Signs of America decline/ God’s curse/Peace talks/Food shortages/Jan. 11, 2010





Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

My radio/video show is up at: the link below:

Next show this Friday Jan. 15,2010 at 6PM EST

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See full size imageProphecy Sign: Most of the people coming to my site now know the signs of America’s decline.  She is declining in part to give way to the last world empire, which, according to Daniel chapters 2 and 7 tells us it will be a revived Roman Empire. I have already shown you that this revived Roman Empire is already here and getting stronger.  This empire is called the European Union. Events leading up to this Union taking center stage are speeding up, and the faster Amreica falls away from power the faster this last days empire will grow in strength.  In my 2008 book I give you signs what to look for in the near future which will show you America is about ready to collapse.  One of the reports I site in my 2008 book stated the following: “Fueled by rising unemployment and food prices, the number of Americans on food stamps is poised to exceed 30 million for the first time this month, surpassing the historic high set in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina.”  I also pointed out that on December 3, 2008 the number went from 30 million to 36.2 million.  Both in my book and on my posts I tell you this number will keep climbing as long as the United States keeps turning away from Jesus Christ, and keeps trying to divide Israel into a two State nation.  Since the Obama Administration is still demanding Israel give up land and to give away Israel’s holy city of Jerusalem, we can expect the U.S. will keep declining until he collapses on herself.  One of the major signs of the first depression in America was how many people ended up in food lines.  This trend is taking place again and the numbers are skyrocketing.  I quote from a MSNBC report. “ Food stamps altering how retailers do business Record number of Americans — 37 million — depend upon the benefit”. For more information on this subject you can turn to chapter 1, page 11 of my book.  You can download the book for free.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

Speaking of God’s curse, which by the way is found in Genesis 12:3, I want to remind you what I warned you about last year.  In several of my previous posts I showed you that every time America deals with Israel in the peace process, and demands that two state nation and the giving away of Jerusalem, America faces some type of crisis.  Usually is invoves the weather that ends up killing off millions of dollars of crops, or severe weather that displaces thousands of people.  “Freakish cold weather continued to grip the southern United States, with snow flurries spotted around Orlando and a record low set for Miami, and forecasters said Sunday that more of the same was expected. About 100,000 tropical fish being raised on a fish farm in South Florida couldn't bear the cold. Michael Breen, 43, who owns Breen Acres Aquatics in the small town of Loxahatchee Groves just north of Miami, said temperatures dropped below freezing overnight, leaving ice on his 76 ponds.  The ponds should be green because of algae bloom that feeds baby fish, he said.  "But all the ponds are crystal clear and fish are laying on the bottom. What we see on the surface died two days ago," he said, referring to the dead fish found floating Sunday morning.  Breen estimated he lost $535,000 in business because of the cold.”

Why are the Middle East peace talks so important?  One reason is that anyone who takes sides against Israel will be placed under the Genesis 12:3 curse.  Every time America sits down and deals with these peace talks, between one or two weeks before or just after the talks America gets hit with some pretty wild weather.  This pattern is again taking shape.  Here is the report that show you George Mitchell is again in the midst these peace talks and yes, he is still pushing to divide up Israel.  I quote, “PARIS — The US envoy for the Middle East on Monday moved to rally Europe behind fresh efforts for a two-state peace deal in the region, saying the United States had a "set timetable" for negotiations.  "We are working with the parties to resume negotiations as soon as possible with a set timetable for their successful conclusion," George Mitchell told reporters after meeting with French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner.”  While Mitchell is selling Israel off look at the weather America was just hit with.   Freezing weather has killed off millions of dollars of America crops.  Another thing to keep in mind is what Jesus told us in Revelation 6.6.  In this verse Jesus shows us that a person will be working all day long for a handful of food.  In other words Christ is showing us that the price of food will be skyrocketing.  I have been warning you to keep a watch on the news which will be reporting food prices are going up.,3566,582738,00.html,7340,L-3832989,00.html

I want to quote from a report out today that is warning Americans that not only is the price of food going to climb, but there is also going to be a food shortage.  I quote, “While trend experts, economists and investment gurus have been predicting food shortages for some time, new evidence indicates the U.S. Department of Agriculture may be covering up the greatest food shortage in modern history. Beginning in 2009, global agricultural markets faced a supply and demand imbalance, caused by a substantial drop in output resulting from the financial crisis and extreme weather around the world. At the same time, growing economies in Asia have begun consuming record amounts of raw goods, particularly food staples as consumers move to higher protein, higher calorie diets. When supplies are reduced and demand is constant or growing, prices normally rise. Industry observers and economists remained mystified by the low agricultural prices in spite of this trend. One analyst, Eric deCarbonnel from believes the answer is found in data he believes the U.S. Department of Agriculture has manipulated to keep food prices low "Instead of adjusting production estimates down to reflect decreased production, [the USDA] adjusted estimates upwards to match increasing demand from China. In this way, the USDA has brought supply and demand back into balance (on paper ) and temporarily delayed a rise in food prices by ensuring a catastrophe in 2010," he said.”  

