Reborn Roman Empire or E.U. -Storms, drought, Coming war, Ezekiel 38, Heat- Weird weather-Peace and safety truce-June 20, 2008



Prophecy Signs:  Daniel chapter 2 and Revelation chapter 17 warn us of the power of the reborn Roman Empire in the last days.  I am sorry to repeat myself but there many be new people to my site and they need to know how prophecy is connected to the news. The European Union is the fulfillment of the Old Roman Empire coming back.  We learned from the news that the UK became the 19th Union nation to ratify the E.U. treaty that will put a new face to the E.U.  The new face will include a full time president for all of the 27 E.U. nations.  This will be the first time in 2000 years Europe will be controlled by one man, in much the same way Cearser ruled the first Roman Empire.  This is major in bible prophecy because a man is coming up the ranks within the E.U. who Jesus warned us would be the man of sin, or Antichrist. Here is a section of the news report.  “Although the UK in effect became the 19th EU state to ratify the treaty when the EU Amendment Act received royal assent yesterday, the process is not technically completed until the "instruments of ratification" are deposited in Rome. The Foreign Office has until the end of December to complete this stage, although officials have said they expect to do so by the end of next month. The treaty will not come into force until all 27 EU member countries have done the same.   Another news agency reported, “The Lisbon Treaty bill was given royal assent on Thursday after being approved by parliament. The absolute final step in the ratification process comes when Britain deposits its "instruments of ratification" in Rome. The process involves Rome because technically the Lisbon Treaty — which was rejected by Irish voters last week, plunging to EU into a fresh crisis — is an amendment to the Rome Treaty which founded the European bloc.

Why is Rome important to this E.U. process and why do the nations who ratify the treaty have to send the paper work to Rome?   “The Vienna convention on the Law of Treaties (article 16) requires that the signed instrument of ratification must to be deposited with some authority responsible for keeping them. Since Lisbon is a modification of the Treaty of Rome, it is the Italian government that fulfills this function for the treaties on European Union.  Right now the new President of Italy is Silvio Berlusconi   An EU Constitutional Treaty, signed in Rome on 29 October 2004, gives member states two years to ratify the document before it is scheduled to take effect on 1 November 2006.

The Treaty of Lisbon proposes to amend the treaties which govern the EU. The EU is governed by a complex set of treaties. The most important are the Treaty of Rome and the Treaty on the European Union (also known as the Maastricht Treaty). If the Treaty of Lisbon is ratified there will be two treaties governing the EU: The Treaty on European Union – that is the Maastricht Treaty as amended by the subsequent treaties including the Lisbon Treaty. The Treaty on the Functioning of the EU – that is the Treaty of Rome as amended by all the subsequent treaties including the Lisbon Treaty


2.  Treaty information


Both Jesus and Daniel told us Rome would be the place and the seat for the Antichrist.  Read Revelation chapter 17 any you will see where it speaks of the city of 7 mountains which is Rome.  For a detailed look at this issue turn to chapter 2 of my book  which you can download here for free.  It is very interesting that the first treaty was signed in Rome than in 2004  the E.U. went back to Rome in and signed the new treaty there.  Now all member nations find themselves sending in the Lisbon treaty papers back to Rome.  Ever since the European Union was born Italy has been one of the leaders.  Rome is going to play a major part during the 7 year tribulation, that is why we are seeing so much news about the E.U. process centered in Rome.  If you don’t believe me just watch the news, because in the near future Rome will become the seat of power for the entire E.U. just the way Rome was the seat of power for the first Roman Empire.  The current events taking shape in the E.U. are only stepping stones to fulfill every Word Jesus warned us about the reborn Roman Empire. If you have been coming to my site you would have read information showing you that the U.S. is declining in power and how America is losing her power.  This has to take place in order to lift the E.U. to that last most powerful Roman Empire.  America is in deep trouble, the economy is about the bust, we are losing our food as crops are being washed away,  while many crop producing states are in a major drought crisis.  Americana are losing jobs the thousands and now  thousands of American are homeless because of the massive storms.  America must decline to make way for the E.U. to take the number one spot in the days prior to the return of Christ.  It was written and it will be done.

