Anticrhist signs-Satanic crime-Jewish Temple coming soon-Rome is back-Euro vs. Dollar- disease- No natural affection-Nothing to worry about, unless you don’t know the Lord. July 2, 2008


Prophecy sign:  Daniel Chapter 9, Matthew 24:15 “When you there fore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, whoso readeth, let him understand”.  2nd Thessalonians 2:4 says, “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is call God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God”.  All these scriptures inform us the 3rd Temple is going to be built in the last days.  It is this Temple that the Antichrist is going to go into and tell the world he is God.  This Temple is about to be rebuilt very soon.  In the news today we see another step being taking to prepare for the services in this coming Temple.  “Another step on the long road towards the restoration of Temple Worship in Jerusalem was reportedly taken Monday with the opening of a new workshop in which robes will be manufactured for practicing priests. According to a report in The Jerusalem Post Wednesday, a number of Kohanim, (Jews in the Cohen family line who trace their ancestry back to Aaron, the first High Priest) have already had measurements taken for the biblically-described vestments.” 


Prophecy sign: 1st Timothy 4:1-2 Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.  Speaking lies in hypocrisy: having their conscience seared with a hot iron. If you follow the news you have seen cult crimes are not uncommon. Today we heard about another crime involving satanic rituals in a sex crime case only this time one of the people arrested holds the 3rd vice chair for the Democratic Party.  When you go to the couples web site named “Indigo Dawn Inc” you see they are involved in new age doctrine, the occult, and magick.  They are in communication with spirit guides and teach pass life reconstruction.  When you read their site and then read what Timothy said about the last days, it is an exact match.  In this case kidnapping, rape, and beatings took place in satanic rituals.  When you watch the video below if you click to the link, you will see that the husband who was arrested is Rev. Joseph Craig.  There is no doubt this couple is speaking to spirits but they are spirits from hell and they are receiving doctrines of devils just as was warned.  Remember, Timothy wrote this message to us and for us, but it was Jesus who gave the message to Timothy.  During the 7 year tribulation the occult activitiy will run wild.  What we are witnessing with all these kinds of satanic crimes is just the beginning of things to come.  When Jesus removes His Church soon there will be an explosion of these kinds of movements. 1. 



The Lord showed Daniel the Kingdoms of the future.  First Daniel saw the Babylonian Empire, then God said the Medo-Persian Empire would follow which they did, history is the proof.  God then showed Daniel the Grecian Empire would destroy the Medo-Persian Empire.  History proved God to be correct again when Greece destroyed the Medo-Persian reign.  God then showed Daniel that the Roman Empire would destroy Greeces rule which is exactly what happened in history.  Then God showed Daniel that this Roman Empire was going to be reborn just before Jesus Christ comes back.  In 1957 this Roman Empire was reborn when a few nations signed the Treaty of Rome. Since that time the reborn Roman Empire which is today European Union or the E.U. has grown to a 27 nation Union.  Would it floor you if I told you most of the nations in the E.U. are the exact nations that were in the Old Roman Empire?  Well they are!  Daniel show the new Roman Empire would be that World Empire in power at the time Jesus came back.  What God showed Daniel thousands of years ago has come to pass in the exact way God had revealed it to His prophet.  This is the reason why America is losing her power and will continue to drop off as a superpower.  We we hear is, Don’t worry America is strong. Don’t worry the U.S. dollar will come back, Don’t worry, there is no recession, Don’t worry, a depression isn’t coming, Don’t worry, our economy is strong, Don’t worry people will keep buy trucks, Don’t worry the climate will get better, now for the rest of the story:

A new report in Money Week is entitled, “Helping bring America to her knees.  Why floods could bring America to its knees” “A catastrophe for Iowa farmers will not be just a catastrophe for Midwestern Americans. In the Iowa floods, we’ll see more evidence of how the problems of weird weather (climate change) combine and ramify the problems associated with Peak Oil. In this particular case they lead to an inflection point sometime around the 2008 harvest season, which will also be our time of political harvest.These are not your daddy’s or granddaddy’s floods. These are 500-year floods, events not seen before non-Indian people started living out on that stretch of the North American prairie. The vast majority of homeowners in Eastern Iowa did not have flood insurance because the likelihood of being affected above the 500-year-line was so miniscule — their insurance agents actually advised them against getting it.


