Signs showing Rev. 6:6 is already on the way!


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Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Here is the last of the material that I am adding to my new up-dated book.  If you are wise you will hear what the Holy Spirit is showing you!  Get ready for some real hard times in America that will spread even faster around the world as America begins to fade away from power.  Ask yourself this question?  Why in Revelation 6:6 do people have to work all day long for one small meal?  Are you not aware what Jesus is showing us?  There will be many factors that lead up to crop destruction such as the flood, heat, droughts, war, insects and such. There are other factors such as population growth and will add to the burden of feeding everyone in the last days.  By the way, all of these factors are currently upon us!  When the food supply is down the price is up, and this is what will help lead to the fulfillment of Rev. 6:6. 

“U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned Friday that global shortages of food and spiraling prices threaten widespread destabilization and is urging immediate action to forestall a repeat of the 2007 and 2008 crisis that led to riots in dozens of countries around the developing world” (Associated Press May 6, 2011) . “The U.N. estimates that 44 million people have been pushed into poverty since last June because of rising food prices, which could lead to desperate shortages and unrest. Clinton said the world could no longer "keep falling back on providing emergency aid to keep the Band-Aid on" (Ibid.).

The issue of soaring food prices is emerging in most of the nations, take India and France for example.

“For a country that has been reeling under the impact of higher food prices, here are some chilling numbers. They really hit hard. Food prices single-handedly seem to have considerable power to reverse our progress as an economy. The price rise in food staples between June and December 2010 could have pushed as many as 10 million more Indians into poverty. In its recent report “Estimating the short-run poverty impacts of the 2010-11 surge in food prices”, the World Bank estimates that the price increases in the second half of 2010 have increased the poverty head count in India by 0.8 percentage points. We infer the increase in the number of poor from their data measure on total population (1.19 billion) and the poverty rate used for their analysis (43.8%). Typically, given that poor households spend a majority of their income on food, rising food prices hit them the hardest” (TRADENEWSWIRE June 14, 2011).  “Sugar, rice and wheat price increases have also resulted in a rise in the poverty headcount in India. And this is despite the fact that price hikes in India are nowhere near global levels. However rising import prices of food will compound the inflation situation further” (Ibid.).  “This is an alarming wake-up call for a country that has not seen an abatement in food price increases even now. Food inflation jumped to a two-month high of 9% in terms of annual growth recently” (Ibid.).

Yahoo News:. “French President Nicolas Sarkozy called
Tuesday for tighter controls on the speculators he blames for soaring food and energy prices threatening global growth. Saying the world had "worked extremely hard" to revive growth in the aftermath of the global financial crisis,
Sarkozy said "one of the main threats to growth is the rising cost of commodities” (June 14, 2011).

The next time you go to buy food and you reach for a apple, coffee, bread, meats, milk, wheat, or anything else you normally buy for you or your family, remember what Jesus showed you in Rev. 6:6. Then think back what you paid for these same items just two years ago. After you leave the store keep your eyes on the news, because if you think the news is bad now dealing with the soaring food prices, you won’t like what you will be reading in the next few years!

Chapter 5 has a section on droughts, which will provide you with even more proof that the world is well on its way toward fulfilling Revelation 6:6.

In 2011, the intense heat is turning Texas into a dust bowl. The Telegraph news gives us the facts. “For years the Ogallala Aquifer, the world’s largest underground body of fresh water, has irrigated thousands of square miles of American farmland. Now it is running dry” “There is not much to be happy about these days in Happy, Texas. Main Street is shuttered but for the Happy National Bank, slowly but inexorably disappearing into a High Plains wind that turns all to dust. The old Picture House, the cinema, has closed. Tumbleweed rolls into the still corners behind the grain elevators, soaring prairie cathedrals that spoke of prosperity before they were abandoned for lack of business.  Happy’s problem is that it has run out of water for its farms. Its population, dropping 10 per cent a year, is down to 595.” “ A cattle drive north through the Texas Panhandle to the rail heads beyond had been running out of water, steers dying on the hoof, when its cowboys stumbled on a watering hole. They named the spot Happy Draw, for the water. Now Happy is the harbinger of a potential Dust Bowl unseen in America since the Great Depression” (March 7, 2011).