Prophecy sign: Luke 21:25 storms & nations in trouble.  These storms are helping in the decline of America.  This nation is now facing  billions of dollars in damages to live stock, lose of home, crops and life.  America is a stressed nation as it is by the billions of dollars going out to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. Right now “The sprawling network of levees — built over many years to protect the Upper Mississippi basin from the sort of disastrous flooding that has claimed homes, lives, and millions of acres of farmland this past week — was never designed to withstand the magnitude of a 500-year flood.”  When I do prophecy seminars I show the people how almost every year the news about the weird weather is getting more intense.  First is was the 10 year flood, then the 50, then the 100 and now it is the 500-year flood.  This brings the Words stated by Jesus that in the end times all these signs would be as a women who is in labor.  We are getting close to Christ and the Earth’s labor pains are crying out more then ever.  Read Matthew 24:8 "All these are the beginning of sorrows." This term 'beginning of sorrows' is a Hebrew idiom Jesus used. It was used by four of the Hebrew prophets to describe a woman in labor and pain Israel will endure in the last days.  I have been warning people to watch for these mega storms since the latter part of 1977.  Now that things have gotten so bad more people are paying attention to the news, but most do not know all these things are fulfilling Bible prophecy.  Now you know!

Prophecy Sign: The book of Revelation shows us that during the tribulation the heat will be unbearable and cause much pain and sores on the people living during this tribulation period.  Revelation 16:8-9 says, “And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.  And men were scorched with great heat”  If you have been watching the news you would have seen dozens of news reports telling us more heat records have been broken and more nations are in a drought crisis.  Extreme Heat and droughts are only one sign but it is a sign that is getting much attention.  Even in the town I live in which has a average temperature  between 68-78 has seen triple digit temperatures.  Today it is 103.  Let me give you some proof of what I am talking about. In the headline today, “HEAT WAVE, DROUGHT HIT US FARMERS HARD”. The report stated, “As America wilts from triple-digit temperatures this week, farmers and ranchers in the Midwest and West have been hit especially hard. They're watching the combination of heat and, in many places, drought, wither plants, stress livestock, and leave grazing land barren. "The corn crop is burning up – it's just dying," says Harvey Heier, a corn and wheat farmer in Grainfield, Kan. "It's pollinating time and tasseling time, and in many cases there's not enough moisture in the stalk to produce a kernel."

Here is another headline. “Farmers vs. Fish Amid the California Drought” Time had to this to say, “Todd Diedrich watches a lone tractor churn up dust as it lumbers down rows of still-green plants. "We're trying to patch up the cracks," the farmer explains, referring to his desperate effort to retain what little moisture remains in the ground, now that he has been forced to turn down his irrigation drip. Diedrich says the California drought could cost him 750 acres, which he estimates to be worth $3 million. He gestures to the land that his family has been farming for decades. "This will all be gone," he says. "And there may not be a 'next year.',8599,1814128,00.html

America is not alone with all this extreme weather.  Here is another recent report. “The most severe drought for 100 years in Australia is getting worse.  Farmers warn that this winter's wheat crop could be even smaller than last year's if rain does not come soon. Most Australian grain is exported and empty Outback grain silos have contributed to shortages and rising global prices. Australia is the third-biggest wheat exporter behind the U.S. and Canada. From Sydney, Phil Mercer reports.” In the earlier part of this year I wrote a post warning everyone that the wheat prices were going to climb.  I wrote that post before all hell broke out with the price increases.  When people ask me how in the world could I know this would happen, I simply point out Jesus Words which never fails.  When I was in prayer with the Lord it was impressed on me to write about the price of wheat going up.  Jesus place Revelation chapter 18 on my heart and  I new I had to follow what He wanted me to report to you.  When you read Rev. 18:13 you see Jesus warning about wheat.  I put 2 & 2 together and knowing that in the last days wheat would go sky-high I figured this is the reason why Jesus wanted me to write about it.  There is another reason why I wrote about the price of wheat but you will have to turn to The Edge Radio show to hear my interview for those details.  I will post the time and date for that interview very soon.

