September 14, 2016- Golan Heights Shifts into Focus/WMD back in Iraq?


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New-ETRM-logo freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 14 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora




shimon-pereShimon Peres’s situation improves, but remains in serious condition

In an update to the press Wednesday afternoon at about 3:40pm, Prof. Yitzhak Kreiss, Director of Sheba Medical Center, said that the statesman’s condition had slightly improved, but warned that his condition was still very serious. They stated that he would remain in the neurological intensive care for the next 24 hours.
Sept. 14, 2016,7340,L-4854842,00.html


Headline:        U.S., Israel Sign Historic 10-year, $38-billion Military Aid Deal

The United States and Israel signed a defense aid agreement on Wednesday that promises Israel $38 billion over 10 years, from 2019 through 2028. “We affirm today the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel,” U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice said at the Washington ceremony. “On behalf of President Obama, we are all thinking of and praying for President Shimon Peres, Israel’s national treasure,” Rice continued. “Since 2009, the U.S. provided almost $24 billion in military aid to Israel,” she said, adding that “we are proud that no other administration has done so much to enhance Israel’s security.” “We can’t know what will happen in the next 10 years, but we do know that the U.S. will always be there for Israel,” Rice said. Israel’s Acting National Security Adviser Jacob Nagel spoke after Rice, saying that “Israel does not take the military aid package for granted.” Senior U.S. administration officials told Haaretz that in the event of an emergency, such as a war, the United States would be prepared to consider increasing the budget for missile defense systems beyond what is promised in the agreement, as it has done in the past.
Sept. 14, 2016

Headline:     IDF says Syria fired missiles at its jets, but denies claim aircraft was downed

The Syrian army claimed on Tuesday it had shot down an Israeli warplane and a drone after an Israeli attack on a regime position in southern Syria, state media reported. Syrian news agency SANA reported that President Bashar Assad’s forces shot down the Israeli aircraft in Syria after the IAF struck in the southern Quneitra countryside in response to a mortar exploding in the Golan Heights. The projectile’s landing in the Golan appeared to be spillover fire from fighting in Syria. In a rare response to a foreign report, the IDF on Tuesday denied that any of its aircraft had been downed, but said Syrian forces had fired two surface-to-air missiles after the Israeli strike Monday night on a Syrian position. However, the military said the missiles were nowhere near the vicinity of the Israel aircraft. The IDF added that all the Israeli jets had returned to base. On Monday evening, Syrian fire crossed into the northern Golan Heights as a nationwide ceasefire brokered by the US and Russia came into effect in the embattled country. In response, the Israeli air force attacked cannons belonging to the Syrian regime on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.
Sept. 13, 2016


Headline:  Failed Syrian rebel drive spills shells on Golan

Headline:   Syrian Islamist factions threaten to attack Druze minority in Quneitra

The estimated eight shells spilling in as many days from the Syrian war onto the Golan – and the three Israeli air strikes in reprisal against Syrian army targets – are beginning to sound ominously like Israel’s longstanding automatic tit-for-tat-air-for-rockets relations with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip – never mind who fires them. The latest round occurred Wednesday night, Sept. 13, the day after a fragile truce was due to go into effect in the Syrian war. According to debkafile’s military sources, the Israeli air raid against a Syrian army artillery battery was misplaced. The shells came from the rebel side of the battle. At the same time, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman may have used the stray shells as a pretext to strike the Syrian position and get at the pro-Iranian Hizballah unit posted in the Quneitra area directly opposite Israel’s Golan border. As for the battle, our military sources report that the Syrian Al-Qaeda branch, the rebel Jabhat al Nusra, re-branded as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, launched it five days ago. The militia’s purpose was to create a land bridge between its forces deployed south of Quneitra and its units positioned to the north of the key town, by seizing Tel al-Ahmar from Syrian forces. In the heat of battle, rebel shells strayed across the border into the Golan. Israel’s relations with the various Syrian rebel groups holding positions or fighting near its borders have had their ups and downs. The main problem is that whenever the Druze villages in the vicinity – currently surrounded by rebel forces – are under threat, especially Al Khadar, their Syrian and Israeli leaders turn to Israel with a demand to intervene and save them. Israel has always resisted their pressure. Had the rebel militia been able to capture Tel al-Ahmar, just 5km from the Israeli border, it would have attained control of the strategic “Red Hills,” which command the main Syrian Golan town of Quneitra and the highway link from southern Syria to Damascus.
But the rebel offensive failed and cost the Al-Sham Front heavy casualties, some of whom were evacuated to Israel for medical treatment.
Sept. 14, 2016