Worst Texas Drought in 44 Years Eroding U.S. Wheat Supply On March 7, 2011 The Telegraph news ran a story with this headline: “US farmers fear the return of the Dust Bowl”. The sub-title to this report reads as follows: “For years the Ogallala Aquifer, the world’s largest underground body of fresh water, has irrigated thousands of square miles of American farmland. Now it is running dry” As you can see the intense heat is taking its toll on the land and our crops!. On March 23, 2011 the Bloomberg News provides more news concerning the drought conditions in Texas in their report entitled: “Worst Texas Drought in 44 Years Damaging Wheat Crop, Reducing Cattle Herds” “The worst Texas drought in 44 years is damaging the state’s wheat crop and forcing ranchers to reduce cattle herds, as rising demand for U.S. food sends grain and meat prices higher. Texas, the biggest U.S. cattle producer and second-largest winter-wheat grower, got just 4.7 inches (12 centimeters) of rain on average in the five months through February, the least for the period since 1967, State Climatologist John Nielsen- Gammon said. More than half the wheat fields and pastures were rated in poor or very poor condition on March 20. Dry conditions extending to Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado may cut crop yields in the U.S., the world’s largest exporter, as too much moisture threatens fields in North Dakota and in Canada. Wheat futures in Chicago are up 50 percent in the past year, after drought in Russia and floods in Australia hurt output and sent global food prices surging. Wholesale beef reached a record this week, and the U.S. cattle herd in January was the smallest since 1958” (Ibid.).  “Crop yields in the U.S. this year may be comparable to 2007, when dry weather trimmed winter-wheat output to 41.7 bushels an acre, Anderson said. Since 2000, national yields have averaged 43.8 bushels, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data. The USDA estimated last month that the nation’s production may fall 5.8 percent from a year earlier to 2.08 billion bushels, as dry weather spurs farmers to abandon some crops” (Ibid. March 23, 2011).


This next report from The New York Times gives us information that reflects Jesus’ warning signs concerning not only droughts, and events leading to the fulfillment of Revelation 6:6, but also civil unrest amongst the nations in the last days. There is no doubt the lack of food will increase world violence as people begin to go hungry. I quote, “Underlying the wave of unrest across North Africa and the Middle East is the fact that some of the cries for democracy are coming from mouths in need of food. Media outlets around the world were quick to make the link between food and the protests in Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria, pointing to one specific grain: wheat. Egypt is the largest importer of wheat in the world, with Algeria not far behind. Together, they import more of the grain than all of South America. Even Pharaoh Ramses III’s tomb was found with engravings depicting his royal bakery. Recent fluctuations in wheat supply, some of which appear to be climate-driven, registered most sharply in the Middle East. In just the past year, natural disasters in Russia, Argentina and Australia choked global supply, pushing some governments to halt exports (Climatewire, Jan. 13). Earlier this month, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released a rare warning that droughts in China would seriously imperil wheat supplies, although recent rains may have lessened the damage” (March 25, 2011). Think about this for a second. Why did J
esus mention people will work all day long to buy (wheat) in Revelation 6:6? It has become apparent from the world’s news agencies that our wheat crops around the world are being destroyed for one reason or another, hence, Jesus’ pointed to the wheat!  Is there something that you don’t see?  Christ is providing you withl more than enough proof that the prophecy in Rev. 6:6 is advancing toward us each month!

The headline alone from this next Bloomberg News report should convince you that Jesus has spoken the truth concerning the future wheat troubles!  Here is the headline. “Wheat Soars as La Nina’s Persistence Threatens Harvests From China to U.S, but just in case you need more proof, here it is.  “Wheat crops in China, the world’s biggest producer, and the U.S. are threatened by continuing drought as La Nina persists, weather forecasters said. The countries will be the last to emerge from the dry weather linked to La Nina, a cooling of the Pacific Ocean, and the conditions may linger for two more months, said British Weather Services and Telvent DTN Inc. Wheat may average $8.50 a bushel in Chicago from now to June 30, said Abah Ofon, an agricultural commodity analyst at Standard Chartered Bank in Singapore. That’s 12 percent more than the price today. Wheat climbed 5 percent yesterday as grain prices soared after U.S. corn stockpiles dropped to 6.52 billion bushels at the beginning of March, the lowest for the date since 2007, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Global food costs climbed to a record in February, the United Nations estimates, contributing to unrest in northern Africa and the Middle East and helping oust leaders in Tunisia and Egypt” (April 1, 2011).


