Short Weekend Post Prophecy Signs for Feb. 2, 2014




FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 2, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora


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A few days ago I posted a report on snow that is not melting. What is the government up to is the question?  Another question one should ask is why hasn’t any main news agencies reported on this. You would think that if snow is not melting like normal snow should than this would cause some news reporters to maybe try and find out what is the deal this this fake snow that is falling.  I put up another video for you on this non melting snow.  The reason why I am posting this info is I received an email from someone who gave me this message below.

Frank, my granddaughter saw a site on the Internet where someone brought in snow from their yard and tried to melt it.My granddaughter, in West Seneca, New York, did the same thing. The “snow” does not melt and it turns black when fire is set to it. Could this be one of the signs from the heavens we are seeing or could it be from chemtrails?


Chemically Nucleated Snow, What Is It?



Cooltextprophecysign“There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying. [Hosea 4:1-3] 

I sure hope you are keeping track with me as we witness report after report of either birds, fish, or animals dying off in mass numbers. It is a good way to show your loved one or friends that something very wrong is under way. Can you image their faces when you show them page after page of these mass die offs?  It you can get their attention using this news maybe they will want to see more concerning the signs of the last days.


dead fishJanuary 29, 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish appear in Kings River, California, America.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) — Hundreds of dead fish are surfacing in a popular fishing spot in the Kings River. The dead fish began showing up earlier this week. California Department of Fish and Wildlife officials think it may be something missing from the water.



Hamersley Station cattle in the yardsJanuary 30, 2014 – Hundreds of cattle dying due to ‘mystery disease’ in New South Wales, Australia.



Starfish have been mysteriously dying by the millions in recent months along the US west coast, worrying biologists who say the sea creatures are key to the marine ecosystemy

February 1, 2014 – Mass sea star deaths off US west coast puzzle scientists Starfish have been mysteriously dying by the millions in recent months along the US west coast, worrying biologists who say the sea creatures are key to the marine ecosystem. Scientists first started noticing the mass deaths in June 2013. Different types of starfish…, were affected, from wild ones along the coast to those in captivity, according to Jonathan Sleeman, director of the US Geological Survey’s National Wildlife Health Center.;_ylt=AwrBEiRmXu1SJ1kAF3_QtDMD


Cooltextprophecysign1 Thessalonians 5:33 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. I also put in God’s curse warning because Mr. Obama has been working to divide up Israel and in so doing he has caused God’s curse to fall on America. America is in for a huge hit! Will this hit come in the form of a huge earthquake, massive storms, or the dollars crashing? I wish l I could tell you for sure but, one thing I do know it this, every time a leader works to divide up Israel that leaders nation is hit by some type of destruction!

newsabsdedsrws_thumb Those who are not walking with Jesus will no doubt be unable to make the connection between the current events and end time prophecy.  The call for peace and safety, the Psalm 83 war, and yes God’s curse go hand in hand in these end times.  If you have been watching the news you can see very clearly that the United States has fallen under God’s curse for trying to divide up Israel.  The US is guilty of burdening themselves over Jerusalem in that they are working to make East Jerusalem the Capital of a new PLO State.  Not only is Kerry trying to divide up Israel he is as you will see from the next report giving warning to Israel concerning the stalled peace talks.  Either way you look at the present situation it is not good for the United States, at least in God’s eyes.  What is the Lord going to do to the good old USA?  Watch for more natural disasters, or maybe even the collapse of the good old dollar.  Whatever God is going to do it won’t be good for the US.  If President Obama had any spiritual sense he would bring John Kerry home and begin to act as if Israel were really your friend.