Let us stop for a second and think about this.  What did the Prophet Zechariah warn us about the last days?  Zechariah 12: 3 stated, “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”  Now put God’s curse found in Genesis 12:3 with this prophecy and connect them with Revelation 6:6 where we see part of the wrath of God will be affecting the food supplies, causing the price of food to skyrocket, who that you will have to work all day for one very small meal.  Since the world will is beginning to turn against Israel, and that now includes the EU and the U.S., it only makes sense that we are also starting to see worldwide food shortages.  This is only the beginning of things to come.  The more these nations push demand Israel divide up their land, the more news you will see reporting how the crops are being killed.  This week it was the massive freeze that even affected what was suppose to be the warmer states.  I expect that if Obama doesn’t change U.S. policy toward Israel that in the coming months you are going to witness even more crops being wiped out.

Food shortage cover-up

Since I am on the subject of the peace talks, some of you may be new to my site.  If you are new to the site these peace talks show us how 1 Thess. 5:3 is coming to pass.  This scripture says, “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape”.  Not only are we seeing signs of America turning from Israel, but they are trying to apply pressure on Israel to do what they say or else.  I quote, “Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz on Sunday said Israel was not planning to make use of US loan guarantees in the near future and has managed to raise funds without guarantees. Steinitz was responding to remarks by US Middle East envoy George Mitchell on Thursday, who suggested that Washington could withdraw guarantees given to Israel in the event that peace talks with the Palestinians remained at an impasse. The finance minister added that several months ago, the US and Israel agreed to extend the loan guarantees by another two years, until the end of 2011. Washington did not set any conditions for extending the guarantees, he said.”

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Now that we know the call for Peace and safety is already upon us, we need to keep our eyes open at events being played out in the Middle East.  Why?  Because we know the second part of Paul’s warning said, sudden destruction will come.  This sudden destruction has to come while they are still talking peace.  Two of Israel’s enemies have become very close over the past year and both of these nations are listed in prophecy to attack Israel in the last days.  Today’s news shows us this alliance between Iran and Syria.  I quote, “Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki met with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus. The two discussed the situation in the West Bank, and Mottaki spoke of the ongoing crimes of the Zionist regime, referring to the closures and daily oppression of the residents.  According to reports, Assad called Syria's relations with Iran "strategic, close, long-term and deep." The Iranian foreign minister also met Islamic Jihad Secretary General Ramadan Abdullah Salah, and defined the armed struggle against Israel as the Palestinians' legal and religious right against the Zionist occupier. He added, "Iranian and Syrian support for this opposition is a moral and human duty."  Let me make this clear.  Both Assad and the Iranian President have warned they are going to go to war with Israel if the PLO isn’t given their own State.  The handwriting is on the wall.,7340,L-3832969,00.html

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.



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Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.


DiMora Ministry is proud to sponsor of the House of Samual.  100% of all funds from the sales are given to the House of Samuel.  Below is a picture of the shirts.  The shirt portrays my latest book (front of shirt) and ministry information (back of shirt).  To order shirts and find more information about the House of Samuel, click to their link below.  The shirts are $15.00 each or three for $35.00. 


    • vicki on January 14, 2010 at 12:54 pm
    • Reply

    Question for you. As Christians the Bible tells us in the days of the Antichrist we will not be able to buy or sell because of the mark. Can you explain should we have gold & how gold would be good to have at that time. I’m not sure. How could we use it? thank you.

  1. hello, every body. Then Jobs came back to Apple when it was in shambles, and Next was merged with Apple; the Next OS became the predecessor OS to the new Mac OS, under Jobs leadership. On the brink, Jobs When we first moved to France in 2004, we were told by many (probably holidaymakers who only ever visited in July or August) that it never snows in south west France and it was normally t-shirt weather in February.
    I suppose part of that is right in as much that we can have 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21C) in February: We actually had 68F degrees Fahrenheit (20C) in the middle of December.

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