Last days world empire rising-Signs of the U.S. dollar collapse-DiMora’s warning taken from Rev. about Gold comes to pass.War coming to Middle East-Earthquake report-Roaring seas & Drought- The Jerusalem prophecy-Oct. 6, 2009



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In my prophecy post of February 28, 2008 I warned you what was going to happen.  I now quote my own words from that Feb. 28th post. “On Feb 7, 2008 I warned you all that you should keep your eyes on the U.S. dollar, because you are going to see it fall in the marketplace. I also warned you that the Euro which is the European Union’s currency will climb. This has to happen because the EU is the (reborn Roman Empire) who we are told would stand at the time Jesus returns. In my Feb. 15, 2008 post which, is also still up on my site, I told you to keep your eyes on the price of Gold. I said we have only begun to see the price of gold climb, and I tell you why the price will rise.” 

I also warned you about this same subject in my July 18, 2009 post, which I now quote from. “Prophecy Sign: Did you know Jesus in Chapter 18 of the book of Revelation showed us the people living in the tribulation would cry over their lost (GOLD). For years I have been telling people the gold prices would go sky high. Over the past year people all over the world and specially China are buying up gold.”   

Prophecy Sign: The last days power shift has begun.  Read Daniel chapter 2 and you will find out that the last world empire will be the revived Roman Empire. As you read this post you will find out that what I had warned you as far back as Feb. of 2008 is coming to pass.   I wrote to you yesterdaqy and showed you how the yes vote from Ireland has made it possible for the European Union to elect their first full time EU President.  I also showed you how America is declining to give way to the last reborn Roman Empire, or the European Union if you will. Since 1977 I have been warning anyone that would listen that the U.S. dollar was going to fall away as the main currency and a one world currency would take its place.  Hardly anyone listen to me, but now that is all changing as of about six months ago.  When I started this site about one and a half years ago I begin to tell everyone at my to  watch for signs of the U.S. dollors collapse.  My warnings are in the news and many people can't make the connection between Bible prophecy and current events.   Today for example there were to reports that prove what I have been warning has come to pass.   I quote, "In a graphic illustration of the new world order, Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading”  “In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar." 

Notice that in the report above I used blue print for China?  Many of the people who don't follow the news will not understand that China is the key to what can happen to the U.S. economy.  China has been buying the American debt for some time now and for this reason America is still standing economically.  However, American leaders are very aware that once China stops supporting this debt, America will gave in.  It would be a good idea for you to read a report that was released in July.  The following is a section from that report.   “July 10 (Bloomberg) — Returning from China last month, U.S. Congressman Mark Kirk had a bearish take on a high-level visit by American officials. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner claimed the U.S.’s biggest creditor voiced great confidence in its debt. Kirk, an Illinois Republican, came back with the opposite impression. “China is beginning to cancel Congress’s credit card,” he told Fox News on June 10. It doesn’t want to lend much more money to the United States and especially is worried about the Fed’s policy of printing money to buy new debt.” A month later, there’s no doubt about whose assessment was more accurate. Chinese leaders are clearly very concerned about the dollar. How they will react is a key question hanging over markets, and it’s time to take the discussion to the next level. “  China knows they are going to have to deal with issue and they are in the process of taking care of the problem.  This is the reason why you are hearing China's call to dump the U.S. dollar.  Believe me when China finally pulls the plug on the U.S. debt, America will not be able to stand.  Notice from the report below many nations have joined the ranks of China. 

“The United Nations called on Tuesday for a new global reserve currency to end dollar supremacy which has allowed the United States the "privilege" of building a huge trade deficit. "Important progress in managing imbalances can be made by reducing the reserve currency country?s 'privilege' to run external deficits in order to provide international liquidity," UN undersecretary-general for economic and social affairs, Sha Zukang, said. Speaking at the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Istanbul, he said: "It is timely to emphasise that such a system also creates a more equitable method of sharing the seigniorage derived from providing global liquidity."   The call for dumping the U.S. dollar is one of many signs the dollar is about to collapse.

