

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 14, 2012 Edition by Frank DiMora

In 36 years of my ministry I have never taken more than a week off. Recently the Lord has shown me that it is time I pull back and rest, a real rest.  As a result of getting confirmation that I do need to take time off, I have finally entered all the new material I have for my newest up-dated edition of my book.  You have no idea how hard it is going to be to take a real rest. All I have ever known since receiving Jesus as my Lord was to press on in the Lord's work. 

I thank the Lord for my close Brothers and Sisters in the Lord who have seen up close that I need time off and have asked me to rest.  Trust me when I say I will miss you all while taking time, real time with Christ. I am sure my wife will be very happy to have me around and focus my attention on her.  My heart and prays will not leave any of you as I love all who the Lord has allowed me to share His Words and His warnings.  The only way I will write anything or, make another video during my break will be if Israel is attacked again which, I believe will lead to the fulfillment of the Psalm 83 war.

God Bless

See you in a month if God will's







    • Rose Berko on June 15, 2012 at 10:28 am
    • Reply

    Dear Frank I am so happy you are taking time off and do not forget your special lady in your life.Pamper her and get her flowers and all the things you did for her before you married her.She must be a special lady so pamper her.Enjoy this time away from your hectic schedule.May God bless this time away from His work as I know God will be smiling as you ENJOY YOUR SELF AND YOUR FAMILY…Rose Berko

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