Report from Last Chronicles Missions in India/Pakistan/Africa/ Oct. 20, 2012



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FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 19, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora





The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth is working for Jesus Christ in getting His Word out to as many as we can. The latest shipment of Bibles to India have arrived safely to Pastor Paul Adiyya.  We thank you Paul for your hard work and heart for our Lord and Savior Jesus. Frank DiMora and Staff.  Here is Pastor Paul's email if you would like to encourage him.

Message to Frank DiMora

Respected Man of God,
sweet greetings to you in the most precious name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Sir,.I am so happy to say that  THE HOLY BIBLES you sent us are a great blessing to our ministry and youth. All the young men and women ,who received The Bibles are  thanking you very much for providing them The Bibles. We continue to pray that God to bless you with his showers of blessings to be a blessing to us  for his wonderful gospel work and ministry. Please continue your precious prayers for us. We are all praying for you and for the blessed and blessing ministry and Bro .Tim and Sis.Amy.
Thank you and  May God continue  bless and prosper you.

Yours loving brother,



If you have any questions as to how you can help us help our Mission Partners in India you can contact Teresa Pico at or Jill Soto at

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The blessings of Pastor Paul's labor for Christ. His email below.

These are  the another baptism pictures .  We have baptized to 7 more people through our ministry.You see me praying and My brother is Baptizing the people in a water tank as there is no water pool in nearby  place. please pray for the newly saved people and our ministry,Thank you and God bless you. PAUL


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It is my prayer and my staff's prayer that The Last Chronicles Mission would continue to see the blessings of our our Lord Jesus as we do what we can to teach the unsaved concerning the Good News of Christ. We thank you Lord for these new souls who have now been written in your Book of Life.

Frank DiMora

Here is a second email Teresa Pico received from Pastor Paul

Dear loving sister,

Sweet Greetings to you,
Yesterday we conducted a Gospel Campaign with women called" INDIAN WOMEN FOR CHRIST.".God so blessed our ministry through this campaign.We reached many women with the blessing and saving Gospel.Please continue to pray for our ministry.
Thank you
Yours brother,

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Pray for these people because the Lord's enemy is very active in India and doesn't want women to be able to worship Jesus Christ.

The Last Chronicles Mission partner in Pakistan Pastor Fiaz, also send in his report. Here is his email.

Today I and my wife will go and help these orphan children. We are helping  these children on monthly basis. If God open your heart you can also  join us in this good work. Our few help can provide many things to these children. Please take a step for these children. Fiaz


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Report from Pastor Joshua Wekesa
Dear Frank,
Here in Cheptais Kenya we are doing well in the work of God, and our Church is growing faster and we need your prayers that we may have a plot and built the Church in Cheptais.
God bless you.


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