Now let me turn again to what was said in the first news report.  If you noticed I put used the color gold to for the word gold.  I did this because I wanted to make sure you saw the connection between what is currently taking place in relation to what Jesus showed us about the price of gold in Revelation chapter 18.  Here is today's news concerning the price of gold.  I quote,  “LONDON (Reuters) – Gold surged to a record high above $1,040 per ounce on Tuesday, with buying fueled by dollar weakness after a report, later denied, that Gulf Arab states were considering abandoning the U.S. currency for oil trade. Both spot gold prices and U.S. gold futures have benefited from a convergence of factors including the dollar's decline, technical buying momentum and worries about potential inflation as central banks struggle to emerge from unprecedented fiscal stimulus measures.”  All my warnings stem from the Word of God.  If Jesus showed us these things were going to take place in this specific generation, why do you not believe the very fulfillment of the Lords warnings?   If you noticed in the first report, they tell you that the euro is one of the currencies that nations are turning to other than the U.S. dollar.  Do you think this is a coincidence?  If Christ told us the rivived Roman Empire would again stand why do you doubt that the euro won't become a major currency in the last days?  The first Roman Empire had their own currency and the Europeean Union which is the revived Roman Empire also has their own currency now and it is one of the strongest currecies.  How in the world can you not see Jesus Christs' signs all over this new is beyound me?  He is another warning to take to the bank.  The price of gold is going to spike soon and by the time the seven year tribulation is over gold will be so expensive it will be one of the things people will weep over when it is taken away.


By the way my son has goined a coin club that allows you to earn American silver eagle coins, at below spot price, "if" you refer other members to the coin club. The cost is $40 per month, and you receive a website, a monthly newsletter, banners, templated emails, and a 1oz Silver Eagle every month. So the out of pocket expense is actually only $20 after receiving your 1oz Coin in the mail. The cool thing about the club and the only reason i am telling you about it is that for every two members that join the Coin club you receive 1 free American Silver Eagle every month. This is not the best price on silver if you are just wanting to get into the metal, but if you are an individual that is willing to share the membership, its a great way to earn silver for far below market price, and we all know where gold and silver are headed: Up! Everyone that knows me knows that i dont charge a dime for my material, or for this ministry, its my pleasure to serve Jesus Christ. This is a recommendation only for those that would like to attain silver before it goes up.  Remember the bible says in Rev 18 chapter: "The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more— 12cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble." We know that Gold and Silver will go way up in value until the end, and everyone that has been reading my post knows the reason why. The bible is clear Gold and Silver will be worth a lot, and it makes sence to own it. Gold is expensive and many people cant afford it, but i want you to know Silver is very affordable and is just as good of an investment. Yesterday when Gold his a record high with a one day gain of around 2%, silver jumped by 4%. Many people ask me how to protect themselves against the falling dollar, my son invests in metals and can direct you, where to go depending on your needs, please feel free to contact him anytime, his name is Adam.  His club site. Its called the Silvesnowball Coin Club.  His Blog.  How silversnowball works. How you earn silver video.


You can contact Adam about this anytime at ,or call him at 707-330-1325

I am asking any one reading this post today to turn to Jesus Christ and ask Him to forgive your blindness and trust in HIs Words.  I am asking you to humble yourself now to Christ and invite the only Savior of this world into your hearts so that you may have eternal life in Christ Jesus.  If you continue to disreguard the Messiah's Words you are soon going to be cast into the seven year tibulation.  There you will not only have to fase the false shepard, the Antichrist, but you will see exactly how the price of gold will skyrocket.  God help all of you who harden your hearts to this call! 

Prophecy Sign:  One of the other reasons why America is declining in power is because America has become a carbon copy of Noah’s generation.  She is turning her face from God, she is passing laws to get rid of the Word of God,  she is increasing in violence, and she has embraced homosexuality as a normal life style.  These are the same reasons why God destroyed the Earth when Noah was alive.  Jesus warned this was going to take place in this generation just as it did with Noah’s generation, only this time it won’t be destroyed by a flood. Read what Jesus stated first than read today’s news report. Matthew 24:37-39, "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. "For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.”   Now I want to show you who President Obama has picked to become a commissioner.  I quote from a report entitled, “Gay sex is morally good and is as "wonderful" as heterosexual relations”. "Gay" sex is morally good and is as "wonderful" as heterosexual relations, according to Chai Feldblum, President Obama's nominee to become commissioner for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. "Gay sex is morally good," she said. "Now you may think that might be a little crazy to go out there and say gay sex is good. But think a second. Society definitely believes that heterosexual sex is good. Right. Heterosexual sex within a certain framework – marriage – I mean, you can't get more dewy-eyed and romantic in this society about how wonderful that is." Continued Feldblum: "If you're not being cynical for the moment, I think that does reflect a correct understanding that sex is often a basic building block for intimacy and that intimacy and connections within couples and within families are integral building blocks for a healthy society."  President Obama is picking people to be heads of state, which directly oppose the Word of God.   Are Christians saying hate the gays?  Not the ones who are really walking and abiding in Christ Jesus.  Jesus wants us to love the person but hate the sin.  If you are going to hate any one, focus that hate toward Satan for attacking God laws and helping speed up an unhealthy society.  It is the job of every Christian to warn the gay population out of love. You need to warn them that if they do not turn away from the gay movement God will come upon them in judgment just as He warned He would do with Noah’s generation.  You can expect the gays to hate what you say and they will even tell you, you are hateful for saying that, but they couldn’t be further from the truth.  Judgment is not far off and as verse 40 states in Matthew 24:40, “Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.”  This is the picture of the rapture just before Jesus comes to pass judgment on all who refuse to believe the same message than Noah preached.  What was his message?  Repent, turn to God and enter the ark for safety.  No one listened to Noah but his family.  Jesus told you it was going to happen again this same way.  I am now tell you the same message, repent, turn to Christ Jesus for Salvation and enter the ark.  This time the ark to safety is Jesus Christ Himself.  What is your answer?