Image: Drought-stricken region in Kenya

Hopefully this headline and sub-title from this report will open your eyes, and your heart to what Jesus has shown us. “U.N.: Drought leaves millions hungry in E. Africa”.High food prices, conflicts contribute to problem across the region”. For those who need more proof, read this. “A severe drought, high food prices and conflict have left more than 5 million people hungry across the Horn of Africa, the head of U.N.’s World Food Program said Saturday. The drought began with the failure of rains late last year in northern and eastern regions of Kenya, south-central Somalia and eastern Ethiopia, said the agency’s executive director, Josette Sheeran” (April 4, 2011).


Arctic ozone plot (KNMI/Nasa/FMI) One of the factors leading to crop destruction is the ozone layer depletion “The ozone layer has seen unprecedented damage in the Arctic this winter due to cold weather in the upper atmosphere.  By the end of March, 40% of the ozone in the stratosphere had been destroyed, against a previous record of 30%” (BBC News April 5, 2011).  “Loss of ozone allows more of the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet-B rays to penetrate through the atmosphere. This has been linked to increased rates of skin cancer, cataracts and immune system damage. "With no ozone layer, you would have 70 times more UV than we do now – so you can say the ozone layer is a sunscreen of factor 70," said Dr Braathen” (Ibid.). Let me connect the dots here for you. Jesus pointed out in Revelation 16: 8-11 that people in the last days would get sores. What is the reason for these sores? Jesus tells us the answer, when He shows us the sores come as a result of the intense heat and the scorching fire from the sun. Now you put two and two together. We see the ozone layer breaking down, which is bringing on the heat that cause not only droughts, crop destruction, and lack of drinking water, but an increase in skin cancer, which are no doubt the sores Jesus is referring to. Still need more proof?  On June 14, 2011 news from carried a report entitled: “Skin Cancer Rate Increasing”. This report will help reinforce what the Holy Spirit is showing you via the news. I quote, “There is popular concern that the rates of both nonmelanoma and melanoma skin cancers are more frequent in recent decades than in the past. Research published in Archives of Dermatology (1997;133:735-740) demonstrates a clear increase in squamous cell skin cancers. Dr. Darryl T. Gray and colleagues from the Mayo Clinic reviewed 1630 dermatology records dating from 1984 to 1992 to discover 511 cases of squamous cell cancer. They plotted the trend which clearly shows an increasing rate of first diagnosis of this form of skin cancer over this period. Further, the authors of the study found that the skin cancers had a tendency to appear on the head, neck, and upper extremities. This is consistent with the notion that sun exposure is a causative factor in this form of cancer”. I rest my case for Christ on this issue!

Now that you are up to speed as to some of the reasons why the Earth is being scorched, I will present more news concerning the droughts.  “In most years, the dark clouds over western Oklahoma in the spring would be bringing rain. This year, they’re more likely to be smoke from wildfires that have burned thousands of acres in the past month as the state and its farmers struggle with a severe drought. Oklahoma was drier in the four months following Thanksgiving than it has been in any similar period since 1921. That’s saying a lot in the state known for the 1930s Dust Bowl, when drought and high winds generated severe dust storms that stripped the land of its topsoil. Neighboring states are in similar shape as the drought stretches from the Louisiana Gulf coast to Colorado, and conditions are getting worse, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. The area in Texas covered by an extreme drought has tripled in the past month to 40 percent, and in Oklahoma it nearly doubled in one week to 16
percent, according to the monitor’s March 29 update. An extreme drought is declared when there’s major damage to crops or pasture and widespread water shortages or restrictions (Google News April 6, 2011).

“Officials and aid workers in Somalia’s Middle Shabelle region have raised the alarm over the plight of drought-stricken villagers urgently needing food and water. "We are experiencing the worst drought we have seen in decades; since the beginning of March, we have buried 54 people who died from the effects of the drought, seven of them today [20 April],” said Ali Barow, leader of the small town of Guulane, 220km northeast of Mogadishu, the Somali capital. Barow said Guulane and the surrounding villages of Eil Barwaaqo, Hirka Dheere and Hagarey, with an estimated population of 20,000-25,000, were suffering the effects of a prolonged drought” (IRIN News April 20, 2011). “What we saw was depressing; some of the villagers were eating wild berries and cooking ‘garaz’ [a yellowish bean normally eaten by animals during drought]; that was all the food they had" (Ibid.).  Can you now see why Jesus said people would work all day long just for a quart of wheat? I am sure the people in Somalia at this point would find it a blessing to work all day to get a meal of wheat!  Now you saw what was happening in Somalia in April, take a look at news from June.


