September 6, 2022 America in Decline, Nations in Crisis, Storms, war & rumors of war, Major quakes, Disease, Intense Heat, Fighting Satan, Noah’s signs of the end are back,


Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! -


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 5 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


The book of Revelation shows that a one world government will come and be controlled by the Antichrist.  In order for that to happen their has to be a global economic crisis along side with huge problems for nations. Nation after nation currently are headed for this collapse and as you will see from the reports below, nation with those problems.  

A breakOne of the biggest strikes in US history is brewing at UPS

Rest Not sure what the problem rich Democrats have with Trump. When Trump was president the world was a much safer place to live. The U.S. was the strongest it has been in a long time and America was respected as a world superpower but all that has changed within  2 years of the Biden Presidency.  Maybe the rich think that if Trump gets into office that the Democrats will start a civil war and, that is why they would want to leave the country? In part of the report below if you read the entire report is says the following.  “There are people who are convinced that this country is filled with lunatic Christian fundamentalists and good old boys from the South, and [that] that’s what we’re going to become. And so they’re making plans,” said Marc Hyman, founder of E-2 Visa Solutions, who observed the same pattern among liberals. “A lot of people have a second citizenship as a Get Out of Jail Dree card or as a life raft in case America becomes unlivable… and, you know, the shrimp is no longer cold in the Hamptons.” It is interesting to me that the Democrats are afraid of what they call lunatic Christian fundamentalists. Let us see who it really is that people should be concerned about?  Isn’t the people who allow U.S. laws to be broken?  Isn’t it the people who allow U.S. citizens to be censored and deny them of their free speech? The only people who are doing these types of things are found in the left and support a president that allows such things to concern. Let us remember the word Jesus wrote us via Paul.  Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. There is no question Satan wants to destroy America. Why? Because America has Christians who stand for morals and the rule of law. You get rid of America and the rule of law and you can replace it with evil and lawlessness and that is what is going on today.

A breakRich Dems Worried About Trump Are Buying Second Citizenships

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Pakistan is bearing the brunt of the climate crisis despite ‘small carbon footprint,’ minister says


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Russia Admits Weaponization Of Gas, Halts NS1 Shipments “Until Sanctions Lifted” As EU Prepares Response To Energy Crisis
on Monday Russia finally admitted what everyone has known since February – namely that it has weaponized commodities in response to the West’s weaponization of currencies (as Zoltan Pozsar has said all along),when the Kremlin said that Russia’s gas supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline will not resume in full until the “collective west” lifts sanctions against Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine.

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California Declares Grid Emergency (For 5th Straight Day) As Blackout Risks Surge
For the 5th straight day, California Independent System Operator (California ISO) declared a grid emergency Monday afternoon. The grid operator forecasts record high demand on Tuesday, with the possibility of ‘rotating outages’ as early as today. A menacing statewide heatwave has sparked huge demand for electricity while generating capacity remains subdued. And California didn’t even get disconnected from Russia.

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Jackson, Miss., Is Out of Running Water After Treatment Plant Pumps Fail 
The city of Jackson, Miss., which has struggled with a crumbling water infrastructure for years, has no reliable running water, authorities said.

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Trudeau’s Federal Agents Raid Private Farms to Ensure Compliant Nitrate Levels 
Saskatchewan Minister Jeremy Cockrill has called on Canada‘s Federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault to comment on allegations that federal agents trespassed on private property to perform a soil test.

A breakThis Fall Echoes Dangerous Parallels To Previous Economic Crisis


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The National Media Will Not Show You This Proof That Fascist Nazis Of America Have Taken Over The Entire Democrat Party
We have seen and heard different iterations of one common theme, that the Democrats of today are nothing like the democrats of yesteryear, and some recent, highly disturbing events are proof positive that it is true this is not the Democrat party of your parents or grandparents.


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Amazon Quietly Took All Rooftop Solar Panels Offline After Danger Became Impossible to Ignore
After multiple rooftop fires between 2020-2021, Amazon temporarily took all solar panels offline to complete inspections of each of its systems. The e-commerce giant did so quietly without mentioning the problems in its sustainability report.