Prophecy Sign: In my post yesterday I wrote to you about the next Middle East war that is going to be fought soon.  The war found in Psalms 83 is a war that I believe is going to take place because the peace talk break down and the Arbas is no hope of retaking Jerusalem or getting a state of their own with in the borders of Israel.  In Psalms 83 you see the Palestinians join forces with Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Syria.  I have been giving the signs from current events that show us this war will take place soon.  Today we can see more of these signs.  I quote, “The Palestinian Authority and local Muslim leaders are urging Arab residents of Jerusalem to continue and escalate clashes with Israelis and Israeli security forces, leaving the Jewish state fearful that another Palestinian terrorist uprising, or "intifada," is on the horizon.  Pointing to a visit by a small group of Jews to the Temple Mount during Yom Kippur last week, the office of Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad on Monday accused Israel of trying to conquer the Temple Mount and "Judaize Jerusalem." Fayyad, who is hailed in the West as a moderate and true peace partner, called for even more violence, and insisted that the international community also get involved by assaulting Israel diplomatically.”  What we are witnessing is a prelude to what the Apostle Paul had warned us in 1 Thessalonians 5:3-4 where he said, “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.  But you brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”  This is the reason why I told you I believe the sudden destruction is coming soon.  Israel and the Arabs have just about reached the point of no return.  Either some type of peace agreement will be established very soon, or the Arabs will attack Israel in the hopes to make a Palestinian state again and also reclaim the city of Jerusalem.  Knowing what Psalms 83 tells us, I would look for the sudden destruction!   These are major prophecy signs from Jesus telling anyone who will listen to Him that the door to the tribulation is about to open up and all who refuse Jesus Christ will enter that door.  Don’t let Satan drag you into these seven years of hell.  You only have one way out, and that is only through Jesus Christ. 

Keep in mind,  I warned you the war would break out when the Arabs realize the peace process is a failure.  You will see where I am going with this after you read what the leader of Egypt said. I quote, “Egyptian President Hosni Mubark urged Israel to resume peace talks with the Palestinians where they broke off more than a year ago, warning that the peace process "can't take another failure."  In another section of this report it was stated, "It is unreasonable and unacceptable to start from zero," Mubarak told the Armed Forces newspaper. "I told [Israel] that … settlements are eating away Palestinian land and must stop immediately." Mubarak's comments were part of a wide ranging interview published days ahead of the 36th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War that opened the way for the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty six years later.”  The last part of the report stated, “"The region is rife with crises, conflicts and tension," Mubarak said. "The Middle East will remain a region of instability in the absence of a peaceful and just settlement to the Palestinian issue. The situation is critical, and the peace process … can't take another failure."  Mubarak urged Israel to "reconsider" the way it deals with the Palestinians and Arabs to ensure a return to "normal" relations in the region."  A few days ago I gave you information out of Israel where Israel's Prime Minister said he has laid out what he will give in this peace process.  For the Arabs it is not enough and therefore you will see shortly that the entire peace process will fail and end up in a major war.