Headline:   After strikes, Moscow signals Israel to lower flame on Golan

Headline:   Reinforcements from Sweida pour into the Golan Heights

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called on Tuesday for restraint on the Golan Heights amid increasing tensions along the Israeli-Syria frontier, as the IDF continued to target the Syrian regime in response to apparently errant cross-border mortar fire. Lavrov’s statement appeared aimed at Israel, whose jets on Tuesday hit Syrian army positions in two separate sorties after mortar shells from fighting in the civil war, which has recently intensified in the area, hit open areas in the Israeli Golan Heights. Lavrov defended the Syrian regime’s offensive to retake areas from the Fatah al-Shams Front rebel group — until recently known as the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front — which has led to the increase in fighting, some of which has bled into Israel. “There is the need to show restraint and not to allow any provocations in the Golan Heights,” Lavrov said, according to the Russian news agency Tass. Meanwhile, A massive convoy of reinforcements from the Al-Sweida Governorate arrived in the Golan Heights today after the jihadist rebels mobilized more fighters to launch a 4th offensive. According to a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) source, the government convoy was made up of fighters from the National Defense Forces (NDF), Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), Jaysh Al-Muwahiddeen (Druze militia), and the 5th Armored Division.
Sept. 14, 2016


Headline:     ISIS snatches swaths of rebel territory

In a somewhat silent ten-day offensive, ISIS fighters have gradually retaken three hill tops from rebel factions in the mountainous terrain of eastern Qalamoun. Effectively, Jaish al-Islam and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) affiliated Ahmad al-Abdo brigade have lost control of Jabal Zubaydi, Tall Daba’a and Jabal al-Afa’i.
Sept. 14, 2016

summary-clipart-1Minutes after the commencement of the Syrian ceasefire, the Islamist rebels including Hezbollah launched a new offensive in the Golan Heights region of the Al-Quneitra.  We have seen their quiet buildup over the last days.  On Sept. 12th, the first of 8 shells landed in Israel, which immediately retaliated. Since then, Russia has asked Israel to “lower the flame” while Syrian reinforcements continue to pour into the Golan.  As you can see from the map above ISIS is toe to toe with the Syrians and rebels.  What role Israel will ultimately play remains to be seen. Could this be the beginning of Psalm 83?  Keep on the watch!!

viewer-questionQ: does the Bible say in any way that the third temple MUST be built upon where “we” all believe it should be?

A: No where in the bible that I know of clearly spells out exactly where the Third Temple will be built. What we know for sure is there was a first and second Temple and these Temples were in Jerusalem. Keep in mind, if in fact the first and second Temple were at the site where the Dome of the rock is it would make sense that is why Jesus told John not to measure the outer court as in Revelation 11:2 2 “But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.” Is it possible the Third Temple can be built right next to the Dome of the Rock? I would say yes. I say yes because maybe via some type of peace pact they could agree on having a Jewish Temple standing next to the Dome of the Rock. Maybe this will be part of the covenant that the Antichrist will confirm. Only God knows for sure. Let’s think about why Jesus said don’t measure the court. Is Jesus in fact showing us that the Third Temple will be built on the site where currently the Dome of the Rock is standing? I think so, why even mention the outer court if the Third Temple would be standing somewhere else? I have read that the Temple may be placed somewhere else and I provided you with a link that you can read. . One thing I can tell you. If the Third Temple is built on the same site as the Dome or, on another site near it in Jerusalem does it really matter? It may matter to some because if the Third Temple can be built some where other than the Temple Mount area that would mean the Jews don’t have to wait to build it. In that case it would mean that the Antichrist is just about ready to be revealed. The main question one should be asking is, have you received Jesus as Lord yet so that you will not be blinded by the Antichrist when he does in fact stand in the Third Temple Jesus warned us about. Let us always keep our eyes focused on Jesus this way it won’t matter where the Third Temple is built. Remember Jesus died for us and we don’t have to have a Temple! Some day the Jews will see that the real Temple of Salvation was and still is Jesus Christ and, there is no need to kill any animals since Jesus died once for ALL!

