being forged together.

It should come as no surprise that Germany has now taken sides with the PLO. I quote, “Germany's government called Friday for an immediate end to the blockade of the Gaza Strip after an unusual unanimous vote criticizing Israeli policy in Germany's Bundestag parliament. "We have repeatedly made it clear that Israel has to enable access to the Gaza Strip on humanitarian grounds and for the sake of reconstruction," said Ulrich Wilhelm, the German government's spokesman. He said the vote on Thursday evening reaffirmed the policies of Chancellor Angela Merkel's government.


Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names. The map shows nations attacking Israel.

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia.

You can see from the list above East Germany is in reference to Gomer but also Turkey is mentioned in the attack against Israel as well. Not only is Turkey predominantly Muslim, when Israel invaded the Gaza Strip at the end of 2009 Turkey turned their back on Israel and is no longer an ally with Israel.   Since the end of 2009 tensions have been building up between Israel and Turkey .  The reason why Turkey is now  an enemy of Israel is because the Ezekiel war found in  chapter 38 is taking shape. The nations who will be involved in this war are lining up exactly as it was prophesied. Today's news stated, “Israel won't apologize to Turkey over the Gaza aid flotilla clashes and the possibility of giving compensation to those injured in the incident is not up for discussion, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday. "Israel cannot apologize for our soldiers being forced to defend themselves against the mob that almost slaughtered them," Netanyahu said during an interview with Israel's Channel 1.”

See full size image Prophecy Sign: (Signs of Spiritual warfare). There are hundreds of battles going on in America where we can see what Paul warned us about.  Paul told us we would be engaged in spiritual warfare.  The closer we get to the return of Christ the worse these battles are becoming.    Here is  another example of these battles, but first read  Eph 6:12 , “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  The headline to this next report is entitled, Florida school district bans Bibles on Religious Freedom DayUncategorized  and I quote, “Maitland-based Liberty Counsel filed a lawsuit Thursday to overturn a ban on Bible distribution on public school campuses in Collier County. According to the Liberty Counsel, the Collier County School Board allowed World Changers to distribute free Bibles to students during off-school hours on Religious Freedom Day, but now the school officials claim that Bibles do not provide any educational benefit to the students and the distribution should stop. The Collier County School District policy specifically allows the distribution of literature by nonprofit organizations, but only with the approval of the superintendent and the Community Request Committee, whose members are appointed by the superintendent. Approval was denied to World Changers, despite the fact that its distribution included a disclaimer of any school endorsement or sponsorship and that receiving a Bible was purely voluntary. “  As this generation moves towards the seven-year tribulation the   spiritual warfare is getting more intense, and by the time the door to the tribulation has opened Christianity will be severely under attack and it's going to get worse once they cross the threshold to the tribulation.

Prophecy sign: Once again very briefly, Daniel the prophet never said anything about the United States at all as being a superpower in the last days or even a world Empire of the last days. Many people are claiming that the  United States is the modern day Roman Empire.   This view is not valid since Scriptures do not validate this.  You cannot find the United States mentioned in Daniels  book at all. In many of my previous posts I give you reasons why the United States does not appear in Daniels book . It is obvious to us that something has to happen to the great superpower of the last days in order to give rise to the real revived Roman Empire on the last days.  One of the major reasons why the United States is collapsing as because of its failing economy . I have tried my best to warn you that the economy was in a continue to get worse . Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 seven that there would be civil unrest . As the global economy begins to break down we have already witnessed many of these riots and civil unrest taking place in Europe and it's about to take place in the United States . In many of my previous posts I ask you to watch what the governments would begin to do to/their budget deficits . Can you imagine what's going to happen when the Governor of California tells its employees you are going to have to work for minimum wage ?  Do you think I'm kidding? According to the news today that's exactly what the governor of California is going to ask for .

  I quote, “California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has ordered some 200,000 state workers to be paid the minimum wage because no budget has been passed. The order means most state employees will receive the federal minimum wage of $7.25 (£4.82) per hour as of 1 July. California faces a $19bn deficit as the new fiscal year begins and the state legislature has yet to agree a budget.”

Californians are living in one of the most expensive states in the union , I would have to say the majority of people living in California are just making ends meet . Thousands of jobs are being lost in California each month, California's tax base is shrinking , hardly anyone is hiring in California , and people are getting scared . You put the combination together with people being scared getting laid off not having enough money to feed their family being forced to leave their homes because they cannot make their payments, then you ask him to go on minimum wage, in this is a recipe for disaster.  What is happening in California is happening in many the other states as well.  If you know what Jesus Christ warned and you take a close look at the current eventsyou see the handwriting on the wall.

Just the other night when  President Obama addressed the G20 he more or less pleaded with Americans to start spending their money, because his stimulus package isn't working.   I’s like to quote one more short section from the report . “More than 30,000 state workers whose unions have recently agreed new pay and pensions deals with the state administration have been exempted from the wage cut. They include California Highway Patrol officers.”

I can tell the governor of California right now you need all the policemen that you can get once the economy crashes and the civil  unrest that Jesus warned about begins in the United States . At one time America was blessed because they were supporting Israel,  but now she is cursed because she's trying to divide the land of Israel into two parts .   We all need to get on our knees and seek God and ask him to continue to bless this country . We need to pray for the President of the United States and asked the Lord to reveal to him that he needs to follow the word of the Lord and to support Israel. This is the only way the curse will be removed from the United States .  Many people tell me why bother praying Obama will never change his position , one thing I know for sure nothing is impossible with God .

Prophecy Sign: (The Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 war signs. ) Iran has moved radar to Syria that could provide early-warning against a possible surprise Israeli air attack against Tehran's nuclear sites, a US defense official said on Friday. The radar transfer was first reported in the Wall Street Journal on Thursday and prompted the State Department to voice concerns about cooperation between Syria and Iran. The sophisticated radar were deployed in Syria last year, the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AFP. The move could bolster Iran's position amid long-running speculation that Israel might stage a bombing raid against Tehran's nuclear enrichment facilities.


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    • art williams on July 3, 2010 at 5:39 am
    • Reply

    At 4:50 in your first video you mention Revelation 24. There’s no such thing. Thought you might like to know. I’m sure you meant another number.

  1. I said 20:4 but in the video it appears as I said it as 24.  I will post a correct in case people took it as you did. Thanks for pointing it out to me.  Rev. 20:4 is where Jesus shows us the people who refuse to take the mark of the beast will be beheaded.
    Frank DiMora

  2. I put a note under that video explaining the mix up on Rev. 20:4.

  3. I saw one video on other site that the beast is the Pope.

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