FFearful sights


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“Toxic” Dust Storm Hits Burning Man, Causing Total Whiteout
The final weekend of Burning Man nearly ended earlier as visibility deteriorated to zero during a massive dust storm. On Saturday, Burning Man’s official Twitter account tweeted the gates into the festival in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert were closed “due to whiteout conditions. The San Francisco Standard pointed out that the dust in the area is full of “alkaline” and is “quite toxic.”


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Supersonic asteroid 10 times faster than bullet to pass Earth
2022 QC7 is also coming in fast, barreling in Earth’s direction at a speed of around 9.10 kilometers per second, or 32,760 kilometers per hour. To put that in perspective, that is about 10 times as fast as an average 5.56 x 45 mm NATO rifle bullet and is the equivalent of close to 27 times the speed of sound. … an asteroid 140 meters in diameter or more would release an amount of energy at least a thousand times greater than that released by the first atomic bomb if it impacted Earth. … the Apophis asteroid – could destroy an entire continent.




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Tropical Storm Earl hits Puerto Rico, Hurricane Danielle stays over Atlantic
Earl is having more current impact as it continues to swirl far off the coasts of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands on Monday morning. But while the dangerous center of the storm is no threat to land, heavy rains on the outer fringes of Earl have drenched that area of the Caribbean.

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Typhoon leaves 20,000 homes without power in South Korea
The most powerful typhoon to hit South Korea in years battered its southern region Tuesday, dumping almost a meter (3 feet) of rain, destroying roads and felling power lines, leaving 20,000 homes without electricity as thousands of people fled to safer ground. Typhoon Hinnamnor grazed the resort island of Jeju and made landfall near the mainland port of Busan …


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Super Typhoon Hinnamnor Could Slam Straight Into Nuclear Power Plant




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North Korea holds emergency wartime readiness drills for hospitals
Hospital employees nationwide were tested over a five-day period for the first time since 2019. They were made to set up field hospital tents, transport equipment and practice carrying patients on stretchers to be ready in the event of war. But the tents were falling apart, the employees were inadequately fed, and medical equipment was in short supply, according to the sources, who questioned if the already overwhelmed North Korean medical system would actually be able to handle wartime casualties.


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Suicide bomber sets off fatal blast outside Russia’s Kabul embassy
Two employees of the Russian Embassy in the Afghan capital, Kabul, have been killed in a suicide-bomb attack. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the explosion, the latest to strike the country in the year since the Taliban seized power. “At 10:50 a.m. Kabul time on September 5, an unidentified militant set off an explosive device in the immediate vicinity of the entrance to the consular section of the Russian Embassy in Kabul,”



Iran is one the many nations that will try to wipe out Israel. This war is described for us in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 in detail.

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Israel, US hold large-scale missile defense drill amid Iran nuclear standoff
As Iran continues its race toward nuclear power, the Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO), the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA), the Israeli Air Defense Command and the US Air and Missile Defense Task Force held a joint simulation training exercise focused on protecting Israel from ballistic threats.

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‘We understand Iran’s aggression, we will never tie Israel’s hands’
“As he said in the call with the prime minister… we understand the aggression of Iran and we will never tie Israel’s hands. Yes, we also would like a diplomatic solution to this but only under the conditions the president has laid out with our European colleagues.”Nides stressed that Biden has been steadfast that he will not agree to a deal without “many gaps and conditions” that have to be reached which have “still not been resolved.”