psalm onlybb_thumb2.jpg Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)

Saudi Arabia2Saudi Arabia

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Headline:    Three Qatari soldiers killed in Yemen

Headline:     Qatar sends 1,000 soldiers to Yemen

Qatar is the latest Gulf country to mobilize their forces to help the Saudi-led Coalition after four of their own soldiers were killed yesterday in Yemen. According to a report released by Al-Jazeera News today, approximately 1,000 Qatari soldiers, 200 armored vehicles, and 30 Apache helicopters were deployed to Yemen to participate in the Saudi-led aggression. “The troops are now reportedly heading to Yemen’s Maareb province, to join the Saudi-led coalition already fighting in the area,” Al-Jazeera added. More Qatari servicemen will be deployed to Yemen in the near future, the report concluded. The reason for the influx of Qatari soldiers is still unknown; however, it is likely to do with yesterday’s situation that involved several Qatari military personnel.
Sept. 14, 2016

Damascus ISIS

Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan



Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:         New details of Syria ceasefire deal outlined

Syria Headline:   Russia calls for 48-hour extension of Syria truce

The new Syria ceasefire is rich in detail on the mechanics of ending violence in Aleppo. It says little about how the United States and Russia will establish a new military partnership that is seen as key to the long-term sustainability of the deal. The agreement was reached last Friday after a marathon day of negotiations between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Underscoring the complexity of the new arrangement, even Kerry stumbled over some of the particulars while speaking shortly after the cease-fire came into effect Monday. Here are some details of the agreement, according to the US officials. They weren’t authorized to speak publicly about the still-confidential agreement and demanded anonymity.

  • As of Monday, Assad’s government and opposition forces should have ceased all attacks with any weapons, including aerial bombardments, rockets, mortars and anti-tank guided missiles.
    • Sides cannot seek to acquire territory.
    • They should allow rapid, safe, unhindered and sustained humanitarian access to all people in need.
    • In cases when self-defense is required, proportionate force should be used.
    • Two checkpoints will be established on the key Aleppo artery of Castello Road. The Syrian Red Crescent will initially operate the checkpoints, with security of no more than 20 armed personnel. Security will be determined by mutual consent of government and opposition forces. The UN will monitor the personnel, physically or remotely.
    • Government forces must withdraw personnel, heavy weapons and other arms to different points away from Castello Road. In some places, tanks, artillery and mortars must be pulled back at least 3.5 kilometers, or just more than 2 miles. Elsewhere, soldiers with lighter weapons have to retreat at least 500 yards from the road. Other requirements concern crew-served machine guns and observation posts.
    • Opposition forces also must withdraw from the road, in many places equidistant or similar to the level of pullback by government forces. East of Castello Road, their withdrawal will depend on the action of Kurdish forces. If the Kurds retreat 500 yards, the opposition forces should do likewise. Other requirements concern heavy weapons, including infantry-fighting vehicles and tanks, and crew-served machine guns.
    • Opposition must make every effort to prevent al-Qaeda-linked militants from advancing into demilitarized areas.
    • All Syrians should be able to leave Aleppo on Castello Road, including opposition forces with their weapons. Fighters must coordinate with UN officials ahead of time.
    • The US and Russia will address violations of cease-fire.
    • The US and Russia will announce the establishment of their Joint Implementation Center after at least seven straight days of adherence to the cease-fire.
    • Preparatory work for the center should have started Monday, including information-sharing to delineate territories controlled by al-Qaeda-linked militants and those controlled by opposition groups. More comprehensive delineation occurs after the center is established.
    • Starting Monday, the US and Russia should have started developing actionable targets against ISIS and al-Qaeda-linked militants, so that strikes can start immediately after the center is established. Once the first strikes occur, all Syrian military air activities must be halted in agreed areas.
    • The US and Russia can each withdraw from the arrangement.