“The current drought in Somalia is no ordinary drought. It is the worst the country has seen in 36 years. Most areas have received little or no rain for nine months. Pasture is depleted and cattle and goats are dying in large numbers, leaving thousands of animal carcasses littering the roadsides. People are seeing riverbeds dry for the first time in their lives. Families are becoming destitute. They are dependent on livestock for survival, and have resorted to desperate measures to try to keep their animals alive. Many have used food normally kept for the family to feed their dying herds, some even going so far as to take the grass off the roofs of their houses, leaving them without adequate shelter. Children in particular are suffering from a lack of food and water. In some areas, malnutrition is affecting over 30% of children, one of the highest rates in the world. In addition, prices of basic goods are rising and, in some regions, prices for cereals have increased by 135% since last year” (BARTAMAHA News June 7, 2011).

Draught_1What about Europe? Yahoo News has reported the following in their report entitled: “Europe prays for Easter rain in worst drought for a century”   “The Dutch have banned barbecues, camp fires and outdoor smoking this Easter, while the Swiss are forecasting potentially the worst drought in Europe for more than a century. Either way, prayers in Europe this Easter holiday weekend are as likely to call for rain as anything else — with serious fears over the wheat harvest, its impact on already sky-high global food prices and, of course, devastating brush fires. A year ago, it was Russia that bore the brunt of global warming, and with the price of benchmark wheat futures jumping by more than a fifth since the spring in the global market hub of Chicago, farmers everywhere are busy scanning the skies for soothing signs” (April 22, 2011).

Click here to read The Great Western Drought is ComingNews from April 26, 2011 ran the following report entitled:”The Great Western Drought is Coming”.  “According to their research, climate change — that thing these twelve law- and opinion-makers refuse to believe exists — will result in a water flow decrease of up to 20% in the West’s largest river basin. The Colorado, the Rio Grande and the San Joaquin are three of the rivers mentioned in the report, which said an 8% to 20% decrease in average annual stream flow is expected. Those rivers provide water to eight US states, from Texas to California. The West and South West are among the fastest-growing regions in the US. Beyond the water shortage, the report also predicts temperature increases of 5 to 7 degrees Fahrenheit. Not exactly the kind of news that goes down well while lounging at the bottom of an empty swimming pool”.

Wheat and soybeans rose for a second day in Chicago as the biggest slump in commodities in more than two years lured buyers amid concerns about tightening global supplies. Hot, dry weather early this week may increase the risk to the winter-wheat crop in the central and southern Plains of the U.S., Telvent DTN Inc. said in a May 6 forecast. Winter-wheat areas in western Europe and central China also need rain, the forecaster said. The Standard & Poor’s GSCI Index of 24 commodities lost 11 percent last week, the most since December 2008. “Planting delays should prevent prices from retreating further” for corn, soybeans and spring wheat, said Carsten Fritsch, an analyst at Commerzbank AG in Frankfurt. “Given concerns about serious crop losses, wheat prices have fared much better in the negative market environment.” Wheat for July delivery gained 17.25 cents, or 2.3 percent, to $7.7675 a bushel by 1:56 p.m. London time on the Chicago Board of trade. A close at that price would be the biggest daily advance since April 29. The grain slid 5.2 percent last week, the most since the week ended April 15” (Bloomberg News May 9, 2011). This same report also gave us news concerning France’s wheat crops. The EU wheat harvest, which accounts for a fifth of world production, will fall this year as drought cuts yields in France and Poland, Michel Portier, general director of Paris-based farm adviser Agritel, said May 6. The winter-wheat harvest in Kansas, the biggest producer of that variety in the U.S., may drop to 256.7 million bushels from 360 million bushels last year, according to a survey of 55 analysts, millers and industry officials on the tour of fields conducted by the Wheat Quality Council. Across the U.S., the largest exporter, the winter-wheat harvest may fall 3 percent to 1.441 billion bushels this year as dry weather persists, Memphis, Tennessee-based Informa Economics Inc. said in a report May 6. Farmers may abandon 9 million acres of winter wheat this year, the most since 2007, it said”(Ibid. May 9, 2011).

The headline to the HUFFPOST WORLD News. on May 15, 2011 read as follows: “Worst Drought in 50 Years Threatens Cuba’s Already Meager Food Production”.   Need I add anything to this? I think you get the picture, but just in case, read this. “And on top of such dryness, is the belief that this year’s agricultural output may be worst than last year’s, if the rain holds off once and for all. We’ll see the headlines in the press saying banana production is down, rice hasn’t withstood the drought, and fruit trees have been hit the hardest” (Ibid.).


