Steps leading to the mark of the beast: Prophecy update for March 26, 2010-







I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.  I know I have people waiting for a printed copy.  I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

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I am giving you news that is connected to last day’s prophecy. Sorry I cannot give a detailed explanation but I am resting my wrists. 

Prophecy Sign: Jesus in Revelation 13:16-17 warns us of the mark of the beast. At the present time we are witnessing steps taking us to this mark. If you go read the information listed on the site below you will see one of these steps.


Required RFID implanted chip
Sec. 2521, Pg. 1000 – The government will establish a National Medical Device Registry. What does a National Medical Device Registry mean?

Prophecy Sign: Jesus told us to look for the many earthquakes in Matthew 24:7. This weeks quakes.

MAP  5.7   2010/03/26 10:39:03    -6.279    130.275  124.1   BANDA SEA
MAP  5.1   2010/03/26 09:36:57    -1.331    -15.853  10.0   NORTH OF ASCENSION ISLAND
MAP  5.2   2010/03/26 05:33:12   -18.382   -173.234  34.0   TONGA

MAP  5.0   2010/03/25 17:53:48    0.559    126.988  39.1   MOLUCCA SEA
MAP  5.6   2010/03/25 15:13:21    -7.287    128.495  175.3   KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2010/03/25 13:57:54   -35.891    -72.691  35.0   OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE
MAP  5.2   2010/03/25 11:10:39   -35.869    -72.935  10.0   OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE
MAP  6.0   2010/03/25 05:29:25    13.825    120.072  16.0   MINDORO, PHILIPPINES

MAP  5.1   2010/03/24 19:50:16   -17.510   -171.923  35.0   TONGA REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/03/24 11:30:13   -36.522    -73.504  35.0   OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.1   2010/03/24 09:11:50   -15.035   -174.190  8.8   TONGA
MAP  5.6   2010/03/24 02:44:51    32.509    92.830  10.0   XIZANG-QINGHAI BORDER REGION
MAP  5.5   2010/03/24 02:06:12    32.503    92.703  10.0   XIZANG-QINGHAI BORDER REGION

MAP  5.2   2010/03/23 20:19:24   -15.317    -74.559  41.4   NEAR THE COAST OF SOUTHERN PERU
MAP  5.3   2010/03/23 15:23:39    52.874    171.986  23.9   NEAR ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP  5.4   2010/03/23 06:33:27   -33.904   -178.646  10.0   SOUTH OF THE KERMADEC ISLANDS
MAP  5.1   2010/03/23 03:44:59   -34.755    -73.801  35.0   OFF COAST OF LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE

MAP  5.1   2010/03/22 21:45:26   -12.024    165.834  35.0   SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP  5.9   2010/03/22 19:58:15    18.454    120.856  42.6   LUZON, PHILIPPINES
MAP  5.3   2010/03/22 08:52:21   -41.165    -89.081  10.0   SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND
MAP  5.1   2010/03/22 04:36:09   -17.577    -12.951  10.0   SOUTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP  5.0   2010/03/22 01:00:40   -16.217    -69.525  169.8   SOUTHERN PERU

MAP  5.2   2010/03/21 23:41:30   -14.744    167.134  86.8   VANUATU
MAP  5.2   2010/03/21 21:00:02   -22.858   -175.460  76.9   TONGA REGION
MAP  5.5   2010/03/21 18:31:05   -36.334    -72.975  35.0   OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.0   2010/03/21 06:55:37   -29.487    60.904  10.0   SOUTHWEST INDIAN RIDGE

MAP  5.3   2010/03/20 21:55:49    16.047    -91.236  82.4   GUATEMALA
MAP  5.1   2010/03/20 21:21:16   -34.440    -71.698  37.0   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  5.6   2010/03/20 18:08:09    19.704    -75.302  16.7   CUBA REGION
MAP  5.1   2010/03/20 17:21:25    51.727   -166.440  29.0   SOUTH OF THE ALEUTIAN ISLANDS
MAP  6.6   2010/03/20 14:00:50    -3.380    152.221  415.8   NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.0   2010/03/20 10:04:37   -34.426    -71.772  35.0   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE

MAP  5.2   2010/03/19 17:10:49   -34.395    -71.733  46.2   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  5.0   2010/03/19 14:20:48   -33.148    -72.003  35.0   OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE

Prophecy Sign: In Ezekiel chapter 38 we see Russia leading an attack against Israel.  One thing is very clear in that chapter and that is Israel is left alone to fight against the massive assault. For the past few days I have shown you how Zechariah 12:3 is beginning to come to pass.  Zech. 12:3 is the prophecy where God tells us all the nations will come against Israel in the last days.  Years ago I warned those who would listen that the United States of America would begin to show signs of turning away from Israel.  When I opened up my prophecy site two years ago I began to warn people at this site that the U.S. would also turn against their friend Israel.  As you can see from the news these past few weeks the U.S. Israeli friendship is slipping away. 

Here is a good example of how the Obama is stiffing what was once our closest ally.  “For a head of government to visit the White House and not pose for photographers is rare. For a key ally to be left to his own devices while the President withdraws to have dinner in private was, until this week, unheard of. Yet that is how Binyamin Netanyahu was treated by President Obama on Tuesday night, according to Israeli reports on a trip viewed in Jerusalem as a humiliation. After failing to extract a written promise of concessions on settlements, Mr Obama walked out of his meeting with Mr Netanyahu but invited him to stay at the White House, consult with advisers and “let me know if there is anything new”, a US congressman, who spoke to the Prime Minister, said. “It was awful,” the congressman said. One Israeli newspaper called the meeting “a hazing in stages”, poisoned by such mistrust that the Israeli delegation eventually left rather than risk being eavesdropped on a White House telephone line. Another said that the Prime Minister had received “the treatment reserved for the President of Equatorial Guinea”.

Prophecy Sign: In Genesis 12:3 God promised He would curse anyone who curses Israel.  1 Thessalonians 5:3 tells us sudden destruction will come at a time when they are calling for Peace and safety.  Since Zechariah shows us all the nations will come against Israel in the end times we can assume all the nations will fall under this curse!  America says Israel is her friend but her actions show us a different story, and people want to know why America is falling apart and becoming a socialist State? For one thing, the U.S. has taken sides with the PLO in their plans to divide up the State of Israel and to give over East Jerusalem to the PLO.  This alone has caused God’s curse to be poured over the United States.  Let me tie all these things together.

Pay attention to the Ezekiel prophecy because I can see the signs on the wall that this war is being set up.  I quote, “Announcements by Israel's right-wing government of new building projects in East Jerusalem — which the Jewish state seized in a 1967 war — have spoiled U.S. plans to get Palestinians and Israelis back into peace negotiations.  "Expansion of Israeli settlements, destruction of Islamic and Christian sites and wide-scale construction of new synagogues … show the Zionist plans to accelerate Judaisation of East Jerusalem and unfortunately it is approved by American officials," Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said in comments reported on Iranian state radio.  "This has raised the alarm for all people around the world and doubled the need for Muslim and other countries to act seriously," he said, adding that the 22-nation Arab League should take a strong stance at its meeting in Libya this weekend.”  First off all look where the meeting is being held?  Libya is one of the nations listed in Ezekiel 38 that will be attacking Israel with the Russians.  Iran is also one of the main players and allies with Russia during the Ezekiel war. 

In another section of this same report we read the “U.S. officials have sought to coax Israel into suspending further East Jerusalem projects and discussing core issues such as borders and the status of Jerusalem as part of indirect talks with the Palestinians that have been blessed by the Arab League.”  Put two and two together.  If Zechariah warns us anyone who comes against Jerusalem will be cut into pieces, and we know many of the Islamic nations want to wipe out Israel over the Jerusalem, what in the world is America doing taking sides that has the blessing of the same people that are looking to wipe out Israel?