Sept. 14, 2016

Syria Headline:    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline:   WMD back in Iraq? Pentagon says U.S. planes destroyed ISIL’s chemical weapons facility

The Pentagon said U.S. warplanes eliminated a “significant chemical threat” to Iraqi civilians by bombing a complex of buildings near Mosul that Islamic State militants had converted from pharmaceutical manufacturing to chemical weapons production. Air Force Lieutenant General Jeffrey Harrigian, head of the U.S. Air Force Central Command in Iraq, told Pentagon reporters on September 13 that the target was an IS headquarters facility also used to produce lethal chemicals, possibly including chlorine and mustard gas. A United Nations investigation recently confirmed that IS has used mustard gas in Syria. Harrigian described the air strikes on September 12 as a large, well-planned operation that destroyed more than 50 targets at the site with a variety of U.S. warplanes, including Air Force B-52 bombers and Marine Corps F-18D attack planes. A total of 12 U.S. planes were used. Harrigian said the mission was part of a broader effort to cut off the Islamic State’s main sources of revenue, kill their leaders, and create “organizational dysfunction” in ways that will eliminate the group as a military threat in Iraq and Syria.
Sept. 14, 2016

Kurdish Headline:      Is a confrontation between Turkey and Syrian Kurds imminent?

Kurdish Headline:    Tensions Flare Between Turkey, Kurds Over Syria’s Manbij

The frequency and intensity of clashes looks set to rise as the two groups pursue similar objectives in northern Syria and come into contact along shared front lines. Turkish troops and special forces, backed by allied Syrian rebel groups, launched on August 24 the Euphrates Shield operation to liberate the strategic Syrian city of Jarablus on the border with Turkey from ISIS. Turkey’s president later vowed to press ahead with the military offensive until ISIS and Syrian Kurdish militias no longer posed a security threat to Turkey. As a result, military clashes erupted on August 27 between the Turkish coalition and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The indications that the SDF also intended to continue their military advance to connect the Kurdish-controlled western canton of Afrin to the Rojava region (also known as Western or Syrian Kurdistan) played a crucial role in pushing Turkey to launch the first ground military operation in Syria. Turkish officials insist that Kurdish forces should immediately withdraw east of the Euphrates River or face more attacks by Turkish forces. The US has been able to broker a ceasefire between Turkey and the SDF, which prevented the small clashes from becoming an all-out confrontation. However, as long as there is no solid agreement between Turkey and the Syrian Kurds on how to coexist together, the threat of future clashes will remain.
Sept. 14, 2016

       photo and chart 2ezekiel-map-2

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Turkey.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Turkey.

Beth Togarmah is Armenia.


Headline:      US official: Navy aircraft threatened with shoot down by Iran

Iran threatened to shoot down two US Navy aircraft over the weekend as they were flying just inside the Strait of Hormuz, a US defense official said. The EP-3 and P-8 planes were in international airspace but “near Iranian airspace.” The Iranians made three radio calls to the two planes warning them not to enter Iranian airspace and risk being shot down with surface-to-air missiles, the official said. “All three calls used threatening language,” the US defense official said. The US Navy crews knew they were flying “outside the known range of Iranian air defenses” and proceeded with their flight plans. The American crews “responded in an appropriate and calm manner,” the official said, adding that the crews identified their planes themselves as coalition aircraft flying in international airspace. The two planes — reconnaissance aircraft that routinely fly that flight pattern in the Strait of Hormuz — were on separate flight plans, but close to each other. Also, senior US military officials are trying to assess whether the number of incidents with the Iranians have increased or whether more incidents are simply being reported by US naval commanders in the region because of the sensitivity to Iranian incidents.
Sept. 13, 2016


Headline:       Rise of ISIS in Afghanistan is threat to Russia – Moscow

The rise of Islamic State in Afghanistan poses serious security concerns for Russia, Moscow has said, adding that Washington bears responsibility for the current chaos in the country. Moscow “is concerned over the rise of Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL] in Afghanistan because it has far-reaching geopolitical consequences for Russian safety,” said Zamir Kabulov, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s director of the Second Asian Department in Afghanistan. Kabulov served as Russian envoy to Afghanistan in 2004-2009 and is currently a special representative of the Russian president on Afghanistan. Kabulov said that about 2,500 Islamic State combatants are currently in Afghanistan. “They [Islamic State] continue to recruit people and enhance their combat capabilities. If they are not restrained then the chances are that we will have to face an even more powerful force,” Kabulov said. The US bears responsibility for the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, he added.
Sept. 13, 2016


