Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora September 17, 2015

Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436
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indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 9, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Frank DiMora reports on the news which is pointing to Bible prophecy news and, provides commentary of said news.

 Note from Frank I am blessed that this past week people have written me and let me know that they have just found my prophecy site.  I was told by these people they really liked my site as it was loaded with information.  Since Jesus called me to this ministry in 1977 I have done my best to get the Lord’s message out to as many people as I can.  At no time have I ever charged anyone for anything in this ministry and, as I have followed the Lord’s instructions concerning this ministry He has continued to bless me by adding people to this to site. However, even more important than that he is changing the hearts and minds of many people as a result of what they have been reading at my site.  I am a blessed man to have been chosen to lead many people to Jesus over these many years and, I was blessed beyond measure when the Lord lead Amy Nehme to assist me in my work.  She has been my right arm in the ministry and a strong pillar for Jesus Christ.   Part of my ministry deals with my warnings of what to watch for based on my knowledge of the word of God. I was instructed by our Lord not to water down the message I was given to give you. Since I never charge anyone for any thing, I have never been in the position of pressure from anyone to say things which may run counter with God’s teaching. 

For years I have been warning you that you are going to see the sea life die off as we are in the birth pains Jesus warned us about in Mark 13:8.   I have given you the prophecy concerning the fish, birds, and animals dying off in mass numbers and if you have been coming to my site you have witnessed how the Lord’s words are coming to pass!  Almost every day now I post all the reports concerning the birds, fish, or animals dying off in mass numbers. I usually will make a video on these reports but as I am on a special project right now I haven’t been able to make the videos

Today I read a report that should open everyone’s eyes to the warning God gave us concerning our seas.  Here is the headline I want you to see. “Marine population halved since 1970 – report“.  Headline: I quote,  “Populations of marine mammals, birds, fish and reptiles have declined by 49% since 1970, a report says. The study says some species people rely on for food are faring even worse, noting a 74% drop in the populations of tuna and mackerel. In addition to human activity such as overfishing, the report also says climate change is having an impact. The document was prepared by the World Wildlife Fund and the Zoological Society of London.


For those of you who have been coming to my site you should recall I have warned you that you would see some “great earthquakes” bigger than the ones we have seen.  I warned you about this because Jesus laid it on my heart that many do know believe in His words but, when they begin to see all these things many would begin searching and Jesus would be there to receive them.  This morning the news about a 8.3 quake has been reported and I can assure you more of these huge quakes are on the way. When they hit all I can say is turn to Jesus and give Him praise for the warnings He has given us in His word concerning these end time signs. For those who may have missed this last night on my Facebook or Twitter sites, I am repeating the reports here:

11836827_877435865659618_7342214673079330068_n 12036974_877522235650981_5982871072132067050_n
(the 2nd photo are just some of the after-shocks)

Headline: Chile earthquake: 10 people killed and a million evacuated

Headline: Small Tsunami Waves Reach California, Hawaii After Deadly Magnitude-8.3 Earthquake Rocks Chile


Headline: Israel deploys Iron Dome in South in run-up to Palestinian ‘day of rage’

Headline:Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, has declared Friday “a day of rage” in response to recent developments on Temple Mount.

Headline: A-G Approves Use of Snipers Against Jerusalem Rock-Throwers

Headline: Saudi King Appeals for ‘Urgent UN Measures’ over Temple Mount

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