You had better believe Paul’s warnings about the sudden destruction coming at a time when they are calling for peace and safety, because we are on the verge of seeing this prophecy coming to pass.  Recent news tells us, “We think we have found a golden way that would allow the Americans to move the peace process forward while preserving our national interests," Netanyahu said en route from Washington, where a two-week-old spat over settlements clouded talks.  Despite his hints at compromise, the Palestinians said they had no indication from U.S. President Barack Obama there had been agreement on how to revive negotiations while Israel continues building on occupied land they want for state.  Netanyahu's cabinet secretary Zvi Hauser said he would assemble top ministers — most of them right-wingers, like the premier — to consider a package of goodwill gestures drawn up by his and Obama's advisers in a flurry of White House meetings” .  I can assure you that whatever Obama has come up with for this peace plan for Israel is going to be against anything that God wants.  As a matter of fact, the Obama plan what ever it may be will oppose God’s Word and soon you will see this for yourself.  I am warning you all now, the only people who will see the truth about these events will be the people who are filled with the Holy Spirit.  Satan is doing a great job in blinding the world to the God’s Word and what He desires for Israel.

America is falling apart and her power is declining and I believe this in part is happening as part of the Lord’s curse on America for trying to give away Jerusalem and divide up Israel.  Months ago I warned you to watch the number of America who would be forced to walk away from their homes.  You are about to see even more people do the same thing.  “March 25 (Bloomberg) — More than half of U.S. borrowers who received loan modifications on delinquent mortgages defaulted again after nine months, according to a federal report. The re-default rate of loans modified in the first quarter of 2009 was 51.5 percent by the end of the year, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Office of Thrift Supervision said in a joint report today. The figure, which measures payments at least 30 days late, climbed to 57.9 percent for changes made in the prior 12 months.”  As of late the news is showing you all that the money given the big banks for the bail outs has not reached or even helped the home owners.  Hundreds of thousands of families who thought they were going to get help from Obama have learned the hard way that he has only helped a hand full of Americans, and yet they still believe he will help?  Wake up people.  Here is the bottom line.  Don’t expect the Obama Administration to help you. You are going to have to go it alone the same way as Israel has been left out to dry on their own.

PHOENIX — When it comes to foreclosures in America, the worst apparently is yet to come. The number of foreclosures is projected to more than triple this year over last year, according to RealtyTrac. Valley mortgage specialist Dean Wegner said a lot of homeowners are still on the edge of foreclosure.  "Last year's fourth quarter was a record high for mortgage delinquencies, 15 percent," Wegner said. "What is interesting to note is that does not include people who are 30 days behind or currently in a loan forebearance or in a loan modification, so it's safe to say possibly 25 percent of all people are behind on their mortgages, which is one in four financed homes in America." Wegner said there were 900,000 foreclosure repossessions last year and, "According to RealtyTrac, we're looking at about 3 million homes that could experience foreclosure this year, which would be the largest on record for America." Wegner would like the federal government to take more aggressive steps to stem the tide of foreclosures.

You want signs America is falling apart?  Read what she is going to be facing shortly. “The bursting of the real estate bubble and the ensuing recession have hurt jobs, home prices and now Social Security. This year, the system will pay out more in benefits than it receives in payroll taxes, an important threshold it was not expected to cross until at least 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

While I am no the subject of God’s curse let’s not forget the European Union has also fallen under God’s curse for trying to divide up Israel just like the U.S..  The EU has also fallen into a economic crisis and they are still trying to figure out how to stop the economic bleed that has sprung out over Greece’s debt.  I quote, “EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – All eurozone states have signalled their willingness to contribute to a potential Greek bail-out, with the region's leaders hammering out an agreement late on Thursday night (25 March).  The exact details of how Athens would successfully trigger the new mechanism remain to be ironed out however, with any application for funds from the joint eurozone-IMF pot requiring unanimous euro member approval "based on an assessment by the European Commission and the European Central Bank."

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 9:21 shows us our generation would be known as the drug generation. A new report out informs us the Mexican drug gangs have spread to every region of the United States.  I quote, “Mexican drug gangs have expanded their activities in the US with heroin production doubling in 2008, the US justice department says in a report. Despite huge US funding for the war on drugs, trade in marijuana, ecstasy and methamphetamine also grew, according to the National Drug Threat Assessment. The report found that Mexican groups were active in every region of the US. “

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