Headline:     Libya unity rivals seize final port in ‘oil crescent’: military

Headline:   ISIS captures 3 checkpoints near Benghazi

Forces opposed to Libya’s unity government on Tuesday seized a fourth oil port, completing their takeover of vital installations in the North African country’s “oil crescent,” a military source said. Colonel Muftah al-Muqarief said his forces, who are loyal to controversial General Khalifa Haftar, seized the port of Brega “without any fighting,” after having already taken control of Ras Lanouf, Es-Sidra and Zuwaytina since Sunday. “The entire oil crescent region is now under our control,” Muqarief told AFP, referring to the area along Libya’s northern coast. The officer said Haftar’s forces took control of Brega – between Ras Lanouf and Zuwaytina – largely thanks to “mediation involving residents and town elders.” The loss of Brega would deal a fresh blow to the Government of National Accord which has been struggling to assert its authority.
Sept. 14, 2016


Headline:     White House plans to accept at least 110,000 refugees in 2017

The Obama administration plans to accept at least 110,000 refugees from around the world in fiscal year 2017. Secretary of State John F. Kerry briefed lawmakers Tuesday on the new goal, which is an increase from 85,000 in fiscal year 2016, and 70,000 in the previous three years. It represents a 57 percent increase in refugee arrivals since 2015, as ongoing conflicts in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere have spurred an exodus of migrants seeking asylum in Europe, Canada and other regions. A senior administration official, who asked for anonymity because the policy is not yet officially announced, “is consistent with our belief that all countries should do more to help the world’s most vulnerable people.” The official added that Kerry told lawmakers “that if it is possible to do more” in terms of accepting refugees, “we would.”
Sept. 14, 2016

nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)


Headline:    Clash with Boko Haram in Niger kills five soldiers, 30 militants

Thirty members of Boko Haram and five Nigerien soldiers have been killed in fighting in the southeastern Diffa region of Niger, the defense ministry said in a statement late on Tuesday. The clash took place Monday near the village of Toumour, near Lake Chad and the Nigerian border, an area that has plagued by violence from the Islamist militant group and is under an extended state of emergency. Boko Haram took the nearby town of Bosso in early June, in an attack that killed 32 soldiers and was the deadliest Boko Haram assault in Niger since April 2015. Since then, Chad has sent troops to help Niger wage a counterattack. Fighting began on Monday morning when the army fell into an ambush, the statement said, adding that six soldiers were also injured and two militants were captured. “The Boko Haram fighters were trying to prevent people from praying to mark the feast of sacrifice,” said Laouan Boukar, a resident of Toumour, referring to the important Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha that was on Monday.
Sept. 14, 2016

Headline:      Indian forces kill two protesters in Indian-controlled Kashmir

Two people have been killed in fresh clashes between Indian forces and pro-independence protesters in Indian-controlled Kashmir. Police on Tuesday used tear gas and shotgun pellets against the protesters in several areas including the city of Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir. A protester was killed by a tear gas canister in the northern area of Bandipora, while another demonstrator lost his life by pellets in Shopian in the south, police said. At least five dozen people were injured in fierce clashes in 10 different places across the disputed valley.  The protesters had defied a curfew imposed on the whole region during Eid al-Adha, or Feast of Sacrifice, which marks the culmination of the annual Hajj pilgrimage. Most residents in Kashmir remained indoors for the Islamic ritual. Indian authorities did not allow congregational Eid prayers in the main mosques and Eid grounds in the Muslim-majority region, but prayers were held by people in small neighborhood mosques. Almost all businesses remained closed and traffic stayed off the streets across major towns of the valley. Authorities ordered restrictions on the movement of residents across the region. A large number of paramilitary troops and armed police in riot gear patrolled the deserted streets of many towns and villages across Kashmir.
Sept. 13, 2016

wars-2 Cooltextprophecysign Wars & Rumors of Wars Matthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. Prophecy Sign: Weapons of Mass Destruction Zechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”

