Two reports coming for Sunday June 20, 2010/Request to clear up a link for information on Protandim and report I am working on now!

Since people are calling and waiting to know more about my post yesteday, I am putting it up again. Some of you had problems with the link to my Son Adam's web site so I am giving this information out again. I am not invovled at all with the company and you need to address your quesitons to my Son who is well informed about this breakthrough.

See full size image


Prophecy sign: God told Daniel in Daniel 12:4 that the last generation who increase in knowledge.  While visiting my son this weekend I learned something from him that blew me away, and it most definitely has to do with increase in knowledge, in fact it has to do with  slowing down the aging process. 

While talking about some of my health issues with my Son Adam he showed me some news videos on a product called (PROTANDIM). After watching these reports I wanted to know more about this heavily studied product.  Once you watch these videos I will send you to my son’s website to get all the details about this product.  What impressed me was the amount of research and studies that have been done and are still being done on Protandim.

I am literally blown away by what this supplement does. The Evidence and clinical facts are very powerful. Im suprised that very few people including myself have heard about Protandim. 

After Lifevantage was thrust into instant success because of the “Media Buzz” the news about Potandim began do die down and the retail stores carrying Protandim didn’t have anyone telling people about the Benefits of Protandim. Protandim quickly became just another Antioxidant supplement on a shelf. In order to get Protandim in front of the masses, they decided to bring Protandim to market through the “Direct Sales” model. People telling People.  Dr. McCord is the God Father of research on Protandim

If you click to my Son’s web site you can watch a video where Dr. McCord takes you to his 40 year history of research on PROTANDIM.  With tons of independent university studies all unanimous across the board that Protandim reduces oxidative stress and free radical damage within the cell, down to the age of an infant in 30 days, this is “FACT”, not fiction.  I’ve been supplementing for years and nothing comes close to what this one supplement can do for your body.  

To contact my son Adam DiMora to inquire about taking the product or joining his team call him at:


Please watch these videos.


  1. Hi, I heard about protandim but haven’t tried by myself , my bro is recently using it and he got a good results……

  2. I have been using Protandim since my Son Adam interduced me to it. I just had a complete blood panel done and the doctor told me I have perfect blood results. Since taking Protandim
    I have not been sick once in the 2 and 1/2 years I have been on it.

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