Img_3403_2Everyone is worried about what will happen to Israel. Yes we are reading in the news that the Iranian President keeps saying he is going to wipe out Israel. Every night we watch the nightly news warning us that Hamas, the PLO, and others Islamic groups are bringing in arms to attack and defeat Israel. News agencies are telling us that if the USA pulls out of Iraq Iran will move in and target Israel for destruction next. There is even a new book out called, Farewell Israel". Now let me give you the details as relates to the Word of God.  Is an attack coming soon against Israel?  Will it be the death of this tiny Jewish state?   God gives you the every detail of what the near future holds for any Islamic nation who makes an attempt to wipe out Israel.  In Ezekiel chapter 38-39 we are told to expect an all out assault on Israel. There is no guess work as to what nations will try to kill off Israel.  God shows us a number of Islamic nations will unite with Russia. One of Russia’s main allies will be Iran!   Let me now tell you what will happen. Yes a war on Israel is coming! Yes, Iran will be a major player in this attack on Israel.  Will Israel be wiped out?  No, God told us that the entire army who comes against Israel in the latter years only 1/6 will be left to live when this war is over.  Let me make this clear. At the end of the attack on Israel, the only nation standing strong is Israel.  These are not my words, but this is what God tells us is going to take place in 38 and 39 of Ezekiel.  There will be no Farewell to Israel!!!!!!!!!  Fact is, Jesus shows us in the Revelation that the one who sends Israel running is the Antichrist who rises out of the European Union during the tribulation period.  Jesus Christ told us, in the end times the Antichrist will arise and  will go into the last days Temple which will be built during the first part of the tribulation period.  This has not taken place yet because the tribulation period hasn’t begun yet.  How will Israel build this last days Temple if Iran, Russia, and all their Islamic allies destroy Israel.  It would be foolish to think the Islamic leaders are going to build a new Jewish Temple after they destroy the Jews.  There are only two ways I can see a new Jewish Temple being built.  Maybe when the peace agreement is signed part of the agreement will be that the Jews can rebuild their 3rd Temple next to the Dome of the Rock which is a Islamic holy site.  The 2nd way the Temple could be built is once the threat of Islam is removed.  This could be the result of the attack on Israel as seen by Ezekiel.  If God kills all but 1/6 of all the invading armies who attack Israel, Israel will be able to do as they will, and that includes building the last days Temple just as Jesus fore told us.  What better why to honor God, then to build the Temple.  Don’t worry Israel, you may be a tiny naiton but God is with you and soon the world will see just how He will protect you from an massive invasion.  Soon the Lord God will once again show the world a story of David and Golaith.  Israel will be David, and the envading armies soon to come against Israel will be Golaith.  God will be standing right behind Israel the same way He stood behind David.  In the final act the only one left standing will be Israel.   To read complete details of this coming attack against israel download my free book at this site and turn to chapter 10. Watch the links (videos) at the end of the chapter.

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