A111111 Take a look at all the strong quakes so far in 2022. All I can say is remember what you read here because you will see even bigger quakes in the near future. The closer we get to the second coming the stronger and faster these “great earthquakes” will be witnessed.    Keep in mind, I am not even listing the other quakes under the 6.0 which there is a host of those quakes.                                                    

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Vanuatu January 3, 2022

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Taiwan January 3, 2022

A magnitude 6.1 quake struck  the Mid Atlantic Ridge January 4, 2022

 A magnitude 6.8 quake struck  SE of Nikkolski Alaska January 11, 2022

 A magnitude 6.6 quake struck WNW of Polis, Cyprus January 11, 2022

 A magnitude 6.8 quake struck  SE of Nikkolski Alaska January 11, 2022

 A magnitude 6.6 quake stuck the Fox Islands January 11, 2022

 A magnitude 6.8 quake stuck the Fox Islands January 11, 2022

 A magnitude 6.0 quake stuck Australia February 1, 2022

A magnitude 6.2 quake struck  SSE of Nueva Concepcion, Guatemala February 15, 2022

A magnitude 6.8 quake struck  South of Fiji Islands February 16, 2022

 A magnitude 6.3 quake struck the Balleny Islands region February 21, 2022

A magnitude 6.2 quake stuck NNW of Bukittinggi, Indonesia on February 25, 2022

A magnitude 6.6 quake stuck Kermadec Islands, New Zealand February 25, 2022

A magnitude 6.4 quake stuck WNW of Cabra, Philippines, March 13, 2022

A magnitude 6.7 quake stuck W of Pariaman, Indonesia March 13, 2022

A magnitude 6.5 quake stuck  Japan March 16, 2022

A magnitude 7.3 quake stuck  Japan March 16, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck  Fiji Islands March 19, 2022

A magnitude 6.7 quake stuck  Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge  March 22, 2022

A magnitude 6.7 quake stuck S of Hualien City, Taiwan  March 22, 2022

A magnitude 6.9 quake stuck New Caledonia March 30, 2022

A magnitude 7.0 quake stuck New Caledonia March 31, 2022

A magnitude 6.4 quake stuck So. E. of Loyalty Islands March 31, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck WSW of Norsup, Vanuatu  April 9, 2022

A magnitude 6.7 quake stuck Nicaragua  April 23, 2022

A magnitude 6.1 quake stuck Bosnia and Herzegovina  April 22, 2022

A magnitude 6.0 quake stuck Papua New Guinea April 28, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck Papua New Guinea May 1, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck Papua New Guinea May 9, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck SW of Yonakuni, Japan May 9, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck Bismarck Sea  May 10, 2022

 A magnitude 6.8 quake struck Argentina May 10, 2022    

 A magnitude 6.5 quake struck Jujuy, Argentina May 11, 2022

A magnitude 6.9 quake struck Macquarie Island May 19, 2022

 A magnitude 6.1 quake struck ENE of Bungahan, Philippines May 21, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake struck So. of Fiji Islands May 22, 2022

 A magnitude 6.1 quake struck East coast of Hachijojima Island, Japan May 22, 2022

A magnitude 7.2 quake struck  Peru May 26, 2022

A magnitude 6.4 quake stuck Loyalty Islands May 26, 2022

A magnitude 6.1 quake stuck Afghanistan  June 22, 2022

 A magnitude 6.0 quake stuck Iran  July 22, 2022

A magnitude 6.8 quake stuck Easter Island region  July 22, 2022

A magnitude 6.6 quake stuck Easter Island region  July 22, 2022

A magnitude 7.1 quake stuck Philippines  July 27, 2022

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Chile, July 27, 2022

 A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck Chile, July 28, 2022

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck South of the Kermadec Islands August 14, 2022

 A magnitude 6.0 quake stuck Indonesia August 23, 2022

A magnitude 6.4 quake stuck Loyalty Islands August 14, 2022

 A magnitude 6.0 quake stuck Indonesia August 23, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck Pacific Antarctic Ridge August 30, 2022

A magnitude 6.9 quake stuck Pacific Antarctic Ridge September 4, 2022

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck China, September 5, 2022


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8 fatalities after M5.1 earthquake in northeastern Afghanistan
A shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M5.1 hit northeastern Afghanistan at 21:57 UTC (23:57 local time) on September 4, 2022, killing at least 8 people and injuring another 9. EMSC is reporting M5.3 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

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Shallow M6.2 earthquake hits the southern East Pacific Rise
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.2 hit the southern East Pacific Rise at 23:57 UTC on September 4, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.

