Sept. 11, 2017- Saudi Crown Prince Ready For Peace Deal with Israel?

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 6, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: Fatah Official: Abbas to Ask UN General Assembly to Determine Borders of Palestinian State

Fatah chief and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is expected to call on the UN General Assembly to determine Palestinian state borders when it convenes in two weeks, according to Dalal Salama, a member of Fatah’s Central Committee. As stated by Salama, Fatah’s Central Committee is scheduled to meet on Tuesday to discuss the Palestinian president’s message for the UN before Abbas travels to New York to address the General Assembly. The focus of Abbas’ speech, according to Salama, will be, “the need to turn the country of Palestine from a UN member state to a real state. The president will call on the UN to determine the borders of the Palestinian state. “The call to dictate the borders is already established in UN resolutions,” said Salama. “But we expect a clear and official decision from the UN that will clarify the decision in order to deal with the settlement policy of the occupation in the West Bank and Jerusalem and in order to deal with the occupation’s plan to divide the Gaza Strip from the West Bank. That’s why we want the UN to establish the borders of our independent country.”
Sept. 9, 2017



Headline: Syrian/Hezbollah forces seize Jordan’s border, rebels on Israeli border about to quit

DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the Syrian army’s 5th Corps units and Hizballah elite brigades Sunday began taking over the Jordanian frontier, including sections close to the Syrian border with Israel. Neither the Jordanian army nor the IDF intervened. Seeing the rebel groups of southeastern and western Syria crumbling, Assad’s army and Hizballah marched in. Our sources say the Syrian Free Army (FSA), backed by the US, Israel and Jordan, is disbanding, some of its members crossing the lines to join up with the Syrian army in the Syrian-Jordanian-Iraqi border triangle. The rebel forces which held the line near the Israeli border, in such places as Quneitra, are now cut off and expected to disperse before long.
Sept. 11, 2017


Headline: Lebanon to complain to U.N. over Israel violating airspace

Lebanon will file a complaint to the United Nations against Israel for violating the country’s airspace and causing damage by breaking the sound barrier in the south of the country, its foreign minister said on Monday. Israeli jets flew low over the southern city of Saida on Sunday, causing sonic booms that broke windows and shook buildings for the first time in years, Lebanese security sources and residents said. “We have started preparing to file a complaint to the (U.N.) Security Council against Israel for flying its planes at low altitude… causing material, moral and sovereign damage,” Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil said in a tweet. Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said Lebanon would issue its complaint “against Israel for planting spy devices on Lebanese land and continuously breaching” its airspace, his office said.
Sept. 11, 2017


Headline: Sinai blast kills several Egyptian policemen

At least 18 Egyptian policemen were killed and three injured on Monday in an attack claimed by Daesh on a security convoy in the Sinai Peninsula, which is gripped by an insurgency. Security and medical sources said the attack took place near Arish, the capital of North Sinai province, and that two of those killed were officers. The injured included a brigadier general who lost a leg in the blast. Militants detonated an improvised explosive device and managed to destroy three armored vehicles and a signal-jamming vehicle. The attack later turned into a gunfight and the militants also shot at ambulance workers, injuring four. Daesh claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement posted by its news agency Amaq.
Sept. 11, 2017


Headline: Syrian army controls entire Damascus-Deir al-Zor highway: Hezbollah media unit

Syrian government forces and U.S.-backed militias converged on Islamic State in separate offensives against the militants in the eastern Syrian province of Deir al-Zor on Sunday. The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces alliance of mostly Kurdish and Arab militias (SDF) said it had reached Deir al-Zor’s industrial zone, just a few miles to the east of the city after launching operations in the area in recent days. The Syrian army and its allies, backed by Iran and by Russian air cover, meanwhile advanced from the west to seize full control of the Deir al-Zor-Damascus highway, a Hezbollah-run media unit reported. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said at least 17 civilians had been killed by Russian air strikes in Deir al-Zor on Sunday. The attacks squeezed Islamic State in its last major Syria stronghold in areas near the border with Iraq.
Sept. 10, 2017


Headline: Iraqi Kurds ‘prepared to draw own borders’, Barzani warns Baghdad

Headline: Turkey urges Iraqi Kurds to call off vote on independence

The president of Iraqi Kurdistan has signalled it will draw the borders of a future Kurdish state if Baghdad does not accept a vote for independence in a referendum due later this month. Massoud Barzani told the BBC he wanted to reach an agreement with the central government if Kurds opted to secede. Iraq’s prime minister has rejected the referendum as unconstitutional. Mr Barzani also warned the Kurds would fight any group that tried to change the “reality” in Kirkuk by force. Kurdish Peshmerga forces have taken control of the oil-rich city, which has large Arab and Turkmen populations, and other areas claimed by Baghdad over the past three years while driving out the jihadist group Islamic State. Shia militias have said they will not allow Kirkuk to be part of an independent Kurdistan.
Sept. 11, 2017



Headline: Iranian military vessel ‘confronts US warship in the Gulf’ as tensions rise

An Iranian military ship has reportedly confronted an American warship in the Gulf, warning it off Iranian territory following increased tensions between the two nations. The US ship turned back upon receiving a warning to stay away from a damaged Iranian fishing boat, according to the Tasnim news agency. The Iranian ship then towed the fishing boat, which had sent out a distress signal after taking on water, back to shore. The agency did not specify when the incident, close to the Strait of Hormuz, took place. The US Naval Forces Central Command (Navcent) appeared to play down the incident when it denied that any direct contact was made. It said in a statement the coastal patrol USS Tempest, operating in the Gulf of Oman on 6 September, heard the distress call of an unidentified small boat about 75 nautical miles from its position.
Sept. 11, 2017