Headline:         Sweden puts permanent troops on strategic island near Russia

The Swedish military has announced that troops training on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, not far from Russia, will remain there permanently. Officials said “external factors” prompted the order for some 150 soldiers to stay on the island. “The armed forces [now] … have joint permanent groups and troops on Gotland. Gotland is one of our military strategic areas in Sweden … Gotland needs … to increase their operational capacity, and allow troops to practice and work in the field,” the Swedish Armed Forces cited Supreme Commander Micael Byden as saying on its website. Byden later told Swedish broadcaster SVT that “external factors in the world have deteriorated over time and it means I have made a decision about a permanent presence and that we put the battle group here earlier.”  Some 150 soldiers currently training on Gotland received orders on Wednesday morning to remain on the island. “We have to look realistically at the situation in the world. The armed forces are now taking their responsibility, and demonstrating that with increased military capability we are taking responsibility for the country’s sovereignty,” Byden added. Earlier, the Swedish Armed Forces said that “until the battle group is in place, units from different parts of Sweden will be stationed and operate on and around the island.” The last permanent troops left the island back in 2005, the ministry said, adding that Sweden had decided to increase its defense budget by 10.2 billion kronor (US$1.2 billion) from 2016-2020.
Sept. 14, 2016

One World Government

CooltextprophecysignThe Coming One world government Anyone who read chapter 13 of the book of Revelations should understand that the Antichrist will be running a One World Government during the seven year tribulation.  The Prophet Daniel in chapters 2 and 7 show us that the last world empire directed by the Antichrist will not be America, but a revived Roman Empire.

Headline:   European Border and Coast Guard to launch in mid-October

Headline:   EU permanent military headquarters proposed by Jean-Claude Juncker

The Council of the European Union (EU), representing member states, on Wednesday ratified the creation of a European Border and Coast Guard. The move paves the way for the apparatus to begin its activities in mid-October. The European Border and Coast Guard was designed to meet the new challenges and political realities faced by the EU. The main role of it is to help provide integrated border management at the external borders, the Council said in a statement. According to the International Organization for Migration, 272,070 migrants have arrived illegally in Europe by sea between Jan. 1 and Aug. 28, 2016, compared with 353,628 in the same period of last year. Facing an unprecedented refugee crisis in the EU history, the new apparatus was expected to ensure the effective management of migration flows and provide a high level of security for the EU. At the same time, it was built to help safeguard free movement within the EU and respect fully fundamental rights.
Sept. 14, 2016

famine-4CooltextprophecysignFamine Matthew 24:7 & Revelation 6:8 “ For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.” “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.”

Headline:     Venezuela’s “Death Spiral” – A Dozen Eggs Cost $150

For many Venezuelans, by every economic, social and political measure, their nation is unravelling at breakneck speed. Severe shortages of food, clean water, electricity, medicines and hospital supplies punctuate a dire scenario of crime-ridden streets in the impoverished neighborhoods of this nearly failed OPEC state, which at one time claimed to be the most prosperous nation in Latin America. Today, a once comfortable middle-class Venezuelan father is scrambling desperately to find his family’s next meal — sometimes hunting through garbage for salvageable food. The unfortunate 75% majority of Venezuelans already suffering extreme poverty are reportedly verging on starvation. When President Nicolas Maduro inherited the Venezuelan Socialist “dream”, in April of 2013, just one month after Chavez died, he was facing a mere 53% inflation rate. Today the Venezuelan bolivar is virtually worthless, and inflation is creeping to 500% with expectations of much more. Demonstrations and public cries for food are the unpleasant evidence of a once-prosperous society being torn apart by the very largess that marked its utopian ideals less than a decade ago. There are dire reports of people waiting in supermarket lines all day, only to discover that expected food deliveries never arrived and the shelves are empty. In desperation, some middle class families have organized online barter clubs as helpless citizens seek to trade anything for diapers and baby food, powdered milk, medicines, toilet paper and other essentials missing from store shelves or available only on the black market for double and triple already impossibly inflated prices.. There are horrific tales of desperate people slaughtering zoo animals to provide their only meal of the day. Even household pets are targeted as a much-needed source for food. This is a desperate time for a desperate people. As things continue to worsen, President Maduro, unfortunately, is doubling down on the proven failed policies and philosophies of “Bolivarian Socialism,” while diverting attention away from the crisis — pointing fingers at so-called “enemies” of Venezuela such as the United States, Saudi Arabia and others.
Sept. 14, 2016



