Signs in the sky do you see what I see?/Earthquakes in Oregon/ May 7, 2010

Prophecy Sign:  This is a warning from  Jesus Christ. in Luke 21:25. “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;” CNN shows a picture and explains what could cause this.  I read nothing about what is shown in the right hand side of this halo.  Take another look.  Do you see what I see?  It appears as a picture of Christ in a robe. In his right hand is a light.  Can I be the only one who sees this?  Let me know, leave a comment.

Sun's halo – 'gift from God,' 'end of days' or just pretty?

iReporter David Cua captured this photo in Cebu City, Philippines.

This morning CNN iReport woke up to a flurry of photos of what look like a halo around the sun in Cebu, Philippines. iReporter David Cua, who shared the photo here, said he and his friends were trying to figure out what on earth it was they were seeing. “Some thought it was a gift from God, others, a warning about the end of days,” he said. “I thought it was just something pretty.”

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 is the sign of many earthquakes. Here is the list of EQ’s off the Oregon coast for the last couple of hours…since the 5.1 occurred… Keep eyes peeled there…God's curse Genesis 12:3.  Do you remember I told you I am not ruling out a big earthquake in the States during the peace current peace talks?  Is one on the way?  Look what happen so far today in Oregon.

MAP 4.4  2010/05/07 20:02:20   44.496  -129.418 10.0  OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
MAP 3.9  2010/05/07 19:15:59   44.527  -130.659 10.0  OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
MAP 4.3  2010/05/07 19:03:32   44.536  -129.557 10.0  OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
MAP 4.4  2010/05/07 18:55:05   44.508  -130.052 10.0  OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
MAP 4.2  2010/05/07 18:51:01   44.490  -129.557 10.0  OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
MAP 3.9  2010/05/07 18:48:38   44.458  -129.107 10.0  OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
MAP 4.5  2010/05/07 18:43:09   44.456  -129.410 10.0  OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
MAP 4.4  2010/05/07 18:41:55   44.407  -129.456 10.0  OFF THE COAST OF OREGON

MAP 5.1  2010/05/07 17:46:15   44.396  -129.437 10.0  OFF THE COAST OF OREGON


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    • Heath on May 7, 2010 at 5:35 pm
    • Reply

    yes, that does look like a figure holding a light.
    by the way, I have seen this rainbow halo around the sun before from Alabama. I once saw it and tried to get my friend to look but he couldnt bare the brightness long enough to focus on the barely visible colors. But it was there, a rainbow ring around the sun. I wondered aloud if it was because of the chemicals they say they are putting in the sky from chem trails.

    • Ileana on May 7, 2010 at 9:50 pm
    • Reply

    Frank, I can see it. Just like the picture you took in the snow! However, Jesus is standing here, the lines are clear enough for you to see him, and he is holding a light with his right hand. He is the light of the world! He is trying to bring his light upon those of us in the dark, we need spirtual eyes to see this.
    As time goes on, his signs will get clearer and clearer. The signs in the skies and the signs he is sending are getting clearer, and more pronounced and more forth coming. Praise Jesus Christ, he lives!

    • Julie on May 8, 2010 at 2:47 am
    • Reply

    Yes Frank i can see it! Amazing! Praise The Lord! He is coming back very soon!

    • doreen on May 8, 2010 at 4:42 am
    • Reply

    yes it does look like a figure holding a light……thank you for keeping us updated…..the birth pains are coming closer……

    • Linda on May 8, 2010 at 7:04 am
    • Reply

    I showed the picture to my son and he said it looked like a lamb in God’s lap and off to the left looks like his right hand with fingers

    • Amanda on May 8, 2010 at 9:10 am
    • Reply

    I know what Jesus did look like because he has appeared to me before back in 1994. This is the day I will never forget. It happen at night and I saw in human form a silloette and it glowed so bright you couldn’t see his face. This was in daytime so apparently to me it might be the sun reflecting off the lens of the camara, but it could not be the sun the ppl were seeing. Honestly, on top of it looks like a head and bottom feet and a throne. Light is all around him his glory. Be careful you don’t get carry away from the illusion though. Determine with the holy spirits help.

    • Craig Sheffield on May 11, 2010 at 6:24 am
    • Reply

    Matthew 24:23-24 “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

  1. On the service side, I do think they’ll manage the kinks on the kitchen side and get that down, but I’m not sure how they’ll adjust the intangibles. How the wait is managed if the kitchen gets slammed; refilling the wine/water glasses promptly; not replacing wine glasses when a new bottle is opened (last two are my pet peeves).
    The bar is someplace that one can drop in for good bites and a scotch at the bar–in your beach attire, I’m told.
    I think this has the potential to be really successful and I’m so rooting for her to be.

  2. interesting conclusion, I do believe that the last days are being played out to

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