Signs of America is declining to give way to the last world empire/June 29, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

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Prophecy Sign: in the book of Daniel chapter 2 and chapter 7 Jesus outlines all the world governments that would take place from the time that Daniel was live all the way up until the second coming of Christ. If you are new to my website you may not know that the United States of America is not mentioned at all in the book of Daniel. One would have to ask themselves why is this the case if America is supposed to be a superpower at the present time. We therefore can surmise that something happened to the United States in the last days that cause her from being a major influence in the last days.

The people living in this generation can now see for themselves how the United States of America is declining in power. It appears obvious that America’s economic engine is dying and as a result America’s influence around the world is also dying out. When you take the strongest superpower in the world out of the economic scene you set up the scenario for the next world Empire that Daniel warned about for these last days. For the past two years we have been watching America decline. America will continue to decline in power in order to give rise to the last world Empire which will be run by the antichrist.

See full size image If you read my post dated February 26, 2010 you’ll notice I gave specific warnings of what was going to happen in the near future. I would like you to take a look at a few of these warnings from that February 26 2010 post . After you read what I have warned you you’ll understand everything I said in the past is now coming to pass and here’s a prime example of this in the next report which was just released . What I stated on February 26, 2010 you will see in blue .

One of the ways we see America falling apart is via her economic crisis. Yesterday I showed you that another 496,000 Americans lost their jobs in February. I told you more will lose there jobs and today we see at least 23,000 more jobs will be cut. I quote, “The local economic forecast tied to President Barack Obama’s proposed NASA budget keeps growing bleaker. Revised projections now show that about 23,000 workers at and around Kennedy Space Center will lose their jobs because of the shuttles’ retirement and the new proposal to cancel the development of new rockets and spacecraft. That sum includes 9,000 "direct" space jobs and — conservatively speaking — 14,000 "indirect" jobs at hotels, restaurants, retail stores and others that depend on activity at the space center, said Lisa Rice, Brevard Workforce president.” Get ready to see another 23,000 being taken off the tax base. If you don’t mind reading, stay with me and you will see how the reduction in the US tax base is helping America decline in power.

“If you have this many people not paying taxes that simple means the US Government doesn’t have enough money to flip the bills any longer. Now let us add in the number of people who have lost jobs.”

See full size imageYou don’t have to be an expert in math to figure out what happens when you remove 15 million people out the job market. You have a trickle down fact to the government where money stops flowing into the coffer. This is what is happening to the US Government and America is showing signs of a coming depression. When you have 15 million people out of work, you have 15 million people spending less money to stimulate the economy. As more people lose their jobs the less businesses make. The less money American businesses make the more lay off you see. Now let me remind you what Jesus said in part of Matthew 24:7. There are several signs in this versee of those signs is the sign that kingdom will be against kingdom. This is a picture of civil unrest! What do you think is going to happen when 15 million American stay out of work and are taken off the Government handouts? When America collapses you will witness this civil unrest like you have never seen before.

If you’d like to read the whole article from my February po
st you may do so by clicking the link below .


Maywood to lay off all city employees, dismantle Police Department



“The city of Maywood will lay off all city employees and begin contracting police services with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department effective July 1, officials said. In addition to contracting with the Sheriff’s Department, the Maywood City Council voted unanimously Monday night to lay off an estimated 100 employees and contract with neighboring Bell, which will handle other city services such as finance, records management, parks and recreation, street maintenance and others. Maywood will be billed about $50,833 monthly, which officials said will save $164,375 annually.”

Prophecy Sign: In in part of verse seven in Matthew chapter 24 Jesus warns about civil unrest in the last days. Much of this unrest is going to take place as a result over a failing economy . If you have been watching the news lately you see many of the nations are beginning to experience is civil unrest as a result of the economies collapsing . It is unfortunate but today we were presented with more news concerning this civil unrest. When you think about it when the economies collapse and more people are out of work and do not have benefits they will be come very distraught and we will begin to see more of these civil unrest events taking place not only in Europe but in the United States and elsewhere. As you will see from the news report from Athens today there has been more violence due to their economy collapsing .

 I quote , “ATHENS, Greece (AP) – Dozens of masked youths are clashing with police at a union protest in Athens during a general strike against the cash-strapped government’s planned pension and labor reforms. Riot police fired tear gas and stun grenades to disperse troublemakers who threw chunks of marble smashed off a metro station entrance and set rubbish bins on fire”

I am not kidding when I’m telling you that were going through the footsteps of global meltdown, it has taken a long time to get where we are today but we are definitely on the road to fulfill Revelation  chapter 13 verses 16 through 17 .

  “Stocks and interest rates tumbled Tuesday after signs of a slowing global economy spooked traders. The Dow Jones industrial average fell more than 240 points in morning trading to fall below 10,000 for the first time since June 10. The Dow and other major indexes each lost more than 2 percent. Stocks began the day by following Asian and European markets lower. Asian exchanges fell after economic figures in Japan signaled that the nation’s recovery has slowed. And then European indexes fell sharply after Greek workers walked off the job to protest steep budget cuts. Then, shortly after U.S. trading began, the market was hit with news that consumer confidence fell sharply this month because of worries about jobs and the overall economy. The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index fell nearly 10 points to 52.9, down from a revised 62.7 in May. Economists polled by Thomson Reuters had forecast only a modest drop.”


  1. Frank,
    I watched the Video of Ron Paul. American citizens have been persecuted for years, long before President Obama was elected. In fact, there is a global campaign of citizen targetting and assasination going on for the last several years called Organized Stalking. Please have your viewers google “Organized Stalking” it has become a global phenomenon of persecution. Thanks, Gina Romano

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