Sept 10, 2016- Massive amount of dead fish found along a river in Fujian, China

Sept 11, 2016- Thousands of dead fish found in Snake River in Idaho

Sept 11, 2016- Millions of fish have suddenly died in fish farms in Beihai City, China

Sept 12, 2016- Thousands of cattle dead due to drought in Machareti, Bolivia

Sept 12, 2016- Dead turtles found washed up this year, ’cause unknown’ in Baja California

Sept 13, 2016- Dozens of sea birds found dead along beaches in the Gulf Coast

   frank  signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

14344196_1087061291363740_4103852070591167558_n 14368662_1087110694692133_6560241849030727751_n

Headline:  Category 5 Super Typhoon Meranti is strongest storm of 2016 season

Headline:   Super-Typhoon Lashes South Taiwan Leaving Thousands Without Power

Churning the waters of the Northwest Pacific is the strongest tropical cyclone of the 2016 Northern Hemisphere season: Super Typhoon Meranti. It is the fourth Category 5 storm on Earth this year, which is close to the annual average of between four and five such storms. Super Typhoon Meranti, which according to the Joint Typhoon Warning Center had maximum sustained winds of 155 knots, or nearly 180 miles per hour, as of Monday evening eastern time, has southern Taiwan and coastal China in its sights for the middle of the week. Fluctuations in the storm’s intensity are likely before Meranti makes its closest pass to southern Taiwan on Wednesday, but it is likely to still be a powerful Typhoon at that time. Taiwan’s second-most populous city, Kaohsiung City, is located in the southwest part of the island. The forecast calls for the storm to be weaker when it passes close to, if not over, parts of Taiwan on Sept. 14. Computer model projections show the storm may pass through the Luzon strait to the south of Taiwan while weakening from a major typhoon to a Category 1 or 2 storm before it hits the Chinese mainland on Sept. 15.
Sept. 13, 2016

Headline:      N. Korea says floods ‘worst disaster’ since WWII

Floods in North Korea that have left hundreds dead or missing are the “worst disaster” to hit the country since World War II, state media said on Wednesday. The official KCNA news agency did not give exact numbers of those killed or unaccounted for, but a UN report said 138 people have died and 400 are missing after torrential rains caused devastation in the country’s far north. The floods along the Tumen River, which partially marks the border with China and Russia, tore through villages, washing away buildings and leaving thousands in urgent need of food and shelter. “The flood that resulted from the typhoon that hit North Hamgyong province from August 29 to September 2 was the worst disaster since liberation from Japanese colonial rule in 1945,” KCNA said. It also provided figures on the flood damage and those displaced for the first time, saying 68,900 people had been forced to flee their homes, compared with a UN figure of 107,000. At least 29,800 homes and 900 public buildings were destroyed, it said, adding that 180 sections of road and over 60 bridges had been severely damaged, and electricity and communication lines were cut.
Sept. 14, 2016

     Note from Frank***All earthquakes are instantly posted to my Facebook page; Please be sure to visit my Facebook page to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes from March 2014 – today

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes{%22feed%22%3A%221day_m25%22%2C%22search%22%3Anull%2C%22sort%22%3A%22newest%22%2C%22basemap%22%3A%22grayscale%22%2C%22autoUpdate%22%3Atrue%2C%22restrictListToMap%22%3Atrue%2C%22timeZone%22%3A%22local%22%2C%22mapposition%22%3A[[-82.49482361179572%2C-81.2109375]%2C[82.44876405595812%2C481.28906250000006]]%2C%22overlays%22%3A{%22plates%22%3Atrue}%2C%22viewModes%22%3A{%22map%22%3Atrue%2C%22list%22%3Atrue%2C%22settings%22%3Afalse%2C%22help%22%3Afalse}}



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