We know war is coming when they call for peace and safety and we also know to look for the city of Jerusalem to be a major problem for the world during the time of the end.  Read what the Prophet Zechariah said in Zech. 12:3-4.  In speaking of the last days Zechariah says, "And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it."  As you can see from the news today this prophecy is coming to pass.  I quote, “Thousands of Israeli police have been deployed in Jerusalem during a Jewish religious festival after two days of Israeli-Palestinian clashes. Tensions over the complex containing al-Aqsa mosque and the Western wall have boiled over into rioting several times in the past two weeks. Police and rock-throwing Palestinians clashed on Sunday and Monday at the religious site and in East Jerusalem. Palestinian officials accused Israel of trying to "Judaize" Jerusalem.”  War is coming as I said, and this war will take place because of Jerusalem.  Now either you can believe what God tells you, or turn from the truth and find out later during the tribulation that your pride kept you from Christ's rature.  Which is it?  Ask yourself this question?  Am I willing to take the chance that Jesus Words aren't the truth?


Prophecy Sign:  I want to keep you up to speed concerning many earthquakes in many place as warned by Christ in Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11.  Here is a list of some of the bigger quakes that have hit today so far.  I want you to see this information, because this is a sign that was to take place at the same time all the other signs are being witnessed.

5.3   2009/10/06 11:13:35    -2.282    68.745  10.0   CARLSBERG RIDGE

5.1   2009/10/06 11:04:58    -2.217    68.753  10.0   CARLSBERG RIDGE

5.1   2009/10/06 09:33:38   -20.816    168.674  41.0   LOYALTY ISLANDS

5.6   2009/10/06 01:59:40    -4.523   -104.910  10.0   CENTRAL EAST PACIFIC RISE

5.2   2009/10/06 00:16:05    46.502    -27.276  10.0   NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE

Prophecy Sign:  In Matthew 24:7 Christ told us to watch for famines.  In Luke 21:25 Jesus warned us to watch for the roaring seas and waves.  In Revelation chapter 16:8-11 we see the warning about the intense heat and in Revelation 7: 15-16 Christ warns that the people left to go through the seven year tribulation will face, heat, hunger, and thirst.   These are signs of massive droughts and famines.  We are beginning to witnessing more of these types of signs in many places around the world, but keep in mind, these are just the beginning of the birth pain Jesus said would come upon this Earth.  I quote today’s news that deal with this issue.  “NEW DELHI — More than 240 people have died, and hundreds of thousands have been left homeless in southern India after four days of heavy rainfall at the end of the monsoon season, the government said Monday.  Skip to next paragraphTimes Topics: India  The sudden rains, coming after a severe drought, deluged villages and caused widespread disruption in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Floodwaters are now thought to be receding, officials said, but reports have also indicated that crops are ruined, thousands of cattle dead, and hundreds of thousands of homes destroyed.”  If you go back and read some of my previous warnings, I told you that in the near future you would see billions lost as our crops get wiped out when these disaster begin to hit.  Well, here is a prime example of what I had warned you about!

As a side note to the news concerning the massive storm “Over 2.5 million people have been forced from their homes due to heavy rains and flooding in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh in South India.”  If you watched the news this past month alone you would have witnesses millions of people moving back and forth as they were forced to get out of the way of all these disaster.  The Prophet Daniel In Daniel 12:4 told us this this generation would be moving or going back and forth.  The generation who would be doing this moving would also be the one that had gained in knowledge.

Let us look at Luke 21:25 again.  Notice one of the warnings in that verse?  Jesus warned that upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;” Anyone who has watched what happened when these recent flood hit Asia they know that these nations are now facing the exact signs Jesus warned.  Just the headline to this report confirms this, I quote,For thousands in Vietnam, surviving typhoon is only start of their troubles Keep in mind this report also covers disease and hunger two other signs found in Matthew 24:7. I quote,  “LONDON (AlertNet) – A typhoon that smashed across Vietnam last week may have spared their lives but it destroyed their homes and livelihoods. Now disease and hunger loom as flood waters stagnate and thousands of people remain cut off from help. Surviving in these conditions is a new test for thousands in Vietnam after Typhoon Ketsana hit the country's central coast, killing at least 163 people and displacing 150,000.  Bible prophecy is being fulfilled all over the place but the important question here is this, can you see these signs and do you believe these warnings are a truth spoken by Jesus Christ?

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming  to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for  adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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    • Michelle Nobles on October 6, 2009 at 10:32 pm
    • Reply

    Are you gone from Facebook? You suddenly weren’t on my friend’s list.
    God bless,
    Michelle N.

  1. Your gone from my facebook too. Is everything okay?

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