What other secrets are hidden in the Qumran caves?
Regarding items from the Temple, David Yehuda, an author involved in historical research on the subject, has been involved for decades with the work at Qumran. He cited several ancient documents that cross-reference each other, noting that all seem to point to Qumran as an area that may contain items of great significance, possibly from the Temple. As an example, the Copper Scroll, which sits in a museum in Amman, Jordan, lists many locations—a number of which seem to point to the Qumran area—where certain items from the First Temple were supposedly hidden before the exile. While the archaeologists are not necessarily looking for anything in particular, they are keenly aware of what might be hidden in the area.


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One Million Moms issues ‘urgent warning’ to parents in response to Disney’s FX series ‘Little Demon’
Disney’s new FX series “Little Demon,” which features a woman who is impregnated by Satan and gives birth to an Antichrist daughter and carries graphic violence and nudity, “makes light of hell and the dangers of the demonic realm,” says One Million Moms says in an online petition. Due to the show’s content, the group is issuing an “urgent warning” to parents.



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Children’s hospital promotes sex toys and gender-affirming tools for schools
A Chicago children’s hospital partnered with local schools to promote sex toys and gender-affirming items, according to documents obtained by City Journal. The Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago partnered with four school districts including District 75, District 120, District 181 and District 204 to teach gender diversity, according to hospital documents. As a part of the “Beyond Binary” lesson, the hospital pushed a “LGBTQ sex shop for teens” to the schools, which sells various sex toys including dildos, vibrators, harnesses, and anal toys.

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Pornhub booted off Instagram after complaints
A nonprofit that advocates against sexual exploitation praised Instagram’s reported decision to suspend Pornhub, citing the move as proof that the social media company acknowledges the severity of the accusations against the MindGeek-owned platform.




A breakIn India and China, farmers fret as drought and heat threaten rice harvest

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Flex Alert continues through Labor Day evening as Southern California bakes
Searing, triple-digit heat continued to smash high temperature records throughout Southern California on Sunday, Sept. 4, as a sixth consecutive energy-saving Flex Alert was announced for Labor Day, Sept. 5. In Long Beach, meanwhile, a high of 109 degrees broke the old record of 107 in 1988, the NWS said.


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Germany’s DWD Weather Service Redefines “Heat Wave”: Now 3 Consecutive Days Of Warm Weather! 
Like the WHO changed the definition of a “pandemic”, the DWD has changed the definition of a “heat wave”…all to falsely generate the sense of a crisis?




A breakA synthetic embryo, made without sperm or egg, could lead to infertility treatments



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Zero-COVID In China: Lockdowns Of Major Cities Continue
After the controversial, two-months long coronavirus lockdown of Shanghai, China has once again placed a city of more than 20 million people under house arrest.

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Following the Science? – 159 Children dead, 1.2k disabled, 14.5k hospitalised & 55k injured due to COVID Vaccination in the USA according to CDC – The Expose
The latest figures published by the USA’s Centers for Disease Control reveal over 56,000 children have been injured due to Covid-19 vaccination across the USA, and sadly 1,174 of these children either suffered a life-threatening event or a permanent disability, while tragically a further 159 children sadly lost their lives.


A breakE. coli outbreak associated with Wendy’s restaurants has now sickened 97 people in 6 states: CDC


I am blown away that the rich think they will be able to escape the apocalypse when it come. If you read the book of Revelation you will find out that no matter how much money you have, no matter how deep in the ground you hide, no matter how much food you store, it won’t be enough to hide yourself away from the judgement of Jesus Christ. You money will be useless. Your food will rot before your eyes and, the judgements will come upon you in your deepest faults.   Let me give you an example. In Revelation chapter 16:17-20 you see an angel coming out to pour part of God’s judgement on the unbelievers. 17And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. 18And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. 19And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. 20And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.

If you are rich thinking you will be safe in some fault, when that quake hits that you see in Rev. 16 your safety will disappear. Good luck if you think this massive quake won’t destroy whereever you are!

A breakThe super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse




The prayer


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