Sept. 18, 2017- Iranian official: We have the ‘father of all bombs’

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 6, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: Israel to mark 50 years to ‘return to historical lands’ with state ceremony

Israel will hold a large-scale event in late September to mark 50 years to the “return to the historical lands of Judea and Samaria, the Jordan Valley and the Golan Heights.” The hasbara center, led by Culture and Sport Ministet Miri Regev and Education Minister Naftali Bennett, will organize the event, which will be held in Gush Etzion on September 27. It will feature stories about the lands and the Jewish communities established there alongside videos telling the historical, cultural and human story of these lands, along with pyrotechnics.
Sept. 17, 2017,7340,L-5017663,00.html

Headline: Bahrain king denounces Arab boycott of Israel, says countrymen may visit

Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa al Khalifa has denounced the Arab boycott of Israel and said his subjects are free to visit the Jewish state. The statement by the head of the Persian Gulf country, which does not have diplomatic relations with Israel, was revealed at a multi-national event last week in Los Angeles, hosted by the city’s Simon Wiesenthal Center. At the event, Rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper, who head the Wiesenthal Center, revealed the king’s pronouncements made to them during their visit to Manama, Bahrain’s capital city, in early 2017.
Sept. 17, 2017

Headline: In overture to Fatah, Hamas agrees to dissolve its governing body in Gaza

In an overture to its rival Fatah, Hamas agreed on Sunday to dissolve its governing body in the Gaza Strip, allow the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority government to take over in its place and hold general elections. For the past several months, Fatah and its chairman Mahmoud Abbas have called on Hamas to announce and implement such a plan.
Since Hamas ousted the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority from Gaza in 2007, Hamas and Fatah have essentially established two separate governments – one Hamasrun government in Gaza and another led by the PA in the West Bank. While the two parties have signed a number of reconciliation agreements aimed at creating one shared government, they have failed to implement any of them. Hamas’s announcement on Sunday followed separate talks in Cairo last week between Egyptian and Fatah officials and between Egyptian and Hamas officials. The groups of Fatah and Hamas officials were still in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, on Sunday evening.
Sept. 17, 2017


Headline: Iranian official: We have the ‘father of all bombs’

A senior official in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards claimed over the weekend that Iran is in possession of what he described as the “father of all bombs”. According to the official, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, Iran has produced a domestically-made 10-ton bomb with a high destructive power. “Following a proposal by the Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Iran’s Defense Industries Organization manufactured a 10-ton bomb; these bombs are at our disposal and can be launched from Ilyushin aircraft and they are highly destructive,” Hajizadeh said, according to a report in the semiofficial Fars news agency. The commander pointed to the ordnance as Iran’s “father of all bombs” as compared with the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB), also known as the “mother of all bombs,” which the U.S. Air Force dropped on Islamic State (ISIS) targets in Afghanistan in April. Hajizadeh also claimed that in recent years, the IRGC has penetrated into U.S. military command centers and has evidence of their support for ISIS terrorists.
Sept. 18, 2017


Headline: 80 Arrested in St. Louis Protests Over Police Officer’s Acquittal

St. Louis Riot police arrested dozens Sunday night following the latest round of clashes with demonstrators protesting the acquittal of a white police officer in the shooting death of a black man. At least 80 arrests were made in what was the third night of violence in the city, with hundreds of people protesting Friday’s court decision that found Jason Stockley, a 36-year-old cop, not guilty in the 2011 death of Anthony Lamar Smith. The verdict has enraged some of the city’s residents, prompting daily protests that at times turned violent. Both Friday and Saturday, the protesters got agitated and confronted the police officers. Thirty were arrested on Saturday night. On Sunday, hundreds marched through the downtown streets of St. Louis. Despite the march remaining peaceful in the early hours amid the deployment of massive police forces, the protest turned violent by nightfall after roughly 100 protesters became confrontational while marching towards the center of downtown.
Sept. 18, 2017

Headline: Boko Haram suicide attack kills at least 15 in north Nigeria

A Nigerian rescue official says at least 15 people have been killed and 43 others injured in a suicide attack on Mashimari village in Borno state. Bello Dambatta, head of rescue operations for the Borno State Emergency Management Agency, said women were the majority of those killed in the Monday morning attack and the toll is likely to rise. Dambatta also said most of the victims were evacuated to medical facilities in Maiduguri and Konduga. Bunu Bukar, Secretary of the Hunters Association in Borno State, said three suicide bombers staged the attack after gunshots got villagers to run. The village is not far from the Mandarari Internal Displacement Camp that was attacked in August, he said.
Sept. 18, 2017


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