Headline: Suicide bomber attacks NATO convoy in Afghanistan, some wounded

Headline: Video shows Taliban overran district center in Afghan east

A suicide bomber in an explosives-packed vehicle attacked a NATO convoy in Afghanistan on Monday, wounding “a small number” of foreign troops and at least three civilians, officials said. The soldiers were taken to the nearby Bagram Air Field and none of their injuries appeared life-threatening, NATO’s headquarters in Kabul said. At least three civilians were hurt, District Governor Abdul Shukor Qodossi said, without giving details on the extent of their injuries. A statement from the Taliban militants said 13 Americans had been killed and 11 wounded and three armored vehicles destroyed. The attack came on the 16th anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001, which triggered the U.S.-led military operation that toppled the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.
Sept. 11, 2017


Headline: Somali army repels al Shabaab after attack, at least 17 killed

Headline: Somalia: 20 Killed in Three Separate Attacks

Somali government forces have regained control of a town on the border with Kenya after al Shabaab militants stormed an army base there on Monday, causing heavy clashes in which at least 17 people died, the military said. Islamist insurgents attacked the base at Balad Hawo early in the morning with a car suicide bombing before entering the compound, both sides said. “We were awoken by a suicide car bomb this morning and then fierce battle followed,” Major Mohamed Abdullahi told Reuters from the town. “We chased al Shabaab out of the town,” he said. Al Shabaab spokesman Abdiasis Abu Musab said the group’s fighters left the town after releasing 35 prisoners from the local jail. At least 30 soldiers were killed, he said.
Sept. 11, 2017


Headline: North Korea threatens ‘pain and suffering’ if new UN sanctions approved

North Korea vowed the United States would face “pain and suffering” if the United Nations approved tough new sanctions on the volatile regime Monday, with Pyongyang’s threat coming even as Russia and China worked to lessen the severity of the UN package and pushed for talks to solve the nuclear crisis. North Korea’s Foreign Ministry issued the statement on Monday saying it was “ready and willing” to retaliate if the new U.N. sanctions were approved during a vote planned for Monday evening. A draft of the U.N. sanctions circulated last week. “The forthcoming measures to be taken by [North Korea] will cause the U.S. the greatest pain and suffering it had ever gone through in its entire history,” the foreign ministry said in the statement.
Sept. 11, 2017


Aug 23, 2017–Hundreds of dead fish found washed up in Guaymas, Mexico

Aug 25, 2017–Thousands of dead fish found floating in a river in Batang, Indonesia

Aug 29, 2017–Hundreds of thousands of dead fish found washed up on a beach in Cornwall England

Aug 30, 2017–Thousands of dead fish found in a nature reserve in Lampertheim, Germany

Aug 30, 2017–Massive amounts of dead fish wash up in the Keelung River, Taiwan

Sept 1, 2017–Thousands of dead fish found in a river in Coimbra, Portugal

Sept 1, 2017–Thousands of dead fish found in a billabong near Darwin, Australia

Sept 2, 2017–Mass die off of fish in a river in Xinmin, China

Sept 4, 2017–Tons of dead fish wash up in the waters of Fai Chi Kei, Macau

Sept 5, 2017–Thousands of dead fish found in a lagoon in Hellin, Spain

Sept 5, 2017–Thousands of ducks dead due to avian flu in Cape Town, South Africa

Sept 5, 2017–Mass die off of livestock due to storm in Baja California


Headline: Who: Over 500 dead as Congo cholera epidemic spreads

More than 500 people have died so far in a cholera epidemic that is sweeping the Democratic Republic of Congo, the World Health Organization (WHO) said. Outbreaks of the water-borne disease occur regularly in Congo, mainly due to poor sanitation and a lack of access to clean drinking water. But this year’s epidemic, which has already hit at least 10 urban areas including the capital Kinshasa, is particularly worrying as it comes as about 1.4 million people have been displaced by violence in the central Kasai region. The WHO said at least 528 people had died and the epidemic had spread to 20 of Congo’s 26 provinces. “The risk of spread remains very high towards the Grand Kasai region, where degraded sanitary and security conditions further increase vulnerability in the face of the epidemic,” the WHO said in a statement. So far, health officials have recorded more than 24,000 suspected cases of the disease across the vast nation this year, averaging more than 1,500 new cases per week since the end of July.
Sept. 10, 2017


Headline:  Hurricane Irma: Caribbean islands left with trail of destruction

Before hitting Florida, Hurricane Irma caused catastrophic damage across the Caribbean, where it killed at least 37 people and left thousands homeless. Irma, one of the most powerful storms ever recorded in the Atlantic basin, swept across islands including St Martin, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the British and US Virgin Islands. It left billions of dollars worth of damage, with some areas now “barely habitable”. Hurricane Irma first struck the dual-island nation of Antigua and Barbuda on Wednesday. Prime Minister Gaston Browne said 95% of buildings on Barbuda had been damaged, and the island was “literally under water” and “barely habitable”. The category five storm then pummelled St Martin and St Barts – popular holiday destinations – on the same day.
Sept. 11, 2017

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