Sign up to get your free prophecy up-dates directly from my site. All you have to do is put in your email address, it is free. Oct. 2, 2009


As you know I have been having troubles sending out up-dates notices to everyone.  I have been blessed by having some many people asking for my daily up-dates but the number of people coming to my site has also caused a problem.  My email server won't allow me to send that many up-dates to each of you.  However, I found a way thanks to my readers to get you these up-dates.  If you look at the end of each days post you will notice at the end of the post to the left side of the post you will see this appear below:


Enter your email address:



This is how you can subscribe to get my updates now.  I will make it a point to place the Sbuscribe screen at the top of each post, at leaset for the for the first few weeks.


If you still want to receive my daily prophecy updates please take 20 seconds

and put in your email address.  Each time I send a update you will be able

to read them without me trying to email thousands of people each day.  Thank you so

much for allowing me into your home via this site to continue to help you all keep on the watch

for the Lord's coming.

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