Want more proof of records being broke.  A strong subtropical ridge dominated the weather over much of eastern North America from 5-10 June 2008. On the periphery of the ridge, warm moist tropical air collided with cooler air and produced a series of Mesocale Convective Systems (MCSs) and heavy rains (Fig 1). Some of these systems produced record flooding. Under the ridge, hot weather dominated and many locations in the Mid-Atlantic region experienced successive days of 100F+ temperatures. Richmond, Virginia and Raleigh-Durham had several days where the maximum temperatures exceed 100F. In Pennsylvania many locations experienced 3 to 4 consecutive days with temperatures at or above 90F qualifying this event as a heat wave. There are varying definitions of a heat wave (Robinson, 2001). Several definitions require the duration of above normal conditions for 2-3 days. Others focus on high temperatures of approximately 2 standard deviations (SDs) above normal for about 2 days over a region rather than single stations. Robinson also describes a definition of a heat wave “as period of at least 48 h during which neither the overnight low nor the daytime high value of the heat index falls below 80F and 105F respectively”. An early 20th century definition required 3 consecutive days of 90F temperature observations. The generally accepted definition for a heat wave is The sustained period of 100F high temperature readings over the Coastal  regions of Virginia and the Carolinas suggest that the region met the traditional value associated with a heat wave. Richmond, VA hit 100F on 8 June 2008 breaking the hold record of 99 set back in 1899. With a high temperature of 100F in the 7, it was also the earliest recorded consecutive days with 100F readings at  7 June 2008, this was the earliest occurrence of 100 at RDU in a calendar year since 1944”.

This next report has 2 signs of the times in it.  There are the seas and waves roaring and strange tide, and the sun scorching the earth as warned in Revelation.  “Arctic sea ice is melting even faster than last year, despite a cold winter.” Data from the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) shows that the year began with ice covering a larger area than at the beginning of 2007. But now it is down to levels seen last June, at the beginning of a summer that broke records for sea ice loss. Scientists on the project say much of the ice is so thin as to melt easily, and the Arctic seas may be ice-free in summer within five to 10 years.”  When the ice melts at record rates the final results were be the sea level flooding many nations.  This is what Jesus said to watch for and  this sign is in our face.  Everyone is calling it by the name of Global Warning but the real name it should be called is “Jesus Warning”.  Mind you all the above signs I just wrote about are taking place all at the same time just as Christ stated they would. Let me take a step out in a different direction for a second and say that if you don’t like this intense heat you won’t do very well in hell where Jesus told us those who do not except Christ will end up in hell where the flames never go out. Jesus has been warning people and giving them His signs so they would believe in Him and receive Him as their Lord, thereby keeping them from the gates of hell.  It is up to you where you will spend eternity, with Christ in heaven or with Satan in hell.  Jesus has given everyman a choice and you will be the only one who seal what direction you will go. I pray my work for Christ will draw you to the loving arms of Jesus.  I know, some of you are saying, “ho my God he is mentioning hell.  Fact is Jesus talked more about hell than anyone in the Word?  Why?  To make sure you understood God is a Righteous Judge and He being Holy can not allow sin to enter heaven.  Just as the Words are all coming to pass concerning all these end time signs, so to Jesus Words concerning hell will also be fulfilled, but you don’t have to go there!  Now, back to the signs.

Many nations at the current time are on the move because of massive flooding. We saw Burma, and China get hit and now Millions are displaced after the east Indian floods.  More than two million people have been left homeless after floods swept across eastern India over the past week, national radio reported on Thursday.”  Take a clear look at our planet.  Part of the world is in a drought, part of the world is being flooded, part of the world is under intense heat, parts of the world are in war, and famine and most of the world isn’t aware all these events are tied to Bible prophecy.  What will it take to wake this world up to the signs?  The weather is so weird that Yellowstone National Park had to close in June becasue of a snow storm.