“Texas’ farmers and ranchers are coping with their eighth drought in the past 13 years, and this one, while still young, has a chance of slamming producers with their biggest losses ever, officials said. Texas AgriLife Extension Service experts have estimated that Texas ranchers lost $1.2 billion from November through May because pastures have not greened up and high-priced feed products have been needed longer than normal” (MYSA San Antonio’s Home Page May 24, 2011).  “The extension service, in a report last week, set a $274 million value on Texas’ wheat crop, less than half of the five-year average for that commodity” (Ibid.). In case you don’t know what this means, it says the price of wheat will climb, again shades of Rev. 6:6.

French drought spring 2011

Scares over new food riots surfaced again on May 27, 2011 when the reported, “Food prices are expected to hit new highs in the coming weeks, tightening the squeeze on UK households and potentially triggering further unrest in developing countries unless there is heavy rainfall across drought-affected Europe, the United Nations has warned. The average global price of cereals jumped by 71% to a new record in the year to April, more than three times higher than a decade ago, according to latest UN figures, prompting its Food and Agriculture Organization to warn that Europe faces a pivotal few weeks.”

Farmer feeds his cattle hay 

More drought news from Europe at the end of May showed little hope for rain.  According to The Australian News on May 30, 2011 they reported, “Millions face food poverty as northern Europe is hit by worst drought in 35 years”   “BERNARD Maquis’s cattle would normally be grazing in the lush green pastures of the Limousin region in central France at this time of year. Instead, they are eating hay intended for the winter after months of drought that has turned the fields yellow. He is wondering whether it might be better to sell his cows at a reduced price rather find himself without fodder by the end of the autumn. "I’m starting to sleep badly," he said. Mr Maquis is not alone. With Northern Europe facing its worst drought since 1976, politicians in the West are expecting protests from farmers, consumer discontent and a strain on budgets. Third World nations are braced for riots as Europe’s heat wave creates a rise in food prices and drives millions deeper into poverty. "We are in a situation of crisis and of crisis management," said Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, the French Ecology Minister. Meteorologists say that Northern Europe has had 50 per cent less rain than normal over the past two months, while temperatures have been 4C higher than usual”.

The month of June again ushered in some bad news for Texas.  “A devastating drought tightened its grip on Texas over the last week with more than half the state now suffering the most extreme level of drought measured by climatologists.  A report released Thursday from a consortium of national climate experts said over the last week, Texas saw the highest levels of drought – rated as "exceptional" – jump from 43.97 percent of the state to 50.65 percent of the state.  Meanwhile, to the north in Oklahoma, another key farming and ranching state, about 30 percent of the state continued to suffer severe and exceptional drought levels.  The drought conditions have ravaged the region, sparking thousands of wildfires, drying up grazing land needed for cattle, and ruining thousands of acres of wheat and other crops” (REUTERS June 2, 2011).

Facts about Germany’s drought was released on June 10, 2011 by the BBC News, where it was reported that, “Drought has gripped much of northern Europe, with recent rains believed to have come too late for many crops.”  “Weather forecasters say it could be the worst spring drought in Germany since records began” (Ibid.).  On June 10, 2011 the BBC News also reported on the drought which has hit England. “Parts of England are officially in a drought following the dry spring, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has said. Areas of East Anglia are in drought, with parts of the Midlands, South West and South East in a "near-drought" state. In the drought-affected areas, Anglian Water and Cambridge Water say there is no threat to public water supplies. But Severn Trent Water says there may be restrictions if rainfall stays low. And Thames Water, which serves London and the Thames Valley, has reassured its customers that hosepipe bans are unlikely this year. The British Retail Consortium said the dry weather had created "another unwelcome upward pressure on food prices". Both the South East and central-southern region of England have had their drie
st spring on record

I have proved to you the intense heat from the sun, which is causing major droughts, fires, famines, lack of drinking water, destruction of crops, and yes, even higher food prices. I presented you with this evidence on behalf of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am compelled to provide you with this evidence as Jesus does not want to lose you to Satan as a result of your unbelief.  I contend with you, now that you have seen the evidence, you better judge what Jesus has shown you wisely! I say this, because your eternal life is at stake if you haven’t taken Jesus as your Savior yet.


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