Fact: 1.00 Euro (EUR) = 1.57668 US Dollar (USD)

“The U.S. stock markets fluctuated wildly on Monday as investors worried about another spike in oil prices and new concerns about inflation. Despite some strength in afternoon trading, analysts say record oil prices and continuing fears about the U.S. economy have helped push the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its worst month since the Great Depression of the 1930s. VOA’s Mil Arcega reports.” 


“Starbucks Corp. said Tuesday it will close 600 company-operated stores in the next year, up dramatically from its previous plan for 100 closures, a sign the coffee shop operator continues to struggle with the faltering U.S. economy and its own rapid expansion.”


General Motors Corp., Toyota Motor Corp. and Ford Motor Co., the biggest auto retailers in the U.S., said June sales plunged as fuel prices above $4 a gallon drove consumers away from gas-guzzling trucks.  GM sales fell 19 percent, Ford was down 28 percent and Toyota dropped 21 percent. Honda Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG, which rely on cars for the bulk of their sales, each rose about 1 percent.


My God, that euro is giving me a Migraine!!!!!!!!!!!

1.00 Euro (EUR) = 1.57668 US Dollar (USD)



“The U.S. stock markets fluctuated wildly on Monday as investors worried about another spike in oil prices and new concerns about inflation. Despite some strength in afternoon trading, analysts say record oil prices and continuing fears about the U.S. economy have helped push the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its worst month since the Great Depression of the 1930s. VOA’s Mil Arcega reports.”

“Starbucks Corp. said Tuesday it will close 600 company-operated stores in the next year, up dramatically from its previous plan for 100 closures, a sign the coffee shop operator continues to struggle with the faltering U.S. economy and its own rapid expansion.”

General Motors Corp., Toyota Motor Corp. and Ford Motor Co., the biggest auto retailers in the U.S., said June sales plunged as fuel prices above $4 a gallon drove consumers away from gas-guzzling trucks.  GM sales fell 19 percent, Ford was down 28 percent and Toyota dropped 21 percent. Honda Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG, which rely on cars for the bulk of their sales, each rose about 1 percent.


Prophecy signs of the Antichrist:  In my May 20th post I warn to watch what Silvio Berlusconi does in the near future.  It is very important you go back and read my May 20th post.  I explain why it is important to watch Berlusconi.  I want to quote something I warned in that post. “One of the things I told you to watch for is if Berlusconi gets involved with the Middle East peace process. If he does we all had better pay attention because it is the antichrist who confirm the 7 year agreement.” Now for the current news today, “Meeting with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in Rome, Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), praised Italy for its special relationship with the U.S. and Israel and for standing firm against a nuclear Iran, and said Italy was uniquely positioned to play an important role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”  This is a warning sign telling us Silvio will again jump into the peace process as he did when he was Italy’s leader a few years ago.  You must understand Berlusconi and Israel are connected to the hip.  We know Jesus told us the Antichrist would exalt himself when he came and as you can see from Berlusconi’s own quotes he is doing just that.  Read May 20th post for his quotes.  Hold on to your hats, this is getting good. Here is another section from the recent report, “Italy’s standing as friend of the Arab world, friend of Israel, friend of the Palestinians and friend of the United States could give it a special role in helping bring the parties together,” said Mr. Foxman, who spent a week in Rome, June 23-27, meeting with officials in the newly elected Italian government, as well as with Jewish community leaders and Vatican representatives.  Watch with me and see what Berlusconi does!


