Sept. 13, 2022 Noah’s last days generation signs/ King Charles talking about the Antichrist?/ Earthquake toll/ Disease/ War/ Rumors of war/ Ezekiel 38 war signs/ World governments in decline/



Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! -


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


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China Yuan Crash Nears Payday



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Prince Charles is discussing the AntiChrist




 If you don’t read the bible you will not know Jesus told us some of the last days signs would be fire, heat, droughts, and floods. The report below addresses the same things Jesus told us to look for.  The article talks about climate change however, for those who know Jesus Christ we know what is taking place as not climate change but LAST DAYS SIGNS. 

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There’s a new map of climate disasters in America




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At least 7 people killed, widespread damage to homes and infrastructure after M7.6 earthquake hits Papua New Guinea 
A major earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.6 hit the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea at 23:46 UTC on September 10, 2022 (09:46 LT, September 11) at a depth of 90 km (56 miles).




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Tropical Storm “Kay” delivers nearly a year’s worth of rain across Southern California 
Tropical Storm “Kay” delivered nearly a year’s worth of rain across Southern California last week, shattering daily rainfall records.

Israel 71 GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHYAs you will see from the scriptures below God told us that He was going to bring back to life the nation of Israel. Anyone alive today knows with out a doubt that this prophecy from God did what he promised plus fulfilled his promise to bring Jews back to Israel in the last generation.  Fact is not only is Israel a nation again and the Jews back in their own land but, the prophecy stated Israel “stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army“. Ezekiel 37:10 states the following.  “So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.”  Here is the bottom line that you had better come to grips with. God has shown you what he says about the future always comes to pass. So, if you see Israel standing again, the Jews returned to Israel and they have formed a exceeding great army what makes you believe Israel will not go to war against Iran?  Ezekiel chapter 38-39 give specific details about a last days war against Israel and one of those nations who attack Israel is Iran.  See photo on Ezekiel 38 war below.  There is a report today concerning a Israeli Knesset member by the name of Nir Barkat who just stated that Israel will attack Iran if necessary. Of course he stated that because of Iran’s constant threat of Iran wiping out Israel. Iran has a goal and that goal is to use a nuclear weapon against Israel and Israel knows Iran means what they say. Given the fact that the Lord already told us the future of what happens to Iran and the other nations who attack Israel, all you have to do is sit back and watch the news because the Ezekiel 38 war is not far off. Maybe when you see that war take place you will call on the Lord for salvation? 



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Israeli Knesset member Nir Barkat: Israel will ‘attack’ Iran if necessary


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Mossad head: Israel will defend itself, deal or no deal, Iran not immune


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Iran says it has developed drone ‘designed to hit Israel’s Tel Aviv, Haifa’ – Mehr News


Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Everything that God has made Satan wants to change. So, in the last generation which has become a copy of Noah’s generation as prophesied by Jesus in Matthew chapter 24 Satan is using the ungodly people to push the teaching you can undo what God has created in you by getting a operation.  If you are one of the people who have fallen for this last day false teaching you should know that Satan doesn’t give a dam about you. All he cares about is to separate you from Christ, that is his end game.  The next time you take a shower take a look at your body. What ever you see from your body parts is exactly how God created you. Yes, you can change the appearance but, in the eyes of the Lord the way you were born is the way you will always be.  By the way the next 5 reports below fall under Noah’s last generation signs. 



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Detransitioners share regrets, speak out against body mutilation in documentary
A new documentary produced by Fox News host Tucker Carlson examines the consequences of body-disfiguring transgender surgeries and highlights the stories of people who underwent experimental medicalization and how it impacted their physical and mental health.


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California To Strip Custody From Parents Of Minors Seeking Trans Surgeries

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Christian bakers fined for gay ‘wedding’ cake refusal take case back to US Supreme Court 
The Christian bakers who were slammed with fines and ultimately lost their business after they refused to bake a cake for a gay “wedding” are once more bringing their case before the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing the state violated their due process and First Amendment rights.


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Norfolk area pride hold second annual pride festival


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Conflict reported at the Boise Pride Festival



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‘Monkeypox’: LRSD identifies the first case in its district; warns parents of exposure

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BOOSTING THE CURVE: COVID boosters injure up to 98 young adults just to prevent one COVID-19 hospitalization

(Natural News) The federal government is urging all Americans over twelve years of age to line up and get a fifth dose of the COVID vaccine, again stressing the importance of “doing your part” to “slow the spread of coronavirus.”

However, a new study, titled, “Covid-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: A risk-benefit assessment and five ethical arguments against mandates at universities” finds that COVID booster shots are BOOSTING THE CURVE of hospitalizations, not preventing them. According to the study’s findings, COVID boosters cause up to 98 serious vaccine injuries in young adults just to prevent ONE COVID-19 hospitalization. The team of researchers are now calling the COVID-19 vaccine mandates “unethical” because the jabs are nearly 100 times more likely to cause a young person to suffer a serious vaccine injury than prevent a COVID-19 hospitalization.


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COVID JAB FALLOUT: Middle-aged people died at TWICE the expected rate last summer, according to life insurance data
In July, August and September of 2021, death claims for adults aged 35 to 44 doubled, according to a new report from the Society for Actuaries (SOA).

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Infections Reported by Colleges Raise Concerns of Campus Spread


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Covid Injections Can Cause Lethal Skin Reactions
A 92-year-old man presented to an emergency room of the Regional Hospital of Saint-Louis, Senegal, with painful skin lesions.  He developed the severe skin reaction – TEN – within 20 days after the first dose of a Sinopharm “vaccine.”  He was admitted to the intensive care unit and died five days later.




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UN Food Official Warns Fertilizer Affordability Crisis Could Slash Global Grain Production By 40%
More than six months into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the global fertilizer crunch threatens to starve a planet as prices are too high for some farmers ahead of the next planting season.



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Armenia Requests Russian Military Assistance As Fighting Breaks Out With Azerbaijan
“If Russia accepts, we could see a 2nd NATO-Russia proxy war explode.”


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Ukraine piles pressure on retreating Russian troops





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Nearly 30 Shot During Weekend in Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago
Nearly 30 people were shot, five of them fatally, during the weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.





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The prayer

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