Netanyahu hits back at Kerry: Boycott threats won’t work

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hit back at Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday, over the top American diplomat’s warning of further sanctions against Israel should the current peace talks with the Palestinians fail. Kerry, speaking at an international security conference in Munich, said Saturday that Israel’s security would be “illusionary” and “momentary” should the US-led negotiations come to nothing.,7340,L-4483682,00.html

Kerry pressing for framework before next prisoner release
Israel said set to accept Kerry’s framework proposals
John Kerry Threatens Israel With Boycotts if Talks Fail
Kerry takes tough position against Israel 
Kerry: Israel’s security is ‘illusionary’, boycott around the corner
Bennett: ‘Boycott Threats Won’t Move Us’
PM: Anti-Israel boycott efforts ‘immoral and unjust’
Kerry biased against Israel, soft on Abbas, official says
Bullying tactics by Kerry and Europeans fuel anti-Israel terror, stir boycott threats
Ashton to Discuss Israel-PA Peace with Middle East Quartet
Analysis: Breaking down the economic impact of Israeli-Palestinian peace
Chief Palestinian negotiator: We were here before the Jews
New details from peace talks: Americans offer parts of Negev to Palestinian refugees
US offered Palestinians a lease deal for isolated settlements
Intelligence Min. Says Israel Must Invade Gaza, Destroy Hamas
Israel repeats war threat against Gaza Strip
Hamas removes its rocket-prevention squads from Israel-Gaza border
Report: Hamas Gives ‘Green Light’ For More Rocket Attacks
Sinai-based militants claim rocket attack on Israel
Eilat pays for Israel’s patchy security policy in Gaza and IDF’s quiet cooperation with Egypt
Watch Arab gang hurl stones at Israeli soldiers
U.N. slams Israel destroying Jordan valley homes
Israel’s finance minister halts funds to West Bank settlements
European Banks Boycott Israeli Banks Because of ‘Settlements’
Israeli govt, businessmen to meet over global boycott threat
A Modern Messianic Hebrew Bible
Today in Jewish History – 2 Adar I, 5774
Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 63. Genesis 7:24
Egypt afflicted with the Plague of darkness for seven days. Exodus 10:21 
Moses proclaims the “second law” (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites – day 32.  Deuteronomy 1:3
Kerry threatens Syria with military force over chemical weapons issue
Moscow against bullying Assad to speed chemical disarmament 
US to step up war on Syria after Geneva
‘Dragging their feet’: US struggling to make Assad turn over chemical weapons on time
Assad ‘armed to the teeth,’ stockpiling weapons of mass destruction
‘No direct US-Syria talks unless Kerry apologizes’ – Syrian FM
Assad’s barrel bombs kill 42 in Aleppo
Syria army intensifies mop-up operations in Qalamoun
Iran: ‘We Won’t Leave Zionists with Air to Breathe’
Iran Reveals Plan to ‘Confront U.S. Naval Forces’ Ahead of War Games
Obama and Kerry Jeopardize Peace With Iran
Rouhani names hardliner to nuclear implementation team 
‘Saudi Arabia bigger threat to Iran than Israel’
Christians Demand Obama Stop ‘Killing Serious Action on Iran’
Senate backs down from proposing new Iran sanctions
Iran Receives First Installment of Frozen Assets
Erdogan seeks new friends in Tehran
Egyptian air strike over N. Sinai kills at least 13 terrorists 
Lebanese PM urges national unity after bomb attack

CooltextprophecysignRevelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” 

Intense heat, lack of water, and drought all go hand in hand with the last day signs. If you read my prophecy book you will get a clear picture of just how bad the droughts are around the world. Since I can’t give you all the news about these issues in this short post, I can give you some news that has many in the West Coast concerned.  Since I live in one of the areas that is facing a drought I can speak first hand on this issue.  In the Santa Barbara area in California we haven’t had rain in 3 years. Our water levels have dropped and, now government officials are moving in the direction of water restrictions.  What is happening in Santa Barbara is happening in most of California.  Keep in mind, what happens in California is going to affect the rest of the US.  How?  California is the bigger food producer and if the crops suffer I can promise you that your wallets are going to feel that suffering as well as food prices skyrocket.  The news report below has a video you can watch.

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South Sudan conflict: 3.7m in ‘need of food’, says UN

The United Nations has said it estimates 3.7 million people are in acute need of food in South Sudan as a result of the civil conflict there. The UN’s humanitarian co-ordinator in South Sudan Toby Lanzer told the BBC $1.3bn (£790m) was needed to deal with the crisis. Violence broke out in South Sudan on 15 December, starting as violence between rival army factions.

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