Prophecy up-date for Feb. 14, 2013

Before you read this first report which you see the headline in green I want you all to know I have someone who is in the Gaza right now. This is what he wrote me today and I wanted to pass this on to you.
Hi Frank, I am sitting in Israel and near Gaza and this report by the Iranians is not true.

Headline: Israeli tanks enter northern Gaza, open fire near farmers



For today's prophecy up-date please go to my new site:

Because I am still in the jungle in Costa Rica I am unable to give you a commentary on each news report.  For those of you who live in the Atlanta Ga. area I will be speaking there April 20, 2013. I will provide all the details when I get back to America.  Please pray for me as I continue to see doors open to preach Jesus here in Costa Rica.  I also need prayer as my book has taken off in Africa again and many desire to get a copy so I will need our Lord to provide as I never charge anyone to get my book or the Bibles I send.


If I can't post here at my site please check my Facebook page for the latest news:



  1. Nothing new to report. The Iraqi Dinar is as far from an upwards re-valuation as ever — you might as well wish for Jack’s Magic Beanstock to take the Dinar upwards. But, lots of seriously deluded folks still continue to believe they are going to get enormously rich off the bales of Dinar’s socked away in their attics and garages through America. My guess is that pretty quick you’ll be able to buy as many Dinars as you want at garage sales.

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