September 14, 2017 Rapture on the 23rd?

Below Is my reply to a friend in Christ who asked me a question.
As to the warning you are giving. You can only do what you can do. It is not up to you who listens to what you say that is the job of the Holy Spirit. You have to rest in the fact you did what you were called to do.
Each year when the Feast of Trumpets draws near I warn this may be the time the Lord calls His Church to heaven in the rapture. Since Christ did fulfilled the first 4 Feasts one would think Christ will continue by fulfilling the next 3 Fall Feasts that haven’t been fulfilled yet.  Each year the Feast of Trumpets falls on a different date and when that date is close I sound the alarm and tell the people which date this years Feast of Trumpets begins.  This year I was blessed that Pastor Dwayne let me address this issue to the Church. In all things I make it a point to stay with what Jesus has given us in His word and the same with the Old Testament. I do not change God’s word in my teaching to fit my own purposes.
Concerning the Jewish Feasts since I focus on the Jewish calendar in my presentation I showed that this year the Feast of Trumpets begins on the 20th of September at 6 pm as the Jews consider this is when their new day begins.  Many people who have watched some bible teachers tell the world that this year the Feast of Trumpets takes place on September 23rd and as you know they  linked that day to the  Revelation 12 women.  They claim this special sign tells us the Church will be born on the 23rd and raptured on the same day.  Is this biblical truth?
What people need to keep in mind is that from the very beginning when the Lord gave the First  Feast of Trumpets it was  to be observed for only one day. This is what is what is stated  in Lev. 23:23-24 “The Lord said to Moses, ‘Say to the Israelites: “On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts”’”. The Rabbi’s changed that decree later to be observed for a two day period but it was not something the Lord installed. So if we are follow the way the Lord put this feast in place than this year the Jews should do what the Lord said and observe this Feast one day.  If we follow the Lord and not what some bible teachers say or, the Rabbinical changing of Feast days who extended the one Feast to two days you can see the women in Revelation 12 is not taking place on the Feast of Trumpets it is 3 days later. None of the videos where bible teachers are trying to show the Church will be raptured on the Feast of Trumpets on the 23rd  even mention the fact that the Feast of Trumpets was established as a one day Feast only. Why was such an important fact not given?  Was it because it doesn’t fix in with what they are teaching?  Not only that but the videos I have seen these teachers tell us that the Revelation 12 sign only comes around every 7 thousand years so this has to be the rapture sign however, that teaching is also flawed as you will see from the video done by a Christian who has a PHD in astronomy.
When I warn people I warn them concerning the 20th as this is the one day this year that the Lord points out via the Old Testament.  I tell the people this is a Feast Day just like the many that came before it however, since we are in the last days via all the signs we need to pay special attention to this day just in case this is the year has appointed to take His Church out of the way.
As I noted above this year some have put a new twist on the Feast of Trumpets  because 3 days after the Feast of Trumpets the Revelation 12 women appears and people as you know have linked this event with the rapture of the Church.  If Jesus fulfilled the first 4 Jewish Feast on the very day what makes people think that Jesus will skip the real Feast Day on the 20th of September and take the Church out 3 days later?  Keep in mind that’s if He even plans to come back this year? As I stated to the Trinity Nazarene Church and, everyone who comes to my YouTube channel and my prophecy web sites, the most important thing is that you are ready to be raptured when ever Jesus calls us!  In my book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth I point out the numerous times people have set dates for the rapture of the Church and each time the date failed.


    • Samuel Muñoz on September 21, 2017 at 8:20 pm
    • Reply

    Hello Frank,

    I had asked you a question on a YouTube video that you commented on but you never replied. I’m not sure if you saw it so that’s why I’m asking on here. My question is does the Feast of Trumpets start this year on the 20th like you say or does it start when the moon is spotted by two witnessed in Israel?

    Also would like to ask if the Feast of Trumpets is a two day Feast?

      • etrm on September 28, 2017 at 8:35 pm
      • Reply

      This year the Feast of Trumpets started on Sept. 20th 2017 at 6:30 pm the Jews consider 6:30 as a new day so the date of the Feast was the 21st. When the Lord gave the command to follow the Feast of Trumpets what did He say? Read Lev. 23 The Lord said to Moses, 24 “Say to the Israelites: ‘On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of sabbath rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts. 25 Do no regular work, but present a food offering to the Lord.’” God told us that this Feast was to be for only one day not two days. However, as years past it was the Rabbi’s who changed that Feast to two days to make sure no Jew would miss the Feast. As for me, I follow what God laid down not what the Rabbi’s changed. Hope this helps? Frank

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