Speaking about war and rumors of war which are mentioned in Matthew 24:6-7 lets take a look at current events in the Middle East.  Along side Matthew 24, Ezekiel 38-39 points to a war in the end times that will involve a host of nations which include Russia, and Iran.  This war is coming soon and the signs are everywhere to be seen.  We are told Russia will in the latter years (end times) have an evil thought and attack Israel with their allies which include Iran. Yesterday “President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday the West has failed to break Iran's will in the nuclear standoff, days after world powers presented Tehran with a new offer aimed at ending the crisis. "In the nuclear issue, the bullying powers have used up all their capabilities but could not break the will of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by state television.”  Iran will not stop their plans to fire up their nuclear plant in September.  Israel told everyone that they would take this plant out if the U.N. did nothing to stop them.  It is clear now Israel will take the power plant out and they are getting ready to do just that.  Ahmadinejad says the West failed in the Iran nuclear crisis, but the fact is the crisis is just beginning to heat up.

Israel has been practicing to bomb that nuclear site.  Here is one of the latest headlines, “U.S. says exercise by Israel seemed directed at Iran”  The report stated, “Israel carried out a major military exercise earlier this month that American officials say appeared to be a rehearsal for a potential bombing attack on Iran's nuclear facilities Several American officials said the Israeli exercise appeared to be an effort to develop the military’s capacity to carry out long-range strikes and to demonstrate the seriousness with which Israel views Iran’s nuclear program.  More than 100 Israeli F-16 and F-15 fighters participated in the maneuvers, which were carried out over the eastern Mediterranean and over “Greece during the first week of June, American officials said.”  Of course Iran has already stated that if they are attacked their nation will come down on Israel like never before.  The following is just one report on this issue.  The headline to this report is, “Iran: We'll hit back with 'strong blow” “If enemies, especially Israelis and their supporters in the United States, would want to use a language of force, they should rest assured that they will receive a strong blow in the mouth," senior cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami” quoted as saying.  A high-level diplomatic source in Tehran tells Asia Times Online that essentially Putin and the Supreme Leader have agreed on a plan to nullify the George W Bush administration's relentless drive towards launching a preemptive attack, perhaps a tactical nuclearstrike, against Iran. An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia.





When will the Ezekiel war begin?  When Israel is calling for peace!  A few days ago Hamas and Israel reached a truce and so far it is holding, but for how long, no one can say. "The cease-fire is meant to end Palestinian rocket barrages and Israeli reprisals in Gaza that have killed more than 400 Palestinians — many of them civilians — and seven Israelis in fighting since the Islamic Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip a year ago."  This truce won't hold and as the prophet showed us, war will break out during the call for peace and safety.  What we know is this, part of this prophecy has been fulfilled already, the next phase of the prophecy, the war phase is coming soon.


For those who are interested I am going to be the guest speaker on the A.M. International raido show called "The Edge". I will be posting the time and date on this site. You will want to listen to this broadcast because by the time the interview is over you will understand just how close we are to seeing Jesus return.  I have waited for this type of interview for most of my life.  Many years ago I was shown that when the time was right they will come to you to hear my Words.  I do not say this to puff myself up, it just has to do with the timing of things of these last days and all the signs the people of the world are now witnessing.  Everywhere I go I here the people talk about how weird things are getting.  I am excited and honored to speak the Words of our Lord and give you all the facts as to why you all feel this way.  If you want more information about the show you can click to the following link:  I will be interviewed by Gina Romano.



Free documentary book on Bible prophecy and current events entitled: “

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” By Frank DiMora. Newest edition just out on May 13, 2008. You can download it here for free or, just come back each day and read a little at a time.   

Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf  FREE

Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs.

Part 1 how Ministry started:

Part 2 how Ministry started:

F. DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words.

If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the intoduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements


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