Prophecy sign: Matthew 24:7 Pestilences  On My post of May 22, 2008 I stated the following, “You will hear more news like this in the near future only on a wider scale.”  I was speaking about more pestilence reports, read that post.  He is an up-date on what I was talking about. The Dengue Fever epidemic has hit hard and climate change is the blame.   Click on link below allow to load and see for yourself what I was speaking about.  As I said before these are just the beginning of things to come.

Prophecy sign: Jesus told Timothy in the last days people would be without natural affection.  Last month a car hit a man walking across the street in Hartford Conn.  Everyone who watched the man get struck by the speeding car did nothing to help the man lying in the street.  People walked right by the man and did nothing to help.  No one helped until a police officer showed up at the scene. You can see the video.  When you watch these people you see people void of natural affection.  Everyone just looked at the man and no one cared enough to even see if the man was alright.  Have we gotten that bad already?

Almost one month later we again see news of this lack of natural affection Jesus spoke about, this time right there in the emergency room.  “Caught on tape: Hospital patient left to die” “Emergency room staffers ignored 49-year-old woman who fell to the floor”. Click to link and watch a repeat of what we saw in the street in Hartford Conn., once again people walk right by the women lying on the floor.  Even people working at the hospital who saw her never made one attempt to see if the women was alright.   Finally a hospital employee touched her but she was unresponsive.  This generation for sure has become  void of the natural affection.  The sad thing about this is, we know it is going to get worse.  Jesus told us to expect this kind of thing to increase as we got closer to the tribulation period.

“The U.S. stock markets fluctuated wildly on Monday as investors worried about another spike in oil prices and new concerns about inflation. Despite some strength in afternoon trading, analysts say record oil prices and continuing fears about the U.S. economy have helped push the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its worst month since the Great Depression of the 1930s. VOA’s Mil Arcega reports.”

“Starbucks Corp. said Tuesday it will close 600 company-operated stores in the next year, up dramatically from its previous plan for 100 closures, a sign the coffee shop operator continues to struggle with the faltering U.S. economy and its own rapid expansion.”

General Motors Corp., Toyota Motor Corp. and Ford Motor Co., the biggest auto retailers in the U.S., said June sales plunged as fuel prices above $4 a gallon drove consumers away from gas-guzzling trucks.  GM sales fell 19 percent, Ford was down 28 percent and Toyota dropped 21 percent. Honda Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG, which rely on cars for the bulk of their sales, each rose about 1 percent.

Prophecy sign: Matthew 24:7 Pestilences  On My post of May 22, 2008 I stated the following, “You will hear more news like this in the near future only on a wider scale.”  I was speaking about more pestilence reports, read that post.  He is an up-date on what I was talking about. The Dengue Fever epidemic has hit hard and climate change is the blame.   Click on link below allow to load and see for yourself what I was speaking about.  As I said before these are just the beginning of things to come.

Prophecy sign: Jesus told Timothy in the last days people would be without natural affection.  Last month a car hit a man walking across the street in Hartford Conn.  Everyone who watched the man get struck by the speeding car did nothing to help the man lying in the street.  People walked right by the man and did nothing to help.  No one helped until a police officer showed up at the scene. You can see the video.  When you watch these people you see people void of natural affection.  Everyone just looked at the man and no one cared enough to even see if the man was alright.  Have we gotten that bad already?

Almost one month later we again see news of this lack of natural affection Jesus spoke about, this time right there in the emergency room.  “Caught on tape: Hospital patient left to die” “Emergency room staffers ignored 49-year-old woman who fell to the floor”. Click to link and watch a repeat of what we saw in the street in Hartford Conn., once again people walk right by the women lying on the floor.  Even people working at the hospital who saw her never made one attempt to see if the women was alright.   Finally a hospital employee touched her but she was unresponsive.  This generation for sure has become  void of the natural affection.  The sad thing about this is, we know it is going to get worse.  Jesus told us to expect this kind of thing to increase as we got closer to the tribulation period.

“The U.S. stock markets fluctuated wildly on Monday as investors worried about another spike in oil prices and new concerns about inflation. Despite some strength in afternoon trading, analysts say record oil prices and continuing fears about the U.S. economy have helped push the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its worst month since the Great Depression of the 1930s. VOA’s Mil Arcega reports.”

“Starbucks Corp. said Tuesday it will close 600 company-operated stores in the next year, up dramatically from its previous plan for 100 closures, a sign the coffee shop operator continues to struggle with the faltering U.S. economy and its own rapid expansion.”

General Motors Corp., Toyota Motor Corp. and Ford Motor Co., the biggest auto retailers in the U.S., said June sales plunged as fuel prices above $4 a gallon drove consumers away from gas-guzzling trucks.  GM sales fell 19 percent, Ford was down 28 percent and Toyota dropped 21 percent. Honda Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG, which rely on cars for the bulk of their sales, each rose about 1 percent.

Prophecy sign: Matthew 24:7 Pestilences  On My post of May 22, 2008 I stated the following, “You will hear more news like this in the near future only on a wider scale.”  I was speaking about more pestilence reports, read that post.  He is an up-date on what I was talking about. The Dengue Fever epidemic has hit hard and climate change is the blame.   Click on link below allow to load and see for yourself what I was speaking about.  As I said before these are just the beginning of things to come.

Prophecy sign: Jesus told Timothy in the last days people would be without natural affection.  Last month a car hit a man walking across the street in Hartford Conn.  Everyone who watched the man get struck by the speeding car did nothing to help the man lying in the street.  People walked right by the man and did nothing to help.  No one helped until a police officer showed up at the scene. You can see the video.  When you watch these people you see people void of natural affection.  Everyone just looked at the man and no one cared enough to even see if the man was alright.  Have we gotten that bad already?

Almost one month later we again see news of this lack of natural affection Jesus spoke about, this time right there in the emergency room.  “Caught on tape: Hospital patient left to die” “Emergency room staffers ignored 49-year-old woman who fell to the floor”. Click to link and watch a repeat of what we saw in the street in Hartford Conn., once again people walk right by the women lying on the floor.  Even people working at the hospital who saw her never made one attempt to see if the women was alright.   Finally a hospital employee touched her but she was unresponsive.  This generation for sure has become  void of the natural affection.  The sad thing about this is, we know it is going to get worse.  Jesus told us to expect this kind of thing to increase as we got closer to the tribulation period.


Without me telling you how these next two reports connect to prophecy I wanted to see if you know how they fit into prophecy.  Is there anyone out there who can tell me how they fit into the signs Jesus told us to watch for?  By now if you are a regular reader you should be able to connect the dots between the news and prophecy.  Write up the connection and I will post what you said on my site.



“Pentagon: Israel may attack Iran before 2009
Top Pentagon official warns of ‘increased likelihood’ of Israeli raid against Iranian nuclear facilities, ABC News reports. US Department of Defense sets two ‘red lines’ Israel won’t tolerate crossed by Iran – Natanz reaching critical level of uranium enrichment, Tehran acquiring Russian air defense system.  Ynet A senior Pentagon official was quoted by ABC News as saying there is “an increased likelihood” that Israel will carry out a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities before the end of the year. The Pentagon is concerned such an attack would have massive defense-related and economic repercussions for the US and the world. The top official said the move could prompt Iranian retaliation against the United States in addition to Israel.”,2506,L-3562460,00.html


The meetings will focus on ways to develop economic and bilateral ties between the two countries, in addition to discussing regional developments, especially in Iran, Iraq, the Middle East, the Caucasus, and the Balkan countries.


A recent study conducted by Harvard University found that the Average American walks about 900 miles a year. Another study by the American Medical Association found that Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year. This means, on average, Americans get about 41 miles to the gallon.  Your mileage may vary!

Enjoy the July of 4th weekend.

Frank DiMora


P.S. In case the Lord comes this weekend, for those of you who may not leave with Him if he comes please pass to others what I have warned you about, and best of luck, you will need it.
















Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf 




Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 


Major signs video:

Part 1 how Ministry started:

Part 2